To Catch A Warrior [Unearthly World Book 5] (13 page)

BOOK: To Catch A Warrior [Unearthly World Book 5]
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“All of us were nervous pioneers. Damon’s pep talk spurred us into action, leadership came easy to him. He was a big man, a commanding presence and we felt safe. A new home was built, each of us found our niche and settled in. The only real law was to be kind to one another. And we were. We were happy for a few years; we made a life for ourselves. The planet was odd but livable. We learned how to hunt, what to hunt. We laughed and played. One of our number got pregnant and we were all so excited. The father was overprotective, so was Damon. So were we all. New life on a new planet.

“Then the Tonans found us and came in the night. They can see in the dark. They were as scary as predicted. And merciless. Their grey shields are hideous, terrifying. They have tails that snap like whips. Black tattoos are on their cheeks, bulbs where eyes should sit. That awful night was chaos. Many of the men were killed, cut down in seconds. We scattered into the night. When we regrouped there were twelve of us. A few of us noted, as we hid from them, the Tonans would stand in direct sunlight. The rays absorbed into their strange shield. We all thought it best to hide where there was no sunlight. It was a sad day for us. To have a wall of summer inches away. To stand with a single hand slipped through the wall to feel warmth.”

For a second she faltered and Titus slipped an arm around her. She sounded so forlorn. Loathing built in his chest for the rogue Tonans. To attack a small group of humans who were defenseless with no weapons was heinous. Zabbie began again slowly.

“We had hunted the shadow beasts before, but the next kill we made certain we had enough warm furs and meat to enter the winter season. We went underground. That’s when we lost Eddy to the ice wall. A hard lesson, to know each time we entered or exited the cave he was there and would be forever trapped. I blame the Tonans for his death, too. The Tonans didn’t follow us underground. What followed next was far worse. The Gorgano didn’t need to touch us. Our first encounter, our real encounter, not one I fabricated, with them was when we were hunting in the summer season. We knew all about Tonans and watched the skies for their vessels.

“When the first new alien appeared we stood there watching it. It was gangly, bald, tall, I wasn’t afraid of it because a solid punch would have crumpled it. One of the men beside me grabbed his head, screamed and died. We fled into the winter area. The Gorgano couldn’t mind battle us unless it came into the season with us. But the second it entered it died. They really do die when exposed to cold.”

Zabbie took a breath and rubbed her hands on her bare legs. She had given up her furs, the tears in them were too revealing. The replicator had made her another shirt and short pants from the material it could manifest.

“I know this is difficult,” Finn said. “You’ve been exposed to the Gorgano longer than any human female we encountered. Titus says you could be our next best weapon.”

“As long as I can be harnessed,” Zabbie said.

“Our planet is dangerous,” Titus said. “How safe you are can depend on your ability. I’m leader here, I have duties. I’d be much happier leaving you alone, when I have to, if I knew you could kick some ass.”

“I can’t just turn it on or off,” she complained.

“Zabbie you know the ability is there. Now that you know, try to tap into it. We can start small. I want you to look at this wand. Concentrate. See if you can make it rise,” Finn said. He held out a foot and a half long, thick silver device that was commonly used by the warriors. You twisted both sides and a hologram of you would record any messages you needed. Bethany, Finn’s female told Titus the device reminded her of a sophisticated post it note. Titus stepped away from her.

Sighing, Zabbie stared at the wand. Her breath increased. She growled and fisted her hands. For a moment the wand shook, then rose two feet. Titus smiled and spoke a few words of encouragement. Zabbie continued to concentrate, the wand rose higher. A noise over the intercom came through then many followed. It seemed every metal wand in the main hall was suspended in midair.

“Can you lower it?” Finn asked. The wand teetered up and down until it settled upright on the bed. “Now, think about what you’re feeling, what your brain is telling you.”

“Maybe I better not,” Zabbie said.

“Why?” Titus asked. She looked uncomfortable.

“Standing straight up like that might have been my mind wandering to the length of the wand. And, um, last night.”

Titus cleared his throat understanding her meaning immediately. The thick erect wand looked like a shaft ready for action. He suddenly had a hard on. The wand dropped and Titus felt a sensation travel up his erection. The sensation of fingers sliding over his cock grew in intensity.

“Zabbie,” he warned.

“I can’t help it. I think emotion does have something to do with what I can do, I think.” She rubbed at her temples whispering
stop, stop

The sheet on the bed squished between Titus’s fingers. Zabbie was focused, staring at his cock. Titus could feel the growl build in his throat. The urge to Holiday was getting too strong to ignore.

“Titus, get her out of here,” Finn said, his face was an open book of shock, his words a wary growl.

Grunts and growling howls filled the halls. “Zabbie stop,” Titus shouted.

“I’m only thinking of you, I swear it,” she cried out, her face was a mask of mortification. “I don’t know how to make it stop.”

Snarling, fighting, sounds of frustration roared in all around. Titus grabbed Zabbie’s shoulders and shook her. Titus could see Finn struggling and he was mated, she would be safe from him, Finn had control, although his mate Bethany might be in for a fast surprise. But if all of his warriors had a hard on and felt what Titus was feeling, Zabbie was in danger. Not many had control or were mated to a human female. Every warrior wanting to Holiday when it wasn’t the right time, they were clothed; they were all together in the same building. They were in the wrong environment, anarchy was looming.

Titus snatched Zabbie from the table and flung her over his shoulder. Danger surrounded them. Zabbie cried out when warriors appeared looking for the source of their frustration, moving in. All warriors were in battle mode. Zabbie swore and trembled. A strange emotion began to emanate from her. She should be terrified but Titus sensed she was pissed, infuriated. Titus almost lost his balance when a gusher of icy water dropped onto his head. Small portals over every warrior opened and they were saturated to the point of looking drowned. Different bellowing sounded as warriors in the hallway slipped and fell over ice cubes, landing them on their asses.

Finn shook his head and wiped a hand over his drenched face. “Wow, that was a rude awakening, at least we know she can take care of herself.”

Gasping from the sudden shock, Titus lowered Zabbie to the ground, she was completely dry. He was amazed, he too, was drenched, his hair was so saturated he was almost dragged to the ground by the pressure.

“Holy hell that was the coldest fucking water I’ve ever encountered. Works better than the limp dick fuel we all had to drink thanks to you, Finn.”

Finn chuckled. “You have a human female. You don’t ever need to drink the shit again.”

Chapter 9

Zabbie gazed around in wonder at her new planet home. Titus’s vessel had sent them directly to Finn when they hovered over the planet. She found it cute the way Titus held her to his chest each time she was transported on or off the ship. Apparently most human females found the ride made them vomit, it didn’t faze her in the least. She wondered if it was some kind of custom for his warriors to see her in his arms declaring her
and off limits.

This was Zabbie’s first look at her new surroundings. The sky was pastel colors, greens, blues, reds and oranges. Three shimmering round objects were in the sky. There were dark black floating holes Titus explained were worm holes.

Massive trees with gigantic rustic roots looked as though they could stand up and walk away. The foliage was lush in a jungle setting. Everything oversized to match the Zargonnii warriors. Titus looked comfortable in his setting but kept her close. He was in battle mode. She had no doubt he was happy to be home.

A pond came into view, but Titus only let her see it from a distance. Green scum rose and fell in tiny waves hypnotically. The substance looked harmless but it smelled rancid. A tiny furry creature went to lap at the water’s edge. Without warning the scum rose and was about to crash over the unsuspecting creature when the creature was sent flying to land safely but surprised on a branch limb. The scum smashed onto the ground spattering. It slinked its way back into the pond leaving a scorch mark.

“I get it,” she said in understanding. “Pond scum, it will leave you dying to see it.”

“It’s best not to get close to water in my world,” Titus said.

“That’s a shame, no midnight skinny dipping.”

“Skinny dipping?”

“Naked, you swim naked at night. But with these melon tits of mine I’m thinking it’s more like chunky dunking.”

“Sounds intriguing if it involves boobs. Especially yours.”

Titus took her hand and they strolled a small path, dense foliage on either side. Zabbie knew it would take her time to get used to her surroundings. She couldn’t put her finger on why, but everything seemed sinister and ominous. Her hair stood on end seconds later. The sound of a heartbeat sounded and increased in tempo. Zabbie stopped and watched as a foot long, thick, large worm-like creature slithered across the path, its back end rippling to scoot its front end forward. It blobbed its way into the foliage on the other side. The noise it made dying down as it left.

“You have zombie worms on your planet,

“It’s harmless,” Titus said.

“Gross. Sounds like the heartbeat in horror stories, the sound you hear right before you die.” A shrill scream to her left made her freeze. “I knew it. Yep, gonna die.” Goose bumps dotted her arms.

Titus snarled, it was apparent the screaming thing wasn’t harmless. A red hairy creature Zabbie’s size came howling into the path. Sharp teeth flashed. Its nose oozed snot covering its lower face.

“Well, that’s attractive,” Zabbie said.

“These are dangerous. It’s called a bangor. Their favorite meal is male Zargonnii children.”

“Why don’t your warriors exterminate them?”

“They reproduce too fast. The creatures have both sexes. Their litters normally don’t exceed twenty every three months but it’s enough to keep the warriors and our females busy. Within two weeks the creatures are full grown and on their own and ready to reproduce.”

“That’s a lot of snot.”

The bangor stood howling, no doubt trying to determine if Titus was a threat it could take on to get to Zabbie. The creature burst into flames the second it took a step toward her. She glanced up at Titus who grinned at her.

“Can’t let you have all the fun,” he said.

“It moves pretty fast when its ass is on fire.”

“Anytime I come across one of these I fry it. If it eats male Zargonnii, chances are it will eat females as well. I think I have a few daughters out there, two I know of.”

“It must be sad to have to go through life not knowing if you’re a parent. I know of some human males who couldn’t care less. Does it bother you?”

His features were thoughtful as they strolled hand in hand. A huge dwelling came into view. Titus stopped in front of it. He turned to face her.

“There was a time I stopped Holidaying for a period. It was the first time I sensed a daughter close. I never got to look at her. She wanted nothing to do with me and really, why would she? I’d never given her anything including my time. I was a father in word only. It occurred to me I had been wrapped up in the act of sex. I never really thought of daughters I’d never see. Only the Holiday itself and perhaps the sons I could have. But to scent one was a revelation. Not to even glimpse her was another. I always thought being a father would happen the day my son was delivered. I was wrong, it was the first time I scented my child, my
child. The idea left me empty instead of thrilled. I missed so much.

“I was never gifted a son. In the beginning it didn’t bother me. I was young and to Holiday is thrilling. It was all about the excitement. Then to realize I’d created life hurt me. I never even got to see her, her scent was all I had, even females get to hold their sons for a month or so. The idea made me angry. I wanted a son but never produced any. Why should the females have my daughters when I couldn’t have their sons? It was a petty thought, but the next Holiday I was too depressed to participate. Then another passed. Finally my urges consumed me. The last Holiday I scented another daughter, but this one was curious. She didn’t avoid me. She was the most beautiful female I’d ever seen.”

Zabbie smiled at the look on his face. The proud daddy. She touched his arm. “Maybe I can give you a son or daughter.”

“There has never been a male child born to a human female. Finn thinks it’s our own genetics that are the problem. Not that anyone is complaining. To be able to keep your female offspring was unheard of until human females came along. All of the fathers I’ve spoken to are thrilled with the idea. And the little ones are gorgeous.”

Titus swung open a door that led to a dark corridor. He guided her through; she could see nothing until Titus fired up his gaze. When he pushed open a huge massive door, Zabbie gaped. From the outside the house looked like a massive amount of dirt and bone. Inside was a delight. Intricate bones overhead were the ceiling. The hall they had entered went down a ways and Zabbie understood much of the home was underground.

There was strategically placed overstuffed furniture fit for a male warrior. What surprised her was a giant window facing what was obviously a backyard.

“I don’t understand, if you don’t have a child why the backyard? There looks to be toys out there,” Zabbie said.

“I have found human females have what you call a nesting stage. I have no clue if it happens to our females, except I do have a vague memory of being safe and warm in a giant pod above the ground. I suppose our mothers must keep their sons safe from harm. Males aren’t allowed in the female area, so we have to be taken somewhere.

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