They Say Love Is Blind (21 page)

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Authors: Pepper Pace

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction

BOOK: They Say Love Is Blind
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She smiled at them and they suddenly converged on her, asking her how she was doing, telling her that she looked a lot better, kissing and hugging her. Everyone was very nice but she couldn’t help wondering which ones disliked her.


She knew she wasn’t being fair. Questioning her ability to care for Lee did not equate to dislik
ing her
…well except for one person. Her eyes locked on to Rosalind who made sure to stay on the other end of the room.
Mr. and Mrs. Torres greeted her equally as enthusiastically. She was ushered to the living room where Francine insisted she sit down before her lung opened back up.
Tory bit the inside of her cheek so she wouldn’t laugh but she did sit down and Lee sat down right next to her.


“How was your appointment?” Lee asked and everyone quieted to listen. Tory cleared her voice.


“I’m doing well. The doctor just told me not to overdo it. I’m going to go back to work Monday.” Lee made a face. “And I picked up the replacement car.”


Lee ran his hand through his curls. There was a patch missing just above his left ear but it couldn’t detract from his model good looks. As Tory watched him, she felt the breath stick in her lungs and for the millionth time she wondered how she had been so lucky.


“Tory, I think you should take some time off from work.”


She gave him a surprised look. “Really?”


“Lee’s got 2 broken arms…” Senna said and she suddenly knew who else was on the Does
not-like-Tory-list. She looked from Senna to Lee who had a strange look on his face. He was shaking his head slightly and his brow was knit.


“I don’t need you to take off for me. I want you to take off for you.” She glanced around the room watching the tide turn against her.


“I need to work, honey…don’t I?”
She didn’t know a lot about his finances. She knew he was more than comfortable in the financial department but now he would have someone else to take care of. She had a college loan to pay off and they had just bought a fifty thousand dollar car.


“We’ll talk about it later,” he exhaled anxiously. “Excuse me.” He got up and she watched him in surprise as he tentatively made his way across the room. She noted that he moved slower, his arms out before him as if he was no longer familiar with his surroundings. Just as he reached the corridor that led to the bathroom he stumbled over a toy that one of the kids had left on the floor. No less than 5 people jumped to his assistance before catching themselves and holding back. Lee caught himself before he fell but he kicked the toy in uncharacteristic anger.


As soon as Lee was in the bathroom, Senna stalked into the kitchen muttering to herself in Portuguese.


frowned and sat down next to Tory. “Lee is not adjusting well to his injuries.”


“What do you mean?”


glanced at the corridor and continued quickly. “He’s lost
. It’s like he no longer has his confidence. He hasn’t left the apartment even to come to the restaurant. Tory, maybe you can help him.”


She nodded quickly as Lee returned slowly to the living room. Everyone mingled and talked but she now saw that they watched him closely. He paused a few short steps from the couch and held out his hand tentatively. It broke her heart that he had to think before coming to sit on the couch that he used to drop onto; the very same couch that he would push her down onto while he hovered above her kissing her from top to bottom. Tory stood up and reached for his hand. He grasped them and only then would he move to resume his seat on the couch.


He sat down quietly and Tory intertwined her fingers with his, holding him and feeling his fear and uncertainty. Dear God, what had that accident taken from him?




Dinner was a strange affair.
family was animated and friendly. They talked, laughed, ate and drank
, but beneath it ran a tension
Eyes darted around, secret communications ran from person to person and everything seemed forced.
If Lee picked up on it she couldn’t tell. He seemed distant and preoccupied.


“Are you ok, honey?” She


He put on a quick smile. “I’m okay.”
She could see him force down a few bites of food but for the most part he just sat
and observed. 
She needed to talk to him, privately. But
Tory realized that even after dinner when the family would make their way back to their own homes,
she and Lee
still wouldn’t be alone because his mother and father was


At the moment, sex was the last thing on her mind. She had to find out what he was going through.
Could it be that he blamed her for the accident? Had Rosalind gotten to him? They’ve had days with him and obviously they could have influenced him.


By eight the house was empty and the dishes cleaned. No one would allow her to help with the cleaning even though with many hands it took only a few minutes.  When the last person had exited Lee sighed and Tory could see the strain on his face. Something was definitely up. Mr.
Mrs. Torres announced that they would turn in for the night although it was barely eight o’clock. She appreciated the gesture and wished them a warm good night. 


When they were alone he pulled her into his arms and hugged her, more like
hung onto her. It was the first time that they’d been along in days. She buried her face into his chest and clung to him, listening to the sound of his heart drumming rapidly in his chest.


“Lee,” she looked up, still holding on to him. “What’s wrong, tell me?”


A frown flitted across his handsome face. “I’m just happy you’re here. Let’s just…go to bed. I’m exhausted.”



She replied, bu
t she wasn’t letting it go.


She went into the bathroom and remembered they weren’t alone and shut the door before peeing. She was brushing her teeth when something slammed into the door. Tory dropped her toothbrush and with a mouthful of toothpaste darted to the closed door and opened it.


Lee was in pajama bottoms and a t-shirt. He was rubbing his head and Tory gasped because she could see
lump forming
over his right eye.


“Oh baby, I’m so sorry!”


“I-no, it’s not your fault. I should have known it was closed. I could—the sound of the water was muffled. I just wasn’t thinking.”


“No, it was my fault.”


“Tory.” He said with finality and moved past her into the bathroom. He walked slowly, arms held out slightly in front of him
until he reached the sink. He got his toothbrush and felt around for the toothpaste and then began brushing his teeth. She quietly joined him at the basin and finished up.


Afterwards she followed him into the bedroom. She found her nightshirt and then stripped out of her clothes and pulled it on over her head. She climbed into bed with him where he was propped up against his pillows. 


After a few moments where neither moved or talked she finally spoke.


“Talk to me…because I feel like you’re…mad at me.”


“I’m not,” he said quickly but he didn’t look at her, or at least in her direction.


“Then talk to me baby-”


“What in the hell do you want me to say, Tory?!” he glared in her direction. “I don’t fucking know what you want me to say.”


She was so surprised that any response froze in her throat. He had never cursed at her before—not ever. He had never
raised his voice at her.


“Do you want me to leave?”


“No,” he said quickly. He reached out and stroked her arms. “I’m sorry. I am just so stressed and—but I want you to know that I’m happy you’re here. I thought I was going to go crazy wanting you here.”


And now I’m here and you cuss me?
  “Stressed about what?”


He released her, something unreadable on his face. He lay back
facing straight
. “I don’t know. That’s the problem. I just don’t know.” He t
urned to
her. “I just feel like…”


She lay on her side
facing him. “Like what?” she prodded gently.


“Like my entire life was just an illusion.
” He paused and then seemed to stare right into her eyes. “
I thought I was in control of it, but I’m not. I’m just a…passenger. I have no control over anything.”


“Baby…” she began, alarmed by
his words. “You are the most capable man that I’ve ever met.
There is not a day that goes by that I’m not in constant awe of you. You are a blind man that has accomplished more than most sighted people. You are funny, sexy, talented,
and smart
but most of all you are confidant.” Tory
watched the intense expression on his face and hoped that he was listening and believing that she meant every word.


His expression was uncertain.
“Is that what you really see Tory?”




He paused and then leaned forward and kissed her forehead—she wasn’t sure if h
e was going for her mouth but either
was okay


“Thank you. I needed that,” he whispered.


“Don’t doubt yourself. Don’t doubt what I feel for you.” She opened and then closed her mouth. Suddenly she knew she had to say what was on her mind. “I know that
…some people in your family blame me for you


“What the fuck? Who told you that? Macey? She is a fucking busybody.” He said angrily.


” His outburst surprised her.


“No, I’m sick of people getting in our business!” He sat up in bed and ran his hand through his hair. “I understand their concern, especially under the circumstances. But…” He turned back to her and reached out for her hand. “I’m sorry, Tory. I’m just so…”


“Stressed?” He didn’t say anything. “Lee don’t be mad at Macey. I picked up on the tension. She just explained it to me. She is on my side.
She is on


He relaxed. “I know she is. “It’s Senna and Leticia that are starting shit.”


“And Rosalind.”


He shook his head. “Rosalind?”


“Yeah. She hates me.”


“Baby, that
was a long time ago. She’s not said anything against you. As a matter of fact she told me that she hoped you two could be friends.”


Tory sat up in bed and made a
noise. That slick bitch
nd he was falling for it. Of course she wasn’t talking about her in front of Lee
. S
he would do it behind
back and try to fuel the flames against her.


“Rosalind can use as many friends as possible right now. She and Brice just separated-”




“Yeah, and she’s not taking it well.”


Tory felt the blood drain from her face. Rosalind intended to come after Lee and she intended to do it in the ‘correct’ way—a way that his family couldn’t find fault with.




When Tory awoke the next morning she noticed three things; the bed beside her was empty
, the smell of good food,
and the
sound of
Portuguese music playing from the other room.
Last night she had gone to sleep in Lee’s arms. Even with the casts it was comfortable. He had planted another kiss on her forehead and that time she knew it wasn’t an accident. He had fallen asleep quickly and she couldn’t find fault in that. He had told her before that he was exhausted.

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