Read TKG08 WE WILL BUILD Rel 01 Online

Authors: Michael Anderle

TKG08 WE WILL BUILD Rel 01 (31 page)

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Frank pointed his finger at Shanghai, China.
“Got you, bitch!”
He reached across in front of Barb with a quick ‘excuse me’ and grabbed the phone.


He dialed three numbers and waited a moment before speaking, “Dan, it’s me.
I got the bitch.
Yeah, Kamiko Kana.
Yeah, no shit.
Shanghai specifically.
No, don’t know what she did to set it off and it seemed a little weak.
No!” Frank chuckled, “Not even close to Bethany Anne’s ripples.
What? Yeah, that would explain a lot related to Barnabas’s information.
Bethany Anne’s pushing ripples anywhere from five thousand two-hundred to seven thousand one-hundred miles away from Shanghai.
Depending on where Barnabas was, it would be at least a few thousand I would think.
You know, I don’t know how that works.
According to Barnabas he can sense direction…sort of.
Why in China? I think she is tied up with someone in the military.
The cyber-warfare guys?
Mmmmmm, that would make a lot of sense.
Probably only with one or two specific people though. I doubt she is running a huge game over there.
No, my experience over the last eight decades suggests she is more mind over matter.
The story I got from Gabrielle mentioned all of her guards she used to attack, and she bolted before it was close to over.
So, most likely she’s an intelligent survivor and she moves pawns around is my best guess.
No, I can’t suggest where next.
No, the system registered an entry and an exit, but they were both so close together the system puts them within the same hundred yards.
That could be, she is walking like Bethany Anne but she can’t go very far which doesn’t surprise me.
I’ve talked with Bethany Anne, it takes a large amount of energy to pull this off.
She jumps as far as she can, then does whatever and either walks away, or immediately grabs more energy.
She wouldn’t be the type to be without her most precious escape strategy.
I’m not sure how to block that ability.
You need to talk with Bethany Anne on that one.
I mean, the method for tracking is triangulation and you could build something that the team could use to give you an idea of which way to go, but nothing direct and once that is over, what are the odds you will be able to catch her?
Ok, your welcome.
Make sure you say ‘Hi’ to Bethany Anne for me, ok?
Maybe I’ll get out of the dog house.
Hell no!
I absolutely don’t want that ride of shame again.
Alright, bye.”


Frank hung up the phone. Smiling he leaned back in his chair.
He noticed Barb almost right next to him for the first time and looked over, but she was staring at him in shock.
He reached up to his mouth and wiped around it, “What?
Do I have jelly from breakfast on my face?”


Barb slowly shook her head. “You’re him.”


“Him who?”
Frank asked, puzzled.


Barb whispered into the room, “You’re the hundred-year-old Government Agent!”


Outside TQB Base, Colorado - USA


Agent Terry DeLeon was two and a half miles from the front gates to the new TQB Enterprises Corporate Retreat sitting on the side of the road in his rented silver Nissan Sentra.


Retreat my ass, thought Terry, this was a former Army base and his boss wanted to know what was going on.
They had a lot of satellite photos of massive changes being made at the base, but nothing close enough to discern more than new housing, or new buildings and modifications.
They could tell some things were being placed around the base under tarps.
His group was not authorized to work inside of the U.S. and for now, his boss didn’t want to task the super high-resolution passes to focus on U.S. soil.


Terry was pretty sure the company would claim the tarps were sun protection for something benign, but he was a suspicious sort.
The company was being run by the previous general and he had his top people overseeing most of the changes.


His boss was right, something was fishy here.


Terry had been down in Costa Rica on a bad op a while back and had run into a group that used a Black Hawk.
The same type of helicopter was seen flying through these hills fairly frequently. It was painting a fairly good suggestion that this
be the same group that he and his partner tussled with down there.
He had been shot in the leg during an acquisition and extraction operation and that damned thing still hurt when it got cold and damp.
Every time it hurt, it only added more wood to the fire to bring that group to justice.


And by justice, he meant massive flames with no survivors.


When his boss pulled him aside to talk about an operation that might lead him to those
bastards, Terry was anxious to go.
He wrote up that he was asking for a vacation to go back to the states and would provide everything to his boss through a cut-out.
This operation couldn’t be tagged as going back to his group at all.


Making sure he had his credentials, as a reporter, in place Terry pulled the car back into the driving lane and headed for the base.


It took him almost five minutes on the switch back road to make it to the secured stop area.
He had been warned three times that there was a security gate ahead and if you did not stop, force would be used to stop you.


Terry was a little surprised at the setup.
It looked more like a border crossing than a simple company guard shack.
There were implanted tire shredders that only allowed movement in one direction and a method of protecting the guards should someone try to ram anything and push their way through.


Almost like they were designed to protect against a frontal assault.


He slowed as he approached and the guard was already out putting up his ‘halt’ signal while Terry rolled down his window and noticed the man’s name tag.
He smiled and said, “Hello Mr. Barrins!”


“Good afternoon, sir.”
The guard allowed, “I’m not showing any appointments on base at this time.”


Terry wasn’t sure how the guard would know he wasn’t a base employee and was wanting an appointment, but he let that go. “No, I am a reporter for the Post, boss sent me up here for a feel-good story on how the company has helped the members of our military and their families, coming to the aid of this area when they leased the old base.
So, I figured there must be a PR person I could speak to and it wouldn’t hurt TQB Enterprises to have some good press, right?”
Terry smiled his widest, most disarming smile.


But, it didn’t work.


“I’m sorry, but the PR Person only has one approved reporter on the list and you are not that person.”


“I see.”
Terry’s face bore a frown, “So no chance to call and ask him?”


“That would be ‘her’ and no there is not.”
Barrins was getting irritated with the man.
“Kindly go to your left at the split twenty feet ahead of you.
It will allow you to turn around and leave without ruining your car.
Should you make the mistake of trying to force your way onto the base, the car will be destroyed and possibly you in the process.
Have a good day.”


Terry smiled and nodded his head and was very careful to follow the guard’s directions.
He waved like he didn’t have a care in the world and started back down the road.


Ten minutes later, Barrins walked out of the guard area and put up his hand to stop a dark green Toyota Camry.
He looked down at the dark haired woman and said, “Good Morning, Senorita Oviedo.
Welcome back this morning.
Cheryl Lynn is expecting you.
Let me run your pass again to confirm your entry.”


Moments later, the dark green Toyota Camry continued into the base.

‘The Pit’, TQB Base Colorado - USA


“So,” Bethany Anne asked Jeffrey, “Are you saying that the teams are progressing according to plan or what?
I’m sensing a lot of waffling here.”
It was just Jeffrey and Bethany Anne at the main table at the bottom level.


Cheryl Lynn with Giannini Oviedo were up two levels above them.
Giannini was taking notes and had a camera, well two actually, trained on the two down at the table.


You call that waffling?
I call that an inconclusive response.


TOM, it means the same thing.


A food means the same thing?


Go look it up, I’m working here.


Jeffrey answered, “To both.
They are both progressing well and I’m waffling.
We have officially moved beyond anyone’s experience.”


“So, what are the hang-ups?”
She asked him.
“Are we talking people, knowledge, time, materials, resources ...


Jeffrey looked up to the ceiling and considered the core of his concern. “If we want to do this in front of the World, I’d rather be damned sure we don’t get it wrong and have some of our people die in the process.”


“Well, then why aren’t you practicing first?”
Bethany Anne asked.


“It isn’t like we have a moon gymnasium to tweak the process with.”
Jeffrey said, exasperatedly.


Bethany Anne replied, “I’m pretty sure anytime I look up at night the fucking gymnasium is staring me right in the face.”


Giannini covered her mouth and turned to Cheryl Lynn and said in a whisper, “Oh my God, she can’t say that!”


Cheryl Lynn looked up from her research she was doing at the computer, “Hmm?
Say what?”


“She said ‘fucking’!”
Giannini hissed.


“That?” Cheryl Lynn looked at her in surprise. “That’s pretty tame.
Wait until she really gets going.”
Cheryl Lynn seemed to go inside of herself before continuing, “Let’s see, I’ve heard ‘You flaming pile of rutting cock shit’, and ‘gold digging scrotum blender’” Cheryl Lynn looked at Giannini, “That was to a woman, then there is the completely curse word free ‘out of all the sperm you were the fastest?’ then we go back to ‘Aggravated Rotating Shit Eater’ or ARSE for short.
Following that we have ‘complete unadulterated fucking cunt’ and the short but succinct ‘butt twunt’.”


Cheryl Lynn paused, “Still not sure what the hell that means.
We continue with ‘fucking DILF mower’ which sounded rather painful to me and the ‘goat demonizing milk producer’ another curse word free variant and ‘lord of the unimaginable cock maggots’, a particular favorite of mine.”


Cheryl Lynn waited as Giannini just stared at her for a moment before blinking, “In how long a time did you hear all of these?” Giannini asked.


“Oh, probably the last week?” She replied unperturbedly, “You get pretty immune to them after the first few days.”


“Oh,” was Giannini’s only reply.


The two women focused back down at the two talking at the table with Bethany Anne looking up to them. “You forgot a few, do you want me to mention them?”
Bethany Anne was smiling as Giannini furiously shook her head ‘no’. “Ok, just checking.”
She turned her focus back to Jeffrey, “So, you understand what I’m asking you to do?”


“Yes, and in it’s own way it’s brilliant.
I’m not sure why we didn’t think of it ourselves?”


“Probably still thinking ‘earthbound’.
Not a problem, but you need to get over it.
Tell you what, why don’t you move your practicing down to the new land in Paraguay?”

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