Tick... Tick... Tick... (35 page)

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Frankenheimer, John, 11

fraud stories, 107–11, 133–36

Friendly, Fred, 12–13, 24–26, 52, 87, 133, 153

Front Page, The
(movie), 7–8, 17

Frye, David, 80


Gallagher, Cornelius, 80

Gallaudet University story, 188

Galloway, Carl, 151–53

Gannon, Frank, 155

Garment, Leonard, 6

Garst, Roswell, 15

Gates, Daryl, 203–4

Gates, Gary Paul, 149, 294

Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), 181

Gaylin, Willard, 217

Geist, Bill, 251

Geragos, Mark, 285

Gerard, Jeremy, 295

Geter, Lenell, 2, 157–59

Getty, Gordon and Ann, 159

Glauber, Steve, 138–39

Gleason, Jackie, 161–62

Goldin, Marion, 133–34, 138

Goodman, Ellen, 137

Good Morning America
(show), 113, 155

Gorin, Norman, 142

“gotcha!” stories, 77–82.
See also
hidden-camera stories

Gould, Jack, 33, 295

government corruption stories, 53, 62–67

Greenfield, Jeff, 137

Grimshaw, Jim, 64–65

Grodin, Charles, 251, 252

Gulf of Tonkin story, 53

Gulf War stories, 189

Gumbel, Bryant, 219

Gunga Dan story, 129–33

gun purchases story, 101


Haig, Alexander, 195

Haldeman, H. R. “Bob,” 82

Hall, Philip Baker, 214

Halliburton story, 262, 269–70

Hanson, Jane, 271–72

Hartman, Rome, 195, 203, 273

Hartman, Steve, 250–52

Hassler, Patti, 241

Hayes, Harold, 114

headlines, 47–49, 96

Hepburn, Katharine, 2, 120–21

Herbert, Anthony, 64, 71

Herman, George, 195

Hersh, Seymour, 48

Herskowitz, Mickey, 294

Hertsgaard, Mark, 75–76, 295

Hewitt, Don

acceptance by rich and powerful, 62–63, 66, 120, 173, 184–85

Afghanistan story, 129

age of, 236

attempt to buy CBS News, 167–68

background of, 7–14

Candice Bergen and, 227–28

Bill Clinton and, 198

on competition, 153–54

concept and pilots for 60
, 26–35

conflicts and, 2, 53, 55, 115, 139, 142–43, 258–60

early CBS News jobs and firing of, 15–25

Jeffrey Fager and, 250–52

firing of, from 60
, 1–6, 234–52, 290–92

first 60
seasons, 36–49

H. R. Haldeman story, 82

headlines and, 47–49, 96

health of, 229

Jimmy Hoffa story, 91–94

Michael Jackson story, 280–89

Steve Kroft and, 177–78, 180

memoirs, 13, 25, 149, 293

memos, 193, 212, 278–79

Nuclear Regulatory Commission story, 105–6

“packaged reality” concept, 90–91, 111

power of, 112–14, 124–25

producer credit and, 72

reruns and, 133

Ira Rosen and, 136–37

salary of, 150, 162, 175, 237

Diane Sawyer and, 154, 157, 159–60, 176–77

Phil Scheffler and, 238–39, 253–58

sexual harassment and, 73–77, 221–22

O. J. Simpson trial and, 276–77

Minutes II
and, 220–21, 244

Lesley Stahl and, 195, 203

show idea, 4, 292

tobacco industry story, 206–15

Meredith Vieira and, 177–78, 189–91

Mike Wallace and, 2–3, 5–6, 53, 55–56, 113, 147, 164, 212–14, 258–60, 275–77, 290–92

Kathleen Willey story, 226–27

and, 165–67

WGA strike, Rooney, and, 172–73

Hewitt, Ely (father), 7

Hexum, Jon-Erik, 166

Heyward, Andrew, 3, 5, 180, 216–21, 225, 230–32, 234–39, 242, 245–48, 253, 273, 282

Hickel, Walter, 63

hidden-camera stories, 107–11, 133–36, 186–87.
See also
ambush interviews

Hill, Anita, 76, 201–3

Hill, Clint, 88–91

Hoffa, Jimmy, 91–94

Holbrooke, Richard, 156

homosexual comment, Rooney's, 181

Horne, Lena, 2, 139–40

Houseman, John, 39

Howar, Barbara, 112

Howard, Josh, 3, 231, 235–36, 241–42, 245, 247, 256–57, 264, 270–71, 273, 278, 286, 291

Hughes, Robert, 114

humor, 37, 43, 45, 115–16.
See also
Rooney, Andy

Humphrey, Hubert, 37, 41

Hunt, H. L., 46–47

Huntley, Chet, 15, 18, 22

Hussein, Saddam, 87, 189, 263–64, 272, 275



Don Hewitt's, 4, 11–14, 23, 26–35, 228, 270, 292

story, 55–56

identity fraud story, 97–101, 137

ImClone, 271, 274

Ingraham, Laura, 218, 218–19

Insider, The
(movie), 213–15

insurance scams story, 151–53

International Telephone & Telegraph (IT&T), 63–64


ambush, 32–33, 77–82

payment for, 48, 80–81, 91–94, 288

Lesley Stahl's style, 203–4

Mike Wallace's style, 40–41

In the Storm of the Eye
(book), 294

investigative journalism, 57, 62, 77–82.
See also
journalism; news-gathering methods

Iraq War coverage, 231–33

Isaacson, Walter, 247–48

Ivins, Molly, 218


Jack Daniel's distillery story, 45

Jackson, Michael, 276, 280–89

James, Caryn, 219

Jankowski, Gene, 168

Johnson, Lyndon B., 53–54

Jones, Paula, 222


Don Hewitt and, 7–9, 62

investigative, 57, 62 (
see also
news-gathering methods)

new, 67–69

Mike Wallace and, 33–34

Joyce, Ed, 156

July vacation, 240, 275–77

junket story, 78–79


Kaden, Ellen, 207–9

Kaplan, Norma, 31

Kaplan, Peter, 295

Karmazin, Mel, 220, 230, 243, 245

Kartiganer, Esther, 245

Katz, Jon, 156–57

Katz, Oscar, 84

Keeshan, Bob (Captain Kangaroo), 146

Kennedy, Edward, 57–58

Kennedy, John F., 18–23, 41, 85, 88–91

Kennedy, Robert, 19–20, 30, 44, 70

Kepone pesticide story, 94–96

Kevorkian, Jack, 267

Khrushchev, Nikita, 15–16

kickbacks, Medicaid, 107–11

Kilpatrick, James J., 124

King, Larry, 242–45

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 44

King, Rodney, 203

Kissinger, Henry, 63, 247–48

Knight, Frances, 97

Konecky, Ronald S., 247

Koppel, Ted, 241, 246

Kroft, Steve

age of, 236

arrival of, 177–81

Bill Clinton story, 197–200

Don Hewitt and, 2, 5, 177–78, 210

Trevor Nelson and Halliburton story, 262–65, 269–70

salary of, 237

Phil Scheffler and, 254

stories, 184–87, 189, 229–30, 271

Ira Rosen and, 137

and, 166

Krogh, Egil “Bud,” 80

Kuralt, Charles, 15–17, 29, 51, 113, 156

Kurtis, Bill, 156

Kurtz, Howard, 226–27, 295


Lack, Andrew, 130–31, 165–57, 217

Lando, Barry, 56–61, 64–65, 71–72, 77–79, 97–101, 107–11, 134–35

Lapham, Lewis, 91

Larry King Live
(show), 242–45, 246

Latham, Aaron, 74, 194

Lauer, Matt, 271

laws, 97–101, 110, 207–8

lawsuits, 65, 149, 151–53, 163–64, 208

Lear, Norman, 113

legal issues.
laws; lawsuits

Leibner, Richard, 128, 169

Leonard, Bill, 25, 28–29, 124, 127, 148, 166, 294

Leonard, John, 113

Letterman, David, 241

Levitan, Paul, 14

Levitt, Bill and Simone, 120

libel suits.

Liddy, G. Gordon, 80–81

Lieberthal, Merri, 245

Liebowitz, Annie, 175–76

Lindsay, John, 194

Loewenwarter, Paul, 88, 94, 142, 195

Longhini, Doug, 108

Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 47

Lopez, Jennifer, 274, 282

Los Angeles riots, 203

Luce, Charles, 111

Lumet, Sidney, 11

Lund, Peter, 212

Lynch, Jessica, 274, 282


McCarthy, Joseph, 53

McLaughlin, John, 80

Mailer, Norman, 70

Malcolm X, 49, 141

managed-news issue, 111

Manatt, Charles, 159–60

mandatory retirement exemptions, 149

Mann, Michael, 214

Marshall, Thurgood, 57

Martin, David, 273

Meadlo, Paul, 48

news media

Medicaid fraud stories, 107–11, 133–36

Medlin, Chuck, 91–94


Don Hewitt's, 13, 25, 149, 293

Bill Leonard's, 294

Richard Nixon's, 155

Sally Quinn's, 74, 295

Dan Rather's, 129, 294

Harry Reasoner's, 294

Richard Salant's, 295

Lesley Stahl's, 193, 294

Mike Wallace's, 30, 81, 149, 294

memos, Don Hewitt's, 193, 212, 278–79

Merchant Marine, 9–10

Mickelson, Sig, 18, 295

Mifflin, Lawrie, 295

Mike and Buff
(show), 31–32

Miller, Dana, 263

Minute by Minute
(book), 25, 149, 293

Molinari, Susan, 218

Mondale, Walter, 159–60

(show), 153

Monroe, Marilyn, 70

Moonves, Leslie, 219–20, 243, 245, 282, 283, 292

Moore, Donovan, 295

Moore, Frazier, 5

Moore, William, 95–96

Morgan, Beverly, 4–5

Moses, Harry, 67–69, 101–2

Mudd, Roger, 128

Muggeridge, Malcolm, 37

Murphy, Jim, 232

Murrow, Edward R., 12–13, 18, 22, 32, 87, 134, 169


Nader, Ralph, 101

Namath, Joe, 43

Navratilova, Martina, 141

NBC, 15–17, 23–24, 34, 79, 114, 153, 206, 217

Nelson, Trevor, 261–65, 269–70

news-gathering methods.
See also

ambush interviews, 32–33, 77–82 (
see also

Don Hewitt's, 15–18, 24, 26

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