Treasured Submission (24 page)

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Authors: Maggie Ryan

BOOK: Treasured Submission
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Abby giggled, scooping up her purse and walking out onto the front porch. "Oh thank you, cruel master, for sparing my poor innocent bottom."

Dean led her to his car, waiting until she was seated before securing her seat belt. He leaned close to speak softly into her ear. "Not exactly sparing it, darling—just not yet. Remember those words later tonight when I have my cock buried deep inside your beautiful rosebud." This time her blush covered her entire body and he smiled, seeing her squirm as he grinned down at her. Giving her a quick kiss, he closed her door and moved around the car to slide behind the wheel. He looked over at her and grinned again. She couldn't seem to stop blushing and he was immensely pleased.


Chapter 19


Dinner was perfect. They sat outside on a wide veranda extending over the water, the sounds of the river very soothing as it gurgled across the rocks. The sky was clear, hundreds of stars visible in the twilight. As they ate, Dean looked up and said, "I'm glad it's so clear tonight and that you don't have reason to think about Anna's world. I want you to totally concentrate on Abby's world."

She smiled across the table as he reached out and took her hand in his. "I wouldn't want to live in Anna's world unless you were there to share it with me."

He grinned and couldn't help but tease her a bit. "Hmmm, maybe I'm not as strict with naughty little girls as mean old Richard is? How many spankings has poor innocent Anna had to submit her little bottom to? Tell me who is ahead in that department, you, my love, or Anna?"

Abby blushed and squirmed a little, her bottom only slightly tender from his earlier spanking, as she thought of the latest scene she had written. She looked around, as if to reassure herself that their conversation couldn't be overheard. One man seemed to be looking at them with unnecessary attentiveness and she leaned forward. "Sh, people will hear you, Dean!"

He simply laughed and leaned forward to whisper, "I don't care what people think. Now tell me, what's got my beautiful girl blushing prettily and squirming on her chair? Exactly what is going on in that book that makes you look like you are hungry for more than food?"

She grinned and sat back again. He was absolutely incredible at being able to read her thoughts… well, perhaps better able to read her expression. Picking up her coffee cup, she smiled and answered his question. "I'm happy to say that I'm definitely the loser in that competition. Anna, after all, is a very young, immature woman and is very, very naughty. So her poor husband has to keep her in line with, um, shall I say, very creative methods? I, however, am a mature woman who has lived a much less sheltered life than little Anna, and have far more experience."

Dean laughed loudly and took her hand in his, squeezing it lightly. He loved these conversations, when she was so animated and excited about bringing her characters to life. But he was ready to leave Anna between the pages of the book, looking forward to joining Abby between the sheets of her bed. He locked his eyes on hers and spoke quietly. "Ah, but you haven't experienced everything though, have you my love? You haven't stepped through that
not yet. But, honey, I promise you don't need to be scared."

She blushed to her roots again at his reference to doors, knowing he was teasing her about the book mix-up. Her eyes flew to the man across the aisle, to see that he was still looking at her, and now his companion was as well. They were an elderly couple that appeared very sweet and comfortable with each other. The man was holding his wife's hand across the table exactly as Dean was holding hers. When the man smiled at her, she felt her own lips lift in return. She turned back to Dean and whispered, "No, Sir. Not everything, not, not yet, but… I'm ready to walk through the door with you."

Dean chuckled and sat back, enjoying watching her squirm again, wondering what she was really thinking. Abby constantly amazed him in her innocence. He felt his cock harden with desire, and knew it wouldn't be long before he introduced her to a new experience.

When the waiter approached their table, they both ordered dessert. Abby had learned that he expected her to enjoy their meals together. There was no need to act as if she didn't enjoy dessert; it was a treat they both appreciated. As they waited for their cheesecake to arrive, the older couple got up, and approached their table. Dean stood as the older woman stopped at their table, his manners impeccable.

The older man had his arm around his wife's waist and he smiled as he spoke. "Sorry to interrupt you young folks, but Grace and I wanted to tell you that, well, you remind us of when we were young. It is wonderful to see two people so very much in love with each other. It was a pleasure being able to share our dinner with you both." From Abby's large smile and shining eyes, it was clear that she was touched at the man's words.

Dean smiled as well, and shook the man's hand. He then took one of Grace's hands in his and said, "I can see why your husband so obviously treasures you, Grace. You are beautiful."

Grace blushed, her color matching Abby's. "Thank you, Sir, but it is your wife who is beautiful. Her happiness just shines for all to see."

Dean grinned and leaned down to whisper into Grace's ear, "Not my wife. Not 'yet'," he informed her.

Abby heard the words and shivered. God, she was coming to love that phrase after all.

Grace shook her head and actually giggled, "Well, son, you'd better not wait too long. Someone else is going to swoop in and snap her up!"

Her husband laughed. "Grace is right, my boy. I almost lost her to another. Don't hesitate, life goes far too fast. Don't let your own treasure get away from you."

"I have no intention of allowing that, Sir. I promise. Thank you for coming to speak with us. You two set a great example of how a long lasting love should be."

Grace smiled up at her husband and he drew her closer. "I wouldn't worry too much, I knew Donald was just being a silly goose and dragging his feet. I figured, if he thought I was going to marry someone else, he'd be willing to step off that cliff into the abyss with me. I never had any real interest in Howard Anderson."

Donald laughed and, leaning down, said very softly, "I should spank you for that, naughty girl."

Abby almost fell out of her chair as she watched Grace smile up at him, almost as if daring him to prove himself. Instead, Donald bent and kissed her soft, wrinkled cheek and said, "Thanks again for allowing us to visit. We wish you both the very best of everything life has to offer." Dean shook his hand again and when Donald bent down to press a soft kiss onto Abby's cheek, she put her own hand up to touch his cheek.

"Thank you," she said, meaning every word. The older couple left just as the waiter delivered their dessert. Both sat back and grinned at each other.

"Did you hear that? Do you think he really spanks her?" Abby asked, her eyes twinkling.

Dean lifted a forkful of cheesecake towards his mouth and grinned back. "Seems like it. No wonder they look so content and happy. Like I've told you, domestic discipline is obviously the key to a long and happy life."

Abby choked back a laugh and took her own bite of cake, the chocolate ganache topping melting on her tongue. When she had swallowed, she said, "Leave it to you to find a spanking lesson in everything."

He laughed loudly and they enjoyed the rest of the fabulous dessert.

By the time Abby was unlocking her door upon their return home, she wasn't quite as calm. She knew what was going to happen and, she was a trifle terrified.

Dean sensed her hesitation and wrapped her into his arms. He held her in the darkness and pressed his lips to the top of her head. "Abs, I promise it will be okay. Don't be frightened, just trust me; I will take care of you."

She nodded mutely against his chest, her heart beginning to pound in her own. She did trust him, she trusted him with every ounce of her being. Every beat of her heart told of her love for this man, and that she was safe. Even knowing those things, she felt a bit uncertain of what he intended.

Dean made sure the front door was locked as Abby scooped Cicero up, burying her face in his fur as if to seek comfort. Having no intention of allowing the cat to assume his responsibilities, Dean gave him a few scratches under his furry chin before taking him out of Abby's arms and setting him on the floor. Taking her hand, he surprised her by not turning down the hall towards her bedroom, but leading her out to the back porch instead. He took a seat on the swing and drew her down onto his lap. He gently rocked her for a long time, the evening darkening, more stars twinkling over her garden.

No words were spoken; he just sat and held her. He truly had no intention of forcing this on Abby. He might punish her bottom and cause her pain due to her disobedience, however, he wasn't the type of man to force a woman into anything.

Dean had used the past several weeks to gradually allow her to become accustomed to having his touch against her small rosebud. If she hadn't yet experienced or even tried anal sex in the years of her adulthood, it was because it probably never occurred to her that a man would even think about taking her there. With his gentle caresses, and soft reassurances of the pleasures she had yet to discover, she had begun to relax, and even tease him back about what he wished for her to explore.

He stroked her arm softly, loving the feel of her against him. No, he wouldn't force her. While he didn't believe he'd want to continue living without being able to make love to Abby, he knew he could live without anal sex.

He kissed the top of her head and whispered, "Sweetheart, look at me." She lifted her head from his chest and looked into his eyes.

Abby felt as if she could drown in their depths. She felt drawn in, sheltered and very much loved, the sensations so intense she couldn't speak. He bent down and kissed her gently, feeling her lips tremble against his.

He broke away and said softly, "You don't have to submit to me in this, Abby. I love you, sweetheart. It's okay if you decide this is something you just can't feel you can submit to, something you might not believe you can ever learn to enjoy. I know we've teased about it, but you seem very tense. You are my treasure and I don't want you to feel you have to give me something you don't feel ready to offer."

Abby swallowed hard, touched by his concern for her feelings. "You won't be–be disappointed in me?"

He hugged her even tighter. "No, baby girl, I promise I won't be disappointed," he said, and then teased as he grinned down at her. "Okay, maybe a tad disappointed, but, honey, this is your decision and there isn't a wrong choice. I promise, you don't have to worry—I won't even spank you." He was pleased to see her smile at his teasing before she laid her head back against his chest. God, he loved this woman. He felt her relax against him and knew she was okay. He rocked them a bit longer and then said, "I do want to make love to you though, is that okay?" He felt her nod against his chest and reminded her gently, "I can't hear you nod, sweetie."

She lifted her head. "I'd like that very much."

He kissed her once more and carried her back into the bedroom. When he set her down on her feet, she threw her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. At the sight of the white rose on the pillow, he smiled. He undressed her, slowly and carefully, allowing each article of clothing to slip from her body until she stood before him in all her naked glory.

He started to unbutton his shirt, and she impulsively reached up and took his hands in hers.

"Let me, please," she whispered. He nodded and she smiled as she undressed him for the first time. She followed his example, taking forever to unbutton his shirt, tug the hem out of his waistband and then slide it off his shoulders and down his arms. When she tossed it aside, she stroked the hair on his chest, then bent and took one of his nipples into her mouth. He sucked in his breath and she smiled against his nipple before nipping it gently between her teeth.

"Ouch!" he yelped, but didn't stop her from licking, kissing, and nipping his other nipple. His cock was straining against the restraint of his pants. She smiled as she slowly unbuckled his belt and drew it out of the loops inch by inch. "You're killing me, babe," he groaned, as she tossed the belt aside.

Her smile was intoxicating as she looked up at him and slowly lowered his zipper. Bending, she removed his shoes before moving to her knees. Dean almost groaned at the incredible sight of her kneeling before him. She drew his pants slowly down his legs, and they joined his belt somewhere on the floor. When he was standing there, his cock tenting the front of his boxers, she ignored his very obvious erection and drew each sock down and off, lifting one foot at a time and kissing his feet. Dean had to brace his hands on her shoulders as she drew his big toe between her lips and sucked lightly. "Oh God, woman, just remember payback is hell."

The broad grin on her face told him she wasn't the least bit concerned at his words. Only after sucking and licking the toes of his other foot did she place it back on the floor. Her body was hot and aching for him, but she was thoroughly enjoying undressing him for the first time and could tell he was as well. She giggled and then looked up as if in shock. "Oh my, what do you have hiding in there?" she asked, reaching out and stroking his erection through the silk of his shorts.

Dean sucked in a deep breath, finding it harder and harder to control himself. He was not used to submitting, finding it both thrilling and a bit agonizing. "Why don't you look and find out, you tease?" he grumbled, and then groaned as she simply opened her mouth and the very tip of her tongue reached out to lick at the bulge of his cockhead. He almost lost his balance when she then opened her mouth further to take the head of his cock, drawing the silk of his boxers into her mouth as well.

He was stunned. She had never taken the initiative before, and while he performed oral sex on her almost every time they made love, she hadn't made a move to reciprocate. Tonight was opening more doors than he had anticipated, for which he was extremely grateful. Her mouth was killing him and he thought he could die right now and be just fine but as she suckled him just a bit harder he prayed that death would wait—he wasn't ready—not yet.

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