True Love's Deception (book 3) (The Fielding Brothers Saga) (19 page)

BOOK: True Love's Deception (book 3) (The Fielding Brothers Saga)
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She rolled her eyes. “I seriously doubt you are
married. I have noticed the way my sister shamelessly flaunts herself in front of other men, and my heart breaks for you.”

. It’s Juliana’s nature to be outgoing and social. She enjoys pleasing other people.”

stepped closer to him.
“Maybe too much.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Juliana informed me tonight she was very interested in Mr. Fielding and wanted to get to know him better.”

Andrew’s heartbeat stilled for a few Earth-shattering moments. When an ache began in his chest, he decided to breathe, letting out a slow breath. “She said those very words?”

placed her hand on his arm and squeezed. “I know there
no love between you two. As I told you the other day, I know my stepsister. She cannot love. She is now acting like most of the married couples in London, and plans to take a lover.”

He scowled. “Why do you tell me this?”

“Because I think you should find another woman to find comfort tonight, as well.”

, are you offering?” He arched a brow.

Her eyelids lowered and she tilted her head, her lips beckoning to be kissed. “Yes. I’m offering my soul to you.”

Andrew swallowed the lump in his throat. How could he get out of this one now?

When the dance ended, he took her back to her friends and went in search for another dance partner. His chest ached, but he refused to feel like a wounded animal. By all that was holy, two could play at Juliana’s game.

Although he didn’t remember the names of most of the people he’d been introduced to, he searched for the faces he remembered. Three women who looked to be approximately his age stood in a group. He might as well go over and ask one to dance.

He bowed at the first woman to look at him. He smiled. “May I have this dance,”

The woman’s eyes widened and her face paled slightly. Within seconds she seemed to have regained her composure because she offered a hesitant smile.

“I am Lady Madison.”

He nodded. “Ah, yes, I remember.”

She chuckled. “I seriously doubt that, Mr. Lawrence. I remember my coming out ball. I didn’t recall a soul.”

As he escorted her to the dance floor, visions erupted in his head of him and the girl slightly taller as they learned to dance. Why would he think of that now? But as he danced with Lady Madison, the visions did not go away. In fact, the more he thought about the memories, the more he was convinced the girl in his mind was his sister.

He never had a sister.

His dance partner cocked her head. “Mr. Lawrence? Have we met before?”

“Not that I recall. I have spent most of my life in Scotland.”

“Indeed? Why do you not have the Scottish burr to your accent?”

His heart dropped in fear. Should he prove to her that he really did? “Lady Madison, I am not in Scotland any longer, and because I try not to stand out, I speak as the rest of you do. However...” He leaned closer and lowered his voice. “When I get upset, I spout the language perfectly.”

She laughed, and something familiar sparked inside him. Why would he think she was familiar? He’d never met her before. Or had he? “Lady Madison? By chance have you been to Scotland?”

“No, sir, I haven’t.”

“You should, you know. It’s very beautiful there.”

“Then perhaps I’ll convince my husband to take me.”

“And when you do, please let me and my wife know so we can have you over for dinner.”

She nodded. “I promise.”

Me and my wife?
What was he thinking? When he returned to Scotland with Juliana, he doubted he would have a marriage. Knowing his wife, she’d do all she could to get their marriage annulled. If he ever ran across Lady Madison in Scotland, she’d probably see him as a stable hand.

His chest ached and he glanced across the room at Juliana again who now stood next to Gregg Fielding, sipping a glass of champagne. Why couldn’t Andrew stop wanting her? Why couldn’t he stop thinking of making her his wife in every aspect of the term?

He silently vowed, Juliana would
get to know Mr. Fielding more personally and that thoughts of taking a lover tonight would be dismissed. He’d be the only man in her bed!

* * * *

Juliana stopped accepting flutes of champagne after the room started spinning. Why she had consumed so much, she didn’t know. Unless it was to help her forget about her husband—um—about Andrew, she corrected.

The more she saw Andrew move from one woman to another, the more she flirted with men who asked her to dance. Strange it didn’t make her feel any better knowing she played Andrew’s game. It made her feel worse. Her stomach literally rolled.

Or perhaps the champagne was the cause.

Nonetheless, she couldn’t get Andrew off her mind or make her heart stop aching. She couldn’t stop the need to rush across the room and take him in her arms and kiss him passionately. Even now she fought the urge. More handsome than she ever thought possible, he literally made her heart stop. None of the other men of noble birth could make her feel the same warming sensations.

They never could.

“Miss, I mean Mrs. Lawrence?”

She turned to the man next to her. Lord Edward. She’d forgotten he’d come to her party. “Good evening, my lord.”

“May I escort you out to the dance floor for the next song?”

Inwardly, she grimaced. She really didn’t want to, but it was too rude to turn him down without a proper excuse. Right now she couldn’t think of one.

“Well, I suppose...”

“Excuse me, but this dance is taken.”

The deep voice of Andrew startled her, and she whipped around to look at the man behind her. The quick movement caused her to tilt, but Andrew’s arms shot out and wrapped around her waist, keeping her from toppling to the ground.

Andrew smiled. “I am relieved I can still make you swoon, my dove.”

Bracing her hands on his shoulders, she righted herself. “Thank you. You are my hero, dear husband.”

“As it should be.”
He winked.

She glanced over her shoulder at Lord Edward. “I hope you don’t mind, but I would like to dance with my husband.”

Lord Edward swept his hand toward the dance floor.
“As you wish.”

When Andrew pulled her to the middle of the room, he took her hand and brought it to his mouth, brushing his lips across her knuckles. Tingles shot up her arm and warmed her skin.

“I have missed you immensely,” he said.

She arched a brow. “Indeed? It certainly didn’t look like it. You have been kept busy this evening. Many women have had the privilege to entertain you in my absence.”

He brought her into his arms and moved to the rhythm of the tune. “We can remedy that, you know. I assure you, I prefer your company over all the others.”

Her heart skipped with excitement. He always knew the right things to say. Then again, perhaps the champagne affected her more than she wanted.

“You have a strange way of showing it, dear husband.”

His grin disappeared and his eyes darkened with desire. “Say the word, my dove, and I’ll happily take you away from here. Paradise awaits us, and I want to show you the way—
the way a husband can show his wife.”

Her breath caught in her throat, making it next to impossible to swallow. She knew what he wanted, and curse his hide, she wanted it just as much.

Juliana’s steps faltered and she stumbled against him. He held her close for several moments—his chest against hers as his heartbeat hammered against her bosom. His warm breath fanned her cheeks, her mouth, and she licked her suddenly dry lips. A smile claimed his face as he righted her.

“My dear, I think you may have had too much to drink tonight.”

She giggled. “I think you may be right.”

“Shall I take you outside for some fresh air, then?”

“Will it help?”

He winked. “In more ways than you can imagine.”

She nodded and let him lead her through the doors spilling out on the back terrace. Her father’s servants had lit the lanterns in the yard well, and a few people strolled on the red-stone footpaths throughout the gardens.

Keeping her hold on his elbow, she allowed him to walk her through the gardens and back toward the shadowed hedges. The further away from the manor, the closer Andrew pulled her against him until his arm had slipped around her waist. Warmth from his body meshed with hers, and her heartbeat escalated.

All evening, she had hoped to be alone with him, yet it was wrong. This attraction she had for him went against everything and might ruin her future plans. Yet right now, she didn’t want to think of that. She wanted to be in his arms, being kissed to distraction.

And yes, more than anything, she wanted him to show her paradise.


Chapter Ten


Andrew grinned. Juliana was being quite accommodating. He wanted to think it had nothing to do with the champagne she had consumed this evening and that it was his charm she couldn’t resist. Nevertheless, he almost had her where he wanted her. Next step would be to lure her to the bedroom and finally consummate the marriage.

A fitting birthday present.

He tightened his arm around her and she laid her head on his chest as they wandered behind the hedges, out of the public eye and into their own little private world. “How are you feeling, my dove?”

Juliana’s chest rose and fell in a quick rhythm, which made his fingers itch to caress the creamy skin above her neckline to feel her heartbeat.


He chuckled. “Then I shall try my hardest to keep you awake.”

Tilting her head, her gaze met with his. She smiled. “And how do you presume to do that?”

He dropped his voice, deep and sedated. “Any way I can.”

Her footsteps slowed. His heart hammered every beat until he had her standing in front of him and securely in his embrace. Her head tipped back as she looked into his eyes, her lips parted and inviting.

Everything was set.
The moonlight as their backdrop, the soft coo of a night bird...and away from everyone else.
Best of all, he had a willing partner—at least she acted as if she would not protest.



“Have I told you lately what a remarkable job you’re doing?”

He grinned. “Not lately.”

“Well, you have. I know now that you were the perfect man for the job.”

His hopes slipped.
Was that all he meant to her?
But, of course.
What else would she think since she didn’t know the truth? He wanted her as a wife and nothing less. Determination to make her his wife tonight surged through him. He would not surrender unless it was in her arms.

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