Troubled Son: Savage Sons MC Romance (7 page)

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Authors: Jayna King

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Troubled Son: Savage Sons MC Romance
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I caught the eye of the man in charge -- some fella who looked to be fresh from corporate training at Harley headquarters. He nodded my way respectfully and I saw him leave the showroom. When he came back out, he was with an older guy I knew.

"Moses. Good to see you, man," the man greeted me as he came over to see what I needed.

"You too, Miller." I shook his hand. "Max here needs some new gear -- leathers and whatever else she wants. I want her to look good. Can you help us out?"

"Nice to meet you, Max. We'll get you fixed right up."

"I got some business to do on the phone. Whatever she wants, Miller, give it to her in a size smaller." I pointedly ignored Max's wide eyes and open mouth, and I walked back outside. I sure hope she wasn't expecting me to sit through a fuckin' fashion show, and I really did have a few calls to make.

When I came back inside about twenty minutes later, I found Max at the register laughing and talking to Miller like she'd known him forever. I walked up and threw an arm around Max. "Miller, you hittin' on my old lady?"

Miller looked around to make sure the tight assed manager wasn't anywhere around to overhear. "Fuck off, Moses. You know I ain't got a death wish."

Max pulled away from me and continued to laugh. "Miller was just telling me about the time you ran out of gas out in California. Sounds like it was a religious experience."

I shook my head in mock disgust. "Those nuns looked like I'd come from Mars. Had to push that bike three fuckin miles to that convent, and the closest town was nearly ten miles away. The sure shook me down, though, for a bunch of religious gals. I always liked to think they went out and bought themselves new underwear with the donation I ended up leaving behind after they filled up my bike."

The two of them just died laughing.

"I think we're all set," Max told me. "I'll model it all for you later, if you want."

The sex that came through in her voice made my cock get stiff again, even though I knew she was just playing a part.

"Whatever you want, sugar, as long as you take everything off at the end."

Max blushed a little, and I figured it was time to move along. She picked up two big shopping bags, and I realized that my saddle bags were gonna be nearly full from our first stop. I shook Miller's hand and thanked him for the help before we hit the road.

"Do we still have more shopping to do?" Max asked as we stowed her new clothes. "Looks like we're out of space."

"We can hit the Goodwill and Salvation Army tomorrow for some used stuff, but the rest of the places we'll go today will deliver whatever we buy to the clubhouse. This store was a trial run in tourist town. From here we head into rougher territory. If you don't know what to say, just keep your mouth shut. Got it?"

"Yup." Max put her helmet on. "Ready to roll."

We headed back south toward a shop I knew would put Max to the test.

The club's name was Kittens, and I had two reasons for taking her there. I wanted to see how she'd handle shopping in a store that catered to strippers, and I wanted to introduce Max to the kind of girls she'd be spending time with.

"You have got to be kidding me," she leaned forward and whispered in my ear.

I tried not to think about the fact that the thought of Max and strippers at the same time turned me on. "Don't worry. We're not going into the club. One of the Sons is inside, and you're not ready for that yet. "I'm gonna take you inside the shop next door and buy you something sexy."

She got off the bike slowly and she looked at me with an absolutely expressionless face. I felt a little sorry for her, but I thought that we both needed to know if she was going to be able to pass as my old lady. Catty, trashy girls would be the harshest judge, and we might as well see what Kitten herself had to say.

I reached up to take her helmet off, knowing that she could handle it, but wanting to be able to say a few words that I didn't want anyone to overhear. "Max, this is gonna be weird. I'm not gonna lie. But you're gonna need to get to know some of these girls, even if you don't like them. They do a lot of business for us, and they're also going to be the key to getting you accepted as my old lady." I handed her the helmet. "They may not be polite at first, but you can handle this."

She looked up at me. "Whatever you say. I'm good."

"Oh," I said her as I threw a possessive arm over her shoulders. "And you don't have to wear anything we pick out in here. Unless you want to." I smacked her ass and opened the door for her. She didn't say a word.

Chapter 9




he sun was just about to hit the top of the Rocky Mountains to the west, and I was struck by the contrast of the spectacular natural beauty of Denver and the sleazy shop I was about to enter. I'm not a prude, but I was really glad that we weren't heading into the strip club. I felt only marginally better about going into the store. Assuming that the lingerie and hooker heels in the window were the tamest of their inventory, this shopping trip was about to get interesting.

I had to admit that I was a little curious about whether Moses was going to turn me over to the sales person like he had at the Harley shop or if he'd be involved in selecting my attire. I also had to admit that I was far from immune to his charms. The ride had been exhilarating -- the wind in my now tangled hair and the feeling of Moses' hips between my legs had been quite a thrill. From what I could feel, he was hard muscle all over. He clearly took care of himself -- not exactly what I expected from a biker. I'd figured on a smoker's cough and a beer gut, but Moses had none of that.

I decided to ignore the smack on my ass as I walked through the door. It fit the parts we were playing.

The store smelled like cheap incense and latex. We hadn't made it three steps inside the door before a woman slinked past me -- a wave of perfume and stale cigarette smoke trailing behind -- and threw her arms around Moses.

"Honey, you're the finest thing I've seen in weeks." She planted a kiss on his cheek. "Moses, where you been keeping yourself?"

"I know I haven't been around much, Kitten." Moses reached for me and pulled me to his side with an arm over my shoulders. "This is Max. She's hardly let me outta bed for the last few months. Just can't get enough, can you, sugar?"

I tried to give Moses my version of a sexy smile, but I'm not sure how successful it was. I looked at Kitten. "Can you blame me?"

Kitten looked me up and down and shook her head. "Not a bit, honey. Not a bit."

She started to walk back toward the register counter, and she handled her four-inch platform heels like the pro I guessed she was. I guessed her age at about fifty, and even though she looked like she'd had a hard life, she was still pretty beneath the makeup and wrinkles. Her freckled, wrinkled cleavage was a reminder to wear sunscreen, but she was clearly fit and rocked the bustier and leather pants she wore.

"So what brings you in here, Moses?" she asked, still checking me out on the sly. "Lady friend in the mood to see some girls tonight?"

Moses laughed. "Nah. I thought I'd take Max here on a little shopping spree. I want some seriously trashy stuff 'cause I have some seriously dirty plans for this girl."

Kitten stepped back and nodded at me. "Let's see whatcha got, girl. Take that jacket off and let me get a look at you."

I hadn't realized that I was going to be gawked at, but I figured I had to play along. I slipped out of my jacket, held out my arms, and turned around. "Can you make me look good?"

Kitten's eyes lit up and she practically purred. "Oh my. Have I got some things for you." She looked over at Moses. "Come take a look at these."

She led us over to the shoe section first. I was surprised to see that she had stilettos and mid-thigh boots in my size -- ten-and-a-half. Moses gestured to a pair of shiny black vinyl stiletto boots that would nearly reach my crotch. They were laced up the back, and I was relieved to see that they had a zipper on the inside, otherwise I didn't think I'd ever be able to get them on. He also picked a pair of red leather peep-toes wedges that towered at nearly five inches. I worried about whether I'd be able to walk in them, but I thought it might be fun to be closer to Moses in height.

Shoes selected, we headed for lingerie. I already had a bit of a lingerie weakness, whether anyone else saw it or not. I loved beautiful, well-made bra and panty sets, and I'd spent far more than I probably should have over the years. This was a whole different category of lingerie, though. Half of the panties didn't even have crotches for goodness sake!

Fortunately, Moses and Kitten picked out bras that would cover my nipples, at least. I'd told Moses that I didn't mind showing a little skin, but these getups might be pushing it. I remembered his promise that I didn't actually have to wear any of it, though, and it made me feel a little better.

"36 D," I answered Kitten when she asked my bra size.

I wondered if I imagined the look of interest in Moses eyes when I mentioned my cup size. I found myself wondering if he liked full-figured women, and I also wondered if he was really selecting lingerie that he liked. We were just playing parts, after all. Kitten's arms were full of hangers -- panties, bras, a couple of semi-transparent teddies -- so we headed for the fitting room.

Before we disappeared from Moses sight, she turned to him. "Want your show and tell now or later?"

I panicked, and I'm sure Moses saw my wide eyes behind Kitten's back.

"Oh, I think we'll have a private show later, Kitten. Take care of my girl."

I felt a flood of relief, knowing that I wouldn't be parading around the store in less than I'd ever worn in public, and then I realized that Kitten was waiting for me to shed every stitch of clothing I had on.

I figured that she had to have seen just about everything in her line of work, so I stripped down. I was surprised that it was actually fun to try on articles of clothing that I'd never have selected for myself. Kitten had done a good job of selecting the pieces, and I discovered that it turned me on to zip up the boots, put on panties that tied at each side (and I tried really hard not to think about Moses untying them,) and have Kitten lace me into a black vinyl bustier. I looked in the mirror and hardly recognized myself. I towered over Kitten, and I looked fantastic in a sexy-trashy way. The bustier pushed me up and out, and the cleavage was simply fantastic. For a moment, I really wanted Moses to see me dressed up that way.

I came to my senses. We went through the pile of clothes, discarding very few, and I calmed myself down. I had to remember that the sex was just part of the persona. Just an act. Moses and I had business to do that was literally deadly serious, and thinking about a strip tease was not only irrelevant, but also potentially dangerous. I thanked Kitten for the help, and I put my clothes back on. While she went back out to the sales floor to wrap and ring everything up, I took a hard look at myself in the mirror.

I took in the cheap looking dye job on my hair and the heavy black eyeliner. This job wasn't about having fun, I reminded myself. Buying panties and thinking about wanting to see Moses without his shirt on had nothing to do with what I should be focused on. The Savage Sons were bad people, and when I met them, I had to find a way to put them in prison. That was all there was to it. I resolved to head home after we left Kittens and spend at least an hour-and-a-half in the gym. I clearly needed to banish any sexy thoughts I had about Moses and find a way to get my focus back where it belonged. I took a deep breath and went to find Moses.

Chapter 10

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