This Could Have Been Our Song!: A coulda woulda shoulda ballad (29 page)

BOOK: This Could Have Been Our Song!: A coulda woulda shoulda ballad
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“Alright! You girls never missed a trick. Sadly, I have to admit that I’ve missed that.” He looks at his brother. “Where are bride and groom anyway?”

“Making an entrance.
In five, four, three, two, one…” I conspire. I wave at the band. They start playing the ABBA song that we all agree was better that Madonna’s version during rehearsal.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the groomsmen!”
Bernard, this evening’s master of ceremony, says as all six of them except Emmett Burton enter the tent and start dancing.

“Wow! Are they all professional dancers?” Patrick asks me.

“Yup. Andrew’s friends. I know for a fact at least two of them have a huge crush on you,” I tell him. Their technique is flawless; I feel like a proud mother.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the bridesmaids!”
Bernard announces. All the Riddell ones with Kiki and Patti Mpobo enter and dance with their groomsmen.

“Welcome to a Riddell wedding lads!” Axelle tells them. “We dance, then dance and after a while, dance even more,” she jokes.

“Really? All the time?” Marcus asks us. He frowns. “This routine looks familiar; feels like I’ve seen it before,” he says.

At that moment Andrew and Noor twirl their way onto the dance floor just in time for the bridge.
“Ladies and gentlemen, Mr and Mrs Andrew Burton!” Bernard says.

We all stand up to applaud and cheer. The bridal party leaves the dance floor, leaving the married couple finishing the ro

“This is brilliant!” a very excited Patrick says.

“Luce choreographed it all!” Axelle proudly comments. “She’s a natural.”

“You did that!” the Grand Brothers say between cheers.

“Yes, but with Greg’s help back in Toronto last month,” I say. The music stops as the couple finish their dance and we all applaud. There were amazing.

“Ladies and gentlemen, once again, Mr and Mrs Andrew Burton!”
Bernard says.

“Thank you and welcome to our very surprise-packed we
dding!” Noor tells her guests. She’s glowing with happiness and this was all I’ve been wishing for her.

“We want to thank my sister-in-law, Lucia, for this amazing choreography,” Andrew says.

“She’s a true Riddell after all,” Noor says and the whole room laughs and applauds. I’m gonna kill that bitch! They leave the dance floor and join us, not far behind the Burtons and Granddaddy.

Noor catches Marcus looking at me while I have been avoi
ding it. “Stop embarrassing our sister,” she tells him. “That’s Axelle’s and my job and we’re damn good at it,” she teases. Andrew serves her a glass of wine. “Thank you, Hubby. I have a hubby!”

“So…the Marcus gag order has been lifted, right?” Axelle asks me.

“The what?” Marcus asks.

“Seriously, can you guys give me a break for just one day? One day, it’s all I’m asking,” I plead, and finish my drink as our first course is brought to the table: a small French onion soup or gazpacho. “You see what I have to deal with, Patrick?” I nag.

He pours me a drink. “That always works for me,” he replies, nicely.

“Me too!”
I’m pointing at the gazpacho. Patrick chooses it as well. “So much in common.” Like a schoolgirl, I’m batting my eyelashes. I can see Noor and Axelle suppressing a laugh. He’s just so handsome and kind…

“What the hell, Luce?” Marcus says, all offended.

“What? We’re just getting to know each other,” I tell him. He’s not the Grant I’m in love with, you idiot. You are…

“Exactly, mate,” Patrick says and he gives me a conspiring look. I like this Grant a lot.


I find Marcus in deep conversation in the lounge with my cou
sins. All of them. I gave Patrick the tour of the property and left him in the casino room where he will be free to win or lose fake money. They’re smoking cigars there; I’m going back as soon as Axelle and I are done with our number.

“Hey, Luce,” Sasha says.

“Thank you for lifting the Marcus gag order,” Marcus tells me. Just great; him too! “I’ve been informed that even the name couldn’t be mentioned at all,” he continues. He’s enjoying this.

“Can you blame me?” I ask him. Should I really have wasted the past six weeks talking about him all the time? The vivid dreams have been more than enough.

“Yes, Marcus, can you blame her?” Kiki asks

“You should have seen her during the hen party,” Teddy tells him.

“There’s no need for that,” I tell them. “No need at all.” Marcus is gloating…and staring. Granted, I’m only wearing a large blouse; Axelle and I changed for our dance number. “I’m up in fifteen,” I tell him to explain the outfit.

“Luce…” Juliet is purposely blocking my view with her body. “Alex Sanders is here behind me.”

“Oh crap! Not now! Fucking London!” I scream. I like Alex but he can be a bit intense. And for a world-famous singer, it’s sometimes strange; but I like him.

“You guys go; we’re holding him off,” Tara says.

Marcus takes my hand. “Ladies, it has been a real pleasure. We’ll be in the tent.”

“I like him,” Hélène tells me before we leave the room.

“Alone at last,” Marcus says in the tent. We’re alone with about one hundred other people. “Where’s Patrick?”

“Casino room, smoking cigars.
I’m going back in twenty,” I say. My hand is still in his. “Marcus, it’s not the spring formal. Please let go of my hand now,” I tell him but with no success. He plays with my bracelet instead. “Noor gave it back to me five minutes before the ceremony. Why didn’t you give back to me yourself?” I ask, already knowing the response.

“I really like your new hair,” he answers, caressing my face, not responding to me at all.
So typical of him. “Are you wearing anything under that blouse?”

I see…“Well, go ahead and check,” I tease. He’s coming closer. “In front of my entire family, what are you going to
do?” Everyone has come back to the tent now, waiting for Axelle and me to surprise to the married couple. I don’t think he cares because the next thing I know, he’s daring me with a small kiss.

“Sorry I didn’t say goodbye, I –” I put a finger on his mouth.

“I talked to Noor. You’re still the same dense British man,” I tell him. But no one makes me feel the incredible way Marcus does, dense or not. I wrap my arms around his neck and go for a real kiss… I’ve just been woken up after six weeks of forced and mostly self-imposed slumber. Please tell me those moans are not mine!

“Temptress Lucia,” He releases my lips but not the rest of me.

“Hey, Just Marcus,” I whisper.

“Luce, if you’re done with Marcus for now,” I hear Axelle say behind me.

“Really, Lelly,” I tell her. He gives me one last kiss before completely releasing me.

We walk together to the center of the dance floor, waiting for the MC to announce us. I can see that Noor’s surprised.

“The Mpobo-Riddell sisters have a dance celebration for their sister, Noor,” Bernard says.“It’s 1999 and our wonderful bride is all about living la vida loca!” he says as the music starts and we both start dancing.

I can hear the cheers; some people are even whistling, esp
ecially when we take our blouses off and reveal our classy, go-go outfits. All I can see are the flashes from the cameras and I’m hoping that I don’t stumble; after all, it’s past midnight and we’ve all had a few drinks. But Lelly and I finish in sync. It was flawless!

“Crazy sisters!
It was amazing!” Noor says, running onto the dance floor. She opens her arms to us. A three-way hug and our first one today.

I look up and see Patrick and Marcus. I give one last kiss to Noora-Noora, who’s already dancing with Axelle and other
guests, before going over to them and pulling Patrick onto the dance floor. “I hope they taught you some moves in medicine school,” I tell him. And they did or most likely the ballroom classes he took as kid did. Is there anything Doctor Grant can’t do?

“My wife officially filed for divorce this week,” he tells me with a sad smile. “But thank you; I’m having the best time I’ve have in months,” he adds.

“So, what you’re telling me is that you’re technically single again,” I answer in an attempt to lighten the mood. We both giggle.

“Guilty,” he says. He looks at Marcus. I turn to look at him too; he’s dancing with Teddy. “He’s one of the good ones. He just gets lost sometimes,” he tells me.

“If you say so,” I say. Am I ready to get hurt again? Marcus is flashing his sexy smile in my direction. “If you say so,” I whisper.


I put my head on Marcus’s shoulders while looking at the road through the taxi’s windshield. This has been a long and eventful day. This has been a long and emotional day. This has been a long and surprising day. Marcus pulls me closer to him and our eyes lock together. This has been a long and wonderful day. I still can’t believe he got Noor a real Accaba appearance as a wedding present and I’ve got their autographs on Belinda now. They sang “Lucia Upon a Star”, “The Love Song” and “Mine forever”. We slowly danced to “Lucia Upon a Star”. I’ve never danced this song with anyone before… So I fell right into his arms again. And right now there is no other place I’d rather be. No sleepovers with my beloved Alfie.

The car stops. That can’t be? We haven’t even been driving for ten minutes.

“We’re here.” Marcus takes my overnight bag out of the car. I take Belinda. “This is it,” he says, showing a charming tow
nhouse not far from St John’s Wood Station.

“It’s beautiful. Wait, are we neighbors? I mean Hampstead is a couple of subway stop away,” I tell him while he’s opening the door. I step in slowly as if I’m weighing my choices. Our West End place is only a few minutes away. I could go there and sleep
off. What’s another vivid dream after all? He’s kissing my neck, taking Belinda away from me… Or I could stay here and try to sleep it off.

“There is more to this place that this lovely foyer, right?” I ask, wrapping my arms around him. I feel like such a

“You want a tour? I prefer St John’s Wood but Hampstead has its charms too.” he kisses me instead. I have missed those kisses, the ones that were promises for something more, som
ething real.

“At least the living room,” I say. I can barely breathe and b
efore I even try to catch my breath I’m being swept off my feet and carried to the living room. “Marcus!” I giggle. The living room is lovely but a bit…off? “This will do,” I tell him after he puts me down in front of the sofa.

“Do you want something to drink? I have –” I kiss him. He sounds nervous. That’s so cute. He hasn’t ever been nervous around me before.

I take his jacket off and mine too. “Did I mention how sexy you looked today in your dark suit?” I ask, taking his tie off. “How kind you were with all my wicked sisters…” I’m unbuttoning his shirt, “How patient you were with my sweet granddaddy.” I’m taking his shirt off, “How you danced with all my lovely cousins.” I’m untying his belt and pants. I’m oddly not nervous at all.

“My beautiful Temptress Lucia,” he says, taking my vest off. I didn’t bother putting my blouse back on after I changed back. “Did I mention how sexy you are as a light brunette,” he says, freeing my hair from its pins and down to my face, making me
shiver. “And in a suit,” he says, unzipping my pants and letting them fall to the floor.

I don’t want to play anymore. I reach for his face, ready to bare my soul with the most passionate, meaningful kiss I think I’ve ever given in my life. I dig into myself as deep as I possibly can, pulling him as close as possible. I settle my legs around his hips so fast that I end up with my back on the sofa but I’m not breaking this kiss. I want him to say how much he has missed me too, how he hasn’t have a decent night of sleep in six weeks, how much he has fallen in love with me too, how much…

Marcus breaks the kiss and our eyes lock again. “We’re not going to make it upstairs are we?” he moans. Not exactly what I had in mind and the next thing I know, we’re both on his nice carpet, my legs still around his hips. “I’ve missed you, Luce,” he tells me so sweetly, so softly, before giving me the most tender kiss.

One out of three; I’ll accept it for now. But he’s right; we’re not going to make it upstairs. I gently push him toward the floor and he’s taking my bra off. His hands are all over me and all I can do is arch my back, moan and position my legs even more. By the time we’re both completely naked, we’re so out of breath and so impatient it has become a real sexy tug of war. I win. I slowly, very slowly to the point of going mad slowly, take him inside me. I just don’t want this feeling to end. Can he feel this too? I’m still not moving, trying to take the sensations in as they come. My entire body is quivering so wonderfully like hundreds of Marcus hands are all over me. “I love you,” I whisper, my eyes closed, before starting to move.

One hundred Marcus hands turn to a thousand, then a million. He’s caressing my breasts, my thighs, moaning my name over and over again. All I can do is move faster with my eyes close, secretly hopping that a million turns to a billion and…

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