Read Three Hard Lessons Online

Authors: Nikki Sloane

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #erotic romance

Three Hard Lessons (17 page)

BOOK: Three Hard Lessons
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I turned back to bury my face against the sheets, my hands splayed out in front. The bed shifted as he positioned himself. His cock nudged at the taboo spot. Deep breath.

I exhaled through clenched teeth as the head of his cock pushed its way in. Not the best feeling in the world. I gripped the sheets tightly.

“Okay?” he asked. The hands on my waist tensed.

“Keep going.”

He did. The stretch got worse and I bit down on my bottom lip, but it lessened when he began to move back and forth.

“Holy fuck,” he groaned, his voice heavy with pleasure.

It was getting difficult to breathe again. “You . . . like it?”

“It feels different,” he said on a low voice. “It feels good. Really, fucking, good.”

He went further with every slow pass, and I crossed the threshold from discomfort back to comfort. “Faster,” I urged.

His quiet moan was erotic. Hearing his pleasure helped me find my own so much faster. Dominic’s rapid, loud breathing was punctuated by the gentle slap of our skin as he began to fuck me.

“Yes,” I whimpered. Oh, it was starting to feel good now. I shoved a hand between my legs, teasing my clit as his dick sawed in and out of me.

“Oh, Jesus, Payton.”

Once again, a hand slid up the length of my spine, only this time I arched my back into it, rising up on my free hand. He lowered down onto a hand, so his damp chest was pressed to my back, and his other hand curved around my body, cupping my breast. His lips trembled by my ear, occasionally planting kisses when he wasn’t struggling to find air.

“Do you like being in my ass?”

“Fuck, yes.” He rolled my nipple between two fingers and pinched it. “Does it feel good for you?”

“I fucking

He was thrusting hard at an urgent pace. His desperate breaths said he wasn’t going to last long. Thank god because I was right there with him. My fingers on my clit were frantic. I was on fire. Crazy with lust. Out of my mind with need.

The room closed in and the air thickened with desire and sex. Something intense grew closer with each gasp we sought. I was trembling. Going to come any minute now and I wanted him with me. I slipped two fingers inside my pussy, grinding on the heel of my palm as my fingers massaged him through the wall of my channel.

“Shit, what are you . . . fuck.
!” His heated hand on my breast squeezed, gripping me as his body hardened and shuddered. I could feel the moan of his release resonate through his chest in the seconds before my climax started.

“Oh my god, Dominic,” I cried. I don’t know how long my orgasm lasted. Just that it was sharp. Intense.

Out of this world.

I collapsed forward off of him onto my belly, and he dropped down just to the side, his arm and leg over me. My spent muscles were shaking and twitching, which he could probably feel.

I slowed my breathing with my face turned away from him. His arm began to move. Lazy, gentle strokes over my back. Caressing me.

“Look at me,” he asked softly. His face was creased with worry. “Are you all right?”

I gave him a huge smile. “All right? I’m way better than all right. What about you?”

“Yeah. Way better than all right, too.” The kiss he gave me was tender and dangerous. “That was . . . You’re amazing.”

I held my breath. Not sure what I should say. He didn’t seem to mind my silence. He kissed me again, then slipped away to the bathroom. While he was gone, I tried to keep my mind empty. I didn’t like that he was gone, especially when he was only ten feet away and just behind a goddamn door. I didn’t want to think about it, or the realization I was one day closer to leaving. I’d just gotten here.

When he came back, I went into the bathroom and cleaned up, and when I came out, it was dark in the bedroom.

“Dominic?” My shin located the side of the bed and I groaned.

“Sorry.” A strong arm closed around me, and the other one swept under my knees, lifting me up into his arms.

“What are you doing?” I gasped.

“Getting a head start on our discussion of sleeping arrangements.”


The sneaky bastard only had to carry me a single step, then knelt on the bed, laying me down with his arm locked around me. “Come on. Don’t make us sleep in that other bed.”

. You’re supposed to stay here.”

“Forget it. If you get up, I’m gonna follow you.”

I struggled against the arm. Sort of. Not my best effort. Part of me didn’t care anymore. Time with Dominic was limited, and he obviously wanted this badly . . . I could allow this.

I blew out an exasperated sigh. “Let me up so I can put on my sleeping stuff.”

“Yeah, I was surprised to discover clothes on you last night after you told me you sleep in the nude.”

“I lied.”

My eyes had adjusted to the darkness so I could see the white of his teeth as he grinned. “So, I’m supposed to believe if I let you go, you’re going to put on some clothes and come back to me?”

My heart raced at the implication and my voice tightened its pitch. “Only one way to find out.”

His hold eased to release me. There was a click and his lamp sprung to life, bathing us in warm light.

The walk across his apartment was ten miles there and twenty miles back. Uphill. I didn’t like this awkward feeling. Didn’t like being so unsure of what I was doing. I’d tugged on my tank top and shorts while my stomach did somersaults. I stepped into the doorway.

Dominic sat up in the bed, the covers around his waist. I noted the rapid rise and fall of his bare chest, and let my gaze drift up. His eyes were captivating, and stunned me motionless. His serious expression spoke volumes. Like he sensed how crossing this physical threshold was really crossing a greater one for me. Letting him not just get his way, but letting him get . . . close.

I found my breath when the corner of his perfect mouth turned up into a smile. “I almost sent out a search party.”

“It’s easy to get lost because your place is so huge.”

I planted one foot in the room. Then, the other as I approached the bed. Could he see how anxious I was about this? It meant no backtracking. I’d be sharing a bed with him the rest of my time here.

His embrace was comforting and soothing to my jagged nerves. Live in the now, I repeated to myself. Worry about the consequences later.



I knelt before him in the tub while he stood under the stream of water with his cock buried halfway down my throat. I liked the echo of his moans across the tiled walls, and liked him snapping to attention under my command even better.

His hand brushed over my cheek, pushing back a damp clump of my hair. “Jesus, were you hungry for this cock?”

It was true. His alarm had gone off this morning and we’d stumbled sleepy-eyed to the shower, and I’d dropped my knees to the porcelain in one half of a heartbeat.

I moaned when his hand curled around the back of my head and guided me to go faster. To slide that thick, hard cock between my tight lips. It was difficult to keep my eyes open with the water misting in my face, but no fucking way was I not going to look at his body. Water poured over his hardened frame, cascaded down over the contours of the muscles beneath his smooth skin.

This moan was deep and long, and the hand clenched in my wet hair. “You like that cock in your mouth, you dirty girl? Because I fucking do.”

My eyes turned up to his, blinking rapidly in the falling water. Oh, he liked that connection of our gazes while my mouth sucked on him, and his face twisted with pleasure. His expression was primal.

Aggressive hands locked on the sides of my face. His hips moved rapidly, pumping in and out . . . fucking my mouth. A growl ripped from his chest as he approached his orgasm, and I flicked my tongue over him with each stroke.

“Oh, god,” he said¸ “here it comes.”

I moaned my approval, accepting it as he shot into the back of my throat. Pulse after pulse, mirrored with moans from above. There just wasn’t anything hotter than listening to him come. Between my legs I was slick and hot with desire.

His rapid breathing began to ebb. I put a hand on the wet tile of the wall to pull myself up, but abruptly he had me up and my back flat against it. The wall was cold, but the contrast between it and the hot man over me was nice.

“Safe word,” he said in a low voice, just louder than the shower. “I have questions about that.” His hand followed the rivulets of water coursing down between my breasts, over my belly, but he stopped at the apex of my thighs. One calculated stroke between my folds and I was trembling. How the hell did he do that?

“Mostly,” he continued, his gaze on the hand stroking me, “what do you want me to do to you that you’re worried might go too far?”

I bit down on my lip, closed my eyes, and my head thudded back against the tile. What he was doing to me downstairs was unreal. His touch was like nothing else.

“The safe word,” I said on hurried breath, “I doubt I’ll need to use it, but . . . oh, shit, I want your fingers inside me.”

“Not yet. I guess what I’m trying to say is I don’t know if I can do rough. Like the schmay-nal, it’s not something I’ve done before.” The pads of his fingers kneaded my clit, alternating pressure and speeds. “What did you have in mind?”

“It’s kind of hard to think when you’re doing that.”

“What, this?” He slipped a finger inside me and I groaned in satisfaction. “What do you like? Besides being tied up, you’ve made that clear. You want me to pull harder on your hair?”

“Yes,” I purred.

“You want me to spank you?”

It came out dripping with lust from me. “Yes.”

“You want . . . all of it? Like, whips and paddles and . . .?” His voice was decidedly less confident. “Because I don’t, like, have any experience.”

The truth was I hadn’t gotten into any of the heavier BDSM with props. That was all about trust and building a relationship with your partner, which was something I refused to do. But I was curious about it. And for the first time, there was an option in front of me. If he was willing, why couldn’t Dominic and I learn something new together? Teach each other a lesson?

“I’m interested in it,” I admitted, “but that’s a new area for me, too.”

His hand withdrew from me and caressed down my thigh to behind my knee. It was so he could raise my leg and set my foot on the shower ledge, opening me wide to him. The porcelain squeaked when he lumbered down onto his knees in front of me.

“Any thoughts on the word?” He braced a hand on the inside of my thigh and pressed me open, using the thumb of his other hand to pull back the hood on my clit. There was only a hint of that tongue, but on my exposed, sensitized skin it was a shock and I jerked.


He chuckled and the rumble wafted up through the steam. It faded away, and the tongue danced over me once again.

I gasped and my knees went weak. “Your safe word?”

“Do I need a safe word? I’m a lot bigger than you.”

Sure, it’d be easy for him to stop me with those thick, powerful arms, but . . . “It’s not about that. It’s a kill order. Everything’s supposed to stop. And, what if I want to tie you up?”

“Good luck there. I like being able to use my hands.” To prove his point, he buried two fingers deep inside my pussy, all the way to the knuckles. “But, it’s fine. I’ll use the same word.”

Of course he would. I might have been annoyed, except that hand . . . And that mouth . . .

The visual of him kneeling before me, the water beating down on his back, running off of him through the deep valley of his spine only intensified the desire and ache in me. I was ready to succumb to the flutter of his warm tongue over my swollen flesh in a crescendo that was going to be very, very loud.

“Do you want to come for me?” he asked.


“Do you
to come? Are you so fucking desperate for it?”

My breath hung in my throat as I recognized the pattern from before. “Yes.”

His mouth resumed fucking me for another amazing thirty seconds, and he pulled back completely as I clung at the edge of climax. Anticipation crawled over my skin. Everything was hyperaware of what he was about to say next. His hooded eyes pinned mine. The expression darkening his face was beyond authority.

“Then come for me. Right now.”

Thankfully I slapped a hand over my mouth as I tipped over the edge and the tremble seized every muscle, locking me up. I screamed against my palm, my back arching from the wet tile. Hot ecstasy sped through my veins like liquid fire. It felt so,

As I floated back down into reality, Dominic had an enormous grin on his face. Thrilled with himself. And why not? He’d gotten me to come on command with much less workup this time around. I wouldn’t have believed it was possible, and now he’d done it twice.

BOOK: Three Hard Lessons
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