Read Three Hard Lessons Online

Authors: Nikki Sloane

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #erotic romance

Three Hard Lessons (22 page)

BOOK: Three Hard Lessons
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“Take everything off except your underwear, lie down on the bed, and put the blindfold on. Call me when you’re ready.”

He turned and stormed out of the room.

Okay. That was unexpected, but still kind of hot. My excited hands yanked off my clothes, and as I sat on the center of the bed, I pulled on the blindfold. The sensation was both foreign and familiar. Knowing the man who was on the other side of the blindfold was new. But not knowing what he was going to do to me, that wasn’t. The excitement I’d had long ago when putting on a blindfold returned. My lust threatened to spiral out of control when I lay back on the bed.

“I’m ready,” I said in a raised voice.

Footsteps approached, as did his heavy breathing. “I’m going to need those hands.”

I held them up toward his voice. Something hit the floor like a box, and then the distinct sound of a metal chain rang out. Handcuffs. They were cold and my skin burned against them. Once he had them secured around my wrists, Dominic pushed them into the mattress above my head.

“Those stay there unless I move them. Got it? It’s dangerous if you move without warning.”

“I understand.” The anticipation made my voice tight.

He took a deep breath in and blew it out slowly, obviously anxious. “You remember the safe word?”


“Good. Open your mouth.”

Was he going to put his cock inside? It’d been a solid week of blowjobs and nothing more. He’d had to stay really late at the office last night and was too tired to mess around, or so he said. I opened my mouth, expecting the fleshy head of his cock.

This was hard, and round, with a strap on either side. Dominic hadn’t lied. The blindfold did come with more . . . it came with a ball-gag.

“I don’t want you getting so loud the neighbors call the cops on us.” I lifted my head as he did the buckle in the back to hold it in place. When it was done, his fingertips caressed over my cheek, tracing the edge of the strap. “We still okay?”

I nodded. I was ready to burst with this new level of restraint.

Something that felt like a tennis ball was set in my hands. “Since you can’t use your safe word, if you want to stop, let go of the ball. Understand?” The rough voice rolled over me, my whole body aware of him.

I nodded again.

“Good.” There was noise like he was rummaging in the box. “One more and we’re ready.”

One more?
Something large and square clamped down over both ears, and it was playing white noise. Static. Noise fucking canceling headphones. My breath came and went it sharp bursts through my nose.

He’d isolated me completely and locked me inside my body.

Where was he? I couldn’t move, see, speak, or hear. The hairs on the back of my arms stood on end. I needed to know where he was. Where he was going to start.

Soft lips trailed over my collarbone and I sighed in relief. The wait for him to touch me, even though it had only been seconds, felt like days. The warm mouth descended until it traced the curve of my breast. Then he licked. One long stroke from one nipple to the other, bringing me to full attention.

He’d asked me our first night in Japan if I could come like this, with just his mouth sucking at my tits. Tonight I most definitely could. He had my total submission, body and mind.

I wasn’t going to come from his mouth teasing my sensitive nipples, because it carved a path lower. Just when he reached the top of my panties, the heat was gone.

It was me here, on my own with just my thoughts of him and my crushing desire for his touch.
I moaned into the silicone and bit down on the gag when fingers dipped beneath the waist of my panties, and something round edged its way inside. Round, and vibrating.

It was positioned right against my clit inside my panties. Oh my god, it felt good. I wanted to shift my hips against it, but obeyed what Dominic had told me about staying still. He hadn’t said who specifically it was dangerous for, and I worried more that I might hurt him than myself.

His hands pushed my knees apart, opening me to him while that vibrating ball my panties held in place filled me with bliss. So good, but not enough to push me over the edge. He trailed fingers down on the inside of my right thigh, past my bent knee, until they reached my ankle.

There was a twinge of something. Like he’d flicked me with his fingers. What was that about? His spread fingers were set against my ankle with a band up against my skin. I felt the band pull away, and . . .

Snap! It stung as the band hit my skin and I flinched. Instantly the vibrator pressed down and I groaned in satisfaction. Oh my god, that was amazing. It only lasted a few seconds, and the fingers with the band were back against my skin, an inch closer to my knee this time. His fingers hooked around the band and pulled it away.

I jerked at the bite on my flesh, and moaned when the vibrator ground against me.

Dominic continued this pattern, working his way up my leg. My thoughts began to fracture. I wanted the faint hint of pain the band’s snap against my skin caused, because the pleasure that immediately followed was intense. But as he inched closer to my center, worry formed. Where, exactly, was this going to finish? The top of my thigh where my leg met my body? Or, further?

It was getting hard to hold still. Each round got a little more aggressive, both in pain and pleasure. It happened so fast, it was hard to keep them from bleeding into each other. I was gasping for breath and shaking when the band was placed at the hollow of my leg, just where the underwear ended.

I made a sharp noise as fire licked at me in the aftermath of the rubber band’s strike. The vibrator rolled a circle on me, taking me right to the edge. Instead of sending me over, he pushed my knees closed and pulled the panties down my legs, taking the vibrator with it.

I longed to have his hands on me until he urged my knees back into the same position. I stopped breathing when the band pressed up against my clit. “No, wait,” I said into the gag, although I’m sure he couldn’t understand a goddamn thing. That was going to hurt way too much. His finger teased my clit as it slipped under the band and pulled it away.

I was shaking violently, ready to not just drop the tennis ball, but throw it across the goddamn room. One side of my headphones suddenly pulled away from my ear.

“It’s okay, Payton. Trust me. Can you do that?”

I nodded slowly.

The headphone was put back in place. How the fuck did he have enough hands to do—

The band slapped against my swollen, aching skin and I screamed against the gag, only to start coming without warning. His tongue was on my skin, soothing the burn of the band.

Holy. Fucking. God.

Intense, deep waves washed through me, over and over, as I convulsed in orgasm. I could only imagine what I sounded like since all I could hear was static. Hopefully he could tell my moans were ecstasy and not pain. I think so. He continued to caress me with his tongue, working every last drop of the orgasm from my body.

I stilled as quickly as I could when I floated back into the present.

The warm mouth was gone and the bed shifted. On my stomach, he used a finger to trace a large circle. Then a line down my center. A diagonal to the line and back again. He’d spelled the letters O and K and now he traced a question mark.

I nodded quickly as an aftershock of that amazing climax rippled through.

The headphone pulled to the side.

“Again?” he asked.

I nodded vigorously, and heard him chuckle, but it died when the headphone snapped back into place.

He started above my left ankle this time, and it wasn’t a rubber band. This was like a crop or a switch. Its crack against my skin was sharp and focused, and it stung harder after, but he’d turned up the intensity on the vibrator and teased me longer. His second strike was above my knee, and I inhaled sharply.

“Fuck,” I tried to say, in both pain and pleasure. As the ache from the impact faded, an intense wave of bliss moved in and took its place. That tremor in my body was going to shake me to pieces when I felt the switch against my clit, preparing for the final strike. I couldn’t breathe.
Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit . . .

I screamed as the switch left and then snapped back against my flesh. I jerked hard and this time I didn’t come. It was delayed until Dominic’s tongue flicked my clit and he plunged a finger inside me, deep to my G-spot.

I bowed off the bed, unable to stay still as something beyond ecstasy took control. There was no thought. Only pleasure and heat, and him. Thrusting his finger and sucking me while I went out of my mind. I was floating above my body, weightless.

He put a hand on the center of my chest and urged me to lie back down, and once again, the hand traced the O around my bellybutton, followed by the K and his question mark. Goosebumps lifted off my skin. Everything tingled.

The headphone pulled away.

“Are you okay? Payton?” He sounded panicked, and hearing that ripped me from my subspace and back to reality.

I nodded. I would have smiled if I could. It had been intense.

There was a sigh of what was probably relief from him right before everything went silent again. He tugged at the chain between the handcuffs, bringing my arms down by my waist, and then a hand scooped under my shoulder, guiding me to sit up.

It was time to take a break, I guess.

Nope, wrong. He cupped my breast with a firm hand. Something small nipped and latched onto my erect nipple. It was cold and felt like metal, compressing my flesh between its jaws. Beneath my blindfold, my eyes fluttered open and went wide. Nipple clamps. Jesus, was he going all in with the BDSM stuff? Not that I was complaining, but what else did he have planned for tonight?

The bite sharpened another degree and my shoulders straightened as he got right up on the edge of pain. Then, the bed moved as he sat on the other side and did the other breast. Again, adjusting the clamp until I gave him a signal that I’d reached my limit on the tension. The chain that dangled between the clamps hung heavy between my aching breasts.

The sharp knots of my nipples were so sensitive I could feel the touch of his warm breath over them. The gentle brush of his fingertips made me moan. I figured I’d like this stuff, but I had no idea how much I was going to like it. The inferno of need was building again.

The headphone came off my ear and was set to the side. “Get up on your knees,” he commanded. “Turn and face the wall.”

I bent my legs and slid them beneath me, rising up and turning with his hand on my shoulder. The chain swung and the sensation was a blurred line of pleasure and pain.

“Lean forward and put your hands on the headboard.”

Dominic’s hand skimmed down my arm and guided me to the wall. This position was awkward. I had the palm of one of my hands against the headboard and the tennis ball clutched in the other, and my back was arched as I bent forward, my ass in the air. The chain between the clamps was heavier in this position, too.

like this.”

I wanted the headphones gone so I could focus on that throaty, gravel voice I loved.

“Next time you count them out loud, but tonight you count in your head.”

The headphone was put back in place and for a split second I thought about using my shoulder to knock them off my ears. No. If I did that, he was likely to stop, and I was way too into it. A warm hand settled in the small of my back and I felt his thigh against mine like he was kneeling to the side of me. What was I supposed to count?

A hand smacked my ass and I sort of laughed. He hadn’t spanked me any harder than he’d done the few times before. Given everything else we’d done tonight, this seemed so tame and playful.

That’s because it was one. Two was less playful. Maybe laughing had been a bad idea. Three. Four. I sobered completely when I realized what was happening. As his spankings got harder, my body flinched and this made the chain sway, tugging painfully on my nipples. I had to hold still.

Five. Six. I swallowed hard as the skin on my ass began to burn. The slap of his open hand seared across my skin. Seven. I jumped on the eighth one, and the hand in the small of my back pressed down, commanding me to stay still. Nine. It stung, but I fought against it. I wanted to do this.

I bit down on the ball in my mouth as he smacked me so hard it took the last of my breath. Ten.

He moved on the bed and got behind me. His hands caressed the places he’d just spanked me. My ass had to be red, it felt like it was on fire, but it was a weirdly good pain. This touch now was soothing and erotic, and fingertips skated down through the crevice of my cheeks, holding me open.

I moaned when something wet touched me. It swirled and teased my asshole where it felt so fucking dirty and good. I don’t know how he did it since he had both hands on my ass, but he gave a sharp tug to the chain and the clamps tightened when I tried to press back against his face. I corrected my position immediately, bracing myself on my shaking arms. I wasn’t going to be able to support myself much longer like this.

BOOK: Three Hard Lessons
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