This Could Have Been Our Song!: A coulda woulda shoulda ballad (8 page)

BOOK: This Could Have Been Our Song!: A coulda woulda shoulda ballad
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Hey, Kathie. Downstairs in fifteen?” I reach for my handbag. “My treat,” I add.

Okay, Luce,” she says. I can hear her typing. “I’m just finishing up here. See you there.”

Alright, time to get some
and Kathie is the one person that can provide it.


“So how was your time away from work?” Kathie asks me. She takes another bite of her
salade niçoise
; it looks delicious. “It has been

I opted for a very appetizing smoked salmon and wild mus
hroom risotto, which I’m pretty much gulping down. I was hungry. Kathie, always between two diets for one reason or another, is all about the fancy salads. Not that she needs it; her second-generation Korean genes let her eat whatever she wants without any possible chance of a weight gain and her fourth-generation Irish ones guilt her about it. Her words not mine.

Thanks for lunch,” she says. “This place is my favorite.” She takes a sip of her diet coke. “But you knew that.”

Guilty,” I say, cleaning off my plate. “So…how

Well…you heard about the Beesly & Matt debacle,” she asks between a few bites. “Of course you did.”

And that’s not even the whole story,” I mumble and finish my ice tea.

What?” she asks me. “Anyway… Who waltzed into our office last week like he owed the place?”

Marcus Grant?” I ask.

Marcus freaking Grant!” She finishes her drink. “Matt called me to work on
album, bla bla bla. Second Coming is a horrible title, bla bla bla. The ‘Head to Toe’ girl; are you bloody kidding me?
Bla bla bla,” she says. She pushes her half-eaten salad away.

I didn
’t expect that. My mouth is wide open. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

Then of course Jenny was all over him. He is hot, very hot,” she continues.

Yes, Kathie, I
’m aware if that. “Did they go to my office by any chance?” I ask.

She gave him a tour, whatever that meant,” she laughs.

I think I
’m going to vomit. “You don’t think that –”

Noo… Please, the guy is a tool but he has class,” she says. “Not that she didn’t try…a lot.” She winks at me and checks her phone. “She even gave him the remaining Origin passes we had, the ones I wanted keep for myself. The other went to you.”

Well, did she now? Royal bitch!

“I sent them myself,” she says.

Well did
now? I’m surrounded by traitors!

Did you use yours by any chance?” she asks me.

Yup,” I say, raising one eyebrow. “I used them.” More ice tea please.

Did you see

Yup,” I slowly say. No, really, where is the waiter? My throat is hurting.

Looking at Kathie
’s facial expression changing is priceless; she frowns first then tilts her head, closes her eyes. Bingo! She opens them back.

You shagged him!” she shouts loud enough for the rest of the restaurant to hear. “You shagged the British stud!” she repeats, but lower this time.

First of all, stop saying shagged. Secondly, hush!” I tell her, blushing a little. “Crazy, right? Then – surprise, surprise – who do I see here today?”

Marcus freaking Grant!” she says, “The cocky son of a –”

Calm down, Kathie. I’m supposed to be the upset one.”

Kathie checks her phone again; Lloyd and Callia are always sending her emails. She looks up again all smiles.
“Looks like this afternoon pow-wow has been postponed. I have to call your
and his pal.”

And you’re happy because…?” I ask. I let the lover joke pass for now.

Well, does this meal come with dessert?” she asks, looking around. “We have more time now.” She leans forward. “Callia gave me a very interesting document yesterday.”

Finally, some real good dirt.

! Your dessert menu, please!”


All a girl needs is a nice warm bath and two overbearing sisters. Then everything looks better, brighter and less annoying. After my lunch with Kathie I spent the rest of the day and the beginning of the evening with Lee, working demos for “Second Coming” and “Infatuation”. They turned out great; even Lee was impressed and pleased. It was about 8.00 p.m. when I finally got home; that’s when the warm bath therapy started. I silenced my phone, put on some classical music and laid there for a good forty-five minutes, resting my muscles, clearing my minds. No piercing, green eyes in sight, no sexy smile to make me lose my focus, just me myself and I.

After the bath I ate a small snack; working all afternoon and through dinner, I forgot to eat our Chinese take-out. I felt much better. Things started to look bright again. That
’s when the overbearing sisters kicked in. First, Noor, who had promised to call me back; she had spoken Axelle about the situation and the verdict was to stick it where the sun never shines, but with my talent. I truly believed that they wanted to hurt Marcus – and I mean physically. I had to do a bit of convincing, during what was now a three-way call, that I would deal with it on my own. I would do this album and I would finish it. Was I less annoyed by this situation after all this? Yes, but not with my sisters.


I arrive at the office around 10 a.m. with a new attitude and new outlook. Our meeting is in less than an hour; Kathie will call me when everybody is here. I just get settled when I hear a couple of knocks on my door. Please don’t let it be Marcus; I’m not ready for strike two just yet. Today is my turn.

Hey, Soul Sister!” Beesly whimpers by the door. That’s a surprise. Beesly? Alone? She enters the room, her stick-thin body hidden in a large, parka-like, green dress. I smell another surgery. Her breasts look larger. “How have you been, Lucia?” she adds, smiling at me.

Hi Beesly. I’m great. My time off was amazing. Thank you for the hook-ups in Miami. I shopped until I dropped…then shopped some more,” I say.

I can see that. You look wonderful and well rested.” She gives me a quick hug and backs away. “That dress…is it?

Michael Kors fall/winter collection? You betcha!
“Yes!” I say, laughing, “Thank you again.” I take the demos out of my bag. “I have a couple of songs for you guys.”

Beesly takes my hand and sits me down.
“Listen, Lucia, I wanted to see you before the meeting.” She lowers her eyes. “About Marcus…” She looks back. “I’m sorry. I should have said no to Matt. But you know how it is.”

I can
’t believe she just did that. “Beesly, it’s okay, but thank you,” I sincerely tell her. “This means a lot.” I squeeze her hand. “Soul Sister,” I add. We both laugh then I play the demos for her. She’s moving her head with the music, smiling and even singing a little. I have to say I’m very nervous and I’m happy she’s the first one hearing them. She adjusts her dress (no hidden bandage. I guess it’s just a particular fashion statement).

So?” I ask when the songs end. “Bear in mind that I’m not a singer like you, it’s just a rough arrangement.”

That was you?” Beesly asks surprised. “I like them! And I’m known to be the picky one.”
Don’t I know it!
“The guys from the band did mention your voice. But you have an amazing one. I would love to use you as backup.”

Thank you but no. My sisters are the ones on stage not me.” I check at the time.

Not anymore anyway,” she teases.

I grin back. Sometimes Beesly acts like she knows more than she lets on.

“B – can I call you B? What do you know about my life? Apart from Belinda, the G Band and a few singers’ crushes.”

I like B,” she chuckles. “From now on I’m B.” She looks at me with great intensity and totally freaks me out. “You can pretty much play any string instrument, but guitar and violin are your favorite. Violin for your mom and guitar for your dad; your father passed away when you were eight from an explosion in the lab he was working at. And I’m sorry about that. I’m also sorry about your mother, skipping out on you four years later,” she says without catching a breath.

You do know things about me. Do Matt and Marcus know?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “No. All in due time. I know your sister, Axelle, raised you and was the reason why you were on tour with all those musicians over the years. I know you’re an amazing artist and an even greater person. I know you won’t let my husband bully you and you won’t let Marcus take over.”

I gaze back at her. She
’s much smarter and sweeter that I initially thought. A potential soul sister indeed.

Axelle used to tour with Callia (once Charisma) before se
ttling down in Toronto. And Noor was part of the best North American dance troop before opening her own dance school. But I’m the one our mother abandoned before I even hit puberty, before I even knew if I wanted to become a dancer or a musician.

But still,” I tell her with a sincere and happy smile. “No more spotlight for me. My teen years cured me of any craving.”


It turned out that Beesly had actually gone rogue. She came on her own from Soho Hotel to talk to me. Marcus and Matt arrive a little later and we all end up in fifth floor’s meeting room.

Hi, Lucia,” Marcus cordially says. Is he actually
at me this way? Smug smile and a bit of flirtatious look.

I take a seat, holding my demo CD. Matt kisses Beesly on the cheek and waves at me. What a class act!

“Good morning, Marcus, Matt. Always a pleasure.” I smile back to both of them.

Callia and Lloyd join us soon after. Let the party begin!

“Anybody want something to drink?” Kathie asks.

I’ll have a tea with one of those delicious pastries…that I did not bake,” I answer. The rest of the room declines the offer.

Kathie comes to me with my tea and an apple Danish.

,” she murmurs to me with a smile, in Korean.

Her brother Greg taught me Korean when we were dance partners
– fine, I’m a witch!

yourself,” I murmur back.

You’re welcome.” she looks back and heads to the door. “
Jeulgeoun sigan doeseyo

What did she say?” Matt and Beesly ask at the same time.

Have fun,” Marcus and I respond at the same time. Interesting!

I take a bite of my Danish, ready to enjoy the show and I can feel Marcus
’ eyes on me. Yes, Mr Grant, I’m nervous no more, but I still don’t want to stare into your deep-green eyes.

Thank you all for being here.” Callia says. “This shouldn’t take too long. We have a lot to do and not such a long time.” She points out Marcus and me. “Now that our creative team has been assembled, we can lay out the terms.”

I take a quick peek at Marcus and he looks surprise. Poor Grant the Grand; he hasn
’t heard the best part yet. I sip my tea. It’s chamomile tea; good for your nerves. Somebody is going to need it.

Lloyd takes over,
“Matt and I have been discussing this and we think it’s a great concept.”

I look at Beesly sitting next to Matt and wonder if she knows about that new concept.

“Twenty songs,” Lloyd announces. “For the entire album.”

And there it was. I look at Beesly again. Who
’s the witch now? That sneaky B knew. And Marcus? He’s livid. I keep eating my Danish.

And only original songs,” Matt announces, all exited. “No remake. It will be the album of the year!” He actually looks at Marcus and I while saying it. And his mate; he looks like he’s about to punch him. “We’re thinking an early fall release. Too late for next year’s Grammy nominations, but it gives us a whole year to drop single after single.”

Marcus looks my way with complete disbelief.

I raise up my tea cup. “
” I mouth. I almost fell off my chair when Kathie told me the news yesterday. I should really get him a cup of tea.             

he mouths back, and then, “This wasn’t the agreement. Ten to twelve songs. And the album was for next spring.” He turns to Matt. “Mate?” he asks him.

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