Too Hot to Quit

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Authors: E Erika

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Hot To Quit

 E. Erika



Copyright © 2012 Erika E

All rights reserved. No
part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or
otherwise (mechanical, photocopying, recording or stored in a retrieval system)
without the prior written consent of the Publisher. Such action is an
infringement of the copyright law.

This book is a work of
fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the
writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously. Any resemblance to
persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.



 Too Hot To Quit

 America’s Safety Endangered By

The Wall Street Bride

The Romantic Scientist


(Sexy Spy In America Romance Series)


What happens when those
who are elected to defend America turn around to hurt her?

As he gears up for his
re-election in the US Senate Elections, US Senator J.L. is introduced to a new,
powerful donor by his long-time friend and chief fundraiser Danny Birch. The
new donor, Sheryl Lekhov, turns out to be a daughter of an oil tycoon who
silently resides in the wealthy-people area of Southern California.

Sheryl Lekhov, a very
beautiful and gorgeous lady actively participates in getting more cash to
finance Senator J.L’s re-election. And her closeness to the unmarried Senator
sparks a romantic fire that consumes both of them during the campaign period
and thereafter.

 But Senator J.L.,
a prominent member of US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, does not
realize that his new-found love is an enemy of America—a fearless spy working
for the interests of the Russian Government!


  Chapter 1


Senator J.L. arrived at
the Los Angeles summer home of his long-time friend and chief fundraiser, Danny
Birch at 6 p.m. as scheduled. Danny, an ever amiable and down-to-earth man
blessed with a face quite younger than his real age, was right at the gate to
receive him.

“I knew you wouldn’t
want to get here a second late. Always right on time!” Danny said.

“Thanks for the flatter,”
Senator J.L. said. “More so, I am here for a serious business no any serious-minded
person can afford to attend to at a later time,” he joked briefly and followed
Danny into his expansive, beautifully furnished living room.

On the yellow couch
next to the 46-inch LCD TV sat a lady in what looked like a green brocade suit.
It was her blond hair, blue eyes and golden earrings that sparkled in the
living room’s dull lighting that first got Senator J.L.’s attention.

“Please meet Miss
Sheryl Lekhov,” Danny briefly introduced her to him. “Well, I think I don’t
need to introduce you; she knows who you are already,” Danny quipped.

The three of them had
laughed at that joke. Danny soon left Senator J.L. to enjoy uninterrupted
private chat with his yet-to-be super donor while Danny’s wife came over to
serve the duo some red wine laced with squirts of lemon juice. Frank Sinatra
was doing his 1960’s hit song,
Ain’t She Sweet
on the TV. What a

“Thank you for coming
out to be part of our wonderful campaign, Ms. Lekhov,” Senator J.L.

“It’s my great
pleasure, Senator,” Sheryl responded, a friendly smile brightening up her pretty,
smooth face.

“To be honest, only a
very few Americans can boldly step out like this to support some drastic
changes we are making to American politics,” Senator J.L. begun. “And for those
of you who brace up to support us, we are sure your contributions won’t be in
vain as we work together to create a better future for our kids. My plan, our,
is to revitalize the American Dream that is now elusive for our children and
the immigrants who call our great country their home,” Senator J.L. said..

Sheryl Lekhov didn’t
speak much as she sat there listening to the Senator’s impromptu political
speeches; she even appeared a bit frightened sitting beside one of the best and
very famous politicians America had ever produced.

“Due to my busy
schedule, I won’t be seeing you often, Ms. Lekhov. Please feel free to work
with my friend, Danny Birch. He’s been my chief fundraiser for seven years now,
and he is quite perfect at what he does in that regard,” Senator J.L. said,

After a brief ten-minute
chat with Sheryl, Senator J.L.’s driver showed up to pick him for his flight to
Washington. The driver knew it would be bad for the Senator to arrive at the
airport later than expected. He might miss his flight and his schedules for the
day would be in disarray.

En route to Washington on
a chartered plane, Senator J. L. couldn’t easily get Sheryl Lekhov out of his
mind. He remembered her blue, seductive eyes that squinted periodically in a
way that unnerved him for half of the time they spent together chatting. No
matter how short it was. He wondered why her thin long fingers were so
beautifully manicured that he had had the urge to grab and put them inside his
mouth to lick for some time. And, good gracious, those enchanting curves! Senator
J.L. realized that he would have been considered a pervert, if caught on camera,
about the way he stared lustfully at Sheryl’s well-shaped butts when she walked
across the room to change the TV channels. He had his own description for a
super cute lady like Sheryl Lekhov: a wonderful package! To him, a wonderful
package was a lady with nice flowing hair, attractive facial appearance, curves
that make men dizzy and a voice like that of a Nightingale.

  When his
plane eventually touched down at Washington National Airport, Senator J.L. was
overpowered by a soul-crushing guilt that he had wasted four and a half hours
of tax payers’ time thinking about a pretty lady.  He wished he had kicked
out those disabling thoughts from his heart right from the beginning of his
trip so that he could read and append his signatures to some important documents
that had been begging for his attention for days.

Entering his Capitol
office, his assistants told him that he had six strategic appointments lined up
for the rest of the day until 11 p.m. Somehow, Senator J.L. seemed relieved
that his busy schedule would, at least, help pull him out of his eerie feelings
about Sheryl Lekhov. More so, he felt quite happy that he would not be seeing
her often or soon, since they had got no direct engagements to undertake
together as far as his campaign for re-election was concerned. She could
readily give all her donations through Danny Birch, who was the right person in
charge of campaign fundraising activities.


Chapter 2


Senator J.L. was trying
to have a quick lunch between congressional meetings when he unexpectedly received
a call from Danny Birch.

“Do you have a couple
of minutes you can spare?” Danny asked, sounding a bit serious.

“Go ahead, Danny” Senator
J.L urged.

“What does your
schedule look like next Saturday?” Danny said.

“Are you planning to take
me out on an expensive dinner?” Senator J.L. joked.

“This is more than a dinner,
Senator. The lady you met at my home a month ago…,” Danny was interrupted.

“Sheryl?” Senator J.L.

“That’s right. Sheryl.
She’s planning a fundraising event, eat-as-you-like dinner with her rich friends
for $50,000 per person. And she’d like to know if you can make it down here
just for the occasion,” Danny revealed.

Senator J.L. hesitated
for a minute but soon apologized that he would not be able to attend the
festive occasion.

“As the honorable chief
fundraiser, please deputize for me and let all the guests there know that I am
indeed sorry for not being able to make it there because of my congressional
assignments here in Washington,” Senator J.L. explained.

The truth was that Senator
J.L. could somehow find time to attend the fundraising gala for his own
re-election bid, but he felt that staying too close to Sheryl Lekhov might push
him into misbehaving, having realized that her sterling beauty had already produced
a mesmerizing effect on him. It had been quite a long time since he found
himself adoring a lady like this, to the point that he could hardly maintain
his self-confidence in her presence. When they met a month before, Sheryl had
dazzled him with her seductive smiles and those blue eyes she rolled like a
girl seducing a man for her first love-making.

Those temptations were
real and frightening. And Senator J.L. understood that a man of his caliber
should give the best example of a good behavior in the society.

Disturbingly enough,
politics had always been a dirty game. Who knew if Sheryl Lekhov was working
for his Republican opponent with the hope of seducing him into a romantic
affair? Senator J.L. knew that the outcome of such a scandal would be
disastrous to his political career. Who wanted to cast their votes for a man
who had sexually assaulted his benevolent donor? Or who would want to elect a
person prone to poor moral judgments as their leader?

Though as an unmarried
man Senator J.L. was free to date whoever he liked or admired. But he knew that
such a thing should be done with absolute discretion in an election year. Worse
still, he knew nothing about Sheryl Lekhov before, and how, for God’s sake,
would he want to enter into a very serious relationship with a total stranger?

As a huge surprise,
three days before the planned fundraising event, Danny Birch had called Senator
J.L. again to pass across to him a message from Sheryl Lekhov: “She’s wondering
if she could re-schedule the event to any date you’d be free to be there,
because her guests are all fired-up about meeting you in person,” Danny said.

After a little hesitation
and sensing some desperation on Sheryl’s part, Senator J.L. still refused to
show up at the event. His action seemed to have annoyed Danny Birch, and he
quickly pointed it out to the senator: “But in the past, you had spared even fifteen
minutes to grace such an occasion, is there anything you are hiding from me
about this issue?” Danny pressed his long-time friend for some revelations.   

Senator J.L. smiled
briefly and said, “To be honest with you, Danny, my plate is full right now
with various assignments, and I have got to settle all these issues as the
elections get closer, you know,” he tried to hide the real reason behind his
refusal to go to Sheryl Lekhov’s fundraising efforts for his own campaign.

In private, Senator
J.L. had chided himself for being too paranoid about Sheryl Lekhov. It amused
him that he chose to act like a “shy boy” and not as a brave legislator that he
was. But he also realized that human beings should approach delicate matters with
reasonable doubts so as not to find themselves embroiled in a dangerous
situation. He believed he needed more time to familiarize himself with Sheryl.
And who knew, she might even end up being one of his best friends in life.

The Monday following
the fundraising event, Danny Birch called to inform Senator J.L. that Sheryl
had successfully raised a sum of $1million for his re-election campaign.

“That’s a huge amount
of money, Danny!” Senator J.L. gushed with a bit of regret. “Let me call her
right away and thank her for her great effort,” Senator J.L. said.

Senator J.L.’s fingers
shook feverishly because of a troubling guilt as he tried to call Sheryl from
his cell phone. His heart pounded feebly hearing her sweet, slow voice on the
other side of the line. Senator J.L. felt his heart melt instantly as he listened
to her soothing way of talking.

“I am grateful for what
you are doing for our campaign, Ms. Lekhov,” Senator J.L. said.

“It is all my pleasure,
Senator,” she answered gracefully.

“You know, we have
never reached such a milestone in our fundraising effort at one occasion
before; this is really an outstanding “first” for us, courtesy of your tireless
efforts, Ms. Chekhov,” Senator J.L. seemed happy about the development.

“And if there is any
other way I can help this campaign to succeed, please do not hesitate to inform
me, Senator,” Sheryl said before her short conversation with Senator J.L. had ended.

“No, problem, I will,
Ms. Lekhov,” he replied, politely.

“Please call me Sheryl,”
she corrected him.

“OK, Sheryl, I’ll be in
touch if there are other things we want you to do for us,” he promised. He knew
down within him that this lady was fast entering into him in a more dynamic way
than he could deny. She left in him an impression of a soft-spoken but
goal-getting lady who knew the right thing to do and always willing to accomplish

But something was now
clear to Senator J.L., he understood he could no longer do anything to keep
Sheryl Lekhov at bay from him.. He told himself to brace up for this reality;
though he still harbored his reservations when dealing with her. But none of
those mattered at this crucial time. Even for someone showing rare interest and
action in supporting one’s political career.

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