Tomb of the Lost (94 page)

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Authors: Julian Noyce

BOOK: Tomb of the Lost
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from Hutchinson. He leaned over Natalie

s shoulder and brought up another image. Another drawing, much older.

That drawing is dated 1799. It was drawn by Napoleons historians. This one is by an Italian explorer, Savanarola Di Marco, dated 1650.

They look similar,

Dennis said

Obviously the older one looks more primitive. Probably due to the poor quality writing materials available at the time.

Without a doubt. Do you notice how the crescent is much deeper in the older illustration?


Then I

m convinced that we are looking at a gorge or possibly a small canyon.

Then where is it today?

Hutchinson moved back away from the screen .


Natalie and Dennis turned to look at him.


s lost,

he said

Buried forever. Napoleon

s army reported a large sandstorm that almost destroyed them. Over half the battalion was lost, buried alive in swirling sand.

Could it do that?

Oh yes. There is a famous case of a two thousand camel caravan that disappeared never to be seen again.

Imagine that,

Dennis replied.

Surely if the Romans had lost a legion of men custodian of Alexander

s sarcophagus out here in a desert storm they would have made a record of it.

They probably did Peter,

Natalie said.

Then where would that be?

Probably destroyed along with thousands of other records when their great library at Alexandria burned to the ground.


s a pity.

Yes. Priceless records were lost forever. Amongst them undoubtedly what we

re looking for.

Why did it burn down?

It was destroyed by Julius Caesar who set fire to the Alexandrian fleet in the harbour. The fire spread and the library was engulfed. Four hundred thousand scrolls of recorded history went up in flames.

I thought Caesar was one of the good guys.

He never recorded its destruction in his

The civil wars

. He probably felt that it would be damaging to his reputation. Even later writers didn

t record its demise.

There must be something left, in Alexandria I mean,

Dennis said.

Unfortunately in the middle ages there were a series of earthquakes and floods and most of ancient Alexandria is now under thirty feet of sea.


m afraid it is lost forever,

Hutchinson said.

Then all we can do is hope that we find what we

re looking for.

There was a sudden rush of excitement as the hired diggers found something and they rushed forward to encircle their find. A supervisor shouted across to Hutchinson. He, Natalie and Dennis raced over and pushed their way to the front.

What have they found?

Dennis said.

Hutchinson stood looking down at the rusted metal. He got down onto his knees and brushed sand away with his hand. He stopped when he exposed the empty headlight socket. He got to his feet, disappointment on his face.

Something your grandfather may have been interested in,

he said.

Dennis recognised the unmistakeable grill of the Willy

s Jeep.

Do you want us to uncover it?

the supervisor asked.

Hutchinson swiped his thigh with his hat.

No leave it. It

s unimportant. Continue the search.

Slowly they made their way back to the tent.

I thought we

d found something then,

the American said.

Natalie touched his arm.


ll find it Jim. I

m sure of it.

Dennis looked out at the workers. He held his hand up in front of his face to block out the sun. A lone figure was crouching on a nearby sand dune. Dennis watched him for a while. The man

s Dromedary standing nearby. Dennis could see the barrel of a rifle jutting up above the man

s right shoulder.

It looks like we have a visitor.

Hutchinson and Natalie swung around and followed his gaze. They saw the nomad.

Just a desert wanderer I expect. This kind of work always attracts the locals,

Hutchinson turned to a security guard,

Keep an eye on that man.

On the dune the camelteer stood slowly and stretched his shoulders. He had been watching the activity for an hour. He had seen the steel machine exposed and that they had left it. It obviously wasn

t what they were looking for. He looked on without emotion.

More foreigners to steal what they could from the desert

He turned his animal and began walking away from the site. He stopped and checked the sun for position then set off at a slow pace along a depression in the ground that his ancestors had told him used to be a gorge.




The End









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