Total Betrayal (Deep Space Endeavor) (44 page)

BOOK: Total Betrayal (Deep Space Endeavor)
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"Attention attacking fleet. This is Zinnebulous control, and you are trespassing in sovereign Zinnebailan space. Please withdraw now or we will consider this an act of war."

"We're already at war." Admiral Togglasem replied. “The moment you allowed Tovanoras to use your ships to attack Kaldor and Ginderbar, you were at war with the entire Alliance."

"Negative, we had nothing to do with that."

"Well, your ships did," Admiral Dyson added, "so we're just gonna make sure they can't be stolen and used against us again. We'll be destroying your shipyards, too. If you have issue with that, you may take it up with Alliance leadership.

As Tovanoras’ fleet was retreating, he noticed sadly that the Alliance fleet was indeed bombing Zinnebulous shipyards. His weary fleet arrived at Taglaharn only to be followed once again by the Alliance. Another battle ensued and more ships were lost.

"Admiral, why are you doing this? You've already won." Tovanoras asked as his fleet was readying for another jump to light space.

"Because we had mercy after your brother's attempt, and our kindness was repaid by the same planets giving their ships to you to come after us again. We do not wish to continue fighting the fleets of ten planets every time a new Zinnebailan gets them together, so we're destroying your fleet and your planet's ability to build more." Togglasem wearily replied.

Tovanoras jumped to Xenul only to be followed once again. This time his fleet was ready to leave and he only lost a few more ships. He took his remaining eighty-seven ships all the way out to Pandara. They had no shipyards and it was too far away to be perceived as a threat. By the time he got there, he learned that all of the ships and shipyards at Zinnebulous, Taglaharn, Xenul, Jar-Karga, Banijard and Salvaria had been destroyed. The Alliance was making sure they would be left alone for a long time, and there was nothing he could do about it. The Alliance had attacked no other targets and made no demands. They simply made sure they would be safe. They did leave the shipyards at Chawanas intact, and he had to wonder why.




              Celebrations were now in full swing throughout the Alliance. The enemy had been defeated, and their ability to come back anytime soon had been taken away as well. Tovanoras was stuck out on Pandara with only Yartan remaining of his leadership and only eighty-seven ships, half of which had significant damage. The alien worlds were all over the vid news condemning the Alliance strikes at their shipyards while other worlds were commending their restraint in only taking out the military targets. Chairman Valinor had explained to Jesse that they had left Chawanas their shipyards because it was the first time they had ever built their own shipyards and they were still hoping to get them into the Alliance. Manny and General Kelly had taken the Fleet to Donara along with Admiral Sonnadall and two full Hyperian fleet groups that King Dominus gave to the protection of Donara.
and Vee Fleet stayed an extra day on Kaldor so Jesse could introduce his family and close friends to Chairman Valinor, Chief of State Enosal, the Admirals Togglasem and Dyson and Kaldor's Special Assignments Task Force. A private gathering was called and as Jesse was introducing his daughter, a clearly excited Kiah came running and jumped in his arms.

"I knew you would come back. It was a really long time, but I kept waiting. My mom told me to be more patient, but I really hoped to see you." Kiah excitedly exclaimed as she hugged her hero. He put her down and Commando came right up to her, wagging his tail.

"Well, I missed you, too. Your dad told me that you turned eight while I was away.

"Yeah, I told you that you were gone for a really long time." She replied while Ariel and Lana watched the exchange with an amused look on their face.

"Hey, Kiah, I have some really special people to introduce you to, are you ready?" She nodded excitedly and he went through the lineup of his close friends, they all laughed when Kiah mentioned that Carmine's arms were too big and then Jesse got back to the introductions. "This is my sister, Nina and her husband, Serge, and this is Frost, Commando's other sister." The introductions were for everyone, but he focused on his little friend whose focus was on Frost. "This is my cousin, Ariel," he began again.

"Wow, she's really pretty." Kiah said in awe.

"Well, thank you, sweetie, I was just about to say the same thing about you." Ariel bent down and gave her a big hug.

"This is Sun, Kimi's sister, but now that Kimi and I are married, she's part of the family, too."

"I like Kimi way better than Cassie," Kiah said matter-of-factly to some chuckles.

"Me, too," Jesse replied to a few more chuckles "But Cassie and I are still friends. Finally, I want to introduce you to my daughter, Lana."

Kiah looked up really confused. "I didn't know you had a daughter, Jesse."

"None of us did," the Chairman added with a look of interest. "I suppose this is going to be a long story."

"Not really," Jesse replied. "Truth is, I didn't know I had a daughter, either. There was a nurse at boot camp and then I was deployed. She never told me, or asked for anything. Then she got sick while I was here and sought out my sister, and when I got home, I was introduced to the daughter I never knew I had, and she's been a perfect gift, the best part of my life." Lana smiled and said her round of hellos. She was happy that her dad didn't tell them everything. He was willing to let people think he had made a mistake when he was young so that they wouldn't look at her differently because of what her mom had done.

"Hi, Lana," Kiah began, "you're really, really lucky to have Jesse as a dad, did you know he saved my life when pirates tried to kill me?"

"No, I didn't. Come on, maybe you could tell me, Raina and Sun all about it. Do you mind if I bring my snow wolf, Soldier, with us; he is still a puppy but he's getting pretty big." Soldier came playfully bounding over to Lana and Kiah laughed.

"Sure, but Commando has to come, too." She said as she kept her hand on the head of the wolf she still considered her best friend.

"No problem, Commando is Soldier's favorite, right boy?" Soldier jumped up and Lana caught his front paws and hugged him. They then went off with Kiah so her dad could talk to his friends.

"She is fantastic, Jesse, and she looks just like your sister." Admiral Togglasem said.

              "Thanks, I really do feel so lucky to be her father."

"That was perfect how she led Kiah away so we could talk. Is there a secret to that?"

"Yeah, have a snow wolf puppy available," Ariel laughed. "We have two more, but they won't leave Jason alone. I think he wants one."

"Well, he can have whichever one Princess Rayelle doesn't choose." Jesse laughed. "Now, let's get back to the festivities."

After another four hours of talking, eating and getting reacquainted with Cassie and her crew, it was time for them to make their way to their new home. Jesse boarded
with the promise of having them all out to Donara for the celebration to officially open their new city. Kiah gave Jesse a big hug and Commando an even bigger hug. Nina saw that Jesse was not really ready to leave, and talked him into staying with
crew for another day to catch up with his friends. She let him know that she would oversee the settling of the city until he arrived, and he reluctantly agreed. As his friends and family boarded the
, Jesse, Kimi, Sun, Lana and Ariel stayed with
and her crew for another day of fun on Kaldor.
would be taking fifteen people and two snow wolves to Donara tomorrow afternoon. In the meantime, Tanna and Josiah were spending some time with Admiral Dyson and Reece was trying to spend some time with Ariel. Maria, Reynolds, Stevens and Irina, the new members of
, had not actually ever met any of these people. They were starting to feel a little left out when Jesse came up to them with a beautiful blond and a small group of humans and aliens.

"Hey guys, I'd like you to meet Captain Cassyanna Reed, Wennagal, Enso, Sibbie, Teha, Tioga, Goslar and Agent Desmond. This is the crew of the
Catamaran II
. Cassie, Wennagal and Enso were part of
crew for the greatest treasure hunt in history. I would like to introduce Maria Tejada and Damon Reynolds, two old soldier buddies of mine, Doctor Brady Stevens, who helped with a very important surgery I recently had and Irina Romanov, my brother-in-law's sister. Josiah picked them to join
crew to replace me, Kimi and Suzy."

"You aren't commanding
anymore?" Teha asked a little sadly.

"Nope, I had to give it up when my people asked me to be their military leader. Suzy wanted to teach medicine, not be a battlefield medic and Kimi would like to train some students in her unique fighting style, and also hang out with me." They all laughed at that. For the next hour, Jesse excitedly told some of the adventures of
in the Kalephi Galaxy as Cassie's crew and Josiah's new crew became fast friends. As he was heading back over to Kimi he turned and said. "And you guys are welcome on Donara anytime."

"Thanks, Jess, for everything," Cassie answered as she waved to him. She once again found herself a little ashamed for how she had treated him, but he seemed to be past it, and he was happy with Kimi, so she was happy for him.




              The next morning, Jesse woke up a bit late. Kimi had let him sleep in because for once, he didn't have a million places to be. He came out into the living room of their suite to see Kimi waiting there with breakfast already made. Lana and Sun had stayed with Kiah and the snow wolves at the Valinors and he was happy to have some time alone with his wife. After nearly an hour of uninterrupted time with his love, Josiah commed him to let him know everyone was on board except Reece who had not yet been back to the ship and Ariel who had just left to pick up Lana and Sun.

"We'll be on our way in about a half hour, Jo. I just want to take a nice shower before we get on a ship for a day and a half." He laughed.

"No problem, buddy, we're not on a tight schedule, and it'll probably take Ariel at least that long to get to the Valinors and back. See ya in a bit."

Jesse and Kimi left the hotel unaware that they were being followed. They had about a ten minute walk to the spaceport and Jesse wanted to test out some of the modifications he had made to his leg. He was starting to feel a little more comfortable with the leg, but it still didn't feel natural like other people claimed it did. It was infinitely better than hobbling around on crutches or a hover chair, so he wasn't complaining; he just wanted that realistic feel that might allow him to take his mind off of it occasionally. As they rounded the corner onto a wide, crowded street, Jesse was instantly on alert. Something had sparked his senses and he stealthily unclipped Helga. Kimi had noticed it, too. Her hand was hovering near her blaster. Cleaning crews were out, sweeping away the remnants of the planetary celebration that had swept through Kaldor after their defeat of Tovanoras. Kimi looked at Jesse and whispered, "You sense it, too."

"Yes, I do," he replied as he took out his transmitter. Before he could comm the ship, blasterfire erupted all around them. They dove into a doorway to assess their situation. Three of the street cleaning crews were armed and trying to surround them, the rest were fleeing in a panic. "Looks like we're fighting our way out, Kimi." He yelled over the blasterfire.

"Stay here," Kimi instructed as she ran for the cover of a parked speeder. "We'll give them more to shoot at if we split up."

"Good thinking," he replied as he quickly lifted his head to try and get a count. "Call Josiah while I distract them."

Before she could say no, he was running to the next door way. He had his blaster and Helga out, and he had already dropped three assassins. He was drawing their fire to give Kimi time to make the transmission.

"Josiah, we are under attack, at least fifteen assailants, Jesse has already dropped three, and I have taken out one. Send whoever is available. I don't like the feel of this."

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