Tomb of the Lost (7 page)

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Authors: Julian Noyce

BOOK: Tomb of the Lost
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Ptolemy nodded at Pothinus. It was a pre-arranged signal between them. The Eunuch came forward and held his arm out, his hand in a fist. Caesar recognised the gesture and held his own hand out, but open, the palm up. Pothinus opened his hand and something fell into Caesar’s palm. Caesar turned it over. It was a large, man’s ring. On its face a lion bearing a sword.

Pompey’s ring,” Caesar said turning it over, studying it.

Correct,” Pothinus said. He clicked his fingers at two guards standing away from the party. Between them was a plain terracotta pot covered with a towel. They brought it forward and set it down in front of Pothinus. One of them pulled the towel aside and reached in and took something out.

Caesar’s bodyguards drew their swords and jumped into action completely surrounding him.

Protect the General,” Dolabella ordered.

The Egyptian guards now took up positions. Caesar raised his hand to his men.

At ease.”

From behind him Marcellus said.

Pompey the great.”

Though spoken quietly everyone heard it.

Julius Caesar looked at the severed head being held before him. The eyes were open. Eyes he recognised. Eyes he knew. His hand had in-advertantly strayed to his sword hilt and he felt his fingers tighten around it. Achillas saw and without moving he readied himself for the Roman’s attack if it came.

Caesar’s face had gone red but he managed to remain calm.

Who did this?” he asked finally “Achillas did you do this?”

Like you said Caesar. Man to man. Generals don’t kill Generals.”

The Roman stared at him again. But as before Achillas held his gaze. Finally Caesar turned back to the severed head. He half bowed to it and the Egyptian holding it put it back into the pot and replaced the towel. A sudden gust of wind suddenly blew up. The large Roman sails crackled as they filled out. Caesar’s robe whirled about his expensive boots.

Are you not pleased Caesar?” Ptolemy asked.


With the gift. My advisors said you would be pleased with the gift. Is this not your hated enemy?”

Hated? No. Friend. Yes.”

But they said….” Ptolemy spoke in a high pitched voice looking at each of his advisors in turn.

Caesar has had something of a shock. It is not everyday that you receive your enemy’s head so readily. Now I’m sure my King that Caesar will excuse us. He will no doubt wish to leave for Rome straight away and leave us to our own problems.”

Julius was still staring at the jar. He looked up into Pothinus’ eyes, then up at

the sky. The breeze was still tugging at his cloak.

I won’t be returning to Rome just yet. The winds are not favourable for a sea journey. The crossing can be treacherous if a storm suddenly comes.”

Pothinus remained calm but inside he was seething.

Of course great Caesar. We would not want anything to happen to you or your fleet,” he said secretly wishing all the Romans to a watery grave.

I will need room for myself, my officers and servants. My men will camp inside the outer walls of the palace.”

Pothinus bowed his head.

It will be done as you wish Caesar. We are honoured to have you here,” he lied, “We would be only too happy to atke you to the city. You’ll find the barge most luxurious for your….”

I’ll be returning to my own ship. Please make sure there is room at the royal dock for my ship.” Julius cut him off.

Yes of course Caesar. I will see to it personally. King Ptolemy will retire.”

Caesar pointed at four of his men.

A Roman guard of honour for the King.”

The legionaries followed the royal party inside.

Bring that,” Caesar pointed to the jar.

Two legionaries picked it up, one either side, by its handles and fell in behind the Generals. Caesar took one last look at the retreating Egyptians and then turned and stomped from the deck towards the longboat. The others falling in behind.













The Egyptian royal party were in the war room of the royal palace. King Ptolemy, General Achillas and the mercenary General Mentor of Athens, Pothinus, various advisors to the boy king and servants.

Pothinus was furious.

He had just received a summons from Julius Caesar demanding that the Egyptian rulers disband their armies and bow to Roman law. He had also demanded that Ptolemy and Cleopatra be sent to him immediately.

What does this mean?

Ptolemy asked his whining voice irritating both the Generals present.


m afraid my King that we will have to send you to Caesar


But what about Cleopatra? What about her?

Ptolemy cut Pothinus off,

Surely if she doesn

t go then I don

t have to.

That is precisely why you should go. Don

t you see. If you attend Caesar, bow to his every wish and your sister fails to come. Then Caesar will have to take your side in this matter.

How can she go? We don

t even know where she is. None of you know.

I will find her,

Achillas said.

When Achillas. When?

I will leave tonight with only a handful of men so as not to rouse suspicion. Our people protesting in the streets will keep the Romans occupied. I have heard this evening that some of Caesar

s men were killed in violent protests.

When did this happen?

Ptolemy looked from Achillas to Pothinus.

Pothinus smiled a smug smile.

After Caesar returned to the palace his ship was attacked. Some of his guards were killed. I arranged it



It was necessary my King. Our people do not want the Romans here with their laws. The people see it as an end to their independence.

Do you know the people call me the bastard.

That is merely hearsay and gossip. My King the people love you. You are a good monarch. Taxes are low. The fields are full. The people work hard for you.

And Cleopatra. Do they love her too? Which of us do they love the most?

A wise question my King. That will be answered when Achillas finds her and brings her back. In chains if need be.

Achillas nodded to reassure the boy.

And what of Caesar

s ships? How many men does he bring?

He landed with less than five thousand men and only eight hundred cavalry. It is a small amount sire. Achillas has twenty thousand men waiting and ready on the banks of the Nile. He will move them to Alexandria. There are a million people living in this city. Trust me my King the Romans have no chance of making any sort of an impact on us.


Caesar stood at the window looking out over the harbour. The rooms the Romans had been given were spacious and luxurious. The walls were adorned with murals and carvings depicting the great Pharaohs. The furniture

was expensive mahogany. Many lamps lit the rooms. Scented oils burned to help keep the night bugs away.

Julius was watching the ships bobbing gently in the waves. The city stretched from lake Mareotis which was North, to the Mediterranean coast covering several miles. From his window he could see the Pharos, the great lighthouse, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It stood three hundred feet tall. The open sea was beyond. Caesar gazed at the fire burning at the top of the lighthouse. It was a truly spectacular sight.

His attention was taken away by the sound of running feet. A legionary was running down a narrow street. Moments later a group of men carrying burning torches gave chase. They caught up to the unfortunate Roman when he tripped and fell. They surrounded him and laid into him viciously. One of them took out a knife and drew it across his throat to the cheers of the others. When they moved on they left the crumpled corpse where it lay. The last of them looked up at Caesar high up in the window. He pointed at the dead soldier and then brandished his burning torch angrily at the Roman dictator before he dashed off.

Julius turned away from the window at a knock on the door. As he did so a tiny boat entered the harbour through a very narrow channel. Dwarfed by the Egyptian and Roman war galleys it passed unnoticed. Moving very slowly it was being paddled by only one man. It stopped at some low steps that led down to the water. The man put his oar down and bending at the waist he reached into the bottom of the boat and picked up a large rolled carpet. Then checking that he

d gone unnoticed he moved swiftly up the steps, went into a narrow alley and vanished from sight.

Caesar stood with his wine cup in hand near the rest of his Generals as the

door was opened and Marcellus strode in.

Caesar I have brought a man, a servant of Pompey


Marcellus moved aside and the servant stood cowering in front of the dictator. Caesar looked him over. He was dishevelled and looked like he hadn

t slept for days.

What is your name fellow?

Philip sire. My name is Philip.

You were a servant of my son-in-law Pompey?

Yes great Caesar,

Philip replied, clearly petrified, knowing his former master was Caesar

s great enemy.

Julius took a clean goblet and poured some wine into it and offered it. Philip took it gratefully and held it in both hands as he sipped it.

Thank you great Caesar.

Julius gestured for his Generals to sit and taking a comfortable couch for himself he spoke.

And now perhaps you would be kind enough to tell me what happened to my son-in-law.

Philip swallowed some more wine and reluctantly began, knowing his immediate future may depend upon his story.

My master arrived here four days ago Caesar. The 28
of September. One day after his fifty ninth birthday. He was met by Septimius the centurion and Achillas.

General Achillas?

Caesar interrupted.

Yes General Achillas.

I seem to be interrupting you a lot and I

m sorry for I do wish to hear your story but are you absolutely sure it was Achillas?

Yes Caesar.

Julius glanced at his Generals.

Achillas swore he

d played no part in it.

Philip waited until he was sure Caesar wanted to hear more then continued.

Achillas and Septimius met my master in a small fishing boat. I was suspicious and begged him to wait until a suitable ship was made available but they apologised and promised him once ashore he would be received with all the honours he merited.

And Pompey wasn

t suspicious?

No lord. Even the lady his wife begged him not to go as she suspected a trap but he refused to listen. I begged him to let me go in his place but he wouldn

t listen. He forbade me to go, shrugged his wife off and got into their boat.

Tears were rolling down his cheeks now.

I begged him and begged him but I, we, all of us were powerless and could only watch as he left the safety of his ship and got into their little fishing boat. As he was leaving I suddenly remembered the speech we had rehearsed together. It was hand written on a tiny scroll and I handed it to him. He thanked me once, smiled, waved to his wife and then turned his back on us and sat in the boat.

Philip took another gulp of the wine. He stared down into the dark red liquid for a moment. Caesar waited patiently, giving him time to gather his thoughts. When it was obvious he needed prompting Caesar said.

What happened after that Philip?

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