The Young Wife (16 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Calvin

BOOK: The Young Wife
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She didn't answer, but her thighs rolled almost imperceptibly apart, and I knew that she was relaxing into the role of seductress. I knew that I had to disappoint her this time, but had yet to decide how much.
‘It would be better if you were in your underwear really, Vivian, but I'll make do like this.'
I think she was ready to offer to take off her dress, because she started to rise off the table. The pressure of my hands between her shoulderblades stopped her before she could rise more than an inch, and I started to work on her lower neck without any further conversation. Her head was soon nodding with pleasure as I kneaded the tense muscles at either side of the most prominent knob of her spine. She kept her head straight while I manipulated the flesh at the sides of her throat, and visibly relaxed even further when my hands began to wander expertly down her spine.
‘It's no good,' I sighed in my campest voice. ‘I can't work like this. I need to feel the muscles deep around your spine, and I can't do that through the dress.'
She turned her head back to look at me, and her pupils were huge in the brown corneas, as she said, ‘Oh! Don't stop. That was lovely. Why don't you open my dress? I don't mind.'
I pretended to think about it, and made a face as if I was reluctant to compromise my skills in this way. Then I shrugged my agreement, and she settled back with a smile of quiet triumph. I had to take a deep breath to calm myself as I was about to open the dress of a woman I had only known for two hours, and then I was going to run my hands all over her body, while pretending to be unaffected by it all. She tilted her back up, and the firm humps of her bottom mounded up at me. I decided to start a little higher up, as the temptation to just roll her dress hem up to expose it was starting to get the better of me. I gently but firmly undid the tiny nylon buttons that were dotted along her back, and the edges of her dress peeled away to reveal a lovely tanned back, with skin like polished antique pine. It was broad and meaty, but shapely too, and the indentations along her backbone drifted, smaller and smaller, into the hollow above her bottom. As my fingers neared that glorious swell of flesh, I had to count down slowly to try and steady them. With each popping of a button, I got further down the crease, and my fingers brushed like feathers along the inrolling of her bum. Gradually, more of her knickers came into view until, at last, the sides of her dress fell totally away, and her tightly knickered pumpkin soared up at me. Her knickers were drawn well up between the plump brown cheeks, and they slipped away into the dark crack like foamy water over a cliff edge. I stared, fascinated, at the little hairs that clung like golden dune-grass to the slopes of her brawny arse, and leaned forwards so that I could see down between the line where her firm thighs met. The lips of her cunt were plainly visible through the thin white mesh of her knickers, and they crouched in the seam of her thighs joining like a sea-creature marooned above the tide. Patient, and expectant.
Her skin was warm and moist to the touch, which made my fingers slide relatively easily over the solid plain of relaxed muscle that was her back and spine. Her build hinted at great strength, and I was amazed at how little spare flesh she had. Her muscles rolled fluidly under my fingertips, and I felt them slip easily over the frame of her ribcage. Her breathing shallowed to an almost imperceptible rising and falling of her shoulders, and her breath hissed gently out of her fine, arched nostrils. In repose, she had quite a sweet face, with long, dark lashes forming a black crescent on her flushed cheek. Her lips were red as blood, and pouted in the manner of a spoiled child.
I wanted to rub her cunt, to see what she would do, but I dared not spoil the opportunity I had been handed on a plate with self-indulgent impulses. My fingers were circling around the beginning of her bottom's crease, and I tried to keep the tremor from them as I rolled the tight elasticated edge of her crisp, white pants down a little to expose the indentation at her lower spine. Her cheeks flexed when my fingers first strayed over their downslopes, and I knew instinctively that she had tightened them on purpose. She was trying to attract my attention to their glossy fullness. As if I needed any help. She relaxed the golden orbs, and the long muscles at the back of her creamy thighs, so that her upper legs swayed gently apart. I could see stray wisps of wiry hair escaping from the bulge around her purse-like cunt. I ached to rub the material of her knickers into the puffed-up slit so clearly indented in the tight fabric. She shifted her hips, as if to make herself comfortable, and it flashed up at me. At some level I could smell her musk, and my cock throbbed against the restraint of my jeans. I could feel my glans rubbing uncomfortably against the waistband of my underwear, and I fought the delicious urge to unzip it and let it spring out to beat against her thigh. I dared to cup her cheeks fully, as I rolled my thumbs in outward circles on the tiny muscles at the base of her spine. Her breathing was heavy, and clearly audible in the hush of the kitchen. I tried to think of some ruse to get her to kneel up on the table, but could not, and decided immediately to halt, and try again another day.
I slapped her playfully on her upper back, and said, ‘No falling asleep on the kitchen table, Vivian. What would Antonia say if she came down in the morning and found you like this?'
She groaned as she turned her head to look over her shoulder at me, and I was trying desperately not to seem too interested in the lovely flexing of her hips and buttocks, as she said, ‘Oh, bugger Antonia. She can be such a pain.'
She rolled up on to her hip, as I stood away from her and tried to hunch so that the bulge of my penis would be hidden by the folds of shirt at my waist. She slid off the table top, and turned her back to me so that I could snap the little buttons of her dress closed. I bade farewell mentally to the firm, broad hips as her dress closed over them. I told her that, if time permitted, I would give her a thorough going over once I had attended to the needs of Leo.
‘Of course,' she said, smiling keenly up at me. ‘I have been very selfish, asking you to do that for me, when you have only just arrived.'
She was utterly shameless, and didn't mean a word of what she had just said. I got the impression that Vivian was used to getting exactly what she wanted, exactly when she wanted it. I must have presented some sort of challenge to her. I think she was determined to ‘straighten' me out. Rather in the manner that some men think that all any lesbian needs is a good cock to sort them out. I was equally determined to allow her a triumph, but not on her terms, and in my own good time. I made some excuse about having to go and look over the patient, and she was forced to accept this with good grace. Strictly speaking, it was true, as I had to assess Leo's condition before I could work out a regime for him. I also had to see Anne, to tell her about how things were developing and to go over the tactics I was going to use with Vivian. My cock was still hard as I walked back up to the main house, and I resolved then to give her the fucking of her life when the right moment came.
The morning found me up and ready for action, mentally as well as physically. Anne and Jessica were delighted with my progress. So far, so quickly, they both enthused. I could see that Jessica was a little nervous of me, though she hid it well. She was another tasty dish that was forbidden to me for the time being. I would have to move even faster with Vivian, or I would be living like a monk for the duration of my stay. Jessica told me that she intended to take on one more person, to help her with Leo, and that the person would be female.
‘Her name is Kay, and she comes personally recommended,' she told me, then threw a meaningful look at Anne. I took this to mean that Anne either knew her from the dyke scene, or had slept with her. Either of which meant she also would be of little use to me in the romantic arena.
‘This is ridiculous, Anne,' I protested. ‘I'm surrounded by women who, for one reason or another, I'm not allowed to fuck!'
The girls thought this was hilarious, though I could see a strange glint in Jessica's eye, and it set me wondering what she thought about that, and whether there was any hope in that direction. I was soon warned off by Anne, who recognised the speculation on my face.
‘Less of that, you!' she cried, ‘Jessica is out of bounds. If those two bitches get any hint that there is a case against Jessie for infidelity, they will have private investigators on her like a shot. They've already tried it, for fuck's sake.'
‘Don't swear so much, Anne,' I told her. ‘It makes you sound common.'
She shrieked in mock outrage and leaped over to pummel me. She is a very strong girl, and some of the blows made my chest ache, so I attempted to placate her by offering to leave.
‘Oh, you can't do that,' she told me, ‘or you'll miss the interview.'
‘What interview?' I asked, intrigued by the impish grin she wore as she had said it.
‘Kay's interview, of course. It's going to be very special. I think you should stay and watch it. You might find it . . . ah . . . educational,' she said, with a mischievous grin.
I knew from past experience that Anne was capable of anything, so I agreed to hang around until ‘Kay' came, but I was unsure whether I was supposed to be part of the interviewing panel or not, so I asked Anne.
‘No. of course not, silly. You are going to hide behind the curtain and watch. It's not going to be an ordinary interview,' she said. ‘We require some extraordinary qualities from our employees, don't we, Jessie?'
To which interrogation the sweet girl in question merely nodded in embarrassed agreement. It was obvious that there was something strange going on between them, but I am a naturally polite person, and it didn't seem right to pry. I just thought of all these little diversions as some sort of harmless fun, and had no idea that they were plotting something serious.
When Kay arrived, and it was time for me to take up my station behind the curtain. Anne made me stand on a wooden chest, so that my shoes wouldn't show. Then she arranged the curtain so that I couldn't be seen. I was waiting patiently for her to move away, when I felt an unseen hand stroke my groin through the curtain. I felt an immediate response in the root of my cock, and it twitched sullenly into slow-growing life on that instant. I peeped my head around the curtain, only to see Jessica, not Anne, moving away from me. Which of them had it been, I wondered? Anne was quite capable of doing it for a joke, though I doubted very much if she seriously fancied me. I was still confusedly trying to reason it out when the girl called Kay walked into the room. I ducked my head back behind the curtain just in time, and stood stock still behind the thick velvet folds. It dawned on me at that precise moment that I would have to stay there until the girl was gone, for it would be far too embarrassing to suddenly appear from behind a curtain in front of a total stranger. It was only when I realised that I couldn't leave that I felt that I wanted to. I am contrary like that.
I heard the voice of a young woman say, ‘Hi, I'm Kay,' and heard Jessica answer.
‘Hi, come in and have a seat,' her soft voice intoned, and I wondered anew about that soft touch at my groin. I was beginning to find Jessica seriously interesting.
‘Anne has told me so much about you,' continued that silky purr. ‘I just know you will like it here, if you decide to join us.'
‘What exactly will I be doing here?' asked Kay, with a pleasing note of nervousness in her youthful voice.
‘How much has Anne told you?' queried Jessica, and I waited expectantly for Kay's reply. I was mystified myself. We had all the necessary skills to care for Leo between us already.
‘She said I would be lending a hand looking after some old guy, who's not very well. She said I would have to cheer him up. And keep him company sometimes. That sort of thing.'
‘That's exactly right, Kay,' exclaimed Jessica, as if what Kay had said was extraordinarily clever. ‘That's what we all do here. We take it in turns to amuse my husband who, as you say, is not very well. He needs a lot of company, or he slips into a depression. He likes a lot of bright females around him. Just like most men, eh?'
I heard Kay giggle, and realised from the sound of it that of all the things she might be, ‘bright' was not one of them. I smiled to myself at that thought, and settled down for more entertainment.
‘We'll pay you very well here, Kay, and you'll have a room to yourself. You can go home at weekends as well, if you like, though you are welcome to stay here on your days off,' continued Jessica, and I heard the amusement bubbling under the surface of her conversation. I realised that she knew perfectly well that Kay was a little bit silly, and was trying her best not to be condescending.
‘It sounds great,' said Kay, brimful of youthful enthusiasm.
‘Oh, it will be,' Jessica assured her, ‘and we even supply you with a pretty uniform. Would you like to see it?'
‘A proper uniform, like the maids in posh houses?' said the silly girl. ‘Yes, please! God, this is like being in a film, Miss . . . ah!'
‘Jessica, please. We don't stand on ceremony here, Kay,' said Jessie.
‘Jessica, then,' came Kay's shy reply.
‘Anne,' called Jessica, ‘Can you bring Kay's uniform, please?'
A few tense seconds later, I heard the sound of Anne bustling back into the room. I fought the temptation to look out, though I was dying to get a look at Kay. She sounded really luscious, if a trifle dim. So earnest, and anxious to please.
‘Oh, it's new!' she suddenly exclaimed, and the delight in her voice was obvious. I was itching with curiosity, but I dared not peep out, as I couldn't tell from her voice which way she was facing. It was maddening, and the thought occurred to me that this was what the girls had planned. Then I dismissed it, as I didn't realise then how devious women can be. I concentrated on trying to hear every nuance of what was happening.

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