Tiger by the Tail (22 page)

Read Tiger by the Tail Online

Authors: John Ringo,Ryan Sear

Tags: #Science Fiction, #General, #Space Opera, #Adventure, #Fiction

BOOK: Tiger by the Tail
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“Unless they’re running a misdirection op, pretending to be in the dark while orchestrating the whole damn thing. It wouldn’t be the first time it’s happened,” the DCIA broke in.

“Yes, except China had been the junta’s primary weapons supplier for years,” The SecDef replied. “With them on the decline, that leaves a hole in their market, apart from supplying the government army with weapons. But they still have access to Myanmar’s emerging trade markets, which will be hungry for goods and services. The country is also very rich in natural resources, which their eastern neighbor will badly want. China would gain more from a stable government that’s eager to trade than another coup that could lead to civil war.”

“What about India?” the President asked.

“First, Bangladesh lies between both nations. Their relationship with Myanmar is tenuous at best, owing to the quarter-million Burmese Muslim refugees in country,” the DCIA said. “As for India, they’re still struggling with trying to lock down their eastern border with Myanmar, which has been a major corridor for drugs, guns, and counterfeit currency. A fence was begun to block all one thousand nine miles of the shared border in 2003, and its construction has continued ever since. Land disputes and indigenous protests have slowed the progress. Bottom line, India has enough on its plate with Pakistan to take any real notice of its much poorer neighbor to the east.”

“Walling off the border, eh? If they ever get it finished, let me know if it actually stops crime over there. Maybe I can use it to placate those idiots in Congress that want to wall off Mexico.” The President sighed. “As a fan of democracy wherever it takes root, we want to make sure Myanmar stays that way, correct?”

The DCIA adjusted his rimless glasses. “Yes, sir. The country is part of our ongoing plan to show the Asian nations that a democratic government can flourish in that part of the world. Also, if everything goes well, we could have an excellent bulwark against China—”

The SecDef snorted. “Myanmar won’t risk antagonizing its largest neighbor, which could crush it like a bug within forty-eight hours of a border incident. Your pipe dream will never come to pass.”

“Regardless, anything that risks destabilizing it could set back our plans in the region for years or longer. Maintaining their democratic government is paramount to creating the possibility of an Asian Spring—” The DCIA pinned the SecDef with a steely glare. “—which we could actually plan for, unlike the never-forecasted Arab Spring.”

The SecDef was about to retort when the President raised a hand. “Gentlemen, please—now is not the time to look backward.” He turned to Pierson. “We’ll let Mike follow the bread crumbs into Myanmar, and see what he uncovers. Does he have a plan for getting away from the Hong Kong police?”

Pierson nodded. “If I know Mike, he has several. I just hope they don’t involve automatic weapons or explosives.”

“So do I. Let him know he still should maintain a low profile in the area, okay?”

“Absolutely, Mr. President.”

* * *

“So, now we have to worry about the HK police breathing down our necks while trying to get Than to take us up the chain to the next link in whoever’s running these damn boards around Southeast Asia.”

Mike had convened his senior officers in the conference room. He had patched in Nielson from home, and included Jace Morgan for obvious reasons. One seat was conspicuously empty.

“But Fang said that his orders are to extend you every possible courtesy,” Jace said. “Typically the Chinese are very big on following orders from their superiors, so they shouldn’t be that much of an issue.”

“Yes, but as a certain ex-Marine Recon operator paraphrased recently, we are pilgrims in an unfamiliar land. If we are going to set up this meet, I want all avenues and angles triple-covered before we move forward,” Mike replied.

“Roger that. Speaking of covering our angles, where’s Adams?” Nielson asked. “Or do I not want to know?”

“That is a goddamn good question.” Mike shot a look at Daria, who shook her head.

“All attempts to contact him have gone unanswered. The good news is that there have been no reports of a foreigner with his description in the news in the last twelve hours.”

“Assuming we don’t have to break him out of jail, I will skin him alive when I next lay eyes on him. Keep trying to raise his AWOL ass.” Mike took a deep breath and shook his head. “What did you come up with on Fang?”

“His jacket is pretty bare bones. Born in Beijing, both parents still alive and live in the city. He received high marks in all schooling. Studied law enforcement in college and graduated at the top of his class before his transfer to the Hong Kong police force, where he’s been for the past fourteen years. The one oddity is that he transferred through the Special Duties Unit, the elite paramilitary force similar to the American Delta Force. He was there for two years, then transferred out to the Criminal Intelligence Division, which is very uncommon, as most SDU officers remain with that department until they retire. He has received high marks from all his superior officers. Has also received two commendations for bravery, once for saving an infant child during a bomb threat at a local shopping center, and the other was talking a hostage-taker into surrendering after nine hours of negotiations.”

“Sounds like a straight-up cop to me—except that he’s got his finger in this whole stolen computer boards thing, which sounds like it’s outside his AOE,” Mike said.

“He did say he was liasioning with Counter-Terrorism—maybe they’ve got the inside track on this,” Jace offered.

“Maybe, but something still doesn’t sit right about HK police involvement in something that’s obviously bigger.” Mike turned to Jace. “How are we coming regarding Than?”

“Better than I expected,” the ex-Recon Marine replied. “I had to burn a favor or two, however, once word got out that Sunia was MIA and that I had a part in that, my credibility went up a notch or two. Apparently the big man had been tearing up the streets and his friends while looking for his lost package.” Jace slid a smartphone across to Mike. “The programmed number in there is where Than can be reached for the next four hours.”

“No time like the present.” Mike picked it up and dialed. The other end rang three times before it was answered. “Mr. Kildar, I presume?”

“Correct.” The pause stretched out, with Mike intending to let it go as long as necessary. When dealing with criminals and not having the upper hand, he firmly believed that whomever spoke first lost.

“Will Soon Yi be joining us?” Than eventually asked.

“No. I am handling this from now on. I understand that you were released from the Hong Kong police several hours before we were.”


“Well, when a man sets up what should be a nice, quiet meeting to discuss moving some merchandise, but ends up getting busted and grilled by the police, he starts to wonder who the fuck set him up.”

“If you are implying that I had anything to do with your predicament last night, may I remind you that I was taken in right alongside you.”

“Which matters how? I’m sure deals are cut in this city between people like you and the police every day—” Mike saw Jace’s eyebrows rise in surprise as the Thai interrupted him.

“However, that insult to my integrity I will not tolerate. If you are aware of anything about me, Mr. Kildar, you will know that I have never worked with the police in any capacity. Also, one might ask the same about yourself. After all, the meeting was originally changed on your end. Who is to say that our mutual acquaintance wasn’t arrested and didn’t give up both of us in exchange for a more lenient sentence?”

The phone’s speaker was loud enough for the rest of the room to hear Than’s indignant reply. Mike raised an eyebrow at Jace, who nodded. “Point. All right, let us assume that we are both being played here. During my—interview, the officer mentioned that the Hong Kong police had been watching this Sunia guy for a while.”

“That would make sense, particularly if he had graduated from running American cigarettes to more sensitive items. It is possible that you and I both got caught in their very broad net. However, I distrust the coincidence.”

“That makes two of us. The fact remains, though, that we still have the rest of your merchandise, and you still have the rest of our payment.”

This time the pause was one of surprise. “You . . . still wish to proceed with the original deal?”

“Hell, yes. I don’t want to hold on to this shit any longer than necessary. But I also can’t just chuck it overboard either, as appealing as that sounds right now. I don’t know about you, but I have overhead that
be paid, or the men who come to collect that make that fat Malay fuck look like a fluffy black kitten.”

A dry chuckle rasped from the phone. “That I understand perfectly, Mr. Kildar. I, too, have incurred expenses on this job that will need to be settled soon. Given our current situation, however, how would you propose handling the exchange?”

“I’m working on that right now. Let me contact you in two hours with particulars.”

“How can you be sure that it will be secure?”

“Let’s just say I am taking precautions for uninvited guests. Believe me, I have no plans to visit the May House again. Two hours.”

“Very well. Pending what you tell me, I will decide then.”

“I will be in touch.” Mike cut the connection. “Jace, find us a meeting place on the harbor suitable for not only Than and myself, but also the Hong Kong police.”

“You don’t ask for much, do you, Kildar?” Morgan replied as he pushed his iPad forward. “If everyone is amenable, I suggest the Shekou Container Wharf, in the industrial port of Chiwan. It’s got cranes and shipping containers galore there. Of course, the HK police will have to close it down for a while . . .”

Vanner raised an eyebrow. “How did you know that’s what he was going to ask for?”

Now it was Jace’s turn to grin. “Would you believe ancient Chinese secret?”


“Okay, how about I went through every aspect of a drop, from the most public place to the most secluded, that was still accessible by both land and water? If the Kildar had asked for something in the woods or the mountains, or in the heart of the city, I would have had the optimum site for each one ready to go.”

“Better not give away all your trade secrets, Jace,” Mike said as he picked the tablet up. “I won’t see any need to keep you on the payroll.”

“Ah, but in a city of more than seven million people, knowing exactly
site to use is what you pay me for. This place is perfect. With enough warning, you could hide a small army there and no one would ever know it.”

A smile crossed Mike’s face. “I’ll settle for a couple squads of Keldara.”


The container wharf at Chiwan was exactly as Jace had described it. A large concrete and asphalt wedge that jutted into the harbor off the Nanshan District in Shenzen, it held rows and rows of brightly colored shipping containers stacked next to each other. Between the rows were lanes that could easily be turned into death traps by positioning a couple of shooters atop the containers at both ends. Cargo ships were docked at several cranes, but at the insistence of the Hong Kong police through the Customs and Excise Department, no offloading was happening for the next two hours, despite the increasingly incensed complaints of the dock master.

“It’s perfect,” Mike had said upon getting a look at the overhead view courtesy of Google Maps. Then he had spent most of the next several hours either coordinating the various teams for the op or on the phone to Arun Than, Fang Gui, and anyone else who factored into what was going down that night.

Eleven hours later, everyone was in place. Only one person was unaccounted for, and he was causing Mike more than a bit of discomfort. “Any word from Adams at all?” he asked as he stood on the jetty next to the black water of the harbor.

“No,” said Daria. “Repeated calls and texts have all gone unanswered.”

“Shit. Daria, next time we’re in the States, remind me to talk to that certain hospital in Virginia about a permanent tracking implant for him.”

“Yes, sir. Should this be done with or without the master chief’s knowledge?”

“Without is probably better. Once we pull this, we’re gonna have to unass from the city immediately, with or without him. Jace, any word on your end?”

“I let everyone I could think of know to keep their eyes open for him, including a few people at that distribution company he’d mentioned. No one’s heard anything about either of them. But the word’s out that you’re looking high and low for him, so hopefully he’ll get wind of it.” He stroked his chin. “Too bad you couldn’t just microchip him, like a dog or a horse.”

“Yeah, but those are passive—you’d still have to go out and find him. Regardless, I’m going to have to put him on a very short leash for the rest of this trip,” Mike muttered. “Okay, everyone in position?”

“Team Firefly is online,” Vanner said.

“Team Inara is in position,” Yosif replied.

“Team Jayne is in position,” Oleg said.

“Remember, Jayne Leader, they must be left alive. You copy?”

“Copy . . . Mal.”

“Better check in with the locals.” Mike switched to his second mike. “Lieutenant Fang, do you read?”

“Yes, Mr. Jenkins. Again, I must repeat my superior’s misgivings about the conditions you demanded in order to set up this operation. From the location to the command structure, it is very . . . unorthodox, to say the least.”

Mike grined at Jace as he hit the transmit button. “What can I say, Fang? I’m just a lowly
here, with all the baggage that entails. However, I did get Than to agree to the meet. You’ll get what you want, and everyone will go home happy.”

“That remains to be seen, Mr. Jenkins.”

“Then just keep watching.” Mike cut the connection and turned enough to catch Jace watching out of the corner of his eye. “You do realize that what’s about to go down may make you unable to return to the city for a few months . . . or years.”

Jace shrugged. “No worries. Like I told the others, I’ve never been all that fond of Hong Kong. It’s actually fitting that my last look at it will probably be a cargo dock.”

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