Too Hot to Quit (3 page)

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Authors: E Erika

BOOK: Too Hot to Quit
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to Senator J.L.’s expectation, Sheryl Lekhov didn’t completely disappear from
his radar. She often got in touch with him by phone (they did a lot of video
calls). Sometimes she received a video call from the Senator while in bed. And
she never hesitated in answering his calls even though she was in transparent
nightdress. So, they had maintained this method of communication until November
Election Day.

the night Senator J.L. happily won his re-election, he threw a big party for
his campaign staffers, political associates, friends and supporters. The hotel
hall where the party took place hummed with Frank Sinatra’s
America The
. Some of the guests couldn’t resist the urge to dance; they waltzed
to the lure of the music.

J.L. stood up to address the crowd as the party began to wind down for the

will fail me to deeply express my gratitude to all of you. Whatever the nature
of assistance you’ve rendered our campaign in the times of need, we say thank
you for being part of this victory,” he said.

were several rounds of applause. People began to leave the hall one after
another as the day stretched into night.

Lekhov went to shake hands with the Senator and bid him goodbye.

on for a second,” he told her. “I’ll like to have a word or two with you,”
Senator J.L. said.

while other people were exchanging pleasantries with the Senator and exiting
the hall, Sheryl sat in a corner of the building waiting to hear what the
Senator had got to say. She periodically checked her wristwatch and was shocked
to discover the time was already 1a.m.  No wonder she had begun to feel
sleepy. She had wrongly assumed that the plenty of wine she consumed might be responsible
for her slight dizziness. As someone who normally hit bed at 10 p.m., staying
up late even until 1 a.m. amounted to self-punishment.

J.L. came to her at about 2 a.m. “I’m sorry for keeping you waiting, dear,” he
said, patting her back. But he had noticed an angry look on Sheryl’s face.

sure you are annoyed with me for holding you up until this time. I’m very
sorry,” he apologized again.

OK,” she said and tried to feign a smile. “How long do you think your discussion
with me will take?” she asked, checking her wristwatch again.

long as you can endure,” he said, frankly.

statement had made her laugh. She reached out for the cell phone in her handbag
and placed a call to her mother to inform her that she would be passing the
night in a hotel room. She ended the call and saw Senator’s piercing eyes
staring down at her.

got it! We can discuss all night, can’t we?” he quipped.

Sheryl Lekhov had followed him into his hotel suite. Each of the rooms in the
suite was big; the bedrooms had double King-sized beds. She watched him throw
off the clothes on him piece by piece: neck-tie first, followed by his designer
shirt, singlet, pants and socks. Sheryl could not understand what the Senator
was thinking when he almost stripped himself naked in front of her.

bed-time, dear,” he said. “Aren’t you coming to bed?” he asked.

excused herself from his bedroom and went to lie on a sofa in the suite’s
living room. She believed their relationship hadn’t merited the one they should
share the same bed together. She reckoned that there they were just friends and,
as such, sleeping together in the same bed would undermine her integrity as a well-bred,
highly religious lady.

thought you were going to be more comfortable lying in bed than on this sofa,”
Senator J.L. came out of the bedroom to persuade her.

OK here,” she said, with a wry smile.

you don’t wanna share the same bed with me?” he asked.

hesitated briefly and then said: “Yeah. We aren’t lovers yet, are we?” She
said, smiling in the yellow glow of argon light that had covered the living

J.L. smiled, too. “I think you are the kind of lady who wants an official dating
announcement before realizing that we are dating already,” he said. “Then as
people used to say, once you in it, you are in it,” the Senator finally said.

Lekhov, due to her strong Christian upbringing, strongly believed that even
though they were dating, that shouldn’t give him the hope that she would be
ready to jump into bed with him unless they were married. Pre-marital sex was the
only social thing every lady in Lekhov family had abstained from. Even her
eldest sister who eventually wedded at the age of forty-two never had sex with
any man!

L.J. sat on the sofa beside her and whispered into her ears. “Baby, let’s go to
bed together,” he said without knowing what Sheryl was thinking in her mind.

followed him back into the bedroom and lay beside him, still wearing her
gorgeous dress for the victory party.

you going to sleep in your expensive dress, aren’t you?” Senator J.L. joked.

sat up straight in bed and tried to take off her ruby-decorated dress. Then she
lay back again wearing her bras, skirt and underwears.

her standards, Sheryl understood that she was not supposed to share the same
bed with the Senator, someone she barely knew and with whom she enjoyed a
sketchy relationship. But there was a part of her that desperately needed him,
not only for political purpose but also for genuine romance. Sheryl Lekhov
loved well-built, soft-spoken guys like Senator J.L. And his sometimes funny laughter
had enchanted her to the extent that she always enjoyed spending great time
with him.

Lekhov was hugely relieved when the Senator didn’t make any move to ask her for
sex. But she could read from his action and the lusty looks on his face that he
needed it badly.




J.L. was surprised but not infuriated to have learnt about Sheryl’s unchangeable
stance on pre-marital sex. To be honest, such a rigid religious principle
seemed to have increased his interest in her. It made him feel so proud to be
the first lucky man that would take a gorgeous and rich lady like Sheryl to

he also believed that Sheryl might speedily accept his marriage proposal if she
truly loved him as her actions had revealed in recent months.

his busy schedules as a lawmaker, Senator J.L. had set aside some time to fully
understand his girlfriend, who also had relocated to the Washington branch of
her father’s company. Sheryl Lekhov now lived in Washington and could afford to
meet the Senator every other night except when he was too busy with his
congressional assignments.

what seemed like a month of whirlwind dating marked with platonic show of love,
Sheryl didn’t object to being kissed, hugged and sometime allowed some
sensitive parts of her body to be amorously touched. However, she appreciated
the level of maturity displayed by the Senator during these periods, despite
the fact that they sometimes found themselves on the edge of making love to
each other he usually restrained himself and refused to press her against her
wish. They both waited for the glorious night of their wedding to have the full
taste of true affection that had been brewing in their hearts for each other.

on a cold Saturday morning in December of that year, Senator J.L. eventually
and officially proposed to Sheryl Lekhov. And she, too, was so glad he did.
Their wedding preparations were swift and carefully planned out.

his fame and political connections, Senator J.L. was, unbelievably a very quiet
person. If not for politics, he was the kind of man who would have preferred to
live in a very remote village where he could enjoy some quietness and protect
his absolute privacy.

didn’t occur as a rude shock to his many friends when he chose to marry his
sweetheart, Sherry Lekhov in private, inviting only a handful of his
associates, including his best friend Danny Birch. The wedding took place on a
ranch in Southern California, singularly rented for this purpose.

J.L was on top of the world during this occasion. And he watched his beautiful
bride beam with happiness throughout the solemnization that was presided over
by a local priest. Senator J.L. felt quite lucky in life to have been blessed
with a woman who had shown so much interest in his political success, who also didn’t
hesitate in giving him her heart.

new couple moved into their newly bought two-million-dollar mansion in
Washington on the same day of their wedding and looked forward to moments of
fairy tale romance.

are some happenings in life that are inexplicable,” Senator J.L. said as he and
his wife sat on the huge blue sofa in their expansive living room.

going on in your mind?” Sheryl asked, smiling.

can still vividly remember the first time we met, and how your beauty dazed me
to the point of losing my senses,” he said, smiling.

you didn’t show that you truly cared about me then, did you?” she asked,
yawning out of tiredness.

you had been quite sensitive, you would have seen how confused and embarrassed
I often felt whenever you appeared before me,” he told her.

you?” she said, leaning on his naked hairy chest. “I used to think you didn’t
like me showing up before you then—and I kinda looked like a stalker. I hated
thinking I was actually a stalker seeking your attention every time,” she revealed,

J.L. clutched at his wife’s breasts which made her blouse heave like a small
rock. He was happy when she didn’t resist his amorous touches. How could she
ever think of resisting him when they had both been looking forward to this
spectacular day? Instead, Sheryl grabbed her husband’s hand and led his prying
fingers into her loosely tied bras. Unabashedly, Senator J.L. squeezed his wife’s
breasts and watched her eyes dilate, letting a small sensual moan come of out
her lips.

her slowly, Senator J.L. allowed his inquisitive eyes to journey down his wife’s
beautiful body. He placed his hand on her now naked torso and felt a river of
emotion gushed up his throat.

had surprised her husband the most: she put her fingers in his boxers and
caressed him in the most sensitive part of his body. She bent down between his
thighs and gave him an unexpected blowjob.

Senator J.L. almost asked her where she got the knowledge of blowjob from, if
she had truly been a chaste lady as she made him to believe. But he soon
cautioned himself because asking such a dumb question would make him a
laughingstock to her; everyone understood that pornography was everywhere.

of them were naked now, hugging each other tightly like frightened bears. They
moved into their bedroom to finish off what they had started. What a beautiful
night! Senator J.L. was anxious to get into his wife and take her high up into
the realm of sensual happiness, where no clear voices are audible, but only
moaning and screaming.

he was momentarily disappointed as he immaturely ejaculated into his wife’s
nightdress. Without offering any apology, he grabbed her breasts once again,
sucked them one after the other. He listened attentively as Sheryl called for
more of that.

his erection worked out again, he touched his wife’s lower body and discovered
that she was already wet, ready and willing to take him on the same pleasure
ride. Slowly and deliberately, Senator J.L. slid his thing into his now
submissive wife and listened as she moaned away into the night. Seriously
moaning and jerking her legs as her husband banged away with all his

a good feeling! Senator J.L. whispered to himself as he kissed his wife’s lips
and ran the tip of his tongue on the nipples of her breasts several times that

body shook feverishly as he took her to the climax of their lovemaking. It was
her most special night she had spent thirty five of her life waiting for. And
she was not disappointed in her husband’s unexpected strength and knowledge of



J.L. didn’t have the chance to take his lovely wife to Hawaii for honeymoon
immediately after they did their wedding, but he did promise to do so later,
during the spring vacation or thereafter. In the meantime, he sacrificed every
hour he could steal from his time-consuming congressional assignments to make
sure Sheryl didn’t feel lonely in big house, which was always quiet. He was
even happy that she was a kind of an in-door person; she spent most of her time
cooking and experimenting with different styles of baking.

didn’t have the chance to cook when she was with her parents—her doting mother
did everything for her and her siblings. But now as a wife and mother-to-be,
Sheryl wanted to reciprocate similar gestures to her kid if she and her husband
decided to have one.

advertised in a local Washington newspaper for a cook who could instruct her
about how to cook some foreign dishes; her mother loved Italian, French and
Indian cuisines a lot. So, Sheryl wanted someone who understood the procedures
for making those delicatessens, intentionally adding Israelis dishes to the

applicants surfaced, but she decided to go with the younger woman: to her, a
young lady would be easy to deal with, unlike older cook who might want to
force her opinions on her. Her selected cook’s name was Mary, a sexy
Irish-American with seductive eyelashes.

know what? Cooking is like dating; you’ve got to fall in love with everything
that is on your cooking table,” Mary said, philosophically.

laughed and listened to her instructions as she cooked Spanish Cochinillo Asado
(Roast Suckling Pig).

mum learnt how to cook Asado when she lived in Spain as a member of American
Corps in her thirties,” Mary explained. “And almost everyone in our home know
how to prepare it,” she said.

silence, Sheryl watched intently as her hired cook experimented with various
dishes; Italian, Irish, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese ones. Sheryl credited
herself for hiring the best person to instruct her about the tricks of making
the best food in the world.

weeks in a row the cook showed up at Sheryl’s kitchen to assist her in mastering
how to cook various delicatessens. They became close friends in a matter of
weeks, but their relationship soon turned sour after a long-time secret was carelessly
revealed by the cook over unguarded gossiping.

sure Senator J.L. will show you more love now that you are giving him the best
kinds of food he dearly loved,” Mary said.

yeah! He’s crazy for my cooking nowadays,” Sheryl said, absentmindedly.

know. I know,” Mary said, thoughtfully. “I used to cook those for him long ago,”
Mary revealed, foolishly. And her statement stabbed Sheryl’s heart like an

was able to unearth from further probing that Senator J.L. and her newly hired
cook were lovers before. They had even shared the same bed for months!

what was going on in the Senator’s head when he approved of her decision to
hire her in the first instance? Was he suffering from amnesia that he couldn’t remember
he had had sexual relationship with her in the past or was he secretly planning
to continue dating her in his matrimonial home? Sheryl was momentary devastated
by these hurtful thoughts. And she took the first step in stopping this mess;
she fired the cook instantly.

following Saturday Sheryl was presented with an opportunity to bring up the issue
with her husband. She was surprised how hard he had struggled to explain some
complicated things to her.

cook was a younger sister of my former assistant. Her elder brother brought her
in to help me do some chores at home, including handling the entire
housekeeping,” he said, staring confusingly at his wife’s scornful face.

of a sudden, she became seductive: at times, she came into my room in sexy
nightdresses. And being single at the time, I couldn’t have overcome the
temptation,” he said and watched his beautiful wife squirm on her seat.

Let’s forget about the past now,” Sheryl abruptly cut in to stop Senator J.L.
from spilling more horrible tales that could make her go crazy. “But why
agreeing to my decision to hire her as a cook when you knew that you were
former bedmates before?” she couldn’t hide her amazement and derision for his

of my poor judgments, Sheryl. I’m indeed sorry about that,” he apologized,

from that moment, Senator J.L. had put it in his mind to compensate his wife
for the bad mistake he had made; he thought of doing something special to
pacify her. Or if she so desired, he could set apart some time in spite of his
very busy schedule to take her on a trip to exotic places in Europe where she
could have some memorable experiences and let bygone be bygone.

on the sofa on the cool Saturday morning following their quarrel over the cook
issue, Sheryl snuggled up to her husband and lay her head on his hairy chest in
her usual gesture of love. She slowly stroked his potbelly and watched his eyes
rolled and rolled in pleasure.

interested in knowing your stand on the Bill currently on the Senator Floor
that aims at deterring Iran from obtaining nuclear materials from Russia,” she
said, almost in a whisper.

are you?” Senator J.L. quipped.

of offering a direct response, Sheryl had only chuckled. Ever since she married
the Senator, she had secretly launched an investigation into all the activities
of the United States Senate. She stealthily searched files and documents that
had any important information about Russia. Being a Russian-American, her
father and her entire family members were working for the interests of the
Russian Government that had commissioned her father as a dependable lobbyist in
the United States. So far the only issue that gave Russian leaders serious
worries was the Russian-Iran Nuclear Materials Sales Treaty Bill that the US senators
were fighting to outlaw. If successful, the development would affect several
Russian companies, including Sheryl’s father’s personal investments.

a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, that’s a Bill that has been giving
everyone sleepless nights; we’ve got to do it right or we will bungle it and
disappoint the America people,” Senator J.L. explained.

gulped, not knowing which side of the argument her husband supported. Her own
interest in the matter was bordered on her father’s stake in the issue—that the
United States should never make an attempt to block the deal. Sheryl understood
that if such a Bill was passed, her father stood to lose billions of dollars
worth of investments in the Russian companies producing the nuclear materials.
She understood that her mission was to sway her husband’s opinion in this
regard and dissuade him from voting for the Bill. Sheryl believed that she
needed to do everything in her power to achieve this, but she had no idea how
easy or hard the task would be.

you think Iran is capable of developing a nuclear bomb?” she prodded her
husband further.

and No,” Senator J.L. replied, staring down into his wife’s beady eyes. “Yes,
because they could get help from other nuclear nations like Pakistan, India,
North Korea or even Russia;  No, because we believe their crop of nuclear
scientists lack the appropriate technical know-how to manufacture a nuclear
bomb at the moment,” he explained.

felt the urge to barrage him with more thought-provoking questions. But she
noticed it was time to fix the lunch for the two of them.

wondering why you are suddenly interested in such an issue,” Senator J.L.
asked, his eyes blinking as he stared into his wife’s seductive eyes during their

just curious that passing a Bill like that won’t change things in a significant
way as far as Iran is concerned. Iranians can always get their nuclear materials
from somewhere else, and such a step will only deepen the uneasy relationship
between Russia and the United States,” she said, hiding her true intentions.

of us, senators share similar views as yours,” Senator J.L. said, “but our collective
fear is that it will amount to committing political suicide if voters get to
know our unwillingness to stop Russia from helping Iran,” he confessed.

an independent senator, you have the choice of voting for or against the Bill
without any political party victimizing you for your position on the issue,”
Sheryl noted.

J.L. nodded briefly.

her husband was enjoying the lunch—cold pasta with roasted shrimps and some red
wine, Sheryl kept returning to their previous discussion and somehow pressed
her husband for a compromise.

you asked me, I’d prefer you vote against the Bill. You’ve definitely got
nothing to lose by doing so,” she told him, smiling.

statement had only made the Senator smile wryly. He was surprised why she had
shown much interest in this particular issue. Was it because she was originally
from Russia? Was she preventing an occurrence of a protracted political impasse
between Russia and the United States? The only two countries she could call her

I’m not demanding too much from you, can you just vote “No” on that Bill?”
Sheryl asked, looking seriously concerned.

actions had only forced the Senator to laugh raucously. But he had already made
up his mind not to let her opinions sway him in any way. Even though he had
been thinking of how he could assuage her for the bitterness he caused her for
hiring his former lover as their cook, but he never thought of gambling with
his political career to satisfy a woman’s wish.

the day before Senators in Washington would vote whether to advance the Bill
against Russian-Iran Nuclear Transactions, Sheryl had lured her husband into
the sauna in-built into their expansive Washington home and massaged his body
to make him relax.  She had secretly learnt how to do Thai Massage from a massage
school at the city center. And while she administered her massage, she watched
her husband’s eyes dilate with pleasure as he savored the soothing power of
Thai massage. The warm bathwater in the sauna also produced a sleeping effect
on him; before long, Sheryl watched him doze off in the waist-deep warm water.

Senator J.L. woke up a few minutes later, he found Sheryl’s hands between his
thighs, carefully stroking his penis. When their eyes met, they smiled
lustfully to each other. For the second time since they had married, Sheryl
held her husband’s thing in her hands and slowly slid it into her wet mouth,
sucking hard at it.

J.L. moaned away as he enjoyed the enrapt pleasure of being treated nicely by
his beautiful wife. Thereafter, they moved to their tastefully decorated
bedroom to finish off their lovemaking.

J.L. wondered if he were in a dream; he had never seen Sheryl displayed these
styles of sexual prowess ever since they wedded. Had she been hiding her
capabilities until now? And if so, what had prevented her from showing her strength
in bed right from the first night they made love after wedding?

her show of affection now had helped increase his love for her. In fact, she
had compelled him to occupy his mind with sweet thoughts of her. The sensation
was exactly like that of a perfume that radiated and occupied a small space
within a little period of time.

when he was at work, Senator J.L. couldn’t easily remove the thoughts about his
pretty wife from his mind. Therefore, when the debate about whether to advance
the Russian-Iran Nuclear Trades Bill came up on the senate floor, Senator J.L.,
unabashedly, had sat on the fence about the issue and watched other senators
debate heatedly with one another.

can’t point exactly to the immediate danger Americans will be in as far as Iran
is concerned,” one senator argued, convincingly.

may be right, but a nuclear Iran will put Israel, our staunch ally, in a grave
danger,” another senator said, visibly angry.

the noisy deliberation, a final vote was called on the issue. And surprisingly
enough, Senator J.L. chose to side with the hawkish senators who thought that
passing such a Bill would worsen the already cold relationship between the
United States and Russia. Some anti-nuclear-arms-proliferation senators believed
that infuriating Russia at this junction would destabilize the nuclear arms
reduction arrangement warmly supported by both countries. And most of the senators
believed that a heavily nuclear-armed Russia posed more threats to the safety
and interests of the United States than Iran.

the senators voted to suspend further discussions on the Bill for the meantime!

his way home after that late-night deliberation, Senator J.L. began to struggle
with some uncomfortable thoughts: Had he actually joined some of his folks at
Senate to vote down the Bill in order to satisfy Sheryl? Was his decision good
for America or was it only a selfish step that might probably back-fire?

heard that the Bill had been dropped for future deliberation, Sheryl had disappeared
into bedroom to quickly inform her oil tycoon father.

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