Trapped with the Tycoon (6 page)

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Authors: Jules Bennett

BOOK: Trapped with the Tycoon
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Without waiting on her, he took the box and the kitten and disappeared. Okay, so he’d basically ordered her around in her own home and that was after bringing in a stray animal.

Was badass Braden O’Shea brought to his knees over a little bundle of fur? Zara nearly laughed as she pulled out a shallow bowl and filled it with water. By the time she got upstairs, Braden was sitting on the edge of the bed, the kitten at his side, as he peeled off his socks. His feet were red and had to be absolutely freezing.

“These got soaked,” he told her. “The snow went right into my boots.”

“Let me have those.” Placing the water on the floor at the foot of the bed, Zara reached out and took the soaked, icy socks.

“My pants are wet, too.”

Her eyes darted up to his. That smirk on his face had her shaking her head. “Oh, no. Don’t even think of stripping. You can roll the pant legs up and come sit by the fire.”

His big hand stroked over the cat as the damp animal snuggled deeper into her cream duvet. “You’re no fun at all.”

“Oh, I’m loads of fun. I’m an events coordinator. I get paid to be fun.”

After she laid his socks by the gas logs, which she cranked up because she was still shivering, she turned back to see Braden feeding the kitten small bites of a cracker. For a second she just stood there and stared. She’d not met many men like Braden, hard and powerful on one hand, soft and compassionate on the other.

“You’re staring,” he stated without looking up.

She remained where she was because the sight of him on her bed being so...adorable was not something she’d planned on. She’d had a hard enough time resisting him when he’d been flat-out sexy. Now that an adorable factor had slipped right in, she was losing what little control she had left.

How would she handle another night with this man?


o now Zara was not only nervous around him, she was nervous over a cat. This woman had so many complex layers, and damn if he didn’t want to peel back each one.

“I’m going to take my pants off if you keep looking at me like that,” he threatened. He didn’t know what was going through her mind, but he couldn’t handle her looking at him as if he was some savior or something.

“I’m just trying to figure you out.”

His hand stilled on the kitten’s boney back. “Don’t,” he told her, meeting her gaze across the room. “That’s not an area you want to go to.”

Zara crossed to the chaise and shoved her blanket aside before taking a seat and curling her feet beneath her. “Oh, I think maybe I do want to go there. What makes a rumored bad boy go all soft with a kitten?”

“I wouldn’t have left any animal out in this. Would you?”

He needed to turn the topic of conversation back to her. Nothing good would come from her digging into his private life, but he wanted to know more and more about hers. Suddenly, finding out more intimate details had less to do with the scrolls...not that finding those weren’t still his top priority.

“Honestly, if I’d been alone, I wouldn’t have known what to do. I guess maybe I would’ve brought it in, but I seriously thought animals were made to be outside.”

Braden reached into the sleeve of crackers for another and broke off a piece for the kitten. “Why no pets growing up?”

He watched from the corner of his eye as she toyed with the edge of her sweatshirt a moment before speaking. She was either nervous or contemplating how much to tell—most likely a little of both. Fine by him. He would wait.

“My parents weren’t the most affectionate,” she started slowly, as if finding the right way to describe her mom and dad was difficult. “To be honest, I never asked for a pet. I figured they’d say no, so I didn’t bother.”

When the kitten turned away and stretched before nestling deeper into the covers, Braden set the crackers on the nightstand before shifting on the bed to face her.

“Were they affectionate to you?” he asked, wondering why he was allowing himself this line of questioning. Seduction was one thing, but finding out about her childhood was a whole other level he didn’t need to get into in order to do the job he came to do.

“It doesn’t matter.”

Suddenly it did. Braden came to his feet and padded over to join her on the narrow chaise. Easing a knee up on to the cushion, he turned sideways.

“Were you abused?” he asked, almost afraid of the answer. “Is that why you had such a strong connection with your grandmother?”

“Oh, no.” Zara shook her head. “I wasn’t abused. There were and are kids who have worse lives. I guess I’ve just always felt sorry for myself because of all the things I think I missed out on. But, they gave me a nice house, toys, camps in the summer.”

“Family vacations?” he asked.

“ They went on trips and cruises while I was away at camp. When they traveled during the school year, I would stay with my grandmother.” A sad smile spread across her face. “To be honest, those were the best times of my childhood. I loved spending time here. Gram would make up a scavenger hunt, and I’d spend hours exploring all these old rooms and hideout areas.”

“Hideouts?” he asked. Damn, he felt like a jerk for listening to her, caring what she was actually saying and now turning it around to benefit his plan. Still, the end result would be the same. He would find those scrolls, and Zara was going to have to inadvertently help. “I know my house is old and has secret areas. I assume this one does, too?”

Zara smiled and tipped her head to meet his gaze. “Yeah. There’s a hidden door beneath the stairs. It actually takes you into the den at the back of the house. In the basement there’s a couple of hidden rooms, but they’re so narrow, they’re more like closets.”

He wanted to check those areas out right this second, but he had to remain motionless and let her continue. Once she was asleep he’d be able to continue his quest. Those secret rooms she’d mentioned weren’t on the blueprints he’d seen, and his father had never mentioned them, so he had to assume no one had checked there, either.

“My grandmother always told me how much she loved me,” Zara went on, her voice almost a whisper as if she were talking to herself. “She always told me how I was her biggest treasure. I didn’t get that until recently. I look at all the antiques in this old house, pieces I know are worth a lot of money. But to know she valued me even more...”

Braden continued to watch her battle her emotions, trying to remain strong and hold back. He admired her strength, her dignity and pride.

Slowly, Braden was sinking into her world—a world he never intended to be a part of. If he could somehow get away with taking back the scrolls, maybe they could see where this attraction led.

Damn it. All this secret snooping was supposed to be Ryker’s area. Braden and Mac were more the powerhouse guys who ran everything smoothly and kept a few cops and federal agents on their payroll to keep their reputation clean.

“I’m sorry.” Zara let out a soft laugh. “I didn’t mean to get all nostalgic and sentimental on you.”

Braden reached out, placing a hand on her knee. Her body stilled beneath his as her eyes widened. “Don’t apologize for talking to me. We’re more than employee/employer at this point.”

Zara’s actions betrayed her as her gaze darted to his mouth, then back up. She may have been stiff beneath his touch, but she couldn’t hold back her emotions. Those striking eyes gave everything away.

She pulled in a deep breath. “What happened last night—”

“Wasn’t nearly enough,” he finished. “The pace we set is up to you, but the end result is inevitable.”

Zara shifted her knee and turned to face him, mirroring him. His hand fell away, but he stretched his arm along the back of the chaise as he waited for her to offer up some excuse as to why they shouldn’t explore this chemistry.

“I need this job.”

He smiled. “And you were the best candidate, that’s why I hired you.”
Well, one of the reasons.
“Your job has nothing to do with what’s going on between us.”

“Nothing is going on,” she all but yelled, throwing her arms wide. “Nothing can go on. Not while I’m working for you.”

Braden shrugged. “Fine. You’re fired.”

Zara tipped her head, glaring at him from beneath heavy lids. “That’s ridiculous.”

“I always get what I want, Zara.”

“And you’re that desperate for a bedmate?”

Leaning forward, his fingertips found the side of her face, stroking down to her neck where she trembled. “No. Just you.”

“Why?” she whispered.

“Why not?” he retorted.

The pulse beneath his hand jumped as he leaned in a bit closer. Her warm breath tickled him, the flare in her eyes motivated him and her parted lips begged him.

His other hand came up to cup the side of her face. His thumb stroked over her full bottom lip. Never once did she take her eyes off his, and while the power appeared to be completely his right now, this woman, who had him in unexpected knots, could flip that role at any moment and bring him to his knees. And the fact that she had no clue about her control over him made her even sexier.

He continued to stroke her lip as his other hand slid around to cup the back of her head. His fingers threaded through her hair, massaging as he went. A soft sigh escaped her, and Braden’s entire body tightened in response.

“You’re not thinking work right now, are you?” he whispered against her lips. “You’re concentrating on my touch, on how you want more.”

“What are you doing to me?” she asked as her lids lowered.

“Proving a point.”

Her tongue darted out to lick her lips, brushing against his thumb, instantly flipping that control. His completely snapped with that simple move.

Braden captured her mouth beneath his, not caring for finesse or gentleness. There was only so much a man could handle. Zara’s hands came up and fisted the front of his shirt as she to his ears.

Tipping his head slightly, Braden changed the angle of the kiss. When Zara leaned into him, he wanted to drag her into his lap and speed this process along. So he did.

Gripping her around the waist, without breaking the kiss, Braden shifted to sit forward as he placed her over his lap. Instantly her legs straddled his thighs, and her hands slid up over his shoulders as the heated kiss continued. Braden hadn’t wanted a woman this bad in a long time...maybe never. Zara was sexy, yes, but there was more to her than anything superficial, and he wanted more. He wanted all she would give.

His hands slid beneath the hem of her sweatshirt. That smooth skin beneath his palms could make any man beg. He was near that point. Who knew he’d actually find a weakness in his life? He prided himself on being strong, being in control.

Just as his thumbs brushed the silk on her bra, Zara jerked back, pushing against his shoulders.

“Wait,” she gasped. “We—we can’t do this.”

Scrambling off his lap, she held her fingers to her lips and closed her eyes. Was she trying to keep that sensation a while longer? Was she still tasting him? Braden waited. She was seriously battling with herself.

“Kissing me like that...” Zara sighed, dropped her arms and looked him in the eyes. “I can’t want this, Braden. Don’t you understand?”

Relaxed against the back cushion, Braden eyed her, letting her stand above him, giving her the upper hand here. A smart businessman knew when to pull back on the reins in order to get ahead.

“Why are you denying yourself?” he asked. “If the job wasn’t a factor, what other excuse would you use?”

He’d hit a mark. Her chin when up a notch, her eyes narrowed. “I’m not making excuses. Nothing would’ve happened between us at all had you not been stuck here. The next time I would’ve seen you would’ve been at the party you’re throwing in five weeks for all of your employees.”

Braden laughed, shaking his head.

“Now you’re laughing at me?” she asked, crossing her arms.

Slowly coming to his feet, Braden crossed to her, not a bit surprised when she didn’t back up, but tipped her head back to continue to glare.

“I’m laughing at the fact you think we wouldn’t have seen each other.” He tucked a portion of her hair behind her ear, purposely trailing his fingertips down her cheek. “Zara, I would’ve found reasons to see you. The fact I’m stuck here only provided me the opportunity I needed to seduce you properly.”

Silence settled between them seconds before Zara moaned and threw her arms out to her sides as she spun toward the logs and went to stand before them. “Your ego is something I hadn’t taken into account. Maybe you’ve forgotten I just ended a relationship with a man who thought he could control me, thought he was in charge.”

Braden stared at her back, deciding to let that jab about Shane roll off him. He knew he wasn’t anything like that bastard. She knew it, too.

“I didn’t say I wanted a relationship,” he corrected. “And I know you well enough after hearing about your childhood to say you don’t, either.”

Zara whirled around, her dark hair flying about her shoulders. “You think you know me? Because I gave you a small portion of my life?”

“So you do want a relationship?”

“Stop twisting my words.”

Why was he purposely getting under her skin? This wasn’t part of his plan, but seeing Zara worked up and verbally sparring with her was more of a turn-on than he’d thought. He needed to steer things back to where she felt in control, where she felt as if he was less of a threat. He knew she wanted him, she knew it, too, stubborn woman. But for now he’d let this moment pass. The ultimate goal was still pressing, and he had work to do.

“Why don’t you show me those secret rooms?” he asked, pleased when her eyes widened.


“Those rooms. They sound cool, and I’d like to see them.”

Her eyes darted to the kitten, still sleeping on the bed. “What about him?”

Braden walked over, scooped the kitten into his arm and motioned toward the door. “All set.”

“It’s cold in the rest of the house.”

He quirked a brow. “You want to stay in here and keep dancing around the sexual tension?”

She moved to the door so fast, Braden couldn’t stop laughing. Finally he was getting somewhere. He may not be getting her into his bed, but he was seeing these illusive rooms and perhaps he’d find something, anything, to hint at the scrolls. When all was said and done, and this freak blizzard was over, he’d have all his wishes fulfilled.

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