This Beautiful Thing (Young Love Series) (5 page)

BOOK: This Beautiful Thing (Young Love Series)
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She pulls back to rise up on her knees and before I know it I have pulled her across the console into my lap. She feels great on top of me as she looks into my eyes and I can’t help but be blinded by the beauty of her. I run my hands up her arms, over her neck and into her hair. It’s soft like silk as I nudge her head down to mine. Our lips meet again and it’s almost more than I can take.

I pull my hands down over her back and let my fingers grip her hips. I try to hold her still while she presses up against me but she won’t have any of it. She starts to grind her hips against my hardness and if she doesn’t stop I’m going to blow. She moans low and deep and it’s the most beautiful sound in the world.

I raise my head up to her ear. “Teagan, you shouldn’t do that.” I whisper.

She shivers and keeps right on grinding her heat into me. “Why?”

“Because it feels so good.” I nibble on her lobe and she moans again. God, I would do anything to hear her make that sound.

I move my hands from her hips and slide them up her back until they are at the nape of her neck. I lick and nibble her neck and she freaking moans again. I don’t know how much more I can take before I’m completely lost. I make it to her lips and before I know it we are kissing again. She tastes like cinnamon, spicy and sweet. This is all so intense and I don’t know where I begin and she ends.

Her movements start to get faster and jerky. I pull away from the kiss to look into her beautiful face as she comes. Before I know it she throws her head back crying out my name and it’s too much for me. I blow my load in my pants and for a little while I don’t care. “That was the hottest thing I have ever seen.” I pant.

Her green eyes are glazed from left over passion and I never want that look to leave her face. “I can’t believe that I just did that.” She sounds out of breath and I love it. Her cheeks turn crimson when she states, “I’m so embarrassed.”

I place my hands on her neck and rub my thumbs across her jaw. “No don’t be embarrassed. You don’t ever have to be embarrassed for what you feel.”

She laughs as she wraps her fingers around my wrists. “Ok yeah this is so bad. I need to go. I told Grace that I would be like ten minutes and we have been out here for an hour.”

“Ok baby.” I reluctantly drop my hands from her neck and open the door for her. Before she climbs out I pull her back for a sweet goodnight kiss. I pull back all too soon and she smiles. I didn’t think my heart could beat any faster.

After she drops down to the ground she asks “Can you bring my shirt tomorrow?”

I nod. “Yeah and then I can take you to dinner.” I smirk at the shock written over her face.

“You want to take me on a date?” she looks like she doesn’t believe me.

“Yeah Teagan I want to take you on a date. You aren’t like any girl I know and I want to know everything about you. I’ll pick you up at seven.” I shut my door before she could say no. I stayed until she made it into her building, wondering how such a little thing could make me lose my control.


Chapter 6




“Hello?” I answer my phone. Its noon on Sunday and I feel like hitting whoever is calling me. I don’t get up till like four on Sundays. I need my sleep and since I have class’s early every week day, Sunday is my only day to sleep in.

“Oh my god, I have been trying to get you on the phone for hours! Teag you’ve got to tell me who he is!” Jessica’s voice comes over the line. I forgot I texted her last night when I got back in my room. It had simply said “I found him.”

I roll over onto my back in the bed and prop up my pillows. This is going to be a long conversation. “Brace yourself, it’s pretty bad.”

“What? Is he like some stalker or pothead or something?” she questions me.

“No Jess, its worse than that. Oh lord I have no idea what I am doing to do.”

“Oh shit, he’s like really thirty or something with a wife and kids isn’t he?”

I giggle at that. “No Jessica that is just silly. No its Declan Sage.”

Silence greets me over the air waves. I was afraid of this. We all know his name because Jaden talks about him all the time. Especially this summer since Declan decided to go to the same school as him.

“Please say something. I have been freaking out ever since I found out.”

“I’m sorry I’m just a little shell shocked. He is Jaden’s best friend Teag, what the hell are you going to do?”

“I have a date with him tonight. Jessica I can’t just forgot about him and find someone else that the twins don’t know.”

“What makes him so special?”

“He calls me baby and he has told me I’m beautiful like a hundred times.”

“Wow. Does he mean it? I remember Jaden saying something about him being a player.”

“Yeah Jess he means it. You should see the way he looks when he says it. I’ve never seen a more honest open look on somebody’s face.”

“Damn, why did you get so lucky? Cody doesn’t use a pet name and I think he’s only told me I’m beautiful on our wedding day. And he was supposed to do that!”

“Give the man credit Jess he is married to you.”

“What is that supposed to mean? Never mind we are talking about you. So what happened? How did you find him?”

So I tell her how Jaden came to get his keys and brought Declan along. I go over how he looked just as shocked to see me as I was to see him and how I gave him my number and texted him to meet me in the parking lot.

“I feel like a complete slut. I totally made out with him in his truck, where anybody could see us!” I take a breath before I go on. I’m nervous for her reaction. “And I kind of sort of had my first orgasm dry humping him.”

“WHAT?!?!” I think she dropped the phone because that didn’t sound as loud as it should. I hear her calming Jason down who I guess she scared. Then she is talking again. “Sorry I dropped the phone. Anyway this is worse than I thought. Jesus Teagan what the hell has gotten in to you?”

“I don’t know. But I was so embarrassed and he told me not to be. He made me feel better about it and then he told me he was taking me to dinner tonight.”

“Well at least he isn’t just trying to get in your pants. Sounds like you would have let him last night.”

“Shut up, that’s not fair. I just have no control over my body when I’m around him. Nor what I say for that matter. It was like there was a magnet between us pulling us together. I don’t even think when he touches me I just go with instinct.”

“Damn. That’s awesome. It’s a rare thing to find these days, a connection to someone like that.” She covers the phone and yells something I can’t make out. “Ok Teag I got to go. Cody’s parents are coming over for dinner so I have things to do. Love you.”

“Love you too.” I say and hang up my phone.

I look around our pink dorm room. It’s like a bottle of Pepto-Bismol threw up in here. Grace’s twin bed is made, with her hot pink comforter tucked neatly against the wall. Her pillows are stacked against the head board and their cases are a pale pink that matches the ruffles from the bed skirt near the floor. And that stupid shaggy pink rug. I seriously hate that thing. Grace and I both trip over the stupid every day.

Lucky the desk is brown and between our beds. We have to share and I put my foot down at spray painting it pink. My bed has a lime green comforter but I never make my bed and my clothes are all over my side of the room. I didn’t bring any of my posters with me but I do have pictures of my family all over the wall. They still don’t cover up the ugly grey that someone painted the walls way before we moved in.

There’s enough room between the beds and the door for a couch and a coffee table. The table is black and the couch is, yeah you guessed it pink. I’m surprised that we can even sleep in here. I figured it would mess up our chai or something.

I lose concentration during this and all I can see is Declan’s face. I don’t know anything about him but I feel as if we have known each other forever. I know that is so corny but that is how I feel. I think if I opened up the window right now and jump out I would fly. If this is what liking a guy is then I don’t want to ever stop. I fear for what love is like, because this is almost too much.

I can still feel his warm hands all over my chilled skin. He smelled like sandalwood and tasted like cool peppermint. Though it didn’t do anything to cool me down, it only made me hotter. I still can’t believe that I had my first orgasm grinding against his hardness like that. I finally get what all the fuss is about. I shake my head at myself, I need to be doing other things then thinking about Declan Sage.

I’m just about to pop my ear buds in and work on a paper I have due when my phones beeps that I have a message.

Declan: Good morning, Beautiful

My heart melts a little bit more for him. I start to get nervous butterflies in my stomach just thinking about our date tonight. Or maybe it’s just the fact I’m texting him.

Me: Hey

Geez I am such a dork.

Declan: What are you up to?

Me: Just working on a paper I have due this week. What r u up to?

Declan: Oh that sounds like so much fun! I’m watching movies with my bro. I just wanted to say good morning. I’ll let you get back to your paper.

Me: Kk

Declan: See you tonight…




“Who are you texting?” Marcus asks me with his mouth full of popcorn.

“Teagan.” I mumble as I wait for her to reply.

“Wait, who? Jaden’s sister? Why are you texting her?” he is just full of questions this afternoon.

“Yes Jaden’s sister. I’m texting her because she is the girl from the other night.”

“Oh geez, I get your truck when he kills you.” He laughs and I pop him upside the head.

“Shut up, you can’t tell anybody. I’m going on a date tonight with her and he can’t find out.”

“Relax Dec; I’m not going to tell anybody if that’s what you want. I’m just messing around.”

My phone dings and I fumble to see what she said to my last text. She sent me a smiley face and I picture her smile in my head. My heart starts to beat faster and I feel like I’m flying.

“Dude you look kind of sick, are you ok?” Marcus puts his hand over my forehead to see if I have a fever.

I smack his hand away, “No I’m not sick. I feel great actually.”

“Gross you’re like in love or whatever aren’t you?” He gets a sneer on his face as he looks at me to say I’m not.

“I’m not in love you dork; I just like her a lot. She’s so beautiful and you can tell that she doesn’t know it. When she looks at me it’s like I’m the only person in the world. And she makes these sexy little moans while were making out.” I can feel the big goofy grin on my face.

“Gross Declan, that’s too much information.” He scowls at me as he gets up to get more popcorn.

I chuckle and rest my head on the back of the couch. I can’t believe how she makes me feel. It’s like I’m ten feet tall and nobody can push me down. I’m starting to feel out of control though and I don’t like it at all. My feelings are all over the place and I’m hiding things from my best friend. I like everything in its place and she makes me feel like I’m out of the box.

“Hey Dec, earth to Dec!” my brother yells as I feel a piece of popcorn hit me in the face.

I sit up glaring at him. “What?”

“What movie do you want to watch next?” He grins at me and throws a bunch of DVD’s in my lap.




I’m getting ready in my bathroom when there is a knock on my open door. I figure that Marcus has come to bug me when I step out and freeze. Shit. It’s Jaden and I have no idea why he is here or how I’m going to get rid of him in time for my date.

“Sup dude?” He asks when I step out of the bathroom.

“Not much just getting ready for a date.” I wave my hand in the direction of my desk chair in an invitation to sit down.

“Shit, I’m sorry I’ll say what I need to say and get out of your hair.” He states as he sits down in the chair. “I’m in need of some advice.”

I can tell he is nervous by the fact he is tapping his foot on the floor. “Shoot.”

“Ok so there is this girl. I’m no good at all with them, so I have no idea what to say to her and I really like her so I’m just stuck, god I’m sorry see now I’m babbling.” He lets out a nervous laugh and puts his hands on his knees.

“This seems like it might take a minute let me call my date and tell her I’ll be late.” I turn and walk back into the bathroom and shut the door.

I have my phone out of my pocket in no time and dial Teagan. It rings for a few seconds before she answers with a breathy “Hey.”

“Hey beautiful, look your brother is here and he needs to talk to me, so I’m going to be a little late picking you up. Is that ok?” I’m nervous she is going to cancel.

“Yeah that’s fine. Take your time, oh and Declan?” she asks with a smile in her voice.

“Yeah baby?” I don’t know why I gave her that pet name. It just rolled off my tongue the first time and I went with it.

I can almost feel the shiver calling her that always causes. “I can’t wait to see you.”

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