Total Betrayal (Deep Space Endeavor) (52 page)

BOOK: Total Betrayal (Deep Space Endeavor)
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"If it would not be any trouble, Your Majesty?" Nina respectfully replied.

"Of course not. It appears that Lana and Sun will have a bit of an entourage." The Queen smiled at Jesse's beautiful daughter. Dominus was not exaggerating when he told her how much her eyes resembled her father's.

Lana was really excited that Suzy had asked to bring Raina. This would be great, her and her best friend and Sun, exploring Hyperia's palace and capital with the Princess and their snow wolves. Just then, Arianna Sunray took the stage to a polite applause from the crowd that mostly didn't know who she was. It didn't take the crowd long to fall in love with her, the male portion of the crowd anyway. She hadn't even begun singing yet and she had their full attention. Lana almost laughed when she saw the look on Vinnie's face. Jason had the same look as did most of the men in the room. She looked over at her dad and was relieved to see him in conversation, eyes locked on his wife.
He usually gets it right
, she thought.

Arianna was stunning, her shoulder length black hair bouncing as she walked, her deep dark expressive eyes focused on the audience, and an electric smile as she reached the amplification device. She was a little shorter than Lana thought she would be, considering she was so famous. She stood only about five foot six if you included her four-inch heels. Lana loved her outfit, a white, form fitting v-neck shirt with sleeves that stopped just below the shoulder. She was wearing black knee-high boots that Lana would kill for and a light blue skirt that stopped a few inches above the knee. Her pink skin suggested she had recently spent time in the sun. Although, if the rumors were true, she was one-eighth Farannsian and would likely always have that sun kissed look.

Arianna looked at the crowd and began. "I feel most fortunate to be chosen for New Polisia's opening festivities. It is not often I get to play at a celebration to open a city. This might me the most distinguished crowd I have ever played before, although I seem to remember playing for most of these dignitaries at a famous wedding seven or eight months ago. I realize most of you do not know who I am, and that might make it even more fun for me. I hope you all enjoy the show." Two hours later, the show ended and everyone had enjoyed the incredible show. None of the Milky Way crowd had ever seen anything like it. She was light years ahead of any entertainer in Earth's Coalition. One of Jesse's favorite moments was when she sang a song about a fun-filled night on Ginderbar, called
The other was when she sang her finale,
, which was about a great escape from dangerous bad guys, and included an air speeder chase on stage. The bass was pounding as the hero jumped out of the catwalk almost sixty meters above the stage, most likely on an invisible wire. He deftly disconnected his wire, performed a summersault in air, and landed in the air speeder that was being chased. It was a fantastic stunt, and the fact that it was done live was even more incredible. The entire show was filled with stunts and dancing. Each one of her songs told a story and her team of performers were always engaged in actions that brought the story to life. When she was finished, she made her way over to Jesse's table to once again meet the Prime Minister and his honored guests.

"Arianna, I don't know what to say," Jesse began. “That was phenomenal, I'm speechless."

"Which is rare for him," Ariel quipped.

"Thank you, Prime Minister Marcos, that is most kind."

"Believe me, young lady, he is not exaggerating. Your show is far better than advertised. I would love for you to come do a show in the Royal City on Hyperia." King Dominus added with a smile.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I am humbled by such high praise from such great leaders."

"I am Chief of State Enosal of Ginderbar, I loved your song,
, and I too would love for you to do a show on my planet."

"As would we, right, Kiah," Chairman Valinor added. “We understand you would like to greet a few more tables of dignitaries before you go back stage to relax, but please, send someone over who might be able to book the event for our worlds.”

"You are all most kind. Usually when I meet dignitaries, they act as though I owe them something, but you are all so genuinely nice." Arianna replied. "I will send over my manager, Cade, as soon as I see him."

"They're nice because they're the good guys," Kiah added to smiles from the rest of the table. "Did you know that Jesse saved my life from pirates when I was little?"

"I was not aware of that, Kiah. That must have been very scary." Arianna knelt down while she spoke to Kiah so they could be eye level.

"It was, but I knew Jesse would save me because he promised."

"Well, I'm so happy he was there for you, or I wouldn't have anyone to talk to right now."

Kiah smiled and animatedly motioned to the rest of the crowd. "You would still have everyone to talk to," she said. "But I'm glad I met you because you're my favorite. I sing your songs while my dad is working. He says I sound almost as good as you."

"I am sure you do, Kiah." She stood and thanked everyone again as she made her way back stage. Jesse took Lana, Sun and Raina back to meet Arianna, thanked her again and immediately excused himself. The rest of the celebration was a blur. As the festivities were winding down, the Royal family stood to leave and Princess Rayelle gave Jesse a big hug. "Thank you so much for Lady. She is the best gift I have ever gotten."

"It was my pleasure, Princess; please take care of my girls while they are on Hyperia."

"I will show Sun and Lana and her friend the time of their lives while Suzy, Serge and Nina work on the recovery pod with my mother." She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek and then she was caught up in the procession back to their shuttle.

Jesse began to scan the crowd looking for Lana when she came up behind him, "I'm right here, Dad, you didn't think I would leave without a hug, did you?"

"I don't know, you seemed quite excited," he joked as he bent down to pet a happy Soldier. "Good boy," he added as Soldier's tail wagged. It's two and a half days travel to Hyperia, and you'll be there for a week before you travel back. I don't know what I'm gonna do without you for almost two weeks?"

"I don't know, what did you used to do?"

"I don't remember." He hugged his daughter tight. "I won't even have Sun to hang out with."

"Well, maybe you should spend some time with your wife, then. You might not have this kind of alone time again until you two actually take a honeymoon." She smiled and stood on her toes to kiss her dad's cheek, then she turned to leave and Soldier followed. "I love you, Dad; see you in a couple weeks."

"I love you, too, Lana and make sure you take care of Sun." He smiled as he watched his daughter leave. She was seventeen and he knew he wouldn't have much time left with her living at home. The thought of that made him a little sad until Sun jumped on his back.

"Bye, Jesse," she kissed his cheek, hugged his neck and scurried after Lana.

"Bye, Sun," He called out after her with a laugh as Kimi took hold of his arm and watched with him as their girls met up with an excited Raina and followed the Royal procession out of the hall.

After Suzy, Nina and Serge said their goodbyes, they left as well. Lana would be piloting a shuttle up to Admiral Vantilas’ ship
Hyperian Valor
. They would ride as guests of the Royal Family and when the week was over, Lana would pilot them home. She would, of course, have a Hyperian escort until she reached light space and then she would have a Donaran escort until she landed. Jesse couldn't be too careful while there were still people out there that wanted him dead. He happily took Kimi's arm and they made their way home, his protection detail giving him just enough space to speak privately with Kimi, but not enough for anyone to try anything, not that they thought anyone would. Travel on and off Donara had been highly regulated since the previous assassination attempt. They arrived to an empty house and smiled. They were going to get to do something they didn't often get to do, sleep in. Tomorrow was an official holiday and then it would be back to the grind of setting up a nation, without three of his cabinet members for almost two weeks.




              Lana was a little nervous, it wasn't everyday that you got to teach a famous princess how to take care of a pet snow wolf. It was going fairly easily because Lady had bonded with Princess Rayelle very quickly. They sat in the landing bay with Lady and Soldier as Lana ran through the list of commands.

"Sit," she called and both wolves sat. "Run," she commanded and both wolves began to sprint around the landing bay to the surprise of the crew attending their duties. "Now it's your turn, Princess. Try with just Lady first." She called Soldier over to her side and had him sit.

Rayelle looked at Lady, her intelligent eyes looking up at her new master waiting for a command. "Lady, lay down," she instructed, and Lady lay down at her feet. She smiled and bent over to pet her wolf. "Good girl, Lady, good girl." She stood back up and produced a ball. "Lady, fetch," she threw the ball and the pup happily ran after it, colliding with one of the crewmen and knocking him down. She caught up with the ball and brought it back to Rayelle who called out an apology to the embarrassed crewman. After another twenty minutes or so, they decided that they had done enough for the morning and left to catch up with Collette, Raina and Sun.

When they reached Hyperia, the first thing they did was tour the famous palace that Sansabar had built. Lana was amazed; her dad had not been exaggerating when he told her how great it was. All of the doors were solid gold and the intricate designs and pictures carved into them were stunning.

"They are meant to tell a story," Princess Rayelle said as they walked. "Come, let us start at the beginning." She took them back to the golden doors at the entrance to the palace and began to tell her the story of how Sansabar had become the King of Hyperia over four thousand years ago. The story continued on every golden door throughout the entire first floor of the palace, and when Princess Rayelle was finished telling the story, Lana, Raina and Sun were in awe.

"That was great, Princess," Sun excitedly called out. “I wish Kimi was here to see it."

"Kimi has already seen it, Sun, as have Jesse, Josiah, Suzy, Collin, Bessa and Reece. They were our guests for quite some time as Jesse recovered from the death brush fever he contracted saving my life on Pandara."

"So what is it that you like to do, Lana," Collette began as they continued walking. “Surely you are not the type to sit around.

"I love to play a game called soccer," Lana replied. "It's my dad's favorite game as well."

"That is the one where you kick the ball and try to score goals, is it not?" Rayelle asked as they walked.

"Yes, Your Majesty, it is, how did you know?"

"I watched your father teach it to a group of children on Trinnus as Suzy explained to me what it was. He seemed very good at it." She smiled as she replied.

"He told me he thinks I'm better, but I just think it's him being a proud dad. I also like to pilot shuttles and fighters."

"Aunt Ariel and Lieutenant Commander Briggs said she is one of the best pilots in the entire fleet," Sun added with a proud smile.

"Really, that is most impressive. Perhaps you would like it if we let you pilot one of our
later, for fun."

"I would love that, thank you, Princess." Lana replied, trying to hide her excitement.

"How about you, Raina, you are also of the age where you are probably thinking about what you wish to do as an adult." Collette asked with a beautiful smile.

"I am already in training to be a doctor. I am Doctor Baker's intern." Raina proudly exclaimed.

"That is wonderful, Raina, and most noble. My mother studied medicine before she married my father." Princess Rayelle added. "She will love you; she is still passionate about helping people." She added with a hint of pride that Lana could see meant she thought very highly of her mom, the Queen.

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