Read Time of the Draig Online

Authors: Lisa Dawn Wadler

Time of the Draig (26 page)

BOOK: Time of the Draig
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The robe fell to her waist. Goosebumps rose on her flesh as Faolan ran a gentle finger over the sealed cut. Without facing him, she turned her head to look over her shoulder. His eyes whipped from her back to the cut on the side of his abdomen.

“How could we have wounds in the same spot?” Disbelief filled his voice as he looked back and forth between them. He stopped his erratic motion and placed his hands on her bare sides. “The fates mark our beasts with the same scars. We are one in all ways.”

Again the word “one” nagged at her mind. The concrete thought that could become a pathway into UNK005 and a way to save time melted as his finger traced the dragon on her shoulder. There was no thought that could survive the onslaught of sensation Faolan brought to her skin. He had erased her ability to think and reason the first time he touched her, and it was the same at that moment.

The robe fell to pool at her feet as she turned to face him. Samantha smiled as he sucked in air while his gaze roamed her bare form. Closing the small gap between them, she stepped between his legs as his brow furrowed. With her hands resting on his thighs, she asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Your fine skin is marred by the day. All I see are scrapes and bruises,” Faolan replied and placed a kiss to the top of her head. His hands skimmed her shoulders, and Samantha sighed at the gentle touch. He whispered, “I should let you rest, my heart.”

Once again his gentle nature surprised her. Her comfort was still his primary concern. She lifted her head and pulled his face down to hers. Her lips brushed and teased his. Against his mouth, she whispered, “I’m tougher than I look. I want you, Faolan. Give me this now.”

The growl from his throat was the only warning she received. Warm hands lifted her from the floor, and Samantha found herself on her back against the bedding with Faolan covering her. She pulled the strap of his robe and pushed the material away from his body. Even in the dim light, she could see bruising, and her hands felt the light cuts and scrapes as they wandered his shoulders and back. But his eyes held no sign of pain as he smiled down at her.

Faolan wanted only to lose himself in her body and passion, yet he needed her to feel and acknowledge the love between them. No post-battle rut would serve, even if they were both warriors.

Before he could move, she cupped his face and brought him to her demanding mouth. Thought left his mind as she silently requested his hunger with the demands of her kiss. It took all of his focus to break the kiss and lift his head.

“We have the whole of the night. There is no need to rush.” Faolan lowered his head and teased her neck with soft kisses.

“I need you,” Samantha whispered as her head shifted to allow him access to the tender skin of her throat.

A growl sounded in his throat at her words. Faolan propped himself on his elbows and stared down at her. “As I need you, my heart. But first, you will say you are mine.”

Her laughter echoed in the room as he kissed down her throat to nuzzle the soft flesh of her breast. He flicked his tongue over a waiting peak. “Say it, wife.”

While not what he asked for, his manhood pulsed at the cry from her lips as he sucked the hard tip of her breast. He left the soft perfection and kissed a path to its twin. Again he licked and suckled. His head lifted. “I’m waiting for you to speak.”

She laughed while gasping for breath. Faolan slid his hand down her stomach and teased the wetness waiting with a finger. “Say it.”

Her hips moved as he suckled and denied her the touch she craved. The aggravated whimper she made had him grinning against the flesh of her breasts. He kissed the underside of her mound as his finger entered her waiting heat. His eyes rolled in his head as she welcomed that part of him with a soft cry.

Her hips moved with greed to take the pleasure that danced out of her reach. Knowing he had her on the edge, he stopped. Her body shuddered when he lifted to place his body within her waiting hips. Though ready to plunge inside her, he waited.

Samantha gripped his hair and pulled his head down to hers. “You have a wicked streak, my love.”

Faolan chuckled. “I would have you agree willingly.”

“I’m naked in your bed. That’s pretty willing.” She smiled and lifted to place a soft kiss to his lips. The jest left her gaze as she reached to cup his face. “I am yours, Faolan. No matter what may happen, I will always be yours.”

He held her eyes as his body slid within hers. Once seated completely inside of her, he demanded, “Forever.”

Samantha wrapped her legs around his waist. She whispered, “I will love you forever.”

His thumb wiped the tear that slid from the corner of her eye. Wonder danced in his mind as to all the reasons a tear could be found in their moment of perfection. Even with the nightmare of a day past, more horrors were to come. In that moment, they would find only passion and pleasure.

At the light movement of her hips, Faolan rocked gently within her body. Her mouth opened to give voice to the pleasure she found. He kissed her lightly and continued his slow loving. Though his body screamed to take her with the need carried in his soul, he refused to rush the sweet moment. All the day’s fear vanished buried deep inside her. Samantha’s touch erased the nightmare and brought peace to his soul.

The kiss deepened as his length almost left her body to claim her again. The pace remained slow and measured even if her hips requested more. Samantha’s hands clung to his back, and she deepened the kiss. Her tongue explored his mouth with the fervor her body craved.

His control was slipping, and Faolan knew he could hold back no longer. In a harsh whisper, he demanded, “Say it.”

“I’m yours,” she whispered. A cry left her lips as his body answered with a hard thrust. Her back arched, and her hands gripped his sides. With unsteady breath, she said, “Tell me.”

Faolan wrapped his hand on the dragon head on the back of her thigh and shifted her body to take him deeper. He moved in and almost out of her until she writhed beneath him. His head rose from her lips. “I am yours, my heart.”

Her eyes locked on him, and a smile crossed her lips. The smile vanished as he plunged hard within her heat and soft cries echoed in the chamber. All of the day’s anxiety poured out of him, and he took her with abandon. He knew he whispered foolish things. He spoke of her beauty, her glorious dark hair, and the emerald depth of her eyes while his body claimed hers over and over and over.

He felt the moment her passion peaked and her passage gripped him, and her loud cries filled his ears. Exquisite pleasure tore through him as his body plunged into her once more and found release. Never had any moment been more complete or brought such intense physical gratification. They belonged to each other.

Faolan collapsed over her slight body and gasped for breath while her hands skimmed his shoulder and arms. “Did I hurt you, my heart?”

His head lifted to watch her reply. She smiled. “Never, Faolan. As a bonus, I can’t see the horror of the day anymore. All I can see is you.”

With a soft kiss to her panting lips, he lifted enough to glance down at where their bodies were joined. One eyebrow lifted as he again met her gaze. “I only see us, my heart.”

Samantha’s soft laughter filled the chamber, and Faolan smiled against the delicate flesh of her neck. In a blur of movement, he removed his length from her and rolled onto his back with her tucked against his side. As he lifted them enough to slide under the bedding, goosebumps rose on her back.

Still Samantha shivered and clung to him.
I will never complain about her body clinging to mine, but she should not be this cold.
“Are you unwell? Mayhap you need to eat, my heart?”

Her head shook against his chest. “I couldn’t eat now. Just don’t let go of me.” Her body wrapped around his as a yawn escaped her lips. “Please hold me.”

Faolan wrapped his arms around her back and held her tightly. “Nothing will hurt you, my heart. Sleep. I will hold you forever.”

While his hands held and caressed the soft skin of her back, arms, and hips, he felt the scrapes and light hurts of the day. His sword arm ached from the constant exertion, and he knew she must bear the same exhaustion. He placed a kiss to her fragrant hair.

Samantha kissed the skin over his heart and sighed. In a sleep-filled voice, she whispered, “I wish we had forever.”

A figurative sword buried in his chest at the sweet admission. Samantha’s breathing quickly changed to light snores, and he continued to hold her close. He had never asked how long they had.
Moons, weeks, or is it merely days until she needs to leave me?

He placed another kiss to her hair as the exhaustion of the day meshed with the pleasure of his wife wrapped within his arms. Faolan’s last thought before sleep washed over him was that forever would never be long enough.

Chapter 17

Samantha smiled at the tablet in her hands as she felt Faolan’s eyes upon her. There was no need to hear his voice, every fiber of her being knew that he had entered the hall and strode to the table where she, Jeff, and Boomer sat. The hall was quiet in the mid-afternoon and provided the privacy normally lacking.

After placing a kiss to her hair, Faolan said, “The Dark Mountain again graces my table. I am pleased beyond telling to see you out of bed.”

“No one is happier than I am to be on my feet, or at least my foot,” Boomer replied. His hand held out the crutch Jeff had fastened. “Turns out the captain has more than one use.”

“Only a mountain would require a whole tree to carry his weight,” Faolan teased. The joke had become rampant before the crutch was even completed. Jeff had carved down a very large tree branch, concerned that nothing else would be able to support the large man.

Faolan sat next to Samantha, placed his arm around her back, and peered at the image on the tablet. “What are you three working on?”

“The debris from the burned section of roof was removed yesterday,” Jeff began to explain. “There appears to be no structural damage, though we took some images to be certain.”

Faolan warily studied the image. She knew he hated the technology, though appreciated the information. He had even forgiven their intrusion of detailing the land surrounding the keep as it had aided in the victory over the dragon priests.

It was a pleasure to focus on the tasks of rebuilding since they had time to do so. With the battle seven days past, all the gruesome cleanup had been accomplished, stragglers had been hunted down, and the fields were being seeded. The wounded were recovering, and Miller had saved everyone brought to his care. No signs of danger remained, and everyone within the keep and village knew how blessed they were.

“Why does the keep appear so changed?” Faolan asked.

“If we are going to rebuild, why not rebuild on a large scale?” Jeff questioned. “This plan shows the keep rebuilt in stone. The first level appears to have the integrity to support the weight.” Jeff shifted the image to show the belowground scans detailing the infrastructure. “Whoever built the keep had plans to expand in the future. All the footings are sound and could actually carry a third floor if desired.”

The image shifted to show an aerial view. “The kitchen and baths have been enlarged and separated for basic hygiene reasons. Several rooms have been added on the first level to include storage and a private office.” Jeff glanced up at Faolan. “You would have a separate space to handle and store all records.” Faolan all but gasped when Jeff continued with the indoor plumbing. “While they may be ahead of their time, garderobes are worthy of inclusion.”

Samantha could hear the wonder in Faolan’s reply. “Once again, it amazes me how this tool can be of use. However desirable a stone structure would be, ‘tis all but impossible for now. The wealth it would cost is beyond my reach. Such craftsmen require more coin than I have at my fingertips.”

Boomer’s eye caught hers, and she knew he had the same thought. Her computer case still hid the gold and silver her father had left her. While she didn’t have a fortune by modern measurement, she carried more wealth than anyone in Faolan’s time could most likely imagine. She offered Boomer a non-committal smile. Plans had already been settled in her mind about the coins.

“Then for now, we will settle for repairing the roof and making those couple of rooms habitable again,” Jeff finished. While he looked like he wanted to say more, his focus shifted quickly as Keira approached the table. If Samantha hadn’t already known the two had made peace, the grins on their faces would have given it away.

“Dana says you need to leave the hall. She wishes to prepare for tonight’s meal,” Keira said. Her gaze shifted to Samantha. “There is a new dress on your bed. Dana expects you in it.”

Samantha groaned at the statement. It was still unclear who had come up with the idea, Faolan or Dana, but there was to be a celebration. A victory needed to be honored, and she was to be formally recognized as Faolan’s wife. Simply the idea of being the center of attention in a crowded room was enough to make her skin crawl.

I’m already wearing a dress. Why do I have to change into another one?
Her first uniform had never been found, and Dana burned what was left of her fatigues after the battle. She and Boomer were now always in civilian clothing.

Though Boomer grinned at the idea of a party, she noticed Jeff wince as Keira spoke. Her captain had argued long and hard over her research results. He wanted to be the one to rejoin the UNK005s, and she had no option other than to deny the request. The mission was hers or would be as soon as she found what she was missing. Tomorrow the excuses would be gone and the honeymoon over. It would be time to find the way back.

Without thought, her hand slipped under the table to rest on Faolan’s leather-clad thigh. The muscles bunched, and she sighed in relief as the dread left her for the moment. For a while longer, she could still touch him.

Conversation drifted to plans for which men would handle the roof. Samantha nodded at the suggestions. It was hard not to notice Faolan’s gaze shifting back to the tablet. A few nights ago they had lain in bed, and he had spoken of his desire to replace the vulnerable wood. A shiver raced down her spine as she remembered how the talk had drifted to other desires. Those had been met throughout that long and virtually sleepless night.

With the tablet pulled closer to him, she enlarged each of the areas to give him a better view. He didn’t need to speak his thoughts because she could read his features. His gaze said maybe someday in the future it could happen. They never spoke of the future, only the

With duties for the coming day assigned, they rose from the table. Boomer rested on his crutch. “I’m going to check in on the men still on their backs and let them know how good it is to be up.”

Samantha laughed at the comment and knew Boomer would never do such a thing. “I’ll go with you,” she offered. Without fail, she made her rounds three times a day in the infirmary and planned to continue until no one remained in Miller’s care.

“If we are to feast, the men need to be told to cease their labor in the fields,” Faolan said as his warm gaze fell to her. Her head rose to accept the soft kiss he placed on her lips. It was a simple brush, yet she felt as if he consumed her being.

Warm chocolate eyes met hers. “I will return to you as soon as possible, my heart.”

With a nod from her, Faolan left the hall. Samantha turned back to the table and smiled as Jeff stared at her. Her eyes shifted to Keira to let him know where his attention should be focused. One of them deserved a happy future.

She turned to Boomer and said, “I’ll meet you at the barracks. I need to ask Dana a few questions first.”

“Then I’ll go with you. If you’re planning on disturbing her while she prepares a feast, you’ll need someone to guard your back.”

No mockery was offered for his use of the crutch. There was no doubt Boomer was still a force to be reckoned with even with his injury. Her steps to the kitchen joined the sound of Keira’s soft laughter.

Casting his gaze around the packed hall, Faolan had never known such a night. Everyone gathered wore smiles, and laughter bounced off the solid stone walls. His grandmother had provided a feast that was worthy of kings of legend.

His eyes closed as he pictured the events that started the celebration. Samantha had entered the hall on his arm. She was a vision in green silk with her long, dark hair flowing down her back, and her eyes glowed in the firelight of the hall. When he tried to seat her at his right, as was her proper place, his grandmother had challenged the arrangement.

Her voice was loud enough to capture the attention of the noisy hall. “Faolan, why do you seat this woman at your right? That place is reserved for the Lady of the Draig.”

Pride filled his response. “Samantha is my wife, and all present recognize our marriage. The sheet proving our union has been viewed.”

“A sheet is only a piece of linen that holds no value in my eyes.” Dana turned to Samantha. “My grandson claims you before both our peoples. For this to be a true marriage, you must also claim him.”

Red covered her cheeks at the mention of the sheet, but Samantha did not falter in her reply. The ready smile on her face warmed his heart. With a loud voice, she replied, “We claim each other.”

As the quiet hall erupted into cheers, he kissed her long and hard. When he broke away, her eyes sparkled up at him with love so clear and evident. They feasted and fed each other sweet honey cakes and shared a cup of wine.

His gaze focused on her across the hall as several older women offered what he assumed was advice. Even over the noise of the hall, he heard her laughter.

Though he felt the hand on his shoulder, Faolan kept his gaze on his wife.

“She loves you,” Boomer said in his ear. “And you make her happy. I’ve never seen her like this, like a woman in love without a care in the world. I need you to know how grateful I am that you gave her this.”

“Remind me again that there is hope, brother. All I can see is the beautiful woman who stole my heart and threatens to destroy it by leaving me,” Faolan said.

“I don’t remember deciding we were brothers, but my hope is a little stronger today. Your morbid thoughts, however, have no place in the joy of the evening. They should be saved for morning when she returns to the task at hand,” Boomer said. Faolan found it impossible to keep them separate.

He stared at the strange smile on the mountain’s face.
He knows something he’s not telling us. I must find out what it is.
Rolph’s voice interrupted the opportunity.

“Laird Faolan,” Rolph began, his loud voice quieted the hall. “Your father would be pleased by the woman you have bound to your side, as would your grandfather. Samantha is a fine strong woman and one hell of a warrior.” The man paused as the assembled crowd burst into cheers.

Rolph held his hands up for silence. “As the eldest of the warriors, the task falls to me to welcome her to our clan as one of our own. ‘Tis nay every day a laird marries a woman who can wield a sword.” Again cheers and laughter rang through the hall. Faolan did not miss the wink the old warrior gave his grandmother.

“May your days be filled with peace and your nights be spent in a warm bed. I look forward to meeting and training the next generation of Draig warriors.” Cups were raised in salute as Rolph took his seat.

Faolan saw Samantha’s eyes widen at the toast, and when the older woman began patting her flat belly he hurried to his feet. Without delay, he strode to her side and pulled her from the laughing women. Before he could erase the sting of the toast, Jeff rose with his cup in hand.

“To Faolan and Samantha, thank you for allowing me to be here to celebrate tonight. I’ve seen enough bad in this life to appreciate the good, and this is the best.” Jeff stepped closer to them and continued, “I served with Samantha’s father and knew her when she was just a ridiculously smart child. It’s been an honor to serve with you now. Your father would have been so pleased to see you happy and married to such a fine man. The men and I wish you the best now and forever.”

Before he knew it, Samantha was gone from his side and wrapped around Jeff. While he could not hear what was whispered in her ear, he did note the shake of her head. Moist green eyes met his when she returned to him. Jeff did not try to hide the pain in his.

Faolan brushed his knuckles over her cheek as her eyes closed. The marriage feast had been a mistake. In his greed to have all know she was his, it only made the reality of their limited time more real.

Before Faolan could speak, Kagen rose from his seat with his cup raised. “While a few fine offers had come for my cousin, none could ever have hoped to match what he has today. Love never comes with a wife who is bartered for and traded like a goat. Besides, none of the other clans could ever match the bounty of Samantha’s dowry. We are honored to welcome her men as our own.” Again, cheers filled the hall.

Only Kagen could speak with such caring yet still say everything wrong. Apparently he didn’t listen when he was told the men would never be dowry, or this is some horrible joke.
Samantha faced him with a glow in her eyes that spoke of determination. She offered him a smirk and turned to face the crowd.

“My men are many things: brave, strong, and unique. While I am proud that they have served me with honor, they are not mine to give.” Her eyes scanned the crowded hall and made contact with each of her warriors. “They all need to know they are welcome here. Each one has more than earned his place in this clan. But if they wish to leave, that is their choice.”

Faolan wondered what she was doing as she took possession of a bag that had been tied to Boomer’s waist. She opened the bag and moved to stand before Jeff. The crowd gasped as she pulled out a gold coin and placed it in his palm.

“Consider this your retirement. You may stay and keep your place here, or you can move on. You have the funds to do whatever you want.” Though Jeff protested, Samantha kept a firm voice. “No arguments.”

He watched in awe as she placed a similar coin in each man’s hand. When she had given all a coin, except Boomer, she continued. “The men are not mine. They decide where they spend their days. If there is a dowry to be paid, it comes from the wealth my father gave to me.”

Faolan’s mouth fell open as she emptied the remainder of the bag on the table where they had eaten. At the laird’s seat, a pile of gold and silver coins twinkled in the fire-lit room. He could never have imagined such wealth all in one place, much less dumped at his plate.

Samantha ignored the cheers from the crowd and glanced at Faolan’s grandmother. He saw the nod of her approval. Words could not form as he stood before the coins and wondered where she had obtained such a fortune.

BOOK: Time of the Draig
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