Their Rebel Mate [Helan Universe 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (19 page)

BOOK: Their Rebel Mate [Helan Universe 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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They stayed in the water until it cooled, and Thantos began to shiver. They dried off and dressed, now ready to face whatever Kim might decide. “What time are we leaving to meet with Kim?”

Kerek glanced at the clock on the wall and grimaced. “Five minutes ago?”

Thantos grinned and tugged on his hand. “Let’s get moving then. I have a need to see our Kim.”

Our Kim
. Kerek fervently hoped that they would be able to call her that for the rest of their lives.


* * * *


Kim threw the door open before the men could even knock. Nerves were clawing at her stomach, and she’d come pretty close to losing her last meal. Only the fact that she didn’t want to have bad breath saved her from actually getting friendly with the toilet. She’d rinsed her mouth with Listerine anyway, just to be sure. “Hi,” she greeted them, feeling unaccountably shy.

Kerek nodded at her, looking grim and stressed. “Is everything okay?” she asked.

Thantos grabbed her hand and flipped it over to kiss the inside of her wrist. It seemed to be his signature move, and she loved it. “Don’t worry about Kerek,
. He’s just nervous.”

Kerek? Nervous? “What’s he so nervous over?”

Thantos smiled at her a little and squeezed her hand before letting it go. “We’re both a little nervous over your decision, that’s all.”

She waited until they were both seated on her crappy couch that had been left behind by the previous occupant of her apartment. They looked huge and yummy and the red plaid material of the saggy couch made a perfect backdrop for the two handsome men. Then again, the two men would make any backdrop look perfect.

“So, um…” Suddenly the words that had seemed so sure in her mind got tangled around her tongue, so she settled on small talk for the moment. “Are you guys leaving on the first ship back with the first of the evacuees?”

“We are,” Kerek answered shortly. He seemed angry, but she really didn’t blame him. She knew from her brief connection with him that he disliked not being in control, and he was certainly not in control of this particular situation.

She still didn’t have the words, and she was surprised she was having as much trouble saying them as she was. “So,” she said instead, “I was thinking…your society would probably benefit from having someone on Helan to teach similar classes to Thantos’s, right? Like, teaching Helans about human society?”

Thantos sat forward and looked at her intently. “I think it’s an inspired idea, Kim. Would you happen to know someone who would be up for the job? Of course, the applicant would have to relocate to Helan with us.”

This was it. Once she said the words, there was no going back.

“I think I would like to apply for the position.”

The butterflies that were fluttering around in her stomach became elephants knocking around in her gut.

Thantos reached out and stroked her cheek. “Are you sure, Kim? It’s a big decision. I mean, the chances that we would be traveling to Earth again would be pretty slim. Neither Kerek nor I will be posted on a star ship.

Kerek grabbed Thantos and yanked him back. “Why are you trying to talk her out of coming with us? Are you crazy?”

That brought a smile to her face. “Yes, I’m sure. And I’m ready to leave immediately.”

Strangely, the words that had been stuck in her throat since they got here didn’t seem to be so bad now. In fact, they had sort of rolled right off her tongue. “Don’t worry. I appreciate Thantos’s concern, but I’ve been sure since I watched you walk down the hall two days ago. I used the time to resign from my position at the university, paid out the rest of my lease on the apartment, donated most of my clothes and possessions, and packed up anything sentimental.”

Instead of smiling, Kerek scowled at her. “You knew you would be coming with us, and you didn’t tell us? Do you have any idea how much we suffered as we waited for your answer.”

A shaft of pain pierced her heart at the thought of what they must have gone through, but she raised her chin and held his stare. “I knew if I told you then, I wouldn’t have had the strength to do what I needed to. I couldn’t just leave things the way they were.”

When he didn’t seem to be moved by her reasoning, she knelt between his knees and looked up at him. “I’m sorry, Kerek. I just wanted to make sure that when I finally did tell you, I could leave right away.”

Kerek growled again and jerked her up so that his breath bathed her lips. “You’d better not have given away your bed yet,

He swept her up in his arms and marched her into the bedroom, practically throwing her on the bed. He pointed at her, deadly serious. “Do not move.”

Thantos had followed them into the bedroom, and he crawled up on the bed with her. “You’d better listen to him. He’s getting all possessive, and he needs to claim you.”

Kerek turned on the man next to her and stalked toward him. “Strip.”

Thantos shot to his feet and began shedding his clothes.

Kim watched as Thantos’s body was revealed one article of clothing at a time, her mouth watering for a taste. She reached out to stroke that beautiful behind only to have Kerek circle his fingers around her wrist and hold her still. “I said not to move.”

Surprise flowed over her when the sound of ripping material rent the air, accompanying the cool breeze of the ceiling fan drifting over her breasts. “Hey, I liked that shirt! And how come you didn’t rip off Thantos’s clothes?”

Thantos stretched out next to her and began working on the button of her jeans. “You have other clothes here to wear back to the ship. I don’t. And we don’t want anyone else to see us naked if we want to keep the body count down.”

Kerek yanked her pants off, taking the thong panty with them. She was glad that she hadn’t worn a bra under the cute tank because she had a sneaking suspicion bra straps might hurt if they were forcibly removed.

Stripping off his own clothes, Kerek joined them on the bed and rolled her over so that she was sandwiched between the two of them. “Kiss me,
. Let me know that you won’t ever let us leave again.”

He mashed their lips together even as Thantos began peppering small kisses across the back of her shoulders.

A shock rippled through her as their bond came rushing back, and she was instantly bombarded by every emotion and physical sensation her men were experiencing. She grabbed Kerek by the chin and forced him to look her in the eyes. “Never again,” she swore as she poured as much sincerity into her bond with Kerek as possible.

Thantos chuckled and pulled away. “I think the two of you need some time to reconnect. I’m going to go and contact Jaron and let him know that you’re coming with us. And I’ll get him to talk to High King D’Arik about the position you’re interested in.”

“Don’t go far,

Thantos reached over her shoulder and stroked Kerek’s dark hair. “I’ll just be in the front room.”

She kissed Thantos’s hand before he pulled it away. “What about you?” she asked, pushing her butt back into the rigid cock he was grinding against her.

“I’ll be back,
. I’m just going to give you and Kerek a bit of time,” Thantos soothed.

She could feel the truth of his statement in their bond and relaxed into Kerek’s arms, focusing on the pleasure that was washing between the two of them.

She barely felt Thantos leave the room, his presence was so strong through their bond. It was almost like he was still in the room with them.

“Hey,” Kerek said, catching her chin and angling her head toward him. “I need you so much. Tell me if I get too rough, okay?”

She nodded, and he pressed their lips together again. His kiss was at once possessive and freeing, the silken slide of lips smoothing against each other. Hard muscle and warm skin pressed against her from shoulder to knees, and the light smattering of hair on Kerek’s chest abraded her nipples deliciously.

The kiss grew more frantic with each second, as if Kerek was desperate to reassure himself that she was really with him. Their teeth clicked together, tongues dueling, and their bodies strained against each other.

Kerek rearranged them until they were lying on their sides, facing each other. He pulled on her leg until it was draped over his hip, and his erection was in direct contact with her pussy.

The contact seemed to mellow him, clearly telling him with the ease with which she accepted the bond between the three of them that she was sure of her decision to be with them.

Every move he made became slow and deliberate, calculated to drive her insane with need. The head of his prick rubbed over her swollen clit with every thrust of his hips.

He caught her nipples between his fingers and thumbs, tweaking and pinching them until her eyes rolled from the pleasure shooting through her. “Kerek,” she panted, “I need you.”

A hand suddenly ran down her back, smoothing over her spine and stopping to tickle at the top of her ass. “I couldn’t stay away any longer,” Thantos whispered. “The two of you made it very hard to concentrate while I was talking to Jaron.”

“Mmm,” Kerek purred, pulling a little harder on her nipples while he moved his hips just enough to wedge the head of his cock in her pussy. “Welcome back, Thantos. Get her ready, yeah?”

“Ready for what?” she moaned.

A wet finger wiggled around between her cheeks, tickling at her virgin hole. “For both of us,” Thantos answered.

That finger pierced her a little, sinking in halfway.

“Oh,” she gasped, wriggling at the invasion. The squirming caused her to lodge Kerek’s dick even further inside her.

God, she’d never felt so full before. There was a slight burn in her ass that did nothing but emphasize the pleasure that both of them were now lavishing on her poor, oversensitized body.

She rocked back and forth, unsure what felt better, the dick in her pussy or the finger in her ass. “More.” She meant the word as a demand, but it came out as a whimper.

“My pleasure,” Thantos whispered, adding another finger.

The breath caught in her throat at the feeling. Kerek grunted as Thantos manipulated his fingers so that he was rubbing against Kerek’s prick through the thin barrier of skin separating her anus from her pussy.

The sensations of Kerek’s pleasure, combined with her own began bouncing back and forth between them, nearly overwhelming her with need. “Thantos,” she cried.

Thantos scissored his fingers apart, stretching her delicate flesh. Her muscles suddenly softened, and his fingers disappeared only to be replaced with the blunt, velvety head of his dick.

He wasted no time sliding in, and he and Kerek began thrusting in tandem, one pulling out while one pushed in, repeating the actions until she didn’t think she could take the pleasure anymore.

Oh, yes you can
, Kerek’s voice growled in her head.

Tears gathered in her eyes at their mental connection, slipping down her cheeks steadily. She’d been afraid before, afraid of losing herself in the demands of her mates. But when their bond had gone silent, when she’d been alone with her thoughts and emotions, she’d found it incredibly lonely, like a huge gaping hole had been left where her men had once occupied. This was the way it was supposed to be, this connection, this thread bonding them all together. It was right. She knew it now.

Kerek began crooning to her, more sounds than actual words, and licked her tears off her cheeks.

Pleasure pounded through the three of them, crashing into them and rebounding until lights began flashing behind her closed eyes. She shattered first, screaming out her ecstasy even as Thantos tumbled over the edge with her, scalding her ass with his seed.

She vaguely felt Kerek shudder in her arms before the pleasure ratcheted up even higher. “I love you both,” she whispered before she blacked out.

The television was on when she woke up again, her own voice echoing back at her. “In summary, I had the opportunity to spend time on one of the Helan ships, to interact with both Helans and the women who have chosen to mate with them. I will tell you today that although signing the mating registry is not for everyone, the women I spoke to were very happy. I’ve learned that while Helan society has its flaws, much like our own, females are highly valued for their contributions in science, business, and politics.

“I will be stepping down as the leader of the revolution and recommend that females educate themselves on the Helan culture before making a choice instead of blindly writing it off. If I had continued with the course I was set on, I wouldn’t have met the Helan men that I fell in love with. I will be leaving with the two of them when they travel back to Helan.”

Kerek grunted, and the television switched off. “Were you even going to tell us that you were making a statement?”

His voice sounded grumpy, but the pride flowing through their bond told her he was anything but. “I kinda got side tracked by two very handsome, very sexy, and very demanding mates.”

Thantos sidled up to the mattress where she was still stretched out and leaned down to kiss her. “Bad mates,” he said against her lips. “Is there anything we can do to make up for distracting you?”

She stretched and looped her arms around his neck, letting him pull her up. “Yep. You can let me ride you while Kerek takes you.”

Kerek began chuckling. “Come on, you two,” he said as he rooted through her closet and began choosing clothing for her. “The ship is set to leave soon, and we’re needed back on Helan. Put these on,
, and let’s get going.”

She glanced at the turtleneck and jeans. “You do realize that it’s ninety degrees out, right?”

Thantos laughed and buried his face in her neck. “He doesn’t want anyone to see you at all. You’ll have to give him some time to calm down. He made me wear a floor-length coat for six months after we first mated.”

She thought about it for a minute. Kerek, all jealous over the idea of people seeing her? Hot.

BOOK: Their Rebel Mate [Helan Universe 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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