Thursday's Child (27 page)

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Authors: Clare Revell

Tags: #christian Fiction

BOOK: Thursday's Child
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Niamh closed her eyes and let Patrick’s voice fade into the background. All that mattered was Jared and the fire he was fighting. Her mind played back the images from inside the court. He’d put his own life on the line to save her. He was doing the same thing now, to put out the fire before it spread. That made him one very special man. And he was hers.




The fire finally under control and his shift over, Jared strode across the ED reception. “Jared Harkin. My wife, Niamh was brought in by ambulance from the fire at the Crown Court.”

“Take a seat. Someone will be with you shortly.”

He nodded and crossed over to where Patrick sat. “How is she? Why aren’t you with her?”

Patrick held up a hand. “Take it easy. She’s in with the doctor. They’ll let us know when we can go in. She wanted me to wait here for you. Fill you in.”

“First of all, you should know we pulled Miles Kingsman out. He’s alive, but going to wish he wasn’t. They airlifted him to the burns unit at Dirham.”

“OK, good. The police will want to speak with him. It wasn’t just him. Toby Croft was involved as well.”

“Wait a minute.
Toby Croft, the CPS guy Niamh was working with?”

“Yeah. Nate Holmes was going to arrest him. He wrote the letters, cut her brakes, stole the files…”

Jared rubbed his hands over his face, sinking into the chair beside his brother-in-law. “I don’t believe it. She trusted him.”

“A lot of people did.”

He glanced up as Liam joined him. “Been here before,” Jared joked wryly. He got to his feet and exchanged a manly hug with his brother-in-law. Niamh always called them that because she claimed men never hugged properly, in case the hug got taken the wrong way.

“At least this time she’s awake and not in any danger,” Liam told him. “Thanks to you.”

“I was doing my job.” He sank back into the chair. “But it’s a lot easier when it’s not Niamh I’m rescuing.”

“I bet it is. Has the doctor said anything?”

“Not yet.”

Liam sat beside him. “Shame we don’t get paid to sit here.”

Jared scrunched his nose up at him. “Yeah, really.” He sighed. “What’s taking them so long?”

“You know doctors. And she inhaled a lot of smoke.”

Jared started pacing again.


He spun as someone called his name. Nate and a uniformed officer strode over to him. “Hi, Nate. She’s in with the doctor. They haven’t said anything yet.”

Nate nodded. “We picked up Toby Croft. He’s in a holding cell for now. I’m here to talk to Niamh.”

“So she’s safe?”

Nate nodded. “As far as we know. PC Williams is going to stand outside her cubicle for now. I’ll be back in a few.” He moved over to the reception desk and flashed his ID. Then he and the uniformed officer vanished through the doors.

Jared sighed. “How come he can do that and I can’t?”

“His ID is better than yours,” Liam told him.

“Evidently so.” Jared stretched out his booted feet in front of him and folded his arms over his chest. He closed his eyes. “Tell me when I can go in.”

“You’re going to sleep?” Liam sounded horrified.

“Like you said, she’s not in any danger. And I’m not sleeping. Just resting my eyes.”

Fifteen minutes later a nurse came over to him. “Mr. Harkin? You can go in now.”

Jared stood, instantly awake. “How is she?”

“She’s doing OK. The doctor wants her to stay in, but she’s refusing.”

“Sounds like her.” Jared followed the nurse, relief filling him. If she was well enough to argue, then she wasn’t too badly hurt.

“Then I’ll sign a disclaimer.” He could hear her voice as he approached the cubicle. “I’m getting married tomorrow. I want to go home and start getting ready.”

Jared pushed aside the curtain. “You really are stubborn, woman.”


He covered the floor to the bed in three swift strides and folded his arms tightly around her.

She clung to him tightly. “I’m OK.”

He looked over the top of her head at the doctor. “How is she?”

“Her lungs are clear, but I really would rather she stayed in overnight.”

“Is she in any danger if she went home? She isn’t going to be on her own.”

The doctor shook his head. “No.”

Niamh sat upright. “Then I want to go home. It’s been a really long day. All I want is a bath and my bed.”

“I’ll get the paperwork.”

Jared pulled Niamh back into his arms and kissed her soundly. “When I knew you were still in there...” he whispered.

“It’s over,” she told him. “I was terrified, but then I saw you silhouetted against those flames, hose in hand. A real hero.”

Her fingers trailed down his face. He caught her hand in his in a vain attempt to quench the rivers of fire and desire caused by her touch. “It’s my job.”

She nodded. “They caught them both. It’s over.”

“Good. I assume you won’t be prosecuting either of them when the case gets to court?”

“No. I’ll be a witness.” She sucked in a deep breath. “Toby pleaded guilty to murder, attempted murder, and arson. They’ll charge Miles with the same. Assuming he survives.”

“He was pretty badly burned.”

“That could have been me, should have been me.” Sobs shook her body, and Jared cradled her tightly, rocking her gently.

“It’s all right,” he whispered. He closed his eyes and began to pray, thanking God for delivering them both safe from the fire.




Jared sat on the edge of the bed and smiled at Niamh. He chinked his mug of cocoa against hers. “To the night before the morning after.”

“Shouldn’t that the morning after the night before?”

“I said what I meant,” he told her. “Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our lives. This is the last night of what has to be one of the longest years ever. So we’re drinking to tonight—the night before the morning after.”

“The night before the morning after, and a happily ever after to boot.” She touched her cup to his and sipped it, before leaning back on the pillows. She put the cup down and coughed violently.

“Are you sure you’re all right?”

“Yes. Just tired, that’s all.”

They drank in silence, not needing to say anything. He finished his cocoa and kissed her cheek. “I should let you sleep. I still need to iron my shirt for tomorrow. And polish my boots.”

“Jarrie, would you sleep here tonight?” Color touched her cheeks. “I mean, the spare room, not here, here.”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“It’s not the done thing for the groom to sleep over the night before the wedding. Besides, my uniform is over at Liam’s.”

“Don’t care. I don’t want to be alone.”

“You’re not. You’ve got Patrick in my room, and your parents staying in the other room. Liam and I are on the other end of the phone. You’ll be fine.” He gathered her into his arms and gave her a lingering kiss. “See you in church.”

“You bet you will.” Tiredness was evident in her voice, and she looked almost as pale as the sheets. “Top drawer in the dresser. There’s something for you.”

Jared got up and opened the drawer. He pulled out a small box with a gold bow on it. “This one?”

“It’s a wedding present. Want you to have it now.”

“I don’t have yours with me.” He felt bad for not thinking. “I can come back with it.”

“Tomorrow’s fine.” She yawned, her eyes closing. “Tired…”

“Thank you, hon.” He opened the box, tears filling his eyes as he gazed down at the gold cufflinks with a tiny diamond and his initials. “Oh, hon…” He glanced up, to find her fast asleep.







Niamh looked at herself in the mirror as her mum and Jacqui fussed around her, smoothing the skirt of her dress. It looked even more amazing this morning. Butterflies tossed and turned and she placed a hand cautiously over her stomach, glad her secret was still a secret. Despite what the doctor had said the previous evening, she hadn’t let herself believe until an hour ago when she’d finally plucked up the courage to do the test she had bought when the doctor first suggested pregnancy the previous week.

Just hope Jarrie will be pleased, Lord. After all he did say barefoot, pregnant and in a shift. Although it’s kind of weird being a pregnant bride—although we’re still married, I just don’t remember. I assumed my missed periods were down to stress or just recovering from the car crash. A baby never crossed my mind. But what I don’t understand is if things were so bad between us before the car crash, why did we make love anyway? Old time’s sake maybe? A last ditch attempt at trying to patch things up? Whatever the reason, thank You. Keep the child safe within me. I’ll tell Jarrie later. And the others when we get home

She took a deep breath.
I love him, there’s not a single doubt on that score. Just wish I could remember everything
. Sure the odd conversation had come back to her, usually in flash backs, but it wasn’t the same. For Jared this would be a simple reaffirmation of their vows. But she would be committing her life to him for the first time.

Jacqui looked at her. “You look beautiful, Niamh.”

Niamh felt and saw the color rise in her cheeks in the mirror. “So long as Jarrie likes it, that’s all that matters. He still thinks I’m wearing jeans.” She winced and rubbed her temple.

“Are you all right?”

“I’ve got a really bad headache. I woke with it and it’s getting worse.”

“Do you want something for it??”

“No, it’s just nerves. Or the after effects of the fire yesterday. It’ll go.” She glanced at the clock. “It’s time, isn’t it?”

Just then, her father’s voice echoed up the stairs. “The cars are here. We need to go if we’re going to be on time.”




Jared straightened his dress uniform and glanced in the mirror at Liam. “Does it look all right?”

Liam smiled. “It’s fine. You could have gone for a tux this time, you know.”

“Yeah, I know, but I wanted to wear this, like I did before. This may be a renewal of vows for me, but for Niamh it’s her first wedding. Even if she is going to turn up in jeans.”

“Jeans?” Liam said surprised.

Jared nodded. “She couldn’t find a dress, got really upset over it. So I told her she could wear what she had on if she wanted. She looked down at herself and agreed. Jeans and a T-shirt. And when I pushed it, she told me she’d got the old, new, borrowed and blue. Jeans, a shirt and socks.”

Liam shook his head. “I doubt it. She’d never wear that to church on a Sunday, never mind to a wedding. She’ll find a dress of some description.”

“Maybe, but so long as she turns up, I’m not bothered what she wears.” Jared looked at himself in the mirror and pulled his cap on. “OK, let’s go do this.”




Niamh arrived at the church to find Pastor Jack waiting for her. “You look beautiful,” Pastor Jack told her. “I’ll go tell him you’re here.”

“Thank you.” She tugged at her dress, convinced it was tight across her stomach, but it probably wasn’t.

Her father smiled at her. “Ready?”

“More than ready.” She closed her eyes for a moment, the headache surging. “Maybe I should have taken something for the headache. Too late now.”

The music started as Niamh toed off her old shoes and stood barefoot on the carpet. She slowly made her way into the church and up the aisle. She kept her eyes fixed on Jared. He was standing facing forwards, not daring to turn around.

Please turn around. I can’t do this without seeing your face

Jared turned around and his eyes widened as he took in what she was wearing. Shock then delight crossed his face. He beamed at her, love filling his eyes and spilling from every pore. When she reached him, he grabbed her hand. “Wow,” he whispered. “You look amazing. You bought a dress.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. “So do you. And of course, I did. Cassie designed and made it. How could I refuse the royal dressmaker? Besides, you did say you’d marry me barefoot and in a shift. We just fancied up the shift.” She lifted her skirt slightly. “See.”

Jared grinned at the sight of her toes. “I wasn’t serious.”

“Well, Cassie and I figured, why not. Not often a girl gets to do this twice.”

The service began and after the first hymn and introductory speeches, Pastor Jack began the wedding proper. Jared and Niamh both answered the legal declarations before Niamh’s dad made a joke about giving her away again, which even Niamh found funny.

Then they turned to face each other, holding hands tightly.

Pastor Jack turned Jared. “Will you, Jared, take Niamh to be your lawful wedded wife? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, and forsaking all others keep only unto her as long as you both shall live?”

Jared grinned at Niamh. “I will.”

Pastor Jack smiled at him and turned to Niamh. “Will you, Niamh, take Jared to be your lawful wedded husband? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, and forsaking all others keep only unto him as long as you both shall live?”

Niamh took a deep breath and looked straight at Jared. “I will.” She blinked slightly, her head hurting more now than when she had left home.

For a moment, there were two Jared’s.

Don’t let me faint. Please, let me just get through this

Jared looked at Niamh and took her hand, repeating his vows after Pastor Jack. “I, Jared Jason, take thee, Niamh Frances, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer. In sickness or in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part. And hereto I pledge thee my faithfulness.”

Niamh looked at him. The headache peaked, and she staggered slightly. Tears poured down her face as a sudden influx of memories filled her. She’d done this before. She remembered standing here, exchanging vows with him, different vows, but she remembered. She glanced around the church, her whole body trembling now. She knew the faces in the congregation, really knew them. And she knew without a doubt just how she’d gotten pregnant—making up after the fight two weeks before the crash.

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