The Young Wife (25 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Calvin

BOOK: The Young Wife
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What a strange life I led in those days. I had never before been asked to enter a house illegally, and ravish the admittedly beautiful and willing woman that I found there. Only afterwards did I think of how badly it could have gone wrong.
For example, if Leo had a turn for the worse as a result of my actions, I could easily have found myself being accused of disreputable conduct, which would have made a good future in my chosen career unlikely in the extreme. I have to confess, I didn't think of that at all during the whole interlude. It was a classic case of the little head thinking for the big head. Having said that, I don't regret it for a moment, as it had to have rated as one of the sexiest experiences I have ever had. Beneath her aloof exterior and aspect of innocence, Jessica hides a deep vein of perversity and sadism. In the nicest possible way.
She reminded me the following morning that I still had a mission to accomplish with the elder of the witches, and would not respond to my probes about our own little escapade at all. It seemed that she wanted to pretend that it had never happened, which annoyed me at first, but I soon forgave her, as she is an utterly delectable woman.
As to Vivian? Well, she was going to be a pushover, really, so it wasn't much of a mission if I was just going to fuck her. The hard part was doing it in such a way that everyone else caught us doing it. I had laid the groundwork during the weeks previously by attending to her at every available opportunity. She was the sort of woman who wants what she can't have, and the more it is unattainable, the more she covets it. For the moment, I was the object she coveted, and she would do anything to achieve her victory. Like I said, it should have been easy.
During one of our more intense physio sessions, she came boldly out with her desire for me. I had her stretched out on the floor, braless, but with her plump hips covered in cotton panties. I was in the process of tucking these up a little into the tight crack of her behind, and my cock was humming with engorgement. To tell the truth, it had been becoming a little bit awkward trying to hide the bloody thing from her, as inevitably it brushed against her during the course of our sessions, and sooner or later she was bound to notice. When she finally did, it happened in this way.
As I have explained, I was adjusting her knickers in a way that was, in theory, supposed to make it easier to massage her, but which was, in actual fact, so that I could get a better view of the full, satin-fleshed cheeks of her plump backside. I could see the beginning of the hair around the perimeter of her labia peeping out in wisps from the wedge of material between her thighs, and the sight entranced me so much that for a moment I ceased to do anything but stare at it in excited delight. She became suspicious of the pause in my attention and put her hand back over her narrow waist to touch my hands, as she craned her muscular neck round to look at me. Her big, brown eyes widened as the back of her hand brushed against the rigid member that strained so obviously against my trousers.
‘David!' she said, in that odd accent of hers. ‘You have an erection.'
She rolled on to her firm hip, and the shiny, olive globe of the breast nearest to me swayed in an utterly delicious fashion, over the taut and glossy cage of her ribs.
‘How is that?' she continued, her tone a dark mix of suspicion and delight.
I thought furiously for a second or two, and then came up with an answer that was perfect in its brevity and accuracy.
‘It's your bottom.'
‘My bottom?' she queried, with one black, Latin eyebrow arched in an amused and sceptical fashion.
‘Yes. It affects me. I don't know why yours should, when no other woman's has,' I lied, with an expression of apologetic puzzlement on my face. ‘It's just so . . . perfect.'
‘Perfect?' she said, pleased with the thought that she could do what no other woman could. She rolled on to her stomach again, and flexed the delicious, dusky cheeks. ‘What is so different about my bottom?'
I toyed idly with the material that separated the two firm globes. Then trailed my fingers lightly over the firm, twitching mounds.
‘It is so tight, and firm,' I said, and she squeezed the rounded globes again in excitement. ‘So full, and smooth . . . so supple . . . so rounded,' I continued, with every added word of praise making her wriggle the object of my attentions ever more animatedly.
‘You're tickling me,' she accused me delightedly, in a flirtatious, giggling voice.
‘Vivian,' I told her, in a voice that clotted with suppressed lust, ‘I do believe I could do more than tickle you.'
She turned her head back to look at me, and the tit swelled under the bunching of one rounded arm. The tendons at the small of her back made a deep ravine of glossy skin, into which I longed to dip my tongue.
‘I thought you didn't like women that way?' she asked. ‘Sexually, I mean.'
‘Don't look at me,' I said. ‘It makes me too embarrassed.'
She turned her head away, and tilted her bottom up almost imperceptibly, then asked me, ‘Why do you like me, then?'
‘It's a fantasy of mine,' I explained in low, embarrassed tones. ‘I have this dream about coming into a room where there is a woman waiting for me. She is helpless, blindfolded, and on her knees.'
‘What do you do to her?' asked Vivian, her voice addressed to me, but aimed at the space between her hands.
‘I can't tell you, Vivian. It's too shameful,' I told her, knowing she would persist.
‘Go on, you can tell me,' she prompted. ‘I have seen a lot of things in my time. You can't shock me.'
I decided to try.
‘Well, it sounds a bit strange, but what I do is . . . Well . . . I . . . I shave all the hair off her sex.'
‘Really! Is that all?' said Vivian, trying to sound amused and tolerant in the same statement. ‘I have heard of much worse than that.'
‘Ah, yes. But then I do something terrible,' I said teasingly.
‘What?' asked the supine, glossy woman who sprawled lazily in front of me.
‘I put my cock in her bottom and bugger her, until she comes,' I said, and watched the full cheeks twitch at the words ‘cock' and ‘bugger'.
She said, ‘That's not so bad,' and I knew then that she was going to let me do it to her. I had won, and the thought of what was to come made my guts knot with delight.
‘I will help you overcome this, if you like,' she continued, and rolled on to her side again to face me. I pretended to be both vulnerable and unbelieving.
‘I couldn't ask you to do this, Vivian,' I protested, knowing that she had the bit between her teeth now, and there was no way I was going to be allowed to refuse her.
‘Don't be afraid,' she said, smiling. ‘I won't mind if you can't carry it through.'
She had no idea. Not only would I carry it through, I would take great pleasure in doing so. I had to decide where it would best be done, and I thought it would be poetic to let her make that choice. After all, she was sacrificing herself in a good cause. I had to restrain myself from pawing her lovely muscular form, as she sprawled in lazy triumph before me. Her satisfaction was obvious.
‘Have you done that kind of thing before?' I asked, and she shook her head to indicate the negative.
‘Have you ever buggered a man?' she said, with a note of faint fascination and disgust in her voice.
I decided to answer truthfully, and told her, ‘No, I have never wanted to. I know it sounds strange, but the physical side of things has never appealed to me.'
It was what she wanted to hear.
‘You are the sensitive sort,' she pronounced, having made her mind up.
She hauled her shoulders up off the floor, and raised herself so that she was poised on all fours. She stretched her hips back towards me, confident in her attractiveness, and her smooth skin drew taut over the rounded muscle of her hips. Her pussy pouted at me, and I felt the throbbing of my cock increase. I longed to whip it out, and slide it into her, but forced myself to be patient for just a little longer. I was trying to think of a way that I could convince her that it was perfectly normal for ‘gay' men to want to fuck women's pussies, but the strain I was under exhausted my invention. She sat, triumphantly, on her thick haunches, and the firm, muscular limbs bulged with glossy health. She was in prime condition, and she knew it. She stretched her arms up over her head, and the ripe pears of her heavy breasts lifted in the most wonderful way, so that the dark tips jumped in my vision on their beds of globular, shuddering flesh. I wanted to grab them in cruel fingers and squeeze until she cried out. She was a dreadful tease, and I knew she felt herself the object of my fascination.
‘When can we do it?' I asked her, and she considered me for long moments before replying.
‘As soon as we can have the place to ourselves,' she said.
How soon that was likely to be, I had no way of knowing, but she seemed as eager as I was, and I trusted to a woman's invention more than I trusted my own.
‘We will play it like a game,' she told me with a half-smile. We were conspirators, and I think she liked the idea that it would be ‘our secret'.
‘You have magical hands, David,' she simpered, as she dressed. ‘I am looking forward to being completely in your power.'
The thought of her at my mercy was just too marvellous, and the events with Jessica the previous evening had given me the taste for power. I could hardly wait to have her, which was a very ungentlemanly attitude, but I couldn't help myself. She really was a tasty little minx.
The opportunity came sooner than she expected, though I was not as surprised as she when everyone announced that they would be away for the night only the day after our ‘agreement'. I wasn't surprised because I had arranged it with them, though they were not to be gone for too long. Vivian didn't know that, though, and she hummed happily around the house in a manner that gave rise to all manner of quizzical looks, and raised eyebrows. I felt a bit of a cad, as it was plain that she was more enamoured with me than she had pretended. I explained this to Jessica, who was quick to reassure me.
‘Why, David. You give me hope for all men,' she said, tapping me on the shoulder when I had her to myself in the kitchen. ‘After the way you treated me the other evening, I was convinced you were a brute, and here you are having qualms of conscience about deceiving another woman.'
‘She's not so bad,' I protested. ‘Just a bit spoiled.'
Jessica studied me carefully, then said, ‘You aren't getting a bit fond of her, are you, David?'
I was quick to deny it, but the truth is that I did quite like her. Not that I was going to let Jessica know that.
‘She's going to let me do it tonight,' I said, blurting out the details to cover my feelings. ‘I am to meet her at eight, help her get ready, then come back “in role”, as it were.'
‘We shall join you then, if you don't mind,' Jessica said, a little bitchily.
I think she didn't like the idea of me getting fond of Vivian, but she would never have admitted it. No woman would, in her circumstances.
And so, that evening, I found myself strolling down the gravel path to the guesthouse, with the beating of my heart making me giddy with the blood-rush to my head. It was getting dark, and the flowers were giving off the last, desperate scent of evening. It was all quite beautiful and strange.
Vivian met me at the door, alerted by the crunching gravel, and she looked extremely sexy in a short black dress and knee-high boots. Her cleavage swelled enticingly as she breathed in short, excited gasps. She was obviously a little nervous, and she hopped from foot to foot excitedly as she welcomed me.
‘Are you all right, David?' she asked concernedly, and I felt, not for the first time, a twinge of guilty conscience.
‘I'm fine,' I answered, and asked, ‘But what about you? I'll understand if you have second thoughts.'
‘No', she said, immediately, and caught my forearm in a hard, urgent clasp. ‘I want to do this, just as much as you do.'
A part of me wished that she had changed her mind, but another part was glad she had remained true to her word. By far the larger part, no pun intended. She almost pulled me into the bright, warm hall, such was her eagerness, and I watched the swaying of her high hem with interest, as she drew me through to the lounge. It was all prepared, right down to a bowl of hot, soapy water, and a set of new shaving gear. I was amazed at her insistence on providing the equipment, but indulged her whim. I was glad at that point, for it occurred to me that I would have looked a bit silly carrying a little holdall up the path.
‘Look,' she said, expectantly, and I turned towards the place she had gestured to and saw a set of black enamelled handcuffs and a blindfold sitting neatly on one patterned cushion of her pretty, girlish sofa. I was a little taken aback, as I had imagined she would just provide some form of fabric tie, and here she was with tailor-made equipment already supplied.
‘I had a few strange boyfriends when I was at college, and I never got rid of the stuff,' she told me, looking embarrassed and pretty at the same time.
I was amazed at how much she trusted me, and so I resolved there and then to protect her, and prevent the others from coming. Not that I was going to call the whole thing off. I'm not that stupid. A chance like that comes along but once, and I was determined to take it.
‘I can't believe you are doing this for me, Vivian,' I said, and she visibly puffed with pleasure at my use of her name. I could see that she was a little in love with me, despite her rather hard exterior towards the others. I was confused in what I felt, and she seemed to take this as a product of my sexual confusion, rather than the moral dilemma I was actually facing internally.

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