The Wolfs Maine (16 page)

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Authors: Jinni James

BOOK: The Wolfs Maine
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"But why would you ever leave there in the first place and come here?  This is hardly a vacation spot." 

"Well, I come here mostly on business.  I am a stock holder in quite a few businesses here, as well as Alabama, New York, Chicago, the list goes on."  

"Oh."  That was all I could manage.  I was trying to wrap my head around everything.  He was very well off, much more so than Nicholas and that made me a little uncomfortable.

"Ava, sweetheart.  This does not change who or what I am.  I am still John."  I loved hearing his name. 

"My John."  I managed to whisper before he wrapped his arms around me. 

"Yes.  I’m ‘
your John’

I sighed as his lips met mine.  He might have been standing behind me that did not stop him from being able to reach me.  It felt like forever since I felt his lips against mine but then again any time without it would seem like forever. 

He began walking me over to the bed one step at a time not letting his lips leave my own for a second.  Once we reached the bed he turned me so that I was facing him and then laid me gently on the bed with him.  He was lying beside me with his arms still around me and his lips still caressing mine.  I could no longer feel my body. It had become complete mush, totally melted with him.  I could feel his kiss all the way down my body like every little nerve was connected to where ever his lips touched. 

I knew we did not have time to be doing this.  Not yet anyway.  We had to get everyone settled, we needed to get settled in ourselves and since we missed lunch everyone will want dinner pretty early tonight and I still needed to check on Jaci but God feeling him against me was pure bliss.  He started kissing my neck so I took a quick advantage to my lips being free. 

"John, should we be doing this right now?  We have a lot to do tonight."  His lips immediately were right back where they started. 

"Do you not like this?" 

"Oh I LOVE this but I just don't think we have time for it." 

"Well, if you love it and we both know I love it
then I am going to make at least a little time for this. I need to feel you." 

God I gave in.  I could already feel him growing larger inside his jeans while we were pressed against each other.  The minute I fe
el his hardness I can’t think of doing anything else. 

As he made a trail of kisses up my jaw line and down my neck my body went limp.  I was his now to do with what he wished and he knew it too. 

"Yes Ava.  Just lie back and relax.  Let me take care of you."  I did as he wished.  I laid my back down against the incredibly soft mattress while John got on top of me.  The first thing to come off was his shirt and thanks goodness for that because then I could see his amazing chest along with his wash board abs.  I just wanted to lick every inch of it but he wanted me to lay here so I did just that. 

I did try to reach my hand
up to touch his hard chest but he took both of my hands and put them up over my head, as he held them in place with one hand he started releasing the buttons on my shirt, one little button at a time.  He was driving me wild and he knew it.  Once my shirt was wide open he reached underneath me and released my bra and pulled it off.  My breasts were now completely out in the open. Normally I would feel extremely uncomfortable but I did not have time to feel anything because his lips were already around one very hard nipple.  No licking.  There was no time for licking he went right for sucking on each one and driving me absolutely right to the edge of insanity. 

It was like he knew my body completely because he knew exactly how to get me where he wanted me and fast.  He let go of my wrists and made his way down my stomach letting his lips explore every inch while his hands occupied each breast.  My heart felt as if it was going to beat right out of my chest and I could barely breathe.  He unbuttoned my pants and pulled the zipper down with his teeth; a talent I had never seen before.  He pulled my pants completely off then stood up and did the same with his.  How I loved looking at him.  He was a statue of perfection especially when he was standing in front of me throbbing for release.  I had to stop myself from jumping up and wrapping my lips around him.  He knelt down and kissed each calve and spread apart my thighs while kissing the inside of each until he found my core.  That is when I finally lost it. 

"Yes Ava. Let it out. Let me know what I do to you."  I gripped the sheets for dear life before I muffled a scream. Although, I am not sure how much I actually muffled it. His tongue was like a magic wand finding every little spot down there that I did not even know existed.  He was finding spots I had yet to find myself!  I just kept praying to God no one would knock on the door before I felt him inside me.  I wanted another wave of pleasure but I wanted it with his hardness deep within me.  As if he read my mind he leaned up and was over me, looking me right in the eyes.  His eyes were so beautiful. 

"I love you Avalon."  With what little breath I had I managed to respond to him. 

"I love you too John."  With those words, he was inside of me.  He pushed harder and harder. We were both trying our best to be quiet but I knew it was not working as well as either of us hoped.  It was next to impossible to keep quiet with this much pleasure coursing through us.  Electricity was going down my arms and legs until I thought I was going to explode.  He began faster and faster I could tell he was getting close and I knew I was.  We both let out screams as the explosion over took us.  It was like fireworks, lighting strikes, and a bomb going off all at once.  Never in my life have I ever felt such pleasure.  He collapsed next to me and we both lay there completely covered in sweat yet utterly satisfied.  There was no need for words.  We could see everything in each other’s eyes.


Once we were able to move again, John got up and started the shower as I unpacked our bags.  His bathroom was almost as big as his bedroom.  There was a little mini hallway that had a vanity and stool on one side and on the other were shelves for towels and such.  Then you walk into the round bathroom with a double sink set up on one side then a huge Jacuzzi tub on the other side. There was a glass door that connected to the tub that led into the shower.  How cool.  The tile was a very subtle brown marble that almost looked to pretty to step on.  There were even sky lights in the ceiling.  I could see myself spending many hours in here.  Although at this moment we did not have hours, not with the fun we just had. 

I got in the shower and John joined me.  He poured the soap on
to the loofah. He then began to run it up and down my body making sure to wash every inch of me.  Then he handed me the shampoo while he washed himself.  I had never showered with a man before and I admit I kind of like it.  Before I could blink John was out of the shower holding up a towel for me.  I carefully stepped into it and wrapped it around me.  John had finished getting ready before me so he went down to join the guys.  I threw some of my clothes on, ran my fingers through my hair, tossed on a little makeup, and went to check on Jaci. 

I walked into Jaci's room and couldn’t help but giggle. She will love this room when she wakes up.  It was purple!  The bedding was purple and black and she had some pillows that were purple and some that were black.  The side chair nea
r the window was also purple, her favorite color.  No mirrors thank goodness.  I don’t think she is going to want to see herself when she wakes up. To be honest, I have never seen her look better.  Her skin had a glow to it.  She was more pale than usual but there was a glow about her.  I could not put my finger on it but she looked like a porcelain doll.  She was resting quietly while Lena was sitting next to her. 

"Hey Avalon." 

"Hey.  How is she?"  Lena barely looked up from Jaci as she talked to me. 

"She is doing much better. There’s hardly any movement from her at all.  I do not know if that is a good thing or bad thing.  John says it is because she is almost done."  I could not help but feel nervous. 

"I do not know what we are going to tell her when she wakes up.  I wonder if she will even remember."  Lena let out a small sigh. 

"I don't know either.  I am anxious for her just to wake up.  I am ready to see for myself that she is okay and hersel
f."  I took Lena's hand hoping it would help in some small way to assure her. 

"She is going to be fine.  We are going to have a lot of work ahead of us though. We have to try to help her through this and teach her how to eat and what not.  Speaking of which, the guys are going to have to start explaining some of this to us so we can help her while they are off finding Nicholas."  Lena stood up and took my hand. 

"You know what, your right!  Let’s go downstairs and talk to them.  Jaci has been sleeping for quite some time.  I think she will be fine for a little bit on her own." 

"Let’s go then roomie." Lena let
a small smile claim her lips, I was happy to see it.


Chapter Fourteen


As we went downstairs the most amazing smell caught our noses. We walked in to see John, Michael, Andrew, and even Victor working in the kitchen.  John and Michael were grilling, Andrew was at the bar taking care of drinks and Victor was setting the table.  Candles were lit and placed around the room. There were also fresh flowers that I had no idea where they came from.  John turned around and his face lite up. 

"Ava love! How is Jaci?"  I walked up next to him and put my hand against his back.  I was feeling more and more comfortable around him. 

"Jaci is fine.  She is sleeping peacefully. We are a little anxious for her to wake up."  John bent down to kiss the top of my head. 

"I have faith in your friend."  I had faith in my friend too but I was still ready for her to wake up.  I looked around the kitchen to see what all they have fixed.  John was grilling steaks and vegetables on the grill and there were potatoes boiling on the stove.  It looked like enough food to feed an army. 

"You have a grill built in to your counter top?"  Michael let out a laugh and walked over to the table to sit with Victor.  John let out a laugh as well. 

"Typical man huh?  I love to grill but I hate going outside to do it so yes I had a grill built into my counter with an exhaust fan above it. It makes it so much easier."  I could not help but laugh.  His kitchen here really was amazing. 

"So Ava, why don't you and Lena get a drink, sit, and rest on the couch.  Dinner is almost done and we will call you over when it is all set on the table."  He gave me a little nudge towards the couch so I gave in.  He was going to have his way whether I went willingly or he picked me up and carried me to the couch so I might as well give in. 

Andrew gave both of us a cocktail and we sat and watched the boys cook.  It was so weird watching men do this.  I had never in my life had a man cook for me until John. I’ve definitely never had four of them doing it.  It was surreal.  I was always the one cooking and preparing meals so needless to say I was enjoying this. 

We watched as John finished cooking and placing everything on the plates, Michael would take the plates to the table, Andrew placed the drinks on the table and since Victor set everything up he sat down.  John called us over and we all sat down. 

The food smelled delicious.  I was a steak person to my core.  I could eat steak every single day; of cour
se he probably already knew that about me.  I didn’t find it quite fair that he knew me so well but I had yet to learn about him really.  We would get to that soon.  We all ate, laughed and shared our stories. I didn’t have many stories to share though.  I definitely feel like the most inexperienced of our little pack of friends.  Even shy Lena probably has more experience than me given that she has been single but now that I think about it maybe not.  Andrew sat down next to her of course.  I wondered if either of them had actually said anything about liking each other yet or not.  They actually do not seem to have to talk much at all.  They seem to know each other's thoughts; it's strange but so cute. 

Once we were finished eating it was time to discuss the plans.  There were plans for the guys to find Nicholas, plans if Nicholas happened to find us, and plans for Jaci.  John cleared his throat and we all got quiet. 

"Okay.  I know we’re... Or... at least the girls are anxious about what our plans are. So now that we are finished I would like to go over a few things."  All ears were on him.  I knew mine certainly were and my eyes. 


"Jaci should be waking up tomorrow.  In that case we need to be ready and on guard for any erratic behavior.  Now, I don't expect that but we still need to be on guard for it.  Vampires can wake up from this and be incredibly violent.  Most are mainly thirsty and go on a rampage, but since we have been feeding her intravenously with an IV I think she will be fine.  I have already called my friend Daniel to come and help us teach her how to hunt."  I was curious now. 

"Hunt what exactly? You make it sound like she is going out hunting for deer or something." 

"Well love, that is basically what she will do but with humans."  I am sure he could read the disapproval on my face. 

"It will be okay Ava.  Daniel will teach her how to feed from humans without killing them.  She will take what she needs and let them be and she will be able to wipe the whole situation from their memory.  Vampires can usually play mind tricks to get what they want as well as read minds and wipe the memories away.  Daniel will teach her all of this as well.  You girls will just have to help her along."  I guess that made me feel a little bit better. 

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