Touch of Eden (12 page)

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Authors: Jessie M.

BOOK: Touch of Eden
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Two days later I'm finally allowed home. I'm off the morphine and the anti inflammatories have done the best they can to get the swelling down. I'm still in some discomfort but nowhere near so bad. I can shuffle around pretty well.  I am so pleased to be home in my own place. There's nothing worse than hospital beds in mixed sex wards.  Hospital bathrooms leave a lot to be desired as well. I am dying for a long hot shower and a good old thorough clean up.  I haven't had the strength or the ability to move my arms to do much proper washing, my ribs hurt too much. We settle Lorraine in with some tea and TV and Eden takes me off for a scrub. I have to admit I'm so looking forward to this. She locks the bathroom door.

Okay, let's get it all off Josh.”

Don't you want to undress me slowly?”

No, this is going to be functional, just take it all off and get in... ” She turns the shower on.

Right then.” I start to take off my clothes and she takes over. I'm down to my underwear.

Come on, don't be shy. Those too. She pulls them down with a quick tug.”

I turn and drop them to the floor kicking them away and step in under the hot water. Up to that moment I expected her to scrub me from outside the shower but I'm pleased to say I got that part of my washing experience wrong. A few seconds later the door opens and she gets in with me. My eyes open wide at the sight of her, naked and so gorgeous. I'm fucking cursing my poor physical state right now.

“Oh Eden... ” My eyes and heart hurt to look at her. She's pure perfection, just the right amount of delicious curves and neat strip of hair. The woman of my dreams. This is way too much for my battered body to cope with. At least one part of me isn't battered though. That seems to be working all right, it's stirring already and so fast. I'm staring wildly at her up and down, drinking in this image of perfection, storing it vividly in my brain. She's staring back at me, her eyes cast downwards on my now fully erect state.

Oh my God. Please tell me you won't kill me with it...” The edge of her mouth curls up a little. She's fighting back a smile.

I love her serious sense of humour. “I'll try my best not to. I promise.” I grin at her more than pleased she finds my size so very appealing.

“Turn round now, I need to clean you up and I'm highly distracted by your front view.”

I turn, removing my very aroused equipment from her field of vision.

Then I stand in the hot stream of water with my hands on the wall being scrubbed, washed and just about as cleaned up as I can get. She takes a very long time over it, getting very close to me.

Right, I'll leave you to finish your other parts yourself.” And she's gone. I watch her drying herself through the steam misted shower door.
Fuck, could anything get any more arousing than that was...
I almost forgot every painful part of my body while she was running her soapy hands over me. And I think I've found something I like better than a head rub. Hair washing Eden style. It's just about the most sexy experience ever. She gets dressed and leaves the bathroom and I get out and dry off, wrapping myself in a dry towel.

I go into my bedroom and lie down. I'm suddenly exhausted. That was more excitement and standing up exercise than I've had in days. I close my eyes and instantly fall asleep.

And so it continues for three blissful days. Eden has taken some holiday time off work, obviously I'm on sick leave. The other two instructors can cope for a few days without us.

We sleep together, eat together and shower together. It is the most wonderful time I've ever had in my life. Feeling her gentle hands on me. Her kisses and her love. I couldn't feel more in love and we still haven't gone an inch further. I'm starting to feel much better by day three of her after care. I have very little pain, I'm stronger, I can move fairly freely and I'm almost human again.

“I feel up to that date now.”

Are you sure?”

I'm sure all right.” I'll take a dose of strong painkillers, just in case.

Thank God for that, I'm just about at my wits end waiting and wanting you.”

Me too... Let's do it tonight, shall we?”

Baby I want this so much. Come here and give me a tiny taster.”

=== * ===

I check the state of the hot tub in the back garden. It looks fine so I turn it on to heat up while we're gone. Then we drive Lorraine back home,  Jordan arrives and we finally set off for our much anticipated date.

Eden is looking spectacular tonight. Her hair is so glossy and dead straight, like a black satin sheet. Her face is more than lovely, with a touch of eye make up and a good slick of her sexy red lipstick. The smart short black skirt and black and red chiffon blouse look gorgeous on her. And of course those shoes. The shoes of my fantasy are on her pretty feet.

I lead her in the restaurant and I'm so proud of her. No one can improve on her looks in my mind. No one is more beautiful than her. Not even Keira. She makes my heart sing as she looks at me. Just a small cute and sexy smile is enough to make me melt with love. We both order fillet steak and sit back to wait with a glass of champagne, deep meaningful looks passing between us.

I'm so happy tonight.” She says with a sigh and a long sweep of her hand across my arm.

I'm happy all the time lately.” I so, so am. I take her hand and rub my fingers all over it. I love her hands. The way she waves them around so prettily when she's talking and the cute way she tucks her hair behind her ear with her fingers.

I can't imagine life without you Josh.”

You don't have to.”

We're so lucky. Aren't we?”

Well I am. I feel like I've won the love lottery.” She leans right across the table and gives me a small soft kiss. Then whispers in my ear.

I'm almost breathless about what's coming later tonight. I've been hot all afternoon thinking about it. So worked up and absolutely screaming inside to get at you.” She sits back down and looks at my face, hers is a picture of dark aroused beauty.

I've gone off waiting for my steak all of a sudden. Shall we go?”

No, let's sit and steam some more. Besides, you need some food for energy.”

The champagne is giving me a little buzz. I'm steaming and buzzing right now. I just can't keep still in my chair in fact. Not a touch of pain either. The painkillers are doing a great job so far.

On arriving back from the restaurant I put my delayed plan into action. I'm praying I'm up to it... 'Up the wall' and other things take a good deal more effort than lying on a bed. I hold her hand and lead her off towards the house.

Come on baby, let's take a walk.”

We walk up to the house and around the side path, heading off to the back garden. The security lights come on, lighting up our way. I'm pleased when I spot steam rising up from the hot tub as we cross the lawn. I take her through the rose arch tunnel and into the clear moonlit darkness beyond.

“Where are we going exactly?” She asks curiously.

I'll taking you somewhere special.”  We enter the small orchard and I stop and pick a large apple, smiling to myself.
This is my perfect sweet little touch...

We leave the orchard and cross the lush ankle length grass beyond making for my special spot. I lead her to the huge old oak tree. The tree of my childhood. I lean against it, rubbing the rough bark with my hands, running my finger over a large scratch mark that I made many years ago with a piece of flint. I can see quite well now my eyes have accustomed themselves to the moonlight.

“Luke and I used to play here when we were kids. We had a swing on that branch and we climbed all over it.”

It's a lovely tree Josh. Beautiful and obviously very old.”

At least five hundred years, actually.” I pull her towards me and take a bite of the apple.
Mmmm, lovely. So sweet.
“Here, have a taste.” She takes a bite too. I kiss her juicy apple flavoured mouth and run my tongue over her lips. “So... Now we've both tasted the forbidden fruit, what does Eve want to do with her Adam?”  I turn us around, pushing her gently against the old tree.

Oh Josh... is this it, here?” She is trembling all over in my arms. It's so very cute I can't help but hug her again and again, then stroke her hair and hug her again. Finally I take her face between my hands.

Yes, your own Garden of Eden, where you and I discover sex for the first time.”

I'm dying for this... Please, please...” She pulls me close and we sink deeply into each other our mouths greedy and so full of desire. My tongue is tasting her pure heaven again. My fingers run up her neck to her ear. Her skin is so warm and it feels so good beneath my hands, like the smoothest silk. Her hair tempts me again and my fingers wind their way through her dark sleek lengths, down to the very ends. I lean her back against the tree as I reach beneath her skirt. She is gasping and shaking as my fingers hook over her panties sliding them down her smooth legs, over her sexy shoes and off.

Pull your skirt up baby.” I lean against her again, lifting her up gently, taking her weight on my arms, my hands cupping her soft bare ass. Her legs wrap themselves around my hips. Overheated blood is rushing through every vein and artery in my body, singing through my ears, my heart thumping wildly inside my chest. My breath is coming fast, noisy and ragged. I look into her eyes in wonder.
How can she make me feel this?
Every single one of my senses on fire.
Her mouth meets mine and we start to devour each other. Softly nibbling, licking and tasting, then kissing each other much harder. Soon it's out of control, a mad groaning frenzy of heat, tongues and clashing teeth.

She pulls away panting...“Now... Right now...” We're not waiting a second more. I unzip, so loaded and completely desperate to get inside her. I position myself quickly, the head of my cock against her warm wetness, on the brink of entry.

...”  I'm inside her in a long, hard delicious thrust. I still, breathing heavily as she slips down the last inch of me and I feel the heat of her sitting against my groin. The most perfect fit there ever was.

Time stands still. Everything stops. My brain has shut down. All I know is I can feel. And nothing could ever feel any better than this. It's so wonderful. I wish my whole body could get inside her and feel it too.

“Oh, Josh... ahhhh.. Josh.” She moans so sweetly and her head flops back resting against the tree, her hair hanging down the bark like a shiny black waterfall. I kiss her pale throat in ecstasy.

I start to move inside her, slowly lifting her up and down on me an inch or two, my hands on her backside, squeezing her softness with my fingertips. She wraps herself around me tightly, her legs crushing around my waist, her arms around my neck, her lips on my jaw, licking and sucking me and driving me crazy for her.  She feels like a love drug that's been injected directly into my veins. Every part of me is high on her.

We're both gasping, whispering, moaning and straining together with every breath in our bodies. Trying to squeeze closer and closer, pushing harder and harder against one another with every movement. We're so closely entwined I can't tell where I end and she begins, we don't care about our clothes, it's like they're not there and we're fused together with heat and love. Suddenly I can't take it anymore, it's much too arousing for words to describe. I'm coming fast.

I can't last any longer... “

I want it... do it.”

My legs start to buckle as my knees go beneath me and I lean heavily against her, crushing her body against the tree as I thrust once more through the rising wave of pure sensation. I'm sweating all over, my whole body alight. 

“Kiss me Eden, now, please...” Her lips find mine as I come in a mad rush. I pull out at the last second and shoot off somewhere outside her, I don't care where. Hot, mind blowing spasms of wild euphoric pleasure roll through every part of my being.

We collapse, mouths locked together, slithering down the tree slowly, until I'm on my knees and finally sitting back on my legs. She's resting on my lap, her head on my shoulder. We're both still and quiet. She rubs my damp neck with her hot fingers and kisses my ear.

“Oh Josh, I felt so, so...” She just can't find the right words, but I know what she's trying to say.

Close to me, connected?” It's the best I can do.

Mmmm, I've never felt anything like it before, not with anyone, ever.”

I kiss her madly in reply.

It takes a good deal of careful manoeuvring because my knee and ribs are starting to complain, but somehow I get up and lead her over to the cool, lush grass of the field, away from the trees. We lie down and I kiss her for a long, long time. We pull apart to look at each other again. I'm so high, looking into her moonlit love drug eyes. This really is the Garden of Eden and I'm taking possession of my very own Eve. I start to pull off her clothes in a rough heated rush. This is her fantasy. She's getting the full works. I get her undressed tossing her clothing away and she tugs at my shirt. I pull everything off. We're naked but for her shoes. This is my fantasy.

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