Thursday's Child (22 page)

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Authors: Clare Revell

Tags: #christian Fiction

BOOK: Thursday's Child
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Jacqui stood in the hall, her critical gaze making Niamh squirm. “You look awful.”

“Don’t feel that great. And I’m having the most crazy nightmares about being chased.”

“Too much stress at work, maybe? Liam told me about your police escort.”

Niamh heaved a sigh. “Wherever I go, they go. It’s all getting too much. Part of me wishes this guy would make his move and kill me already.”

“Niamh!” Jacqui managed to sound outraged, shocked, and sad all in the one word. “That’s an awful thing to say.”

“At least this mess would be over. The police have all the evidence, even Patrick is convinced he knows who it is, yet no one’s arrested him. And I have to face him, day after day in court…”

She broke off, her hand flying up to cover her mouth. “Forget I said that.”

“Said what? Come on, you need some fresh air.”

“OK. I’ll get dressed. Then we go find you something to wear to the wedding.”

“What about you?”

She thought a moment. “Something black maybe.”

“Oh don’t be silly.”

“I’m not!” Niamh snapped. “That way I can wear it more than once.”

“Oh, for crying out loud. Will you listen to yourself? This is your wedding day. It doesn’t have to be long and white if you don’t want that. I don’t even have to wear a dress.”

Niamh rubbed her hands slowly through her hair. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I feel sick, and I’m on edge the whole time. I’m sure it’s just stress. If Jarrie knew, he’d insist I go back to the doctors. I don’t want that.”

“Then we don’t tell him.” Jacqui hugged her. “Don’t worry about it. Let’s go buy jeans for me and a short black thing for you.”

“Or I borrow your jeans. That way it’s old, borrowed and blue in one foul swoop.”

Jacqui smiled. “Or we just throw caution to the wind and buy the first thing we see. Ohhhh. How about we go for matching jeans? You know the ones with precut holes and ladders in.”

“That sounds good. Jared would be horrified.” She paused. “OK, let’s go and look, see if we can find some.”








Niamh followed Jacqui around the shops, trying to summon up enthusiasm. She had looked in all these places yesterday and found nothing. Nothing that fitted and nothing she liked. Not even jeans. And if she were being truthful, she felt too sick to do anything. Maybe she was coming down with stomach flu.

They did however find a red dress for Jacqui. With long sleeves and made of silk, it curved around her body perfectly. Best of all it came from a high street store and wasn’t your typical bridesmaid’s dress. It was something that could be worn again and again. Jacqui looked radiant in it. “Now to find something for you.”

Niamh looked at her. “What I have on is fine,” she whispered.

“Rubbish,” Jacqui said, winking at her. “You can’t have the bridesmaid outshining the bride.”

“Sure we can. It’s my wedding.” She took a deep breath. “I just wanted it to be perfect. But it’s not going to happen.”

“Oh, ye of little faith.” Jacqui pulled a couple more dresses off the rail. “This is pretty.”

“Yeah it is.” She ran her fingers along the material. “It’s gorgeous.”

“What size?”

“Normally a twelve. Today I seem to be a fourteen.”

“They have every size but that.”

Niamh sighed. “That figures.”

“How about I just put it back on the rack and we go look someplace else? I think there is one store we haven’t tried yet. They might have something similar.”

“It’s not worth it. Let’s just buy your dress and call it a day.”


Niamh nodded. She led Jacqui to the cashier’s desk and paid for the dress. “Liam will like you in that dress. Not that he doesn’t like you anyway. He told me how you guys met.”

Jacqui laughed. “Yes, the ‘say it with flowers incident.’ Not exactly getting it off on the right foot. And then I ended up in floods of tears the first time he took me to dinner. Kyle came over and threatened to deck him for it.”

Niamh raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

“Fortunately, Liam had gone to the bathroom at that point. He was drinking again then and it may well have turned into a fight.”

“He doesn’t drink now though.” Niamh tried to think.

“No. He’s back on the wagon and going to the AA fairly regularly. He’s staying dry for himself, rather than someone else now. That makes all the difference.”

“Yeah, it does.” Niamh opened the door, her mind going back to the dress issue. “Jarrie’s no help with this wedding outfit, though.”

Jacqui laughed as they left the store. “He’s a bloke. They have no idea when it comes to dresses.”

“He told me barefoot and in a shift would do fine.” Niamh walked slowly down the high street trying not to cry. “Least one of us will look a million dollars.”

Jacqui looked at her and then down. “Yeah.”

“Let’s just go home,” Niamh whispered. “I’m sorry, I really don’t feel well.”

“You look awfully pale again.”

Niamh swallowed hard. “Probably stomach flu or something I ate. A lie down and I’ll be fine. At home I won’t be followed everywhere by those two. I know there’s a reason, but I’m tired of it.”




Jared came in from work to find Niamh curled up on the couch. “Hey, hon.”

She glanced up. “Don’t ask.”

He nodded. “OK.” He flopped down on the couch beside her, wrapping his arms around her. “Does that mean you still haven’t found anything to wear?”

“I said, don’t ask. The bridal shops are hopeless, and the one ball gown I did like they didn’t have in my size. Not that it was white. It was pale peach, but it was so pretty and even Jacqui like it, and it wouldn’t have clashed with her dress. But I’m too fat and ugly right now to wear anything pretty.”

He held up a hand. “OK, I won’t ask or mention it again, tonight. I just want to marry you. I don’t care what you wear. And you’re not fat or ugly, hon. Just tired, stressed and overwrought.”

She hugged him back and looked down at her jeans and sweater. “Is what I have on all right, then?”

“What you have on is perfect, hon,” he said kissing her.

She kissed him back. “OK. Jeans it is.”

He smiled. “You know, we can always postpone the wedding. Till some of the work pressure and so on is over.”

“No. I want to marry you in two weeks. They might never arrest him.”

“They will.” He kissed her again. “I’ll go put dinner on.”

“OK. Nothing too heavy, not feeling so good today.”

Hiding his concern, Jared got up and headed into the kitchen. Shutting the door, he moved swiftly to the phone and dialed the manse. At the same time, he rummaged through the freezer looking for something to eat.


“Hey, Pastor, it’s Jared. Is Cassie there?”

“Sure, one second.”

The phone went quiet for a moment before Cassie answered. “Hey, Jared. How are you?”

“A little frustrated actually. Niamh can’t find a dress she likes. None of the wedding dresses she’s seen will do. Jacqui even tried getting her a ball gown, but the only one she liked they didn’t have in her size. I know you don’t make dresses as a rule, but could you do me a huge, huge favor? Talk to her, see if she’ll let you make one.”

“Sure. Send her to the store on Monday and I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thanks. Bye.” He hung up just as Niamh came into the room. “Fish fingers and chips do you?”

“Yeah, that’s fine. Who was on the phone?”

“That was Cassie.”

“Pastor Jack’s wife?”

“Yeah. She makes the occasional wedding dress. I rang her. She’s willing to help if you want.”

“Wedding dresses?”

“She actually made the royal wedding dress.”

“Seriously? The
wedding dress?”

“Yeah. Long story. But there was a massive fire in London that resulted in Princess Rebekah needing a dress the day she and Prince Edwin were visiting Headley Cross. This was like three days before the wedding. They saw the one Cassie had made for the window display and the rest as they say is history. The only other one she’s made was her own, but she’s willing to make you one. If you want.”

Niamh paused. “I don’t know.”

“At least go talk to her. If need be she can glam up your jeans for you. Or Lara can bedazzle them.”

Niamh smiled faintly. “OK. Bedazzled jeans it is.”




Monday morning, Niamh sat in her office, listlessly pushing the papers from one side to the other. She glanced up at the tap on the door. “Hey, come in.”

Alan came in, a pile of folders in his hands. “You look terrible. Go home.”

“I’m fine, it’s just stomach flu. It’s been hanging around for a few days now. It’ll go.”

“Have you seen a doctor?”

“Not since my last hospital appointment. I’ll be fine.”

“You don’t look fine. Go home.”

“I have an appointment with a dressmaker at lunch time.”

“Then curl up on the couch until then. Seriously, Niamh, you are no good to me like this.”

Not needing to be told twice, Niamh walked unsteadily to the couch. She curled up on it and closed her eyes. After a moment, she opened them again. “Are you just going to stand there and watch me sleep?”

Alan chuckled. “How did you know I was still here?”

“I hadn’t heard you leave. Are those files for me?”

“Yes, but they can wait. Rest and go home once you’re done with your appointment.”

Niamh pulled a face.

“I mean it. I’m telling the driver now, so there’s no excuse to come back to work.” He dropped the files onto her desk and headed to the door.

Niamh slowly got up and picked up the files. Taking them over to the filing cabinet, she locked them away. Then she went back to the couch, curled up and shut her eyes again.

Going home and going to bed would be nice. I don’t know what’s wrong, wish I did. Feel so sick the whole time. Maybe it’s just stress. Should I go to the doctor? Or assume it’ll go away

She clutched her stomach, wishing it would stop turning for a few minutes. Her phone beeped. She groaned and pulled it from her pocket. Pulling up the text, she smiled. Jared seemed to know instinctively when she was down or sick.

Hey, thinking of you. You feeling better?

Typing quickly, she replied. ‘
No. Alan made me lie down. He’s sending me home in a bit

The reply came instantly. ‘
What’s wrong?

‘Still feel sick. But like I told him it’ll go away.’

‘You’ve been sick for a week. Time to see the doc

She sighed. ‘
Not you as well. Alan said the same.’

‘Then make the appt. I’ll take you on Friday. They owe me four hours so I’ll take them.’

‘OK. If I’m not better by then.’

‘Sounds good. Alarms going. Got to go. See you tonight. Love you.’

Love you too
.’ She put the phone down and closed her eyes.

What only seemed minutes later, she jerked them open as a hand fell on her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

Alan smiled. “Nothing. It’s almost noon. What time’s your appointment?”

Niamh sat, pushing a hand through her hair. “Oh. I didn’t mean to sleep. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it. I don’t want to see you in this afternoon. Or tomorrow if you feel like this.”

“I’ll be fine. Not going to let this stop me doing anything.” She grabbed her bag and phone. “I’ll see you in the morning.” Her gaze landed on a fresh set of files on her desk. “So what are those?”

“I’ll walk you to the lift and tell you on the way.”




The shop bell tinkled as Niamh pushed open the door. She wasn’t really sure why she was here. She made her way over to the counter. “Hi, Cassie.”

Cassie smiled at her. “Hi. How are you doing?”

“I’ve felt better, but not as bad as I have been.”

“That’s good. Jared said you’ve been having problems finding a dress.”

Niamh nodded. “Nothing looks right or fits. I don’t think I’m a meringue person and the straight ones look awful.” She sighed. “I don’t want to put you out though. Jared said you don’t really make dresses.”

“For you I will. Come through the back, and we’ll see what we can come up with.”

“Don’t I choose the fabric first?”

Cassie smiled. “Design first, then fabric to fit that.”

“How fancy does it have to be?” Niamh asked following her.

Cassie led her into the small back room. She filled the kettle and set it to boil. “That’s up to you. It’s your dress. Have a seat. Do you want some coffee?”

“Thanks. I’d rather tea. Coffee makes me sick these days.” She perched on the edge of the chair. “Jared said you did the royal wedding dress.”

“Yeah. That one was originally what I’d intended to get married in, if I ever got married. I ended up designing something different when it came to my wedding. Every bride wants something individual, right?”

“I guess so.”

Cassie brought the tea across, sat down and pulled over her sketch pad. “So, what did you have in mind?”

“Floor length, flattering, pretty, long sleeves with buttons on. Although right now I’d settle for something white, that fits. Although white seems hypocritical somehow.”

“Ivory then. Or go for a color. A pale green or blue. What color are your bridesmaids?”

“Christmas red. Jacqui looks really pretty in it. We bought that dress on Saturday.”


Niamh rubbed the back of her neck. “Jared said he’d marry me in a shift.” She caught the glint in Cassie’s eye. Had they both had the same thought at once?

Cassie’s pencil flew over the paper.

Niamh’s smile finally grew as she saw the dress come to life. “That is perfect.”

“Now all you have to do is decide on a color and accessories.”

“Is that all?” Niamh put the tea down as another wave of nausea swept over her. “I’m sorry. Can we leave that for another day? The accessories that is. I’m not feeling too good.”

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