The Wolfs Maine (3 page)

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Authors: Jinni James

BOOK: The Wolfs Maine
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“Ava. Are you Okay?”  I just stare at him but I did manage a

“I..uh..I..Yes.”  He giggles as he walks up to me and wraps his arms around me for a hug.

“I have been waiting for this moment for a year.  I am so happy you decided to come over.  I hope you do not feel uncomfortable at my home.”  No, I just feel uncomfortable with how beautiful he is. 

“Thank you for having me.” 

“Ah, she talks!” He lets out a laugh again and I can feel myself manage a smile. 

“Well, come on in Ava my dear. You must be
freezing.”  He takes my hand as we begin to walk into the house. 

Once we walk through the door my heart stops.  The inside is just as lovely as the outside, with a stone fireplace and a fire going, wood floors, cathedral ceilings, there was also a big white couch in the middle of the room that could easily fit ten people, and was that a balcony overlooking the living room? 

“I would offer you a drink but I’m guessing you have already drank quite a bit to agree to come over here huh?”  John winks at me and I can barely stand it.

“Actually a lot of it wore off in the car on the way here.”  He hands me a glass of white wine and all I can think is thank goodness it’s not red, now if only I can stop shaking I could drink it.  I follow John over to the couch and sit down.  I have absolutely no idea what to say at this point.  I mean what do you say in these situations?  Take your clothes off and jump me please before you change your mind? He looks at me as if he can read my mind.

“Ava, just so you know I did not ask to meet you to have sex with you.”  I can tell on his face he is dead serious.

“Oh?”  That’s all I could manage. 

“No. Although I would love to, don’t get me wrong but that is not why I wanted to meet you.  I have had strong feelings for you for quite some time and I didn’t know if they were real or just part of a fantasy.  I thought maybe if I met you I would be able to know for sure.  If not then we could part ways and continue being friends.” 

“And if so?” I wasn’t breathing.

“Then we’ll go from there.  But I can already tell you it feels real to me.  Breathe Ava.”  I try to let the air trapped in my lungs out but it doesn’t want to go anywhere.  I can’t seem to think at all.  “Why?”

“What do you mean why?” 

“Why would a man like you have feelings for me?  I am boring and just normal.  Look at you.  So yes, why?”  He looks at himself then he looks at me or staring is probably a better word for it and his face gets completely serious as he traces my face with his finger. 

“Because you are unlike any woman I have ever met before.” 

“John, you barely know me.” 

“I know you better
than you think.”  I didn’t know what he meant by that but I decided to roll with it. 

“Ava, you are beautiful.  Your hair is absolutely gorgeous, so long and black as the night.  Your eyes are crystal blue and when I look into them I swear I can see into your soul.  You are an amazing personality.  You are always willing to help anyone and everyone.  You love and care about your friends like they were your family.  You love with all of your heart and soul.  You are one amazing woman.  I wish you could see yourself through my eyes.”  

John leaned over and kissed a tear that had escaped my eye as it was falling down my cheek, then kissed a trail down my jaw line until he reached my mouth and then he stopped.

“May I kiss you Ava?  If you are uncomfortable I won’t.”  My breath was beginning to come in short pants.


“Please what Ava?  Tell me.  Whatever you want, I will do.”  After a minute of trying to catch my breath I could manage three words,

“Please don’t stop.”  Then before I knew it his lips were on mine and my entire body melted like a stick of butter in the microwave.  I could feel every single muscle give out as he leaned me back against the couch, kissing my lips then my neck taking every ounce of strength I had.  I was under his control.  I was at the point to where I would give him anything he asked for including my body.  Hopefully my body. 

Slowly his hand started moving up my thigh to my stomach and finally one of his hands were on my breast while the other one was on my cheek while he was still kissing me.  He started off slow just rubbing my breast until I could feel myself harden underneath his touch, I could barely stand it.  Our kisses got more intense as his tongue invades my mouth, he tasted like wine and peppermint, and I could kiss him forever.  He breaks the kiss and stands up and I just look up at him, I can’t get over how unbelievably handsome he is.  I stop to catch my breath as he lifts me up off the couch.  He doesn’t take his eyes off of me but suddenly I feel my jeans hit the floor and his hands caressing where panties once were.  His hands feel so warm, so strong.  He lifts my shirt off of me and drops it in the floor, unclasps my bra and drops it as well, and then his hands take over what they were doing before.  He starts rubbing my breasts until both of my nibbles are screaming for his touch but instead of touching with his hands he dips his head down and his mouth is covering one while one hand is pinching the other.  He suckles the hard nub until I want to scream.  While his mouth is on me his other hand is taking full advantage moving from my breast, down my stomach, around my ass and back again.  I can barely stand on my own two feet much more and I think he realizes that because it only took him a minute and he stands back up.  He was completely naked.  When did he take his clothes off?  He lays me back down on the couch and looks at me.  He takes a minute and looks me in the eye, then lets his eyes trail down my chest, my stomach, my legs, then back up to my eyes
, he breaths one word,


All I want at this point is for him to be inside of me.  I feel as though I could explode and I haven’t even been able to touch him yet.  He kisses me with so much passion.  I can feel it in every single cell of my body.  I’m burning up with heat and yet his kisses give me chill bumps.  He takes one last look before his lips are on mine again and then before I know it I can feel his hardness inch its way into me, just barely at first and then he is inside me thrusting with such power I can’t help but scream.

“Scream Ava. There is no one that can hear you.  I want to hear how I make you feel.”  So I do.  I scream like no tomorrow for my entire body feels as though it’s splitting in half.  He fills me so completely and that’s not just because it’s been over a year since I’ve had sex.  H
e slows down for a minute so I can catch my breath but I can’t stand it I thrust my hips up to feel him deeper, he takes the hint.  He starts pounding again even harder and I can feel the explosion throughout my body, my body begins shaking until soon all I see is blackness. 


I woke up to realize I fainted.  Fainted. Seriously?

“Why hello.”  I look up and John is looking at me with the biggest smile I have ever seen.  I have never felt so comfortable in my life. I don’t even know how to describe what I’m feeling other than something just feels ‘
’.  I look up at his gorgeous eyes,

“Um hi.” 

“Your blushing! Why are you blushing? Surely you’ve done that before.”

I giggle,

“Yes, but not quite that fast.  I mean I just met you.” 

“That may be true dear but I feel like I have known you all my life. Would you like anything?  Are you hungry or would you like some coffee or something?”

“I just want to lay here for now, if you don’t mind.”  He lays his cheek on my head,

“I can lay here for as long as you like.” 



Chapter Three


“What the hell was I thinking?” 

“You were thinking that John was hot as hell and you wanted to get some.”

“Thank you Jaci.”  Jaci had been going nonstop since I text her and asked her to come pick me up.  John had offered to take me home since Nicholas would be at work but I didn’t want to chance it.  Jaci was more than happy to come get me and drive me back home.  We stopped by Starbucks, of course.  Jaci got her Frappuccino although I had no idea how she drank that so early and I got my usual Grande vanilla latte and we headed to my house.

“Seriously, what was I thinking?”  I could not stop asking myself that question but I honestly could hardly believe that last night even happened.  It seemed like a dream.  From the minute John told me he had feelings for me to the moment I passed out after making unbelievable love to him it has felt like a dream.  How could a man like that have feelings for me? 

“We’re here. Hello. Ava.”  Jaci was practically yelling in my ear. 

“Oh right.  Okay. Thanks for bringing me home.” 

“Oh no Ava, you’re not getting off that easy.  I’m at least coming in and getting some details.”  The next thing I knew Jaci was out of the car and following right behind me.  The minute we walked in the door she jumped on the couch, wrapped her legs up underneath her and made herself right at home.

“Okay spill. Did you see each other and just jump each other’s bones or was there talking first, come on tell.”  Jaci seemed like a girl still in high school wanting to get all the information from my first time. 

“There’s not a whole lot to tell.”

“Oh whatever Ava, spill.”  Since I knew she was not going to leave until I told her everything, I sat down on the couch right next to her took a big gulp of my latte and started spilling the beans so to speak. 

“Well, we talked but from the minute we locked eyes it was like we couldn’t stop looking at each other.  It was so weird.  He told me that he has had feelings for me for quite some time and we did make love, twice.  It completely blew my mind.  My body has never felt that way before and I definitely have never passed out.” 

“You passed out?” 

“Yeah.”  Jaci looked confused but she shook it off. 

“So was this just a one night thing or are you seeing him again?”  I hadn’t even thought that far yet.  Of course I wanted to see him again but what about Nicholas?  Should I tell Nicholas?

      “You could see John on the side.”

“Jaci, how did you know that’s what I was thinking?”  Jaci looked stunned for a second like maybe I had actually voiced my concerns out loud but I know I didn’t. 

“Oh, I don’t know.  You just looked confused and I just thought that’s what you were thinking about.  Don’t forget Ava that I have known you since we were kids.”  That’s true.  Jaci probably knew me better than I knew myself.

“Well, I can’t just fool around behind Nicholas’s back.  That would probably be worse than just telling him.  I mean what if he found out?”

“How would he find out?  He’s the definition of a workaholic.  The only time you even see him is when you two eat (maybe) and when he gets up in the morning.” 

Jaci had a point.

“I don’t know right now.  I haven’t even gotten that far yet.  I just need some sleep.”  That was true.  I was exhausted. 

“Okay.  Get some sleep and text me later.  I’m going to run off to work anyway.  I’m glad you had a good time though.  You needed it bad.  Maybe this is just what you need to kick start your book back up.  Ever thought of that?  See you later.” 

She did have a point.  I hate that.  But I have no time to think about that so I decide to go crawl into bed and take a very long nap.  The moment I undress and crawl into bed I can sense sleep was not near.  The bed smelled like Nicholas which just killed any good mood I have.  So I decided to get up and put my shirt back on and was happy to see it still smelled just like John.  John smelled so amazing.  It was such a sweet, yet masculine smell.  It drove me crazy.  I could almost feel myself getting wet just by smelling his scent again.  It was pure heaven.  Once I laid back down with his scent on me I drifted into sleep sure to sleep the day away. 





I could
hardly believe last night happened.  I actually held Ava in my arms.  I touched her, I looked into her eyes, I felt her, and it was amazing.  Who would have thought after all this time my dream would come true??

Her Mother… Her mother would have thought this would happen.  That might be why her mother asked me to watch over her all along, she knew.  Ava doesn’t even know that I knew her mother and why would she?  Both of her parents died when she was only three years old.  Her parents were my elders.  I found out at a very young age that I was different than any other child I knew.  I could morph into any creature that I wanted just by closing my eyes and thinking real hard about the animal.  It had to be a normal every day animal like a dog, tiger, hawk, or my favorite a wolf. 

I rarely changed into anything other than a wolf because I feel like the wolf is a very misunderstood animal.  Everyone is so scared of wolves but they are actually very gentle creatures but they looked after their pack.  I often changed into a wolf and just ran around the woods like I was born one, it felt freeing.  Ava’s parents could do this as well and they taught me how to control my changing.  At first I would just see a hawk for example, and would find myself flying.  Her parents taught me how to control that and only morph when and if I wanted to.  They told me not many people would trust me if they knew what we could do and so I trusted them. 

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