Thumper's Friend Part 1 (17 page)

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Authors: Jack Allen

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Thumper's Friend Part 1
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“You should give me a chance to straighten you out.”

“Straighten me out?” he said.

Her hand came up and touched the crotch of his jeans.

“We’ll just have to wait and see what comes up,” she said.

She rubbed his cock.
Her eyes lit up.
Her fingers felt along the entire length of his cock, which was quickly growing hard down the leg of his pants.

“Oh my God.
What do you got in there?”

That’s my dick.”

“Your dick?
Is this thing legal?”

“You can find out tonight, if you’re not doing anything.”

Her head was shaking.
She was staring at the bulge that stuck out against his leg.

“I don’t think I can wait that long.
show it to me at lunch?”

“That’s cool.
We’ll take my car?”

I’ll meet you here.”

She walked off with a little wave over her shoulder.
Scott waved back, and watched her walk away down the hall.
He especially liked the way her short skirt bounced off her hot ass with each step.

It was a hot day and the school’s air conditioning had not yet kicked in.
He was glad he had worn loose jeans and skipped the boxers, but he wished they would allow the guys to wear shorts like they allowed the girls to wear short skirts.
It was all right that day, though, because the bulge of his ten inch cock hanging down the leg of his jeans was painfully obvious.

He hung around at his locker until the last minute, when the hallway was clear.
He shut his locker and headed to biology class and the mysterious Miss
He went around a corner and a cute young girl, a sophomore or a freshman, smiled at him.
She had lovely red hair and a very nice figure.

“Hi,” she said.

“Hi,” Scott said, and smiled back.

She glanced down at the front of his jeans and her mouth fell open.

“Oh my God,” she said, and stopped in her tracks.

Scott smirked and continued to biology with the feel of his hard cock rubbing against his leg.

He walked into the classroom just as the tardy bell rang and quietly closed the door behind him.
A few people in the class looked up.
The rest were gabbing with each other, and he was surprised that an anal-retentive old spinster biology teacher would allow this.

He looked across the room and saw Ms.
sat at her desk.
When he walked in the room he saw her out of the corner of his eye, and figured it must have been one of the girls in class, so he didn’t pay much attention.
When he looked again, he realized his new teacher was a voluptuous brunette in her early twenties.
She had a great figure that filled out the front of her blouse and tapered down to a slim waist and gorgeous hips.

She looked at him and glanced at the long bulge hanging down his pants.
Her eyes looked back up to his eyes, and she looked with a lazy, knowing smile.
Scott sat in the only open seat at the front.

stood up from behind her desk and paced in front of the class while she talked.
Scott admired her stunning figure.
She looked fantastic, as good as any woman he had ever dreamed could look.
He watched her walk back and forth across the front of the class as she lectured about their goals for the year and smiled every time she looked at him.

“Any questions?” she said.

Scott snapped out of a fantasy.
He almost raised his hand and asked if she was married, but caught himself before his hand went up.
She answered a question from somebody at the back of the room and he was glad no one was paying attention to him.

For the rest of the hour they discussed some of the basics of biology.
Scott like the way Ms.
would casually glance at the bulge in his pants during the entire class.
The more she looked at it, the harder it got, until its painful aching made him restless and anxious for the hour to end.
Just thinking about how he was going to get it on with Alison at lunch only made his cock harder.

When the bell finally rang to end class, Scott practically jumped out of his seat and headed for the door, but Ms.
stopped him and asked him to stay.
His shoulders slumped.
Everyone else headed out of the room and he turned back to his seat.
remained at her desk, not looking up from her paperwork.

As he sat, his erection deflated and he found it easier to move in his jeans.
But he quickly got impatient.

“Is there something you
tell me, Miss
get to my next class.”

She put down her pen and looked at him over the tops of her glasses.

“I was just going over your records, Scott.
Since I’m new to this school, I wanted to get to know my students, and when I looked at your file I found it very interesting.”

Scott sat up straight.
“What does it say?”

She picked up a sheet of paper.

“It tells me you’re a very intelligent young man with learning skills superior to your classmates, but that you rarely work up to your potential.”

He stared at her.
How was he supposed to respond to that?

“If you tried as hard in your
as you do in some of your other ventures, you might be out of high school and in college right now,” she said.

“Such as what?”

“Such as hockey.
Do you expect to get a hockey scholarship?”

My grades have never been a problem.”

“No, they certainly haven’t, but they could be your best asset.”

Scott slumped in his chair and frowned.
stood up.

“Come into my office, Scott.
Do you want a Coke?” she said.

“Uh ... Sure.”

He followed her into her private office off the back of the classroom and sat on the couch against the wall while he drank his pop.
She stood by the window.

“You’re a bright student, Scott.”

“I’ve been told,” he said.

“Do you like biology?”

“Not really.”

She adjusted her skirt, showing her long legs.
She turned back to him and he looked up to her eyes and grinned.

“Do you think I look nice?” she said.

You bet.”

She smiled.

“Call me Theresa,” she said.

She looked straight at his crotch.
His cock twitched and grew hard again, stretching down into the leg of his jeans.

“Let’s see if we can work something out,” she said.

She stepped toward him, swinging her hips so that her tits jiggled.
She bent forward and put her hand on his thigh, right on his bulging rod.
The front of her blouse opened and he could see all the way down to her belly button.
His cock twitched again.

“You’ve got a pretty big cock.
I love big cocks,” she said, and rubbed long bulge.

“What would Principal
think about his new teacher seducing one of her students?”

“I’m not going to tell him.
Are you?” Theresa said.

“Not me.”

Scott reached up and squeezed her tit.
Her nipples hardened under his fingers and she sucked in a breath.

“How do you like to get fucked?”

Fast and hard.
How do you like to give it?”

And gentle.
And deep.”

Theresa chuckled.
Her hand stroked the length of his hard cock.

“I bet you do,” she said.

She took Scott’s hand and helped him to his feet.
He opened her blouse, grabbed her bra and tore it away, ripping the fabric.
She groaned and rubbed his dick with her thigh.
He bent forward and licked her nipple.
She pressed her chest to his face.

“Let me see your cock,” she whispered.

She licked her lips.
He opened his jeans and pulled them down.

“My God,” she said with a gasp.

Her eyes were wide.
His cock stood straight out, purple and swollen.
She ran her trembling fingers over the sensitive head.

“I’ve never seen a man so big.
Do you get much attention from the girls in this school?” she said.


“You ever get any of them to suck on it?” she said, and dropped to her knees in front of him.

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