Trapped (10 page)

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Authors: Selena Illyria

Tags: #I/R Vampire Paranormal

BOOK: Trapped
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“I did have a say. It was my plan.”

His eyes widened.

“I was in love with you, and I wanted so much to be your consort. After Ryu left, we were defenseless. We could fight, yes, but we had no direction. It was my idea to approach you about becoming your consort. Jessye didn’t want it to look like we were desperate, so she made it seem like a formal request instead of just sending me to you.”

“I didn’t know. I…I am so sorry.”

“It’s okay. I’m not as angry as I once was.”

He smiled softly at her words but knew there were a lot of things they needed to discuss and get past. “Let’s go eat, darling. We can talk, too. I want your advice on an issue.”

“Let me guess. The crazy wife of yours?”

“Among other things.”

She squeezed his hand and led him out of the library, where he found Jessye looking much better than yesterday. There were still dark marks on her skin and circles under eyes.

“So, you claimed her,” she said. “That explains the weakening bond between us. And I see your crest peeking out on her chest. This should be interesting.”

“Good morning to you too, Jessye.”

She shrugged. “It would be a better morning if that brother of yours would let me go.”

“Syrus has always been stubborn. I doubt he’ll just let you go. Besides, he has blood claim.”

Jessye snorted as he walked over and served himself some breakfast. He sat down next to Kit, who was sipping coffee.

“Have you decided what you are going to do? Your brother intends to create quite a stir with this witch hunt he’s on.”

“I want to help him. If he continues to search for Lorrie, I will go with him. I want answers. And I owe him so much. I know you think I don’t, but I do. I doubt that this is a witch hunt, as you put it. He wouldn’t make up something like this.”

“You sure?”

Rysen nodded. “I’m sure. He wouldn’t do that.”

“I hope you’re right,” Jessye muttered under her breath.

He felt his shoulder being squeezed and looked over. He was relieved to see that Kit was being supportive.

“Since you’ve marked her, we must announce that Kit is no longer of Ryu’s clan. What shall we tell everyone?”

“I propose we combine clans. I’d like to use the original agreement you proposed when you first offered Kit as my consort. If that offer is still on the table.”

Jessye was silent for a minute. When she finally spoke, her voice was neutral. “If you want to combine clans, the offer is on the table. But since your brother defeated me, it will be his decision. I doubt he’ll agree.”

“I will try to convince him,” Rysen said.

Jessye looked up. “Now, how are you going to free me?”

“I do not know. He is very stubborn.”

“Just like his brother,” Kit muttered.

Rysen smiled. “The only way you can be freed is if Syrus allows it. I am sorry.”

Jessye sighed. “I knew you’d say that. Fine. So what have you decided? You want to find out the truth, but how?”

“Wherever he goes, I will follow. I will travel to the ends of the earth with him to discover the truth.” Rysen turned to Kit. “If you want to come with me, you’re welcome.

And if you want to stay, that’s fine as well.”

Kit was silent, allowing him time to study her, watching as she mulled the idea over. “I want to go with you, to help you sort this out, but I need to know the whole story first.”

He took a deep breath and then told her about his life as a nobleman’s son, about his brother, and his then-wife. He spared no details, made sure she understood everything he was saying.

“So, you loved her, but not as a wife?”


“If she’s alive, what will this do to you?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. I want answers. I want to know why she didn’t tell me. I want to know if she regrets killing my parents, Sabella, and the other servants. I lost so much that day, and Syrus lost more.”

Kit sat beside him silently. He felt the touch of her hand on his thigh, rubbing the muscle lightly. He knew the touch wasn’t sexual, but he couldn’t stop the stirring of his cock.

He swallowed and concentrated on eating.

“What about the inn?” Kit asked. “I have the beginnings of a life here. I can’t just leave that. Is there a way to compromise? For the both of you to stay here and search for her?”

Rysen felt relieved that she wanted to be with him, yet also wanted her independence.

“I’m sure Syrus and I can work something out.”

“Lucky you. We better meet him before he starts shitting kittens.”

“It is not sunset yet.”

“Yeah, but I got the feeling he isn’t the type to wait for very long.”

Rysen laughed. “You must have already met my brother.”

“I just have a way with people,” she said, laughing with him.

Rysen gave her a light kiss on the lips before pushing his chair back and standing up.

Jessye was strong enough to disappear and reappear on her own, so she needed no help from him.

* * * * *

Syrus came out from the woods, exhausted. It had been a rough night.

“Problem, brother?” Rysen asked.

“Nothing I couldn’t handle. What have you decided?” Syrus tried to appear nonchalant, but his skin crawled. His fingers itched to touch Jessye. The question of his brother’s decision swirled around his head.

“I want to help you search, but I also want to stay here with my new consort. Perhaps we could use this as your new base of operations. I propose to combine clans, yours and mine. We share power; you control those you have turned to your side, and I keep what is mine.” Rysen’s back was straight, determination on his face.

Syrus mulled over the idea. He liked the notion of having his brother with him, but there were so many complications. “How is that sharing power? It will be like two houses side-by-side with two leaders. That will not do. I cannot accept that offer. However, the right to use this as a base wouldn’t be so bad. That, I accept.” Syrus waited for Rysen’s next request or statement.

“I do want to help you.” Rysen’s shoulders relaxed a little. “I want to understand why Lorrie would do this.”

“Survival, stupidity, recklessness, take your pick.” Syrus’s focus shifted to Jessye. The night had felt long without her by his side.

“We must keep the high king apprised of this.”

“And if he demands my head? I don’t think so.”

“Then I shall speak for you. Brother, please,” Rysen pleaded, his eyes shining with emotion. “Allow me to help you in any way I can. I owe you so much.”

“I have my own resources. If Severin comes for me, he will have a war on his hands.

Because of Lorrie, I’ve seen a lot of death. You can’t possibly fathom the things she’s done to stay hidden. Are you really prepared for that? To see her as she truly is?”

“Yes, I am. I want to look her in the eyes and demand answers.” Rysen’s face hardened with resolve.

“You could endanger Kit,” Syrus pointed out, watching emotions play across his brother’s face.

“Kit can fend for herself,” Jessye said.

Syrus watched Rysen’s face carefully, seeking an answer to the question in his mind.

Was he really going to allow Kit to fight beside him?

“She is my consort. She will fight by my side, come what may.” There was steel in Rysen’s voice, and Syrus found it comforting.

“So be it. We will make an alliance. You will control your clan, and I will continue to absorb more clans into mine. I will share information when it’s relevant, and occasionally I will send Jessye back to Kit so the two can be together. Do you agree?” Syrus stepped forward, hand extended.

“I agree.” Rysen strode forward and shook his hand. “It is good to have you back, brother.”

Syrus shrugged. “We shall see.”

Rysen enveloped Syrus in his embrace. Tears threatened to spill from Syrus’s eyes, and he let out a shuddering breath.

“Great,” Jessye said. “Now that we’ve got the family bonding thing going on, will I get a say in where I go? Or are you going to drag me with you?” Her arms were folded, showing off her ample cleavage. Syrus’s gaze dropped down to Jessye’s chest before moving up to meet her questioning eyes. She was a distraction he couldn’t afford. He knew he would have to let her go, at least for now.

“You are my consort. I can track you wherever you go,” Syrus said softly, an edge of roughness in his voice.

“That is just so comforting. Then I vote to stay here with Kit and help her with the inn.

I promise not to run away or kill myself. I like my life a little too much for the latter.”

Syrus’s head bobbed up and down, and his throat grew tight. “As you wish.” I will miss you, he didn’t add out loud. Before anyone could say anything to stop him, Syrus turned and disappeared. He had plans to make, things to do, feelings to ignore.

Chapter Nine

“Lunch is on.”

Rysen looked up to find Kit’s face at an open window. He smiled as an idea slipped into his mind. “I’ll be right there.”

“Perv,” Jessye muttered.

Rysen just grinned in response.

A few moments later, he sat across from Kit, eating his lunch, his eyes glued to her mouth. Jessye had decided not to join them.

“How did you get the window open?”

“Weirdly enough, Karella got it open. I tried, but nothing happened. I believe the protection of the seal is wearing off.” Kit popped a grape into her mouth and chewed.

“I wonder if we could open the window all the way.”

Kit stopped chewing, reached across the table, and smacked him gently on the cheek. “I know what you’re thinking. It’s not going to happen.”

“What was I thinking?” He tried to sound innocent and failed.

“You want to fuck me while I’m leaning over the windowsill with half my body hanging out. Not going to happen, so get those thoughts out of your mind.”

“Too late. They’re in there, and they’ve joined other thoughts that involve you and windows.”


“I admitted such to you before. Shall I recount all the ways that you make me a perv?”

“No, I already know.”

“Or I could just show you?” A musky scent filled the air as he became aroused. Her body responded in kind, and he growled, his eyes darkening.

“Don’t you dare,” she warned. As she said this, she put down the cup she was drinking from. Her body was still, poised to take flight.

When he spoke, his voice was a roughened whisper. “Run.”

Selena Illyria

I/R Author Selena Illyria was born with an overactive imagination. She loves to write stories featuring futuristic cities that can only be imagined, visit island kingdoms of vampires/dragons, giggle with mischievous pixies, peek in on faeries looking for their mates, check up on the naughty staff of an exclusive academy, and sigh over how in love a powerful business exec is with his wife. She can't wait to write stories with her talented, creative and wonderful CPs, Celia Kyle and Shara Cooper.

When she's not writing, she loves to read books of many different genres. She also loves to watch some of her favorite movies (too many to be named) and television shows. She also loves to listen to some of her favorite musical artists. All of these things help inspire her to write.

Feel free to email her at [email protected]. To find out what she’s been up to, you can find her on the web at the following URLS:

Her website at

Her blog at

Her My Space page at

The Pink Chair Diaries at

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