Torn Asunder (24 page)

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Authors: Ann Cristy

BOOK: Torn Asunder
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had almost not gotten away for the evening flight out of Sydney. Diana and Lucille
had decided to have an impromptu shower and brunch. A party spirit prevailed
at the Nivenses' beach house and even Sybil and Tessa had swum in the ocean.
They had shown a surprising power in the water. Roddy had explained with a
grimace that they had both been on swim teams when they were younger.

was, of course, before my time, dear sister-in-law. They both set great store
by physical prowess." Roddy's voice took on the strident tremolo of his
sister Tessa. "To have good blood lines is one thing but one must always
strive for excellence in other things... strong of limb, bright of eye."
His voice came down to normal as she laughed. He grinned at Cle. "Dev has
already told them that you competed as a swimmer. They liked that. They've
checked you out as though you were in the buyer's ring at horse sale."
Roddy leaned down and kissed her cheek. "I told them that I thought you'd
take your fences well. Gad, Cle, I hope you don't like oats."

laugh was shaky and she turned away when Roddy's gaze narrowed on her.

were gag gifts and though Sybil's eyebrow arched over the box of disposable
diapers Roddy gave Cle, most everyone else laughed.

was while Alistair and Dev were surfing again that Cle saw her chance. Roddy
was off with the admiral and the other women were resting. She called a cab and
left. Her bags were packed so all she did was pick up the two suitcases and
have the cabbie wait while she changed into traveling gear.

caprice made her dress as a boy, with a cap on her head in blue denim with
matching Jordache jeans and vest, she would never know! In bustling Sydney
International she watched the clock as it ticked closer to departure time and
thought about the people who would gather to see her marry tomorrow morning.
They would be hurt... angry... puzzled and Dev would be too furious to

sighed. Here she was leaving Australia, a country that she had come to love,
that she wanted to explore and rushing back to America and Jaime and she wasn't
sure why... except she loved Dev with an all encompassing love that couldn't
accept less than the same from him. She needed that love and needed it for all
time and half a love would just not do.

My name's Janie. I'm sixteen. How old are you?" The gum-chewing teen-ager
had a gauche come hither look that puzzled Cle until she remembered she was
dressed as a boy.

Oh... ah... eighteen." Cle smiled, then looked away.

that's great. I'm going back to the States. My mother lives there. My father lives
here in Sydney. I don't know which I like best." She sat down next to Cle,
horrifying her when she edged her very round and full bottom close.

"I'm waiting for someone... for
my... uh..."

your uncle, Clem, my boy," said a richly timbered voice, then a strong
hand clapped her on the back almost knocking her from the seat.


to see me?" Dev inquired silkily straightening her askew cap and lifting
her to her feet by one elbow. "Now say good-bye to your friend."

won't," Cle managed, trying to pry his fingers from her arm.

I thought you were traveling back to the States." The mousy brown frizz
top quivered with disappointment. She even forgot to pop her gum.

am..." Cle began.

fingers on her arm tightened to bone-cracking level. "You can walk out of
here," Dev hissed into her ear. "Or I can throw you over my shoulder
and carry you that way."

"Good-bye," Cle said to frizz
top, her voice weak.

words were exchanged even after the luggage was stowed into the car and Dev
wove in and out of the traffic leaving Sydney International. "How did you
find me? What are you? A bloodhound?" she snapped, hating the quaver in
her voice. "You can't kidnap me," she said, her voice rasping.
"Jaime expects me. I'm going to marry him."

The car slewed right then left as the
muscles in Dev's arms contracted spasmodically, his face having a contorted
look. "You must have a great desire to be a widow." Dev's words were
pushed through rock hard lips.

say such a stupid thing." Cle's voice rose half an octave. "I'm not
going to marry a man who will be sorry he married me in a few years, then
divorce me and leave me alone." Her voice skated higher as the old fears
crystallized and came out as words. "You'll cast me off like old clothes.
You'll want to marry a blueblood, someone from your own class. I know..."
She fell silent when he threw her a murderous look.

that damned crap you're spouting doesn't have a chance of an ice cube in Hades
in convincing me, but I'll get it out of you." His foot trounced on the
accelerator making the car leap like a wild thing into the passing lane, then
roar past four cars. "I'll find out what it is."

opened her eyes. "I won't have to worry about marrying you, will I? You're
going to smash us up on the highway."

or die, Cle, you'll be doing it with me, no one else and if I ever hear of
Toner coming near you, I'll take him apart and then destroy his business. I
mean it." The growled words had a menace that was frightening.

not serious," Cle said faintly.

me, lady. You've pushed me about as -far as I can be pushed. The next time you
try to put me in a corner, remember that I'll come out fighting." He roared
into the parking place next to their warehouse flat and turned the key. "I
think there is something that you have overlooked in our relationship, my dear,
Cleora." Dev wrenched the keys from the ignition and turned to face her,
sallow rage making his face a frightening mask. "I will kill to keep you,
my pet. I mean that. Get out of the car." The whispered words sunk through
her flesh like objects dropping through quicksand. She still sat there when Dev
came round to her side and opened the door then reached down to lift her two
suitcases. He gestured with his head toward the door, then followed her. -

was precious little communication between them for the rest of the day. Dev
told her he had canceled the dinner with his family scheduled for that evening
at the King's Cross. She bristled when he told her that she should retire early
since the wedding would be in the morning. She was sure that he would sleep in
the other room but he just stared at her coldly when she looked surprised that
he would be in her room.

just making sure you'll be at your wedding tomorrow." Dev's face had a
menacing twist to it but Cle was determined that she would tell him to go to
hell if he tried to touch her. When he turned on his side and went to sleep,
she wanted to hit him with a shoe.

wedding was quite beautiful and even the fact that Jaime had ranted and raved
to her over the phone about going through with it didn't mar its beauty. Cle
was certain that Jaime was more chagrined about her wearing a creation of Max's
than he was about her marrying Dev.

dress was a creamy blue silk sheath that touched the floor. The neck had a
narrow vee to her breasts, the points of the opening almost touching her chin.
She wore orchids woven in the coronet of her hair and carried one orchid in her
hand. The orchids were cream with bluish centers. Max gave her away and Diana
was her attendant. Roddy was best man for his brother with Cubby standing as
alternate. Lucille sat with Sir Reginald and Aunt

Margaret and kept
handing her tissues.

aisle of the small church was short, too short for Cle as she watched Dev turn
to look at her as she walked toward him. All that ran through Cle's mind was
what Dev had said to her in the car yesterday. "I will kill to keep

never heard the words the preacher said or Dev's responses or hers. Then she
was walking back down the aisle, Dev holding her arm.

The reception was in a beautiful room
overlooking Sydney harbor. There was even a three piece band that played while
they ate. The music was soft, dancing music. She and Dev stood to cut the cake
and she smiled at the remarks made to her but she couldn't shake the feeling
she was walking through a dream. She drank champagne from Dev's glass, a
feeling of calm growing inside her so that not even the opaque green of his
eyes jarred her.

he led her to the floor to dance, she went willingly, feeling serene. Twice
she saw Dev's head jerk toward her, but her smile never wavered. Her confidence
grew and when the dance tune changed to something faster she pulled back when
Dev would have led her from the floor.

I have a good time at my wedding?" She smiled at him, her smile widening
at his puzzled look.

you should have a good time at your wedding." Dev's eyes narrowed as she
reached for him and began gyrating to the faster beat.

whirled around him once, laughing. "Don't just stand there. Dance."
Cle felt free, her hands lifting in response to the primitive beat, her hips
and breasts quivering in rhythm.

long seconds her husband watched her, his eyes uncertain. Then he joined her,
his body in powerful response to the music and to her.

laughed in exultant abandon, her steps having a new lightness when Dev joined
her, his intricate leading a sensual challenge that she welcomed. He took hold
of her, swinging her body free then catching her back close to him, not a beat,
not a step missed. Cle sensed the others had backed away and were not dancing
but watching how she and Dev danced. With a roll of drums the dance ended and
she was caught up in her husband's arms, his mouth going to her still smiling
one. At once her own arms encircled his neck, her mouth opening under his, her
tongue meeting his.

Dev released her, his eyes speared hers, his breathing ragged, his hands still
clenching at her waist.

smiled at the applause, looking round at the people knowing that Dev's eyes
were still fastened on her.

sister-in-law, if you and Dev ever run out of money you can always become a
dancer." Roddy chuckled as he kissed her cheek. "Now you have to
dance with me."

could feel the reluctance in Dev's releasing grip. "Darling," she
cooed, reaching up to kiss him again, her confidence like a cascade over her body.
The secret that she held inside giving her abilities she hadn't realized that
she had. She whirled away in Roddy's arms, smiling at Sybil as the older woman
stared at her.

danced with everyone, knowing with an almighty sureness that her husband hadn't
taken his eyes from her for more than a minute even when he danced with others.

was more than willing to feed more cake to her bridegroom so that pictures
could be taken and more times than not it was she who acquiesced and kissed her
husband on request. As her confidence grew so did the sense that Dev's
uncertainties were growing. Her sophisticated husband who handled corporations
with aplomb, who was no stranger to high-powered legal battles, who had
traveled in the fast lane for most of life, now stuck to her like glue, his
face a puzzled mask.

was sorry to leave the reception, but finally Dev was able to drag her away.
She promised Sybil and Tessa that they would come to England and stay at
Larren. After all, she informed them airily, it was her home now. She made
dates with Cubby and Lucille and Diana and Alistair for when they returned from
their honeymoon whenever that might be. She hugged Roddy and told him she was
glad to be his sister-in-law.

once more she broke away from Dev and ran back to thank Max for her wedding
dress. She was throwing kisses to all when Dev bent down and scooped her up
into his arms, making the guests hoot with laughter. Cle could even see smiles
on Tessa and Sybil's faces.

in hell is going on?" Dev deposited her on the sidewalk while he unlocked
his car.

was enjoying my reception," Cle burbled to him after he had gone around
the car and come in beside her. She reached over and let one oval fingernail
course down his cheek, liking the sight of the blood running up his neck.

don't know what the hell is going on but I'm damned glad we're staying at the
flat tonight. I don't think I could drive very far the way I'm feeling."
Dev checked the traffic then let the Ferrari shoot into the traffic. They would
be home in minutes.

are you feeling?" Cle crooned, leaning close to him, letting her one
finger run down his neck.

Dev said through his teeth, the car slewing around a corner. He almost stood on
the brakes twice, his driving was so much more erratic than usual. When he
parked the car in front of their place and removed the ignition key, his hand
was shaking.

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