Thorn: Carter Kids #2 (10 page)

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Authors: Chloe Walsh

BOOK: Thorn: Carter Kids #2
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Clicking the email, I braced myself for what I was about to read.


To: Hope Carter

Subject: HELLO!!!

From: Tommy Moyet


I know you’re probably tired of me blowing up your inbox, Hope, but I’m getting pretty sick of sending unanswered mails. Oh don’t worry though, this is the last time you’ll hear from me. Forget everything I’ve said. Doesn’t matter now. Have a nice life.


“What are you up to?” a familiar voice called out and I yelped in surprise and ended up knocking a stack of papers off Hope’s desk as I scrambled to exit the Internet.

“Liam.” I hissed when words found me again. I glared at my former flame as he stood in the doorway of Hope’s bedroom, dangling a set of keys in his hand. “You almost gave me a heart attack.”

“What are you doing?” he asked, grinning. “Snooping around in your roommate’s stuff?”

Closing the lid on Hope’s laptop, I grabbed the papers off the ground and set them back where they had been before stalking out with Liam in tow. “You never saw me in here.”

I made my way into the kitchen and flicked on the kettle. “What are you doing here?” I checked my watch. “We don’t have to leave for work for at least another hour.”

Liam and I had both scored a few shifts each weekend at his cousin’s gym across town. The pay was worse than bad, but it was good work experience for us. Besides, I made good money from the part time job I had managed to snag at Griffin’s Coffee Dock on the Grand Parade last summer. The owners, John and Andrea, were lovely to work for, but the best part was the place was only a ten-minute walk from our apartment.

“I thought we could grab a bite to eat beforehand,” Liam announced, shoving his hands into his sweatpants pockets.

I narrowed my eyes at him in suspicion. “Why?”

“Because I’m a growing boy,” he laughed, shuffling awkwardly. “And dinner is important?”

I studied Liam’s face for a long moment, trying to figure this whole thing out. For a while now, Liam had been acting a little more like old Liam – as in
boyfriend Liam

Getting back together wasn’t something I had any interest in. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t think I would ever trust another guy again. Like

“It’s just dinner, Teegs,” Liam reminded me, all humor gone from his expression. “As in two friends sharing a meal and paying separately afterwards.”

“Right,” I muttered, feeling like an overreacting tool. “Well, then I’ll definitely go for dinner with you…”

The front door of the flat flew inwards and slammed against the wall.

“I can’t believe it!” Hope practically screamed as she appeared in the doorway, with her phone pressed to her chest. Her eyes landed on me and widened.

“Teagan,” she blurted out, rushing towards me. “Logan’s on the phone. He says that Noah has been involved some sort of incident at the prison again–”

“Don’t,” I warned her, waving my hand in front of my face. “I can’t hear about him, Hope. Okay?” One year had passed by since I left the Hill and I was struggling to block it all out; all my thoughts, my memories of him, my guilt for the way his life had turned out. I was getting there. I was rebuilding my life, a life that didn’t include Noah Messina. But I couldn’t handle another sentence with his name in it. I wasn’t strong enough. “Just leave me out of your family business.”

“Dammit, Teagan,” Hope huffed, as she padded through the flat towards me before thrusting her iPhone into my hand. “You need to hear this.”

“I can’t,” I warned her, clenching my eyes shut. It was too painful and I was feeling weak.

“What’s going on?” I heard Liam ask, but his question went unanswered.

“Talk to Logan,” Hope demanded. “For the love of god, Noah was stabbed, woman.”

“What?” I deadpanned.

Dread devoured me.

Fear claimed my heart.

With trembling hands, I dragged the phone to my ear. “Is he alive?” I heard myself ask in a voice so shrill that it didn’t sound like mine. “Logan,” I heard myself scream louder. “Is he alive?”

Please god, let him be okay…

Please, god, please…


That was the most perfect ‘yes’ I had ever heard.

“What happened?” I found myself asking. My legs gave out beneath me and I fell to the floor in relief, cradling the phone to my ear.

“Teagan?” Liam dropped to the ground, attempting to comfort me, but I pushed him away.

I couldn’t have him near me right now.

“Liam, go,” I heard Hope warn him. “She’ll call you later.”

I didn’t listen to their exchange or check to see if Liam had in fact left. I was too busy having my life ripped out from underneath me. “He got into it with Angelo Javi in the yard the other day,” Logan announced, getting straight to the point. “The fucker and his posse waited for Noah and jumped when he was showering later that day, nicked him twice in the side with a blade.”

“Angelo Javi? As in…”

“Gerome Javi’s brother,” Logan said, confirming my worst fears.

“Oh my god.” A tsunami of emotions burst through me, overwhelming me, attempting to strip away my sanity. “Where is he now?”

“He was sent to the hospital, got stitches and what not.” I heard Logan sigh. “They sent him back there, Teagan.”

“Can they do that?” I demanded, frantic. Climbing to my feet, I began to pace the flat. “It’s not safe. Jesus Christ, they can’t fucking send him back in there!”

“They can and they have,” Logan replied, “It’s a joke.”

“What can I do?” I heard myself ask.

“Write him a damn letter for starters,” Logan shot back. “And if it’s not too much trouble, maybe you could get on a plane and come see the guy.”

I cringed when I heard the venom in his tone.

Logan wasn’t an aggressive person and we were friends; or so I had thought.

Not anymore apparently.

“He’s going through hell inside, Teagan,” Logan added. “And you checked out on him. Imagine how he feels.”

“Logan, he cheated on me,” I cried out in defense. “He fucked that girl right in front of me and he didn’t bat an eyelid doing it. What am I supposed to do? Run back to him and wait for it to happen again?” I shook my head and wiped my cheeks with my free hand. “He broke me, Logan.”

“He knew they were coming for him,” Logan hissed in tone of pure disgust. “And do you know the only person Noah was worried about?
. He could’ve been killed in there, and the only thing that concerned him was getting a fucking message to you. You don’t deserve him, Teagan,” Logan hissed and I paled.

I tried to find the words to defend myself but Hope’s younger brother continued before I had a chance.

“This is on you,” he added in a deathly cold voice. “If you hadn’t come around and fucked with his head, Noah wouldn’t be where he is today. He was protecting you that night, to keep you safe from JD and George, and you betrayed him, Teagan. You fucking buried him and you bailed when it got tough.”

“Alright, Logan, that’s enough,” Hope, who snatched her phone out of my hand, warned her youngest brother. “Don’t even think about putting any of the blame on Teagan.”

I didn’t hear Logan’s reply, but from the way Hope’s face reddened and her voice rose, I guessed it wasn’t pretty.

Was Logan right?

Was I responsible for this – for Noah being in prison?

“You are
responsible for this,” Hope growled, reading my thoughts. Tossing her phone on the couch, she knelt on the floor and pulled me into her arms. “None of this is on you, babe.”

I nodded and agreed and held onto Hope for dear life, all the while wondering if Noah blamed me too.

Did he go down for me?

Did he hate me?



Angelo Javi announced when he walked into shower room, flanked by his goons. “From JD Dennis.”

“Tell that asshole that if he wants me I’m right here,” I shot back, not taking my eyes off him. Anxiety churned inside me as I watched them approach. My hands balled into fists on their own accord. “Come and fucking do his own dirty work.”

“He wants you to know that he hasn’t forgotten about you,” he taunted, closing the gap between us, surrounding me. “He wants you to know that if it takes him all the days of his life, he will find a way to make you pay for what you did.”

“Like I said,” I snarled. “You can tell that piece of shit that I’m right fucking here, Chico.”

“This is for my brother,” Javi hissed seconds before ramming the blade into my side. Collapsing on the ground, I fought to drag air into my lungs as his two little helpers held me down. “And consider this a little sample,” he added before stabbing me again, “of what you have to look forward to on the outside – if you live long enough to make it out of here.”

Crouching down beside me, Javi slapped a folded up piece of paper on my chest and smirked. “Your fate is sealed, Messina.”

Laying on my bunk hours later, stitched up and bandaged, I was still clutching the note smeared with my own blood. As I held the piece of paper in front of my face, I wasn’t dumb enough that I couldn’t make out what the two words were – or what they meant.

I’m coming.

It was inevitable that JD would try and get me for my part in the Ring of Fire being taken down. A criminal mob prince was bound to have contacts in low places, and Angelo Javi was the perfect messenger boy because he wanted the same thing JD wanted.

My blood.

To be honest, I didn’t blame Angelo Javi for stabbing me. His brother spent six months pissing through a tube because of me, and I wasn’t even badly hurt – just a couple of nicks in the side less than two inches deep. In a sick way I could respect the man for what he’d done. If the shoe was on the other foot, and he had done what I did to Low, Cam, or Colt, I would have reacted exactly the same. Except I would have done a better fucking job than he had. I would have put him in a body bag.

But I would be a liar if I said JD’s note didn’t unsettle me, and I would be an absolute fool to believe the guy didn’t blame me for his father’s death and the demise of their family business. JD was weak now but he wouldn’t always be and knowing he was out there somewhere made me, for the first time, thank god that Thorn was an ocean away.

I might not be free of him, but she was, and that was music to my ears.

Thinking of Thorn caused the burning pain in my side to spread to my chest.

Deep down inside, I’d known she wouldn’t come to me; she wouldn’t call, and she wouldn’t care. But there was this tiny glimmer of hope that wouldn’t fade no matter how much time passed, or how badly she let me down. She had burst into my world and thrown it upside down, ruining everything, and making it right all at once.

Disappointment bloomed inside of me. Getting stabbed was the sign I had been waiting for, and now I had to accept the fact that it was over.

She wasn’t coming back.

She didn’t want me.

My Thorn was gone.

And I was fucking hemorrhaging from the inside out.


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