The Wrong Sister (29 page)

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Authors: Leanne Davis

BOOK: The Wrong Sister
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Oh God!
She couldn’t take it. It was
good, so intense, and so much. She was nearly gagging trying to hold back her muffled cries that verged on becoming full, blood-curdling screams. She closed her eyes as his mouth caused an all-consuming orgasm that might possibly have created a blood clot in her heart, or a stroke inside her head.

Tracy didn’t care at that moment. She released her grip on the headboard and lay flat on the mattress. There was nothing polite or subtle about her body’s reaction to him. She rolled over him so she was lying directly on top of him. He suddenly flipped both of them over. His breathing sounded labored and his eyes glittered like hard gems in the light, which silhouetted him. “Condom. Just let me put one on. We really don’t need to complicate this situation even more.”

He came back with one in his hand and stared down at her before leaning in and lying on the side of her body. Her soft hands began to stroke him. He was already big and thick. The tip was nearly pulsating its need for her. She tugged on him hard and his entire body followed the movement, coming closer to her with a groan. She liked his reaction to her. He was not what she expected. They were not exactly being soft and kind and sweet in their efforts.

No! They were hot and wild. For the first time in a year, she was no one’s anything. Just a mass of pulsating hormones and rushing body fluids. It wasn’t romantic. It was hot and heated. It was pure sex, and as complete and satisfying as the act was designed to me.

“How do you want this part?” he asked after pausing to take her nipple between his lips and pulling on it with his teeth.

“Like… I’m not the ordinary, nice woman you’ve always respected.”

His face, so intense and almost angry, finally loosened into a half smile. That took her breath away and knocked it out of her chest. It was kind of like macho alpha dominance.

“What are you then?”

“I’m not ordinary.”

“You could say that. Do you know what you’ve put me through? A few too many nights denied and having to be relieved at the mercy of my own hand.”

Her heart skipped. “Y-You’ve had fantasies about me?”

“For about six months.”

“While you…” She snapped her lips shut. She was about to say while you were sleeping with Vickie. But she would not mention any other names now, of all times. Or ask when he masturbated.

“Yeah, Tracy, that’s exactly when,” he said, sliding his hand up her arms and holding her wrists together like handcuffs. His lips touched hers again and she let her entire body go limp. His mouth tasted like her, which made her blood rush even hotter. It also made her stomach hunger in want. She didn’t get that. It was fast and hot and rough.

He didn’t come into her like she expected. Her legs were wide open, waiting, her body nearly straining to receive his erection. Instead, he pushed on her hips, and turned her over, pulling her butt up in the air towards him. Her face was buried in the pillow as her heart tripped over itself in the excitement and horror rushing through her.

His hands slid along her naked butt and he got onto his knees. He groaned and held her still before pushing inside her, long and deep and hard. Her face scrunched up the pillow until the top of her head hit the metal rung of the headboard. She was too turned on to care. She simply pushed harder against him and groaned as her body took in all of him, adjusting to grip him in her tightness. She felt like a virgin again, she was so tight. Except this was even better because she knew what she doing and feeling. She knew how to squeeze her vaginal walls around him and nearly got off from the pressure he created there. He filled her completely, overstuffing her, or at least, that’s what it felt like.

The condom made it feel different. She almost had to concentrate even harder to make the swirling heat continue to build. He pulled all the way out, and then slammed deep into her again. Harder. Deeper. Her body was like an air cushion that reinflated when he let up on the pressure, and flattened when he exerted it again. His hands slid up her spine, their gentle touch at odds with the way his body was taking her. She groaned at the contrast. He seemed to be reverently touching her, while completely possessing her.

It was not simple, sweet, nice sex to pass the evening. This told her she was no longer his nice, ordinary, soccer mom-friend. There was no other way to describe it as he started to move in and out of her. Harder. Faster. Like his hips were a jackhammer, and her body the pavement he had to crack apart. She finally gripped the iron rung of the headboard to steady her body before widening her knees so she could take him deeper. The movement shoved her face into the mattress and muffled her groans of complete pleasure. This was way beyond getting off. This was approaching a shattering, ruining, life changing caliber.

Her entire body practically combusted over him. “Oh God. Oh God. Oh God,” she chanted, while pushing down onto him. It felt so good that she thought she might simply break apart. Melting. Dying. There was no other outcome for her sex-drugged, pleasure-filled mind. She was nearly going mad when her spine stiffened and her body milked his shaft as it tightened over him. Her insides felt like a bonfire was consuming her. When he came too, she simply doubled over and nearly passed out.

Minutes passed. Her head eventually started to clear as her mind quit buzzing. Her body ceased throbbing with the lingering aftershocks of a virtual earthquake. Slowly, the shadowy shapes of the room came back into focus, and the deep silence of the sleeping house started to fully register. What if someone heard them? She nearly groaned again out loud, but this time, it was from total disgust and utter embarrassment. She forgot all about the time and space around her. She forgot everything, including that Donny was her brother-in-law, and her parents, as well as her kids, were only steps away.

She was naked. Stark naked with Donny. They decimated the bed. There wasn’t an inch of it they hadn’t wrestled on and disrupted. The covers were scattered on the floor and their feet now lay diagonally across the mattress.

What could she say now? She didn’t have any words. She clutched her hands to her chest, and curled onto her side, in his bed. That was the part that was so bad. She was in Donny’s bed. She closed her eyes and squeezed them tight. She wasn’t supposed to be there. Or doing this.

He rolled towards her, putting his arms around her, and completely enveloping her. He rested his face on the side of hers. His hands wrapped around hers, which she fisted at her breasts. His legs were spooned to the back of hers. His body heat surrounded her and his arms held her tightly. She felt chilled to her core quite suddenly, and hollow and sad. And happy. How could she feel glad that he was wrapped around her? How could it feel so good when it was supposed to be so damn wrong?

“This can’t have happened.” It was a whisper from her conscience, filled with deep regret.

“Your pussy has been in my mouth. You can’t deny this any longer.”

Her mouth dropped open in complete shock. He did not just say that. No way. No how. His first words to her after sex were that nothing was wrong with it? She tried to sit up and shift away from him, but he simply tightened his arms around her, holding her there, and next to him. “I know what you’re going to do. You’re going to tell me how wrong this is. How bad it is. How bad you are, and how bad I am. I know where this is going for you.”

“It is.” Her voice was a muffled squeak against the arm he had fully around her.

“You came to me.”

“I know.”

“And the reason we had the kind of sex we just did is so that you can’t deny it. You can’t call it an accident, or a one-time thing. No one who had the kind of sex we just did could try to deny that it happened. Or that it isn’t real.”

“Was that how you had sex with my sister too?”

His silence was as deafening as a loud roar in the room. Finally, he muttered, as if cursing her, “I will never discuss that with you.”

Her entire body reacted to his tone and words, while her heart swelled with emotions. Why couldn’t she find this with anybody else but her brother-in-law?

“But you know, right? How my sister likes sex. Your mouth has been on her too. So again, explain to me why this isn’t wrong.”

“And Micah’s mouth used to be on you. Are you telling me you can’t see the difference? The sex you just had? You loved it. You like it with me. And Micah and Vickie were nowhere between us. For once, you let it just be us. And we fell into an inferno, didn’t we? Deny it, Tracy. Go ahead and tell me you weren’t nearly passed out from the pleasure I gave you. Not Micah. Or anyone else.”

“But you’re not mine to have.” That’s why she felt so hollowed out inside. She was not supposed to feel that. How do you undo the wrong feelings inside of you? She would have given anything to know the answer.

He moved his hand and his fingertips touched her nipple. Her nerve endings suddenly stood on end like soldiers, ready for a drill. How? How could there be any feeling left in her? He leaned over and kissed her shoulder, her neck, and her collarbone.

“Are you on the pill?”

“Yes,” she sighed as he slipped inside her again. Gently, this time, they lay on their sides and he held her against his front while easily, and smoothly, sliding in and out of her. The angle, and the slowness made it seem like a completely different act. It was long and soft and gentle until she had another orgasm. That flowed through her like a glass of wine when it hit her blood stream. It was long and drawn out, so different from the volcanic explosion she felt before.

This time, he was full of warmth and safety and care. It was like he touched her heart and her core with his gentle strokes inside her. It felt so good, and so profound, and so drawn out.

She lifted her leg over his hip as he finally, and only at the very end, pushed into her hard, holding her still while he silently came inside of her. She could feel his neck tendons straining, even though she couldn’t see him.

He leaned over her, sliding out and kissing her forehead, nose and cheek. “I want you in my life. I have been wanting you for a long time now. You make everything better for me simply with your presence. When I’m around you, I feel like anything is possible. Even this.”

She closed her eyes and tears filled them. Not because she didn’t want to hear his words, but because she wanted to believe them so much. Her heart felt like it twisted in half at hearing his words. His beautiful words and soft touch. She turned over so she was completely huddled against him, but didn’t answer him. Neither did she run from him.

“I don’t love you,” she whispered finally, feeling his chest rise and fall next to hers.

Eventually, he replied, “I don’t love you, either.”


Chapter Twenty


TRACY ROLLED OVER WITH a groan when sunlight finally stabbed her eyes. She sat up as abruptly as if a porcupine was under her feet.
Oh crap!
She was in bed with Donny. But no… she glanced around. She was in her own bed, and wearing a clean, not-smelling-like-sex t-shirt. She curled into a ball and groaned out loud. Donny must’ve brought her in there and put fresh clothes on her. Why? In case her children came running in and found her? Or her mother was looking for her?

It could have been either of those scenarios. Her heart swelled with emotion to know he cared so much to put her back there. How did she not wake up? Then, her elated heart felt like it broke when she remembered how she betrayed her entire family. All for what? Hormones? Simply because she was horny?

She stood up, but the motion made her lower half ache in protest. She wasn’t hurt, but achy and sore. For the entire day, she could not move without remembering exactly why she felt every detail and every part of her lower anatomy. The part that Donny so kindly acknowledged with his tongue. And his lips. And his fingers.
Oh, Lord!

She pushed her fantasies aside and got into the shower. She washed and scrubbed as if that could have changed what happened. But that made her remorseful because she didn’t want to wash it away. She wanted to savor it. And revel in it. And cherish it. Most of all, she wanted to do it again. And again. And again. She wanted Donny’s arms around her even now, this morning, when it felt so hard to face everything. He was the only one she wanted to help her face it.

She stared at her wardrobe. What should she wear? She felt a flutter of interest in her wardrobe she had not experienced since Micah left her. She frowned in displeasure before purposely putting on something that was
pretty or interesting. The shorts were a little too baggy and long, but perfect for hanging around the house, or housecleaning, or when she felt fat. She pulled on a t-shirt that said ‘Mom Rulz, Kids Drool’ on it. A relic from years ago, it was a Mother’s Day gift from Ally. Pulling her long hair into a ponytail, Tracy paused, thinking of Donny’s hand in it, holding it, using it to deftly maneuver her mouth wherever he wanted. She hated herself when a ripple of feeling fluttered inside her core and pulsated lower.
Dear God!
She was turning into a deviant.

How? How could she face him? She stood inside her door after opening it. She could not do that. She could not put one foot in front of the other and picture the moment when she would be face-to-face with Donny Lindstrom. The brother-in-law she just had sex with.

As if to underscore how wrong it all was, she could hear Donny’s voice downstairs, talking to her children. She leaned her head against the doorjamb. Oh dear Lord, that was he answering Ally about when the tide was going out. Then she heard Julia gurgling and shrieking loudly about something while Donny chuckled. Her family, their family, was interacting all PG and sweet. A Norman Rockwell picture of a happy family on vacation. She stepped cautiously down the stairs and entered the hallway to view the crowded kitchen. Her mother was pouring her father coffee. Donny was seated next to Julia and helping her eat a bowl of applesauce. Her kids were munching on Poptarts and talking over each other. The bright sunlight was nearly blinding as it shone through the windows.

“Good morning, sleepyhead. I thought you were never getting up.”

Tracy jerked upright when her mother’s voice pierced through her spiraling, panicked thoughts. “Uh, hey, Mom. I guess I had too much fresh air.”

She knew, right down to her little toe, that Donny raised his head and was staring directly at her. She felt his gaze like a physical caress on her body. Her stomach tightened with nerves and her racing blood warmed her veins. Her cheeks obeyed their God-given, unrelenting habit of turning red. She kept her face down and addressed her feet.
Yup, so mature

“Well, come in. Have some coffee. We were just discussing what to do today. We were thinking of going to the fort. Do you want to go?”

Her heart leapt at the thought, while picturing last night on the beach. Donny’s personal impression of last year’s trip there. His words rippled through her,
Feel this. Feel me.

“Um, no. I think I’ll just hang out here. If you don’t mind.”

“Of course not. The kids will have fun with us.”

Tracy knew she was mumbling and totally evading the one person in the room that was staring hard at her. She could not force herself to face him. Not yet. Not with everyone there. It was such a stupid thing to do last night. There. With the entire family surrounding them. So stinking stupid. She should have, at least, done it at home where she could have insisted on never, ever seeing him again. That would have been her preferred venue and course of action.

But of course, now she would have to see him over and over, year after year, and always by her sister’s side. Or she could never see her sister again, and see Donny year after year, and over and over. She leaned onto the counter and the gravity of what she did felt like it could literally have pushed her into the ground.

“Good. Then we’ll pack a picnic and leave in a half hour or so.”

“Great,” she mumbled to the linoleum.

Conversation resumed between her parents and kids, but Tracy stood there. Doing nothing. She folded her arms over her chest and then dropped her hands at her sides in tight fists. Her mother chatted on about seeing a small shipwreck she heard was down the beach a short distance. She prated that it was visible at low tide while making sandwiches and packing up snacks. Donny was quiet and his voice didn’t enter any conversation. Tracy stole a glance his way and found him glaring down at his half-eaten toast. He pushed it away and turned towards Julia when she started fussing and reaching for him.

Finally, the family started to disperse. Tracy volunteered to do the dishes just to have something constructive to distract her. She hoped not to accidentally meet Donny’s gaze, or, God forbid, get close to him.

Not while her entire body was still humming like a bee after what he’d done to her.

Just sex. It was just sex. Nothing. It should have been ignored and forgotten, soon to be buried like the bad secret it was.

She attacked the dishes with a vigor that exceeded their importance. After filling the sink full of suds, she plunged into it with both hands and scrubbed everything well past clean. Glaring at her hands, which were furiously working, she thought again, how could she freaking do that? The kids passed through the kitchen, arguing over who would ride in the third row seat. Then her mother and father went past, her mom carrying Julia in her arms, and her father grabbing miscellaneous items that still needed to be loaded.

“We’ll start getting everyone in the car.”

“Sure,” Tracy mumbled, her head still down. Then silence filled the house. Except… where was Donny? She stood on her tiptoes to scan the outside drive. They were on a hill so maybe he went down the other side of it.

She shrieked when two hands grasped her waist and Donny’s big body blocked her against the counter. She could feel him warming her backside, as hot as an iron. His hands squeezed her waist and pulled her closer to him. He leaned down so his lips were at her ear. Her hands were wet and soapy so she couldn’t really do anything to stop him, but she didn’t move. She froze as solid as if she’d been in the freezer.

“How long before you’ll dare to look at me again?” His lips were right next to her ear, And his breath felt warm on her skin. Even his voice was whiskey—smooth.

She wiggled her butt finally, trying to dispel him. “Get off me. Anyone could catch us.”

“Everyone is in my range of view and about to leave, so no, they won’t.”

“Please, you know this is…”

“Did you actually think this would somehow change things?”

She frowned and glanced down when he tugged on her shirt. “What?”

“The t-shirt. Telling me you are a mother, and therefore, you don’t have sex. Isn’t that what this is for? To remind me, but really, it is more for you, that we are not an item or a couple. We couldn’t really have had sex, not when you’re a mother.”

Shrugging her shoulders, Tracy lifted her hands to the sides of the sink, wet and all, to lean on them. “I am a mother. And you’re a father.”

“Pretty sure sex led to both of us getting those roles.” He was laughing at her. She could hear it in his voice.

“But not with each other.”

“I think we’re past that issue. It’s done. We’ve had sex. Hot, exciting, sex that you can’t wash away, no matter how prim and prissy you try to be about it. And besides, that t-shirt? It does nice things for your breasts.”

He pushed his hands up to cover them and she stood up straighter at the contact. He swiped both thumbs over her and both of her nipples pebbled into hard, almost painful knobs. She was damp that quick. He did it again and she leaned back into him. She hated her weakness. For falling against him, and not pulling away from him. And for wiggling automatically against the heat that was now growing as she moved over it. A soft moan escaped her lips. He ground into her, hard. His hand moved down to her stomach where he pushed her harder against him. He dropped his other hand into the front of her shorts, her way-too-large shorts, intended to repel him and keep him away. And to keep him thinking how motherly she looked. They were not supposed to provide easy access for him, or allow him to do

“God, Tracy, you’re as wet as this sink.” He nearly groaned as his hand cupped her over her underwear and she strained towards him, seeking more pressure. Her head flipped back onto his shoulder and he slipped his finger beneath her underwear as she opened her legs wider. She was aware of the shouts outside. Of kids’ voices and the murmur of adults. She was aware enough to judge that moment, and there was no one around who could see them. At long last, she heard the crunch of gravel as the car tires pulled away.

They were free finally. No one else was there. It was the only permission she needed.

He stepped back and pulled her with him, his hand still underneath her panties. She barely registered the movement until they were inside the small bathroom downstairs. He used his back to shut the door and slid his hand up under her shirt, moving her bra out of the way before pulling her breast out. His finger softly played with the engorged, hard, sensitive nub that seemed like a direct live wire into Tracy. When he touched the sensitive nerves, she went wild. She panted and bit her lip to keep the deep, satisfying groans inside. He turned her around as his hands came out of all the lovely places they were playing and stared into her eyes for a long, pronounced second.

“Tell me first you want to do this. I don’t need another round of you pretending I don’t exist. Or that I somehow stole your virginity without your permission. For God’s sake, you can’t make me feel guilty for doing something you asked of me.”

She nodded, nearly frantic for him to touch her again. She would have agreed to anything he asked. She didn’t care.

“Tracy? Are you listening?”

“I’m listening,” she mumbled, without really hearing him. She slid her hands down his pants, completely distracted by the bulge that continued to grow there. His heat was scalding to her touch, despite the thick material of his jeans. She undid his button and wrapped her hand around the heat source. He swore, although the point he intended to make seemed lost. She used both her hands to cup the heat and steel, cocooning in his pants for her. She finally released him like a hot, pulsating vibrator. Her body trembled in anticipation when she stared at the thick, hard shaft she held in her hands. She squeezed her legs together, trying to stop the unrelenting, almost painful ache.


Without another thought or concern, she simply dropped to her knees and put him in her mouth. He fell against the bathroom door with a thump and again swore at her. He spread his legs wider to hold himself up as she took him into her mouth as deeply as she could. She held him still while pulling and sucking on him. His groan of appreciation was nothing short of epic, and his hand tightened in her hair as he wrapped the ponytail around his fist. He pushed her head onto him, saying, “You are nothing like you try to pretend. Holy shit,” he mumbled as her head started moving in a regular rhythm, and her mouth slid up and down him.

“Get up,” he commanded. He was so close, she could feel it. Reluctantly, she let him pop from her lips and glanced up at him. His face was dark with desire and heat. He was as turned on as she was. A bolt of excitement rippled through her body, right down to her toes and fingers.

Even though it was so, so bad.

He leaned down, and dragged her up before his lips touched hers. His tongue came into her mouth as he licked and sucked, while she groaned with more pleasure. Her entire body transmitted her need, which was so deep, it was almost painful. An aching reservoir that she needed filled now. He pulled her shorts and underwear off, and turned her so her back was against the door. Holding her gaze, he pushed inside her and her back heaved against the door. She righted herself by holding onto his neck. Closing her eyes in pure ecstasy, his body hammered into hers like a machine. Hard and smooth and deep. His hips bucked against hers and her entire body was pressed against the wooden door. She grasped him as tightly as she could just to stay upright.

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