To Catch A Warrior [Unearthly World Book 5] (17 page)

BOOK: To Catch A Warrior [Unearthly World Book 5]
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There was quiet until Zabbie heard a tiny voice. A female spoke and told them her son meant what he said. Zabbie spun around. In a corner was another female lying prone. Cy strode to her. For a second they gazed at one another until Cy gently pulled the female into his arms.


Zabbie knew if Zargonnii could cry, Cy would be when he gazed at her.

“Tell her Finn can try and fix her too. I can protect them both. Titus will help me.”

A female snapped at Cy and Zabbie shuffled her feet. “She says it’s well known you stole Titus’s female. They were worried you were going to kill me. The Zargonnii aren’t angry with human females, they are happy some have made their sons so happy. Titus’s mother is dead; she and Titus’s father were older than your parents. But Titus’s daughter is here and she’s pretty pissed with you.”

Cy glanced at the regal female, looking puzzled. “I’ve never mated with that female. I would have smelled Titus on her and out of respect backed off.”

Titus’s daughter centered her gaze on Zabbie when she told her what Cy said. The female spoke.

“I’m angry because he tried to take away my father’s happiness by taking you. You belong to my father. After giving our females so many daughters he could never have, he deserves one to hold. Cy has given us nothing but grief. No female has conceived, and none ever will. You will be returned to my father. I am so proud of him. I have many sisters. Your child, when you conceive, will be my sister too.”

Zabbie was touched. “Thank you. I love your father very much. It broke my heart when Cy took me away, but I think I’m getting a better understanding of his hurt. Your ways are different, and I won’t judge, but it’s too bad Cy couldn’t have been told about his mother or the injured female sooner. Cy is right. Finn can heal them, or at least try. Your father is an honorable male; he will give his word to keep them both safe.”

“When our males and females are together we Holiday, that’s all we do. To change or chance changing tradition goes against everything we believe. My name is Tal. I know you mean well, Zabbie, yes, I know your name. There would be too many males forced into heat with a female’s presence so close. Especially if the female hasn’t been claimed. My father claiming you is what keeps the other males at bay. Only a fool warrior would challenge a dominant male who has dominated a female—even a human female. Maybe especially a dominated human female.”

A howl sounded and a commotion followed. “What’s going on?” Zabbie asked.

“My father is here. I never knew he would chance the female area. It’s suicide to come uninvited into a female pod area, especially when there are children here. Titus must have followed your scent. He’s in grave danger,” Tal said. She looked worried.

Zabbie saw a mound of females piling. A huge roar and a shove and all seven females were sent flying. Titus was bellowing. Zabbie saw Tal shudder, the female raced to her father holding up her hands shouting. Other females, one older and some younger, stayed back but close. They looked from the angry females to the warrior, and Zabbie wondered if all six females were Titus’s daughters.

“You all knew he might come. It was a risk we took bringing the warrior and the human female here, my father only wants his mate back.”

Another Zargonnii went after Titus but Zabbie had enough. With a thought the female went flying. As she strode to Titus the females parted, giving her a wide berth as females tried to get to Titus and were knocked on their assess. Zabbie was in his arms. Titus was glaring at Cy.

“You stole my mate.” His words were seething. “Why?”

“She stole you from me,” Cy yelled.

“She stole no one. I’ve never seen anyone try and friend you so hard. I was a fool to think you had actually changed your mind and started to like her. When Finn noted you took the wrong vial, I thought it was an oversight. When I couldn’t find her, I knew. You are supposed to be my best friend and you would take someone from me who I love more than my life.”

“I only wanted things to go back to the way they were before,” Cy said, head bowed.

Another frustrated female bellowed and approached, Zabbie growled at her and lifted a hand. The female stopped and reconsidered.

“It’s time to leave,” Titus said to Zabbie.

“We can’t; we need to convince two injured females to come with us to Finn. One of them Cy hurt during the last Holiday and the other is his mother,” Zabbie said.

“His mother?”

“Yes. She was badly injured by a cyron after Cy was born. Come see.”

Zabbie grabbed his hand and led him deeper into the pod. The females grew more agitated but let them pass. Titus knelt down beside Cy’s mother.

“My healer might be able to help you,” he said. “I know this goes against our rituals, but if there is a chance you could walk again, it would be worth the frustration.”

“Mother,” Cy said, joining Titus. “I swear I will protect you.”

“I also give you my word,” Titus said. Zabbie translated. At a tap on her arm she turned to find Tal.

“The females don’t want Titus’s word, or Cy’s,” Tal was gazing at Zabbie in awe. “They want yours.”

Zabbie grinned. She squeezed Tal’s hand. “I give you my word I will protect both females. But I think I’ll keep that information between us females.”

Tal grinned back. “Males, such babies.”

Zabbie turned to Titus. “The females agree.”

Cy picked up his mother. The females followed them to the foliage line, an ancient perimeter. Tal became all business when she spoke.

“Tell Cy he is never to cross this line again. Whatever happens with Titus’s healer, he is never to Holiday again or he will die.”

Zabbie was as stern when she told Cy his fate. He nodded. The warriors continued on. There was an equal commotion when Titus and Cy entered the main building with two Zargonnii females. A few warriors began to growl and Titus snapped back. As discreetly as possible, Zabbie flicked a finger and the growling warriors flinched. She glared at them and they backed off.

Finn was surprised when they walked into his office. Cy settled his mother onto a table. Finn checked her legs. He then checked the other female’s arm.

“Both breaks are bad. They healed wrong.”

“Can you fix them?” Zabbie asked.

“The young female will be easy. Zabbie, tell her she is in no danger. The scent of fear is so strong on her it makes me cringe. When a female is afraid, a warrior goes from dominant to trying to ease her emotions. Every muscle in me is trying to get me to croon. If I do that, it will scare the shit out of her further,” Finn said.

Zabbie placed her hand on the female’s arm. “Finn is going to fix you. Don’t worry, you’ll be home soon.”

The female nodded and Zabbie thought she may have relaxed. Finn sent Zabbie a grateful look. It didn’t take long for Finn to fix the young female and Titus escorted her to the line. Zabbie remained behind knowing the female was safe with Titus; now that her arm was strong again, the female wasn’t afraid. She also knew Titus had a mate and never planned to Holiday again.

It took longer for Cy’s mother to heal. Cy remained with her, staying by her side. When Titus returned, he watched them grimly. Zabbie was concerned by the look on his face.

“What will happen to Cy?” she asked.

“He’ll be given a ship.”

“Oh, Titus, banishment?”

“He stole my mate.”

“He’s your best friend.”

Titus pulled her close and kissed the top of her forehead. “Zargonnii females will never allow him to Holiday. The other warriors are concerned. Cy is virile and still young. The warriors with human females worry for their safety. He damaged one of our own females. What might he do to a human female?”

“Where can he go?”

“Anywhere the vessel takes him. He’s a warrior. He will be missed, by some.”

Titus hung his head.

He will be missed by one.

The thought misted Zabbie’s eyes. Zabbie watched as Cy’s mother caressed his hand. She was crooning to him. Titus’s warriors had ceased their growling and grumbling, Cy’s mother was unable to Holiday again after her only child was born. Without a male Zargonnii seed to keep her in her prime, she had grown too old to Holiday with and the danger passed. The idea saddened Zabbie, the female should have lived to be five hundred, Titus said. When Finn swung the machine he had hovering over the female away she sat up. Her movements cautious she cried out when her feet touched the floor and she was able to stand. Her first steps were hesitant, yet confident. She smiled when she hugged her son. She spoke to Finn.

“Thank you.”

Zabbie didn’t need to translate. She could tell by Finn’s grin he was happy. He glanced at Zabbie.

“Ask her to let the females know if there is ever an injury they can’t heal, they are to come to me. Don’t let anyone suffer in silence. The warriors will have to suck it up.”

Zabbie repeated what he said. The female smiled, nodded and after a touch to her son’s face, she left. She didn’t need an escort and all understood Cy was not to go near the line. Titus kissed Zabbie’s forehead.

“Go home,” he said.

Zabbie looked from Titus to Cy and nodded.

Chapter 12

Cy was angry. He glared at Titus. Titus glared back.

“You’re sending your best friend away from the only home I’ve known,” his words were bitter.

“You, my
friend, stole my mate. You would have stolen my chance for a child. You would have stolen my chance for love. I see your hurt. Do you see mine?”

“I was angry with my mother and hurt. I understand why the females won’t allow me to Holiday with them. I don’t blame Zabbie,” Cy said. “But there is one who I will never forgive. It’s all because of her. You may not be lying there with a cold dead body for me to avenge, but I have become dead to you. My heart is frozen.”

“Cy, Bertha is dead. We both know there is no hope of her survival. You are not dead to me; you need something, or someone. Go, find yourself. Get rid of your anger, it’s misplaced. You understand what happened to your mother. Females are not evil. Kill a few Tonans or Gorganos. You wanted to war, you need to stop warring within yourself first.”

Cy entered the vessel, alone. No other wanted to go. Titus was his only friend. As the door closed Cy called out.

“Tell Zabbie, I’m sorry.”

Titus already knew Cy was sorry. He wished him well. Too many years of anger didn’t dissipate overnight. Cy had a few demons to deal with. Until he realized his anger came from within, he would be dangerous. The rock in Titus’s chest hurt almost as much as when he thought he’d lost Zabbie. Maybe in time the wounds would heal.

“Find peace, brother,” Titus whispered as the vessel took off into the sky.

With a heavy heart, Titus made his way home. The moment he entered his dwelling, Zabbie pressed her body to him and stroked his back. His mate rarely shed tears, but each one that dropped he knew was for him. He buried her face into his chest. He crooned the loss of a loved one.

* * * *

“Zabbie you need to get your emotions under control.”

She glared at Finn. “Ya think? This isn’t any picnic for me, either.”

She was in his office sitting on a high table. Titus was soothing ruffled feathers as he and his warriors dodged furniture and other flying objects in the main hall. Zabbie could hear the warriors snarling, and not only on the console, which made her angrier. In the office a few instruments were jiggling up a storm.

“I don’t know what’s wrong,” Zabbie complained. “I’m surfing a wave of emotion. And I don’t know how to surf.” She growled.

“I was worried this would happen when you conceived,” Finn said.

There was a huge boom and then utter silence. “What?” Zabbie stared at him, eyes wide.

“It never ceases to amaze me that human females need to be told they’re pregnant.”

Zabbie smiled then frowned. “I’m not going to be out of control for nine months, am I?”

“Let’s hope not.”

Titus entered the room, he looked tired. “For now everything in the building has stopped being enchanted.”

“Your mate is surprised she’s pregnant,” Finn said, he sounded a little annoyed.

“What?” Titus said.

Finn sighed. “You too?”

“I’ve been doing double duty since Cy left,” Titus said. He went to Zabbie and placed his hand against her belly and smiled. “Finally, a child I can hold.” He pressed his forehead against hers. “Thank you.”

“We’re going to have to prepare for this little one,” Finn said.

“What do you mean?” Zabbie asked.

“We have no clue what powers you will pass on to the child. She’s going to be very strong, no doubt. You’re going to have to teach her how to control her actions. In the beginning, it will be hard and in her teens.”

“She’ll be a perfect angel,” Titus said.

“Spoken like a true father,” Zabbie said.

Outside, thunder crashed and the pattering of rain began. Zabbie slipped off the table and into Titus’s arms.

“Maybe, if you wear me out, I’ll be too tired to harass your warriors.” Zabbie winked at him.

Titus looked at Finn who shrugged. He slapped Titus on the back. “Save us, oh great leader.”

“I’ll do my best.”

Chapter 13

A small mewling cry rent the air. Zabbie gasped and lay back against a mountain of pillows. She looked tired and overly drawn. The baby was big even by Earth standards and Finn mentioned it was a good thing she was tall with wide hips. Finn was checking the babe over and seemed overly quiet. With concern, Titus unwrapped his daughter and stared in amazement.

“This is impossible.”

Titus was shaking as he gazed at his son.

Finn looked as astounded.

“I’m at a loss, Titus. Human females can only give birth to female offspring.”

Both males looked at Zabbie. She seemed unconcerned.

“I’m human,” she said. “But the Gorgano did something to me. I was altered in a few ways, we’ve all seen that. The Tonan was determined to get me pregnant. He even offered a piece of his shield. From what I’ve learned that’s next to impossible. This was a Tonan male cycle for must. Maybe I was physically altered to make sure I had a male.”

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