Thumper's Friend Part 1 (9 page)

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Authors: Jack Allen

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Thumper's Friend Part 1
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“Goodness knows that was the case where I was concerned.
But then, I was much older than Casey is now when I became sexually active.
I believe that is the case with all young people today.
Kids are having sex younger and younger every year, and the risks of pregnancy are very real, no matter what their age.
I think what you did was best.
I mean teaching my daughter the way you did and wearing a condom.
That was very thoughtful.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Scott said.
He was beginning to think she wasn’t there to tear the hell out of him.
Nevertheless, he had to do something to make her get to the point.
“If you don’t mind, I wonder if you might have something you wanted to ask me.”

She smiled with embarrassment.
“Yes, there is,” she said.
“Forgive me.
I simply didn’t know how to ask the question I have.”

“Maybe I can help.
Did it have to do with Casey?”

“No, it has to do with you.
You see, my husband described to me as well as he could the details of
...” she hesitated.
“Well, of your endowments.”

“Yes?” Scott was almost ready to burst out laughing.
She wanted to check him out.
She was coming on to him in the most polite way she could think of.
He had to find a way to stop her from dancing around the point.

“I was wondering, since my daughter is already so familiar with it and all, if you might consider showing it to me.”

Scott brightened immediately.
He wasn’t about to lose his head or his job.
The thought of what he was going to get created a stirring in his pants.
“I’d be delighted to, Mrs. Turner.
Does Mr. Turner know?”

“Oh heavens, no.
If he knew I was asking you to show me
... thing, he would be quite upset, I’m certain.”

“He had no problem with Casey seeing it,” Scott reminded her.

“But Casey is different.
She was a virgin and she was not married.
My husband would not have put up with such a thing if that had been the case.”

“I think I understand,” Scott said, even though he didn’t.
He didn’t want to argue a moot point.
He wanted to let this attractive woman get her hands in his pants.
“When would you like to see it?”

Mrs. Turner looked around the store.
No one was near.
“Right now would be fine,” she said secretively.

Scott smiled.
Did you have somewhere you wanted to go?”

She suddenly looked pensive.
This was obviously something she had not considered.

She glanced out to the parking lot.
“How about my car?” she said hopefully.

“That would be fine with me,” Scott said, and she looked greatly relieved.

I’ll wait for you there.
I’m parked next to your car.”

Without another word she turned and walked out of the store just like any other customer.
Scott shook his head and went to the back.

Five minutes later he was sitting in the passenger seat of her car, looking into her smiling face.

“How did you know where I worked?” he asked.

“Your sister told me,” Mrs. Turner said.
She kept glancing at his crotch.
“She also told me your schedule for today.”

Scott nodded.
He would have to talk to her about that.
He began to think about the last time he made love with his sister and that made him think about his plans to find a young woman that day.
He had really been hoping for someone young and horny, but it didn’t look like that was going to happen.

“Are you going to show it to me?” Mrs. Turner said anxiously.

“Uh, yeah,” Scott said, snapping out of his daydream.

He sat back and opened the front of his pants and slowly pushed them down.
Mrs. Turner eagerly watched every move.
Scott watched her eyes.
They stared ravenously like an eagle searching for food.
Then they grew really wide, just like Casey’s the first time she saw it.

“Oh my God,” she whispered.
“It really is that big.”

Without having to be told, she reached across the seat and put her fingers around the shaft.
Silently, she began pumping it.
Scott sighed.
She seemed to handle it somewhat clumsily, but it still felt good.
“I’ve never seen anything so big,” she said.

“Suck it,” Scott groaned, watching her hand.

“You want me to?”

“Yes,” he said, nodding.

Giggling, she quickly leaned across the seat without formality and put the head in her mouth.

“Oh yes,” Scott sighed.

Her mouth felt very good.
She knew how to bob her head, but he could feel her teeth scraping over the shaft.
It was uncomfortable, but he didn’t stop her.
He wanted to come in her mouth.
The car was very quiet for a long time, except for the sucking sounds her mouth made, until a noisy truck passed behind them and she abruptly raised her head, like she had suddenly remembered where they were.

“I want to have some more of it,” she said.
Her hand slipped up under the hem of her skirt.
“I don’t think I can wait much longer.”

“Where do you want to go?” Scott asked.
He glanced down at her hand between her legs.

“My husband is home now,” she said, thinking aloud.
“I have a friend who might let us use her place.”

Uh oh, Scott thought.
This might be trouble.
Even so, he went along with it.
Sexual desires took precedence over any apprehensions.

“Ok,” Scott said.
“But you’ll have to drive me back here so I can get my car.”

“Deal,” Mrs. Turner said, and started her car.

Scott stuffed his member back into his pants.
Mrs. Turner glanced at the lump in his slacks once before she backed the car out,
looked at it every chance she got while she drove.

Scott wondered what the hell he had gotten himself into.
She was driving to the other side of town.
He knew a couple of girls over here, but he didn’t spend much time here.
It was a nice neighborhood, but it was like a different city instead of a part of the same one he lived in.
He hadn’t even known this part of town existed until several years after they had lived there.

Mrs. Turner finally stopped the car in a driveway and opened her door.

“Let’s go,” she said.
“I think she’s home.”

Scott stopped to read the name on the light post in the yard.
It read ‘Murphy’s’.
It couldn’t be, Scott said to himself.
Not the Mayor’s house.

Mrs. Turner went right up to the front door and pushed the doorbell.
By the time Scott had sauntered up to the covered front porch, the front door was opening.
On the other side of the screen door was Colleen Murphy, the Mayor’s wife, smiling at her friend, Mrs. Turner.
Then she saw Scott coming up the sidewalk and he could tell from the change of expression on her face that she was wondering what was going on.

“Hi Colleen,” Mrs. Turner said.
“This is Scott, my daughter’s friend.
Is it Ok if we come in?”

“Sure,” Colleen said, and held the door open for them.
“What can I do for you?”

“Well, it’s kind of an unusual request,” Mrs. Turner said.
She looked at Scott.
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to discuss this with Colleen in private,” she said.

“Sure,” Scott said.
“I can wait right here.”

Colleen looked at her friend suspiciously.
“You can wait in the living room, if you’d like,” she said to Scott, and pointed the way.

“Thanks,” Scott said.

He found his way to the living room and sat on the sofa to wait.
This was truly a strange day.
Mrs. Turner wanted to ball him so badly she was willing to impose on her friend, the Mayor’s wife, no less, for an empty bed to commit the adulterous act.
Scott didn’t mind having sex with another man’s wife, nor did he mind that she wanted to involve yet another married woman.
It was just that he felt silly about the pretense of it all.

He could hear them talking in the small room just off the foyer.
He couldn’t hear what they were saying, but he knew what they were talking about.
Scott sat back and sighed.
This was very awkward and he felt terribly uncomfortable.
Despite his discomfort, he had a hard on that threatened to tear open the front of his pants if he didn’t let it out soon.

He heard footsteps coming down the tiled hallway into the kitchen.
Mrs. Turner was smiling broadly as she went toward him.

“We can go upstairs now,” she said, standing before him in front of the sofa.
She was fidgeting nervously, but smiling.
She had a look of intense desire in her eyes.
Her chest was heaving, pushing her breasts almost out of her dress.
She was obviously aroused.

“Ok,” Scott said.
He stood up.
She had to look up at him.
She was a petite woman, just like Casey.
Her hand came up to feel the ridge of his cock hanging down his pants against his leg.


,” she cooed.
She seemed very pleased to find that he was still very hard.

Scott heard a footstep on the hard tiled floor in the hallway and looked back to his right.
Colleen was standing in the hallway.
Her arms were crossed and she was watching them with interest.
Her expression was somewhat skeptical.
He wondered how much Mrs. Turner had told her and if she had told her what he had done with Casey yesterday.
Scott found himself more interested in the Mayor’s attractive wife than Casey’s mother right then.
He didn’t know if he could bring himself to have sex with the wife of a man for whom he had a great deal of respect.
He would, however, be willing to find out.

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