Travis (20 page)

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Authors: Nicole Edwards

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Contemporary

BOOK: Travis
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they continued to devour one another, Gage slid his palms beneath Kylie’s shirt
and smiled when she sucked in a breath, her stomach muscles tightening beneath
his fingers. He didn’t hesitate as he trailed his hands upward, cupping both of
her full, firm breasts gently. She abruptly pulled back, groaning impatiently
as she did and Gage stilled, expecting her to call a halt to this.


thing he’d learned about Kylie, once she let loose, the woman clearly knew what
she wanted. She’d been just as demanding when they were at her house.

he could remove his hands from beneath her shirt, Travis took over, lifting it
up and over her head. And now she was topless, the only thing obscuring his
view of her beautiful tits was the black lace bra he continued to snag with his
rough hands.

it off,” Travis demanded, but Gage wasn’t sure whether he was talking to him or

she didn’t have the same trouble understanding directions because she slid her
arms behind her, freeing the clasp. Her movements were assertive, confirming
just how much she was into this. The haze of lust shining in her baby blue eyes
clarified even if he’d had any doubts. Which he didn’t.

hadn’t even realized he wasn’t moving until Travis took his hand, lifting it to
cover Kylie’s soft, firm breast. With Travis’ hand covering his, their fingers
linked, they proceeded to squeeze and fondle her as she watched. Fully back in
the game, Gage leaned forward, slowly teasing the nipple closest to his mouth
with the tip of his tongue, circling the hardened point. Only when she began
thrusting her chest forward, begging for more did he suck her fully into his
mouth, using his tongue to press her distended nipple against the roof of his
mouth. Her urgent cry had him applying more pressure as Travis continued to tighten
his hand over his.


sound of both their names on her lips was the most erotic thing Gage had ever
heard. He might not be a novice when it came to threesomes, but he was
generally the third, which meant he didn’t usually get the pleasure of hearing
his name fall from anyone’s lips. To hear Kylie scream for him made his dick pulse
with eager anticipation.

arm tightened around his head, pulling him closer as he suckled with renewed
vigor. He thought she might come apart at the seams when Travis released his
hand and mirrored his actions on her other breast, lapping at her nipple
eagerly. A gentle, rhythmic tremor shook her body as she cried out their names
over and over. Gage waited for the exact moment when he thought she was
plummeting over the edge before he lightly bit her nipple, making her cry out
as she climaxed, her body bowing so beautifully. Gage wasn’t sure he’d be able
to hold himself in check for much longer.

her willing and pliant in his hands should’ve been enough, but Gage knew that
what they were going for wasn’t quick, and it wasn’t the type of encounter that
should take place in the front seat of his truck. No matter how tempting it was
to drag her shorts from her body and to release his cock from his jeans, they
weren’t teenagers, and he wasn’t looking for this to be over any time soon.

he had no doubt that he’d be buried to the hilt in her pussy before the water
ever retreated from the road if they kept this up. He just couldn’t bring
himself to do it. No matter how hard his cock was.

back, Gage released Kylie as her trembling subsided, her orgasm leveling out.

you come?” Travis whispered, his lips pressing along her throat.

Her voice was so soft, Gage barely heard her.

so damn responsive, baby. Imagine what it’ll be like when we get you naked.”

up at her, Gage took in the most beautiful sight and sent up a silent prayer
that what he was about to do wasn’t going to end this before it ever got
started. After all, when he hit pause on this interlude, he risked her thinking
too much, changing her mind.

again, if she did, it wasn’t meant to be in the first place.

a peek out the front windshield, he noticed that the rain had subsided for the
most part, which meant they might have a chance of making it across the swollen
creek within the hour. The question was whether they’d be able to hold out for
that long before he could get her somewhere other than the inside of his truck.

do you say we try to head back? Find a place to dry off before this goes any
further. I don’t think there’s enough room in here for us to do everything we want
to you anyway.”

eyes met his and then an unusually flirtatious, extremely enticing smile tipped
her lips. “I was thinking the exact same thing.”

Chapter Twenty Two



this was the old farmhouse Kylie was planning to restore for Gage. He’d seen it
before but never up close and personal. And quite frankly, Travis was getting
damn tired of looking at the outside of it. However, since Gage wasn’t making
any move to get out of the truck quickly, he was at a bit of a loss. It wasn’t
like he could just waltz right in.

From where he sat, it looked like the house was vacant, so he was leery of what
they were doing there in the first place. As the house went out of focus,
Travis thought about counting the raindrops on the windshield in front of him.
It was either that or crawl right out of his damn skin.

wanted to ask why Gage had chosen this place, but he didn’t. He wanted to ask
Kylie to sit astride his cock so he could immerse himself balls deep inside of
her. Again, no go. Probably wouldn’t go over well.

Travis sat in his seat, pretending to be comfortable waiting for them to
Ok, so he was slowly going insane. Travis
wondered if they knew that. Maybe they were doing it on purpose. He wouldn’t
put it past them.

was unfortunate that his truck was DOA because he’d much rather have followed
them to Gage’s house. Not that it would’ve changed the situation he was in now
at all. That hope had been shot to shit after a quick perusal of the damage. As
soon as they realized the low water crossing was safe enough for them to cross,
they’d stopped for all of three minutes before Travis had accepted the fate of
his truck. It wasn’t going anywhere until he could get a wench and pull the
damn thing out of the mud. Of course Gage didn’t have one. Why the hell would
the cop be prepared?

Travis had settled back into Gage’s truck, painstakingly aware of the fact that
Kylie wasn’t wearing a bra. Nope, she’d refused to put it back on because it
was wet, she’d said. Right. She was just trying to push him right off the ledge
and into crazy town. The lust was driving him mad.

the good thing, she didn’t seem at all nervous. Funny thing because Travis was
battling a rare case of nerves. Then again, they weren’t all that rare when she
was around which was also amusing.

fucking annoying.

they’d been discussing where to go, Gage had suggested this place because it
was off the beaten path and they were less likely to have visitors. Made sense.
It was true, at any given time one or more of Travis’ brothers would show up at
his house if they felt like it. Usually unannounced as well.

took a deep breath.

counted one hundred and twenty two raindrops, and he could no longer keep up
because the heavens had opened up once again which meant they were going to get
wet. Travis had no problem with wet actually, but this was ridiculous. Of
course, it might help get Kylie out of her clothes faster.

at him, all optimistic and shit. Not to mention, just a little scattered. His
thoughts were all over the map. Again, he blamed the fact that they
still in the truck!

right, what the hell are we waiting for?” he finally barked, staring across the
cab at Gage still sitting behind the wheel.

that took forever,” Gage laughed. “We were waiting to see how long you could
sit there and not say anything.”

glared at Gage, resisting the urge to flip him off. Only because Kylie was

kidding,” Kylie said, putting her hand on his arm. Travis glanced down to see
he’d fisted his hands in his lap. “Since you apparently weren’t listening, we
were just discussing whether we should go to Gage’s other house. There’s no
furniture here.”

furniture. The floor will do,” Travis bit out. “Let’s go.” With that, he pushed
the door open and hopped out. When it was evident that Kylie wasn’t following
him, he shut the door behind him and headed up onto the wrap around porch.

It was a proven fact that these damned covered porches did nothing to protect
anyone from rain… when it was coming down sideways.

few minutes later, Kylie and Gage came bounding up the steps, hand in hand, and
Gage was carrying a large duffel bag over his shoulder. They were laughing.
Travis would be too if his fucking balls hadn’t turned blue – twice over. Shit,
they were bordering more on purple now.

bolt of lightning shot down from the sky, brightening the world as though the
sun was beaming directly down on them. The clap of thunder came less than ten
seconds later which meant the storm was upon them again. Kylie jumped, and
Travis grabbed her, pulling her against his side, shielding her from the rain
as best he could while Gage unlocked the door.

he’d been edgy earlier, he was damn near chiseled to a fine point now. Due to
his short supply of patience, he wasn’t handling all this wasting time well. He
had good reason though. At least he thought it was a good reason. When Gage had
called a halt to their fooling around, Travis had been hanging by a thread – a
thin, frayed, ready-to-snap-in-two thread. He hadn’t argued either. He thought
he’d handled himself fairly well up until this point.

wasn’t making any promises once they walked through that door though.

was once again questioning Gage’s reason for coming there as soon as the first
light came on inside. There was nothing but wood as far as the eye could see.
Not a lick of furniture to prevent the eye from traveling all the way to the
opposite side of the room. Kylie wasn’t kidding, was she?

wait. He was wrong. There was some furniture. It was… well, it looked like a
couch, but then again, it didn’t. More like an oversized chair. Two people could
possibly sit on it, but not comfortably. And Travis had to wonder how Gage
figured this was any better than having sex in the front seat of his truck.

dropped his duffel onto the floor in front of the chair/couch and then he and
Kylie disappeared into the other room. Travis had no idea where they were
going, but he damn sure wasn’t interested in studying what type of hardwood
they’d used to panel the walls in this place. Seriously. Wood paneling?
Did Kylie even realize what she was up against if she chose to fix this place?

through the swinging door – yes, he learned the hard way when the damn thing
hit him in the ass as soon as he stepped into the room – Travis found himself
standing in the kitchen. As were Gage and Kylie.

now he was almost certain they were testing him.

how crude the idea was, Travis couldn’t deny wanting to get hot and sweaty with
Gage and Kylie right now. And truthfully, he didn’t give a shit if it was on
the floor or against the wall. (There was wood on both, so the risk of
splinters was the same)

Gage was trying to put Kylie at ease. Although, if he remembered correctly,
she’d already seen the house, so he wasn’t sure giving her a tour again was the
appropriate way to go. Then again, what did he know?

was more of a gentleman than Travis. Sure, he liked to talk big – especially to
himself – but he wasn’t interested in pushing Kylie either. Considering how responsive
she’d been in the truck, Travis was still concerned that she didn’t fully
understand the dynamic of this little trio. At this point, Travis was willing
to offer up his left nut for the opportunity to sink deep within her body and feel
her milk him for all she was worth. And he didn’t doubt that Gage felt the same
way. But that could potentially send her running hard and fast in the opposite
direction if they weren’t careful.

shook off the thought because honestly, it wasn’t fucking helping.

the image in his mind’s eye of Kylie riding him hard and fast dissipate into
thin air, he remembered where he was. He also noticed that he was once again
the only person in the room. Where had they gone? That’s when he heard their
voices echoing from somewhere else. He took a couple of wrong turns but wound
up right back in the room with the chair/couch.

didn’t have to stand there long to realize they were talking about the house.
As much as he wanted to listen to these two talk it up about remodeling and
shit, Travis suddenly needed some fresh air. Without saying a word, he headed
back to the front door.

out on the porch, he had to wander around to the side just to get the house to block
some of the rain coming at him. He settled against the wall and stared out into
the distance, enjoying the view of the tree line that surrounded the property,
lit up each time another strike of lightning came down. It was nice out here.
Would be even better if the weather would cooperate.

wasn’t sure how long he’d been standing outside when he heard the door creak
open and then a muffled click as it closed.

Kylie?” he asked when Gage stepped around the corner.

upstairs taking a shower.”

hell. Now that was an image he could get behind. Kylie naked, water pouring
over her.

why are you down here?” Travis knew if it were him, he’d have been following
her up the stairs. Hell, he’d have carried her just so they could get there

on you.” Gage’s response caught him off guard, and he stared back at the man. Wasn’t
very often someone was checking on him. For any reason. “Everything all right?”

lust in Gage’s dark brown eyes, his need to rebel against what was obvious
between them was like gasoline to a flame and Travis was more than ready to get

left alone with Gage – especially when he wasn’t all riled up – was a test he
wasn’t sure he’d be able to pass. Then again, he happened to be quite fond of
Gage any way he could get him.




soon as Kylie disappeared at the top of the stairs, Gage had headed for the
front door. Of all the people he would’ve thought would have a hard time with
this situation, he damn sure hadn’t thought it would be Travis. But, so much
had happened in the last couple of hours, starting with whatever Kylie and
Travis were talking about when he came upon them at the lake, followed by the
blowup between him and Travis. And to round it all out, the three of them damn
near combusting inside his truck until somehow he managed to put the brakes on.
He could see how that might test Travis’ resolve a little.

the moment they made it across the low water crossing which was still flooded
but manageable, Gage knew there was no going back to the point they’d retreated
from. At least not unless Kylie changed the direction things were headed. Based
on how at ease she seemed to be, Gage didn’t think she was going to be the one
to alter their course though. At the moment, he was worried about Travis.

he stared at Travis, waiting to see if he would open up even a little, his
pulse took off like an Olympic runner at the sound of a gunshot. Just looking
at the guy made his blood run hot. Whatever this attraction was between them,
it was potent. If it had to have a warning label, it would read: handle with
care – contents under pressure.

had more than his fair share of experience when it came to threesomes, but he
admittedly had little knowledge about anything other than sex for the sake of
pleasure. He wasn’t prone to relationships. Not that what was happening here
could constitute a relationship, but that little thing called hope was leaving
him feeling unsettled.

was something about Travis Walker that intrigued him and yes, he didn’t doubt
for a second that sex between them would light his fucking world on fire. It
was the aftermath that Gage feared. There wasn’t enough water in the state of
Texas to extinguish the wildfire they would ignite if and when things went

it wasn’t sex that had Gage worried. Maybe it was because he was going on
thirty three in just a couple of weeks. Or maybe he was just tired of playing
the same games he’d been playing since he was a teenager. He couldn’t deny that
he was hoping to find something worthwhile, something like Kaleb and Zoey had
found with each other. And whether he liked it or not, Gage was secretly hoping
he’d find that with Kylie and Travis.

had a strong feeling Kylie could be the woman who caused him to settle down, if
only she reciprocated. But then there was Travis. And Gage didn’t trust his
intentions, and that was mainly because he didn’t know what the hell they were.

it was clear that Travis wasn’t going to respond, Gage did the one thing he did
best. He walked away. At a quick clip. He didn’t stop until he was inside the
house and leaning up against the tacky wallpaper on the wall in the kitchen. At
that point, he closed his eyes.

should be getting a little worried because this was becoming quite the habit.
Walking away from Travis because he was so overcome by feelings he felt were
out of place, mostly because he got the impression that what he was looking for
wasn’t quite what Travis had in mind. Sex, sure. More than that. Well, Gage
didn’t think Travis had much more than that in him.

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