Their Rebel Mate [Helan Universe 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (20 page)

BOOK: Their Rebel Mate [Helan Universe 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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She tapped Thantos’s shoulder, and he put her down, helping her to slide on her clothes. Once finished, he wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her close. “Did you mean it?”

She could pretend she didn’t know what he was talking about, but that would be mean. “I did. I love you both so much. I just needed time to figure that out.”

“I love you, too,” Thantos said, letting go of her with one arm only to press her hand to his heart. “This only beats for you and Kerek.”

A muscular pair of arms wrapped around both of them. Kerek kissed Thantos first and Kim second. He didn’t say the three little words, but she could feel the emotions, true and strong, through their bond.



Thantos walked into the house and dropped his bag on the bench by the front door. It landed right next to Kim’s bag and Kerek’s vidscreen. He grinned at the sight. They had been on Helan for eight months now, and he was just getting used to seeing Kim’s stuff mingled with his and Kerek’s.

He stretched his back out and wondered if he could convince one of his mates to give him a back rub.

He wandered into the living space and looked around but found no one. The televid was on, so clearly at least one of his mates was home.

The floorboards overhead squeaked, and his heart sped up. He took the stairs two at a time and slid to a stop in front of the nursery. Kerek was rocking their infant son, one foot pushing the chair, the other extended to rest on the stool. Kerek looked up at him and put one finger to his lips.

Thantos crept over and gazed down at the baby. He was clearly Kerek’s biological child, with a shock of soft black hair and bright-blue eyes. He had the longest eyelashes and Kim’s cute little snub nose. And Thantos couldn’t love him any more, even if Pathar was his own biological son.

“He just fall asleep?” Thantos whispered.

Kerek nodded and smiled up at him. “Kim said he’s been up all day. I told her to go relax and I would give him his last bottle before bed.”

Thantos knew the truth behind the statement. Kerek adored their son and was somewhat of a baby hog. Luckily, Thantos had the day off tomorrow and would be able to spend the whole day with his son while Kerek and Kim went to speak with a group of human women.

He scooped up the empty bottle and ran one finger over Pathar’s soft cheek, smiling softly as the baby pursed his lips and sucked vigorously on his pacifier. “What’s Kim doing?” he whispered.

Kerek grinned and jiggled the baby slightly. “I believe she said something about taking a shower.”

Thantos felt his whole body light up. “Meet us in the bedroom when Pathar is settled.”

“Wouldn’t miss it,

Thantos jogged down the stairs and tossed the bottle into the sanitizing station, knowing the computer would take care of it. The thought of Kim in the shower had him rushing back up the stairs and into the huge bathroom off the bedroom the three of them shared.

The steam was billowing out of the shower stall, and he shed his uniform, thankful for the running water. After so long on the star ship, all three of them had been ecstatic with the hot shower.

He slipped in behind her and wrapped his arms around her from behind. She instantly relaxed into him and leaned her head back against his chest. “Hard day?” he asked.

“Mmm. I love Pathar very much, but I was so glad when Kerek took over. Are you looking forward to your day with him tomorrow?”

“You know it.”

Okay. He was hard as stone and aching. Enough with the small talk. He nuzzled his lips behind her ear, nibbling and sucking until she was shivering in his arms.

Turning around in his embrace until she faced him, she looped her arms around his neck and leaned back a little, totally confident in the knowledge that he would never let her fall. Her utter and complete trust in him filled him with pride and love.

“I had an appointment with Dr. Sathon today,” she remarked, as if it was just a normal, everyday conversation. She couldn’t fool him though. He knew very well it was her eight-week postnatal checkup. He and Kerek had been going nuts trying to keep their hands to themselves until Sathon gave them the okay.

“And what did he say about Pathar?” he said teasingly. Two could play at that game.

Her eyes lit up, just like he knew they would. She loved discussing their son. “He’s gained another two pounds and is right where he’s supposed to be. Sathon was impressed by how aware he is.”

“Of course he was impressed. Pathar is our son. He’s probably the smartest, handsomest baby in the world.” He meant every word.

She pulled him down for a kiss, one that went from sweet to sultry in a matter of seconds. He groaned when her nipples hardened and scraped across his chest. He slid a thigh between her legs and tugged on her hips, encouraging her to ride him. “Did Sathon say anything else?”

The shower door opened again, and Kerek joined them under the water. “Yes,
, what else did Sathon say?”

She giggled but kept moving on Thantos’s thigh. He groaned when the very top of her pussy bumped against the root of his dick, scalding him.

,” Kerek growled, crowding against Kim from behind.

Thantos knew she wouldn’t be able to keep the game going for long. Not when she’d had as hard a time keeping her hands off them as they’d had.

Sure enough, she sighed and melted against them. “He said I was ready for marital relations, as he called it.”

“Well, what the fuck are we doing in the shower?” Kerek said, tugging them out of the shower stall. “Don’t we have some catching up to do?”

“Can I pick?”

Thantos laughed as Kerek dried them off rather haphazardly. “Lady’s choice,” he agreed, letting Kerek usher them into the bedroom, and falling on the huge mattress the three of them had picked out the same day they’d landed on Helan.

Kim squealed and jumped on him, crawling up his body so she could kiss him. “Love you,” she said, dropping tiny kisses all over his face.

Kerek joined them on the bed. “So, what’s it going to be, my

Oh, I think you know exactly what I want,
Kim said in their heads.

Thantos shuddered, absolutely thrilled with her choice. It was exactly what he’d been craving for weeks, and he was about to get it.

He rolled over so that Kim was under him, and kissed her smiling mouth. “Can’t wait,” she panted, wrapping her legs around his waist.

He knew the feeling. They’d had nothing but foreplay for the last eight weeks, and he could feel that she was ready for them, so he gave her what they all wanted. He pushed his dick into her warm pussy, spreading his legs so that Kerek could kneel behind him. “You sure you’re ready for us?” he said through gritted teeth.

She hitched her hips up so that he sank in deeper. “Very sure. God, Thantos, it’s been so long. I need you both.”

He took her at her word and pushed all the way in and froze, waiting for Kerek to discover what he’d slipped in this morning before he went to work.

“Oh, holy fuck,” Kerek groaned. Oh, and he’d discovered the butt plug.

“You’re wearing a plug?” Kim said, clearly having seen the image in Kerek’s mind.

“I knew you had your appointment with Sathon, and I wanted to be ready for this.”

“Good thinking,” Kerek purred. He sunk a finger in and groaned. Thantos smiled and pulled out of Kim a little to rock onto Kerek’s finger. He knew Kerek would appreciate the fact that he’d slicked up before putting the plug in.

Thantos lost the ability to think when Kerek replaced his finger with his dick, pushing in without hesitation.

The three of them moved in perfect harmony, having had months of practice. But the eight weeks of celibacy took their toll on them, and it wasn’t long before Thantos’s balls were pulling up tight. He tried to prolong it for as long as he could, but Kim clamped tight around him, and Kerek began pounding against his sweet spot.

Kim gasped and yanked on his hair even as Kerek bit down on the fleshy part of his shoulder. “Let go,” Kerek demanded when he let go of his skin.

Thantos never was able to deny either of his mates anything, and the orgasm hit him like a freight train.

By the time he regained his wits, Kerek had rolled him off Kim, and his female was cuddled up to his side. Kerek was panting against his neck, stroking his chest. “Gods, that was fantastic. But I don’t think I can move my legs anymore.”

He was glad he’d made the statement before the baby started crying because, though he grumbled, Kerek got up and drew on a pair of sleep pants.

Thantos stuck his tongue at Kerek and drew Kim closer, listening to her breathe as Kerek’s voice floated from the monitor. “What’s up, big man? You’re not hungry, you’re dry…” The wails settled into the occasional snuffling. “Are you lonely, baby boy? You wanna come cuddle with us for a little while?”

Kim shook her head and crawled over to the foot of the bed, scooping the robe that she’d left there and slipping it on. “He’s going to spoil the baby, isn’t he?”

Thantos groaned and groped around until he found a pair of pants. They were Kerek’s but whatever. “Yep. I have a feeling we all will.”

Kim sighed happily as she flopped back down on the mattress. “Well, he’s just too cute not to give him whatever he wants.”

Kerek reappeared, cradling their precious son against his huge chest. Thantos lay down and accepted the warm little bundle, settling him on his bare chest. The baby snuggled in and fell back to sleep, clearly happy to be with his parents.

Kerek climbed onto the bed and rested his head on Thantos’s pillow, reaching over his stomach to tangle his fingers with Kim’s. Thantos bent his neck and kissed the top of the baby’s head. He was surrounded, a mate on either side of him and his son cuddled on his chest.

Thantos was surrounded by his family, and it was right where he wanted to be.









Lynn Tyler was born and raised in Southern Ontario and still calls it home today. She married her first and only boyfriend and now they have two beautiful, very active children.

When not writing, Lynn can be found engrossed in her e-reader, and is seriously considering starting a campaign to make chocolate its own food group.



For all titles by Lynn Tyler, please visit




Siren Publishing, Inc.

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