True Love's Deception (book 3) (The Fielding Brothers Saga) (15 page)

BOOK: True Love's Deception (book 3) (The Fielding Brothers Saga)
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His sarcasm made her grimace, and heat rose to her cheeks. “Andrew?” she bit out. “May I introduce you to my childhood friend, Mr.—”

“No, you may not.” Andrew stepped closer until he stood right in front of her.

They were mere inches of touching chests. Heat radiated from his body and sent tingles through hers. She must be insane to be experiencing this while upset with him.

He grasped her shoulders. “This is not the time for polite introductions. I need a word with my
if you don’t mind.”

“I most certainly do!” She shrugged off his hold, mainly because his touch made her heartbeat hammer out of control.

Gregg cleared his throat. “Juliana—”

Andrew’s head swung toward Gregg as he pierced him with a glare. “That’s
Mrs. Lawrence
to you, sir.”

Gregg straightened and mocked a bow to Andrew, then looked at Juliana. “I will take my leave now.” He turned on his heels and walked away.

Juliana wanted to stop him, but knew it was best to not make a scene...although Andrew had been doing that very thing anyway, since a small crowd had gathered within the past several minutes. She balled her hands into fists and glared at her so-called husband. “We will finish this discussion in my coach.”

“Oh no, we won’t.” He took her by the shoulders again and pulled her against his hard body. Warmth seeped from his skin and melded into hers. She didn’t know if it was from his anger or the disturbing awareness from being this close.

“Andrew,” she gasped and held onto his shirt, which had been unbuttoned at the throat.
The urge to press her lips against his neck at the opening hit her strong.
She gritted her teeth and fought the desire building within her.

Behind her, Pearl hitched a breath. But other than that, all sounds around Juliana faded. She concentrated on Andrew’s heated look and the quick rise and fall of his chest against hers. The movement invigorated her.

His gaze dropped to her mouth and she licked her suddenly dry lips. Second by second, lines around his eyes and mouth faded as his eyes darkened with desire.

“Curse you, Juliana. You are mine and I do not share,” he whispered then brought his lips closer.

She closed her eyes and tilted her head, hoping for his kiss. When his mouth crushed against hers, she let out a deep sigh and clung to his commanding lips, answering with an urgent plea of her own. He wrapped his arms around her, pressing her closer as his mouth took control.

Hungrily, he kissed her, and passion flared inside of her like fireworks. On impulse, she pressed herself closer to his hard chest. A groan escaped his throat and he tightened his hold. She wound her arms around his neck, bringing her that much closer to him. How she wanted this.
Needed this.
With Andrew.
Only he could make her forget everything. Only he could make her smile and her knees buckle from his intoxicating eyes.

From behind Juliana, Pearl cleared her throat loudly, which brought back the noises surrounding them. Snickering chuckles echoed in the background now, mixed with wagon wheels running over the cobblestones. Reality hit Juliana like a runaway carriage. She was openly displaying affection in the middle of town! Something she would have chastised anyone for doing.

What kind of wanton did that make her? The gossipmongers would have a grand time with this one.

Groaning, she pulled away from Andrew who still tried to hold onto her. She forcefully broke their contact and stepped back, swiping a hand over her bosom and dress. Laughing gazes met with hers—people she didn’t even know rudely stared at her. Unjustly judging her, she was certain.

She dared to look at Andrew, who didn’t seem to be as embarrassed as she felt.
Of course not.
He had no
how this would create a scandal.

Andrew grinned. “Shall we now take this conversation back to your coach?”

She growled and pushed him back a step. “No
may not. You’ve embarrassed me for the last time.” Grabbing her dress, she swung around and marched toward her vehicle with Pearl quick on her heels.

He ruined things now. Because of her so-called husband’s actions, she would be a laughing stock at her own birthday party tomorrow evening.

This was unforgivable.

* * * *

Andrew leaned against the wooden fence and watched Clifford’s prize-winning thoroughbreds. His chest ached. How long had he yearned to own such impressive animals for himself and live in a grand manor? As a young boy, he’d dreamed of this for many nights—many months even—before his uncle had put a stop to it. That uncaring man had squashed Andrew’s goals by telling him the upper class would never accept him no matter what he owned.

He gritted his teeth. That was reason number one for killing that good for nothing gutter-rat. There were many more reasons.

Andrew sighed and ran his fingers through his hair as he pushed his past sins in the corners of his mind to keep them hidden. He’d vowed to prove his uncle wrong. Although Andrew may never own horses or even a manor, he could pretend, and he’d play it to the hilt for as long as he could while he and Juliana were here. This may be his only chance to experience living in wealth.

Then again, because of what happened earlier today in front of the Tea Shoppe, he was certain Juliana would insist they return to Scotland posthaste.
But maybe not.
After all, she hadn’t gotten her inheritance. But after that, he expected to hear from her.

He really shouldn’t have created a scene in the middle of the street with all those onlookers milling about. Yet jealousy had ripped through him like a sharp knife and made him want to claim what was his. She was his wife! He knew it, but couldn’t bring himself to tell her the truth yet.


The sweet voice of Madeline pulled him from his thoughts and he turned his head toward the manor. She had her dress lifted to her ankles as she hurried over the rolling green lawn. A gentle wind teased the blonde curls around her ears as the bulk of her hair, pulled back with a ribbon, bounced in rhythm while she rushed across the grass. Her expression was cheerful, unlike it had been when she found him earlier to deliver the grueling news about Juliana and
Mr. Fielding


She stopped next to him and took in a deep breath. “I’ve looked everywhere for you.”

Juliana’s stepsister appeared so innocent in her girlish pink dress. Her flushed face helped give her a younger look also.

He chuckled. “I doubt you’ve looked everywhere. Besides, if you ever need me in the future, I’ll be here watching the horses.”

She glanced at the thoroughbreds. “Why?”

“Juliana didn’t tell you?”

She shook her head, the thick braid holding her hair together rolled over her shoulder.

“I’ve always wanted horses of my own to raise and breed.”

Her eyes widened. “Indeed?”

“Yes. I’ve had this desire since I was a lad.”

She smiled and laid a hand on his arm. “Oh how wonderful. I’m certain you’ll make your dream come true.”

His heart softened.
If she only knew.
He squeezed her hand. “What is it that you need from me?”

She blinked and pulled away then glanced down at her other hand holding a letter. “This came for you not too long ago.”

“What?” He took it from her. The handwriting wasn’t familiar at all. “Me? Are you certain?”


It couldn’t be. Nobody knew him...except for what Juliana had told people.

He met
wide-eyed stare and smiled. “Thank you. I’ll read it when I reach my bedroom.” He folded it and stuffed it in the pocket of his trousers. Curiosity ate at him like a starving man, but he didn’t want to read it in front of her. Perhaps it was from Juliana and it contained private information.

heaved a sigh and clasped her hands behind her, rocking back on her heels. “Are you ready for Juliana’s party tomorrow evening?”

He nodded. “I’m excited about meeting all of her friends.”

She laughed. “It’s mainly my father and mother’s friends. Not Juliana’s.”

“But she must have a few.”

She shrugged. “Not likely. She may have had some before she left to go live in Scotland, but every time she returned for a visit, she had become overbearing and rude. People just didn’t want to be around her.”

He stroked her pink cheek. “Ah, but
, she has changed. After all—” he tried not to let anger lace his voice, “—Mr. Fielding found her an enjoyable companion this afternoon.”

nodded. “I’ll admit
I’ve seen a big difference in her. But—”

He arched an eyebrow.

“I’m wondering if it’s all an act for my parents.”

He chuckled. “No, sweet
, it’s not. I wouldn’t be married to her if she treated me with disdain.”

She grabbed hold of his hand and took a step closer. Her big blue eyes held him captive. Almost like her sister’s could. He’d be a fool to ignore her advances. Yet she was just a child. Why would she be attracted to him in such a way when she thought he was married to her sister?

“But, Andrew, she doesn’t treat you right. True, the first day you were here she fawned over you and hung on your every word, but she’s ignored you and snapped at you every day since. Look what happened this very afternoon.” She took a step closer. “I think my sister doesn’t love you the way you deserve.”

A dry knot caught in his throat. He’d always figured
was too curious, but...did she suspect the bargain between him and Juliana?
couldn’t. He’d given a splendid performance and Juliana’s parents didn’t doubt.

She moved closer and touched his hair, close to his ear. “I think you deserve a better woman, Andrew.
A woman who would give you all of her love.
A woman who would treat you
a prince.”

He gulped hard. Oh, dear! She wanted him.

Over the years, many women had tried to seduce him, but they were usually barmaids. None had been a noblewoman. Then again, he’d never pretended to be a gentle bred man either. And he wasn’t used to rejecting a woman when it was obvious how much she wanted to bed him.

This was different. This was Madeline!

He pulled her hand away from his hair, but she latched onto his wrist as he tried to free it. “

...” She stepped closer. Earlier he had discarded his jacket and waistcoat, and now he regretted that decision. He’d also loosened two buttons on his shirt, which was exactly where her gaze had wandered. What had he done now?

He couldn’t let this continue. But he didn’t want to hurt her or make her angry with him. He had no idea how to handle this. Too bad he wasn’t a true gentleman. He’d know what to say then.


Chapter Eight


Tingles cascaded all over
from being so near.
Feeling this way was wrong, but she couldn’t help herself. She was helpless to control the emotions bursting inside her right now. Since the first day she’d met Andrew, she’d fallen hopelessly in love.

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