The Witch Hunter (20 page)

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Authors: Nicole R. Taylor

BOOK: The Witch Hunter
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"Oh my god," her hand flew to her mouth in shock. "Is he okay?"

Sam nodded, "He knows about us, Liz. All of us."

She sat next to him on the landing and murmured, "I take it he didn't react very well."

"He's scared and confused. With good reason. He's just found out that his friends are vampires and it took being attacked by one to find out," he shook his head.

They sat in silence for a few minutes as she processed what had happened. How had everything gone so bad so fast? Alex, Zac... 

"Where were you?" he scowled. "I went to the bar and you were already gone. I came here, I looked in the gardens. I even went to the forest before coming back here."

Liz felt the guilt wrenching in her gut. If Aya hadn't of been at the manor, she would have slept with Zac. She was hurt that Sam had stood her up on such an important day for her and Zac was there, practically pouring his heart out. She'd used him for comfort and how was that any worse than what she'd done to Sam?

And now she knew Sam was off saving Alex from certain death and she felt horrible. She was afraid if she told him, she would have ruined the best thing that had ever happened to her because she was weak. But if she kept it to herself, her guilt would tear her apart.

"I was with Zac," she said, struggling to keep her voice from cracking. 

"And?" he whispered as if he already suspected.

"I... We kissed," she sobbed, unable to keep it to herself. "I was hurt. I needed you, but now I know you were with Alex. Saving him... I'm horrible..." 

He snorted and his head dropped into his hands, "Liz, please tell me it was all him. Not you."

She didn't know what to say. She had kissed him as well. Sam took her silence as an admission of guilt and stood up.

"Please, Sam," she pleaded. "Stay."

He sat back down heavily and Liz took his hand. They would work it out, she loved him and he loved her. They would be okay. They had to be.



The harsh light of day didn't make Zac feel any better about himself. If Liz kept it to herself, there was no need to tell Sam. No reason whatsoever to hurt him. He took in his reflection in the bathroom mirror and snorted. Of course she would crack and tell him eventually. Hopefully by then, he would have his feelings sorted out. He’d taken advantage of her vulnerability. Then again... He pushed the thoughts away, splashing his face with cold water. 

Thumping down the stairs he hovered in the doorway to the parlor. Aya was lying on the couch, facing away from the door, reading a book. She looked a lot calmer than she had last night.

"What are you reading?" he asked, standing over her.

"Some thing about kids fighting to the death in a woodland arena. It's terrible," she tossed it aside. "There's not nearly enough blood in it for a death match."

"That's a bit much, isn't it?" he huffed.

"What do you want me to say? I'm insatiable," she grinned up at him.

"Does this mean I'm back in your good books?" he said warily, remembering the bite in her words the previous night.

Sitting up, she frowned, "Were you ever in my 'good book'?"

Running a hand through his hair he said, "Probably not." 

"What's that thing you said that time? 'I do a lot of things I don't need to do, but I do 'em anyway'," she mocked is tone of voice.

"You heard that?" he cocked his head.

"I hear a lot of things," her eyes narrowed, but he caught the note of amusement in her voice.

Zac couldn't help but smile a lopsided flirtatious grin. If they could ever stop bickering, he was sure they would have a good relationship. He thought back to the previous night; the relief he felt when he kissed Liz and the burning need that coursed through him. Feelings he hadn't felt for a very long time. But that memory would always conclude with the look of mingled anger and something akin to jealousy that had been etched on Aya's face. His smile faded and his head turned towards the front door as it slammed, signaling Sam's arrival home.

"Aya, I'm sorry. I..." He didn't know how to put it into words.

Her gaze flickered to the doorway behind him and she shook her head to stop him. By the look on her face, it seemed that Sam wasn't happy. And that could only mean.... He turned around to face his brother.

Sam was glaring at him and he knew Liz had caved. Glancing to Aya she looked at them back and forth and said, "I'll be in the study." She couldn't help prodding him one last time.

Liz had followed Sam into the room, her expression hollow. She had been crying.

"You just couldn't help yourself, could you,
?" Sam sneered. 

Zac scoffed, "It goes both ways."

"You don't get to mess with this, Zac. You hear me?"

“Sam, please. Calm down,” Liz cried, trying to push them apart, but they were both stronger than her.

"Who died and made you king of the world, brother?" Zac spat, ignoring Liz's pleas.

"You don't love her, Zac. How could you, when you don't respect anything or anyone?"

Zac's expression darkened and the room seemed to disappear around him, "Who are you to tell me who I can and cannot love?"

"Oh, so that's what this is about? You doing what you want, whenever you want." Sam was in his face, refusing to back down.

“Perhaps you should stop following me around like a pathetic lap dog.”

“Really? You want to get into that as well?”

“Get it all out, Sam. Tell me what you really think. Tell me what you want to do to me.”

“Stop it! I’m not going to fight you. Is that what you want?”

“I know you want to take a couple of swings little brother.“

“Yeah, I want to hit you, so what?”

“So, do it. Hit me Samuel.” When Sam didn’t move, Zac grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him close and sneered, “Hit me.”

“You’re insane, Zac. You don’t want any help do you? Has the last forty years been a joke to you?" His expression fell into one of disappointment. "You want to be a monster." Sam’s words cut into him right where it hurt. That right there, was the worst thing he could have said.

Zac’s jaw set as he grinded his teeth together. He couldn't contain his rage anymore. As it simmered over, his eyes darkened and in one fluid motion, he snapped Sam's neck. He fell limply to the floor with a dull thud.

"No!" Liz cried and fell to her knees, pulling him into her lap. She sobbed, stroking his hair and glared up at Zac. "How could you? He's your brother!" She knew he would wake in a few hours, but this was too far. 

Zac's expression changed slowly into one of horror. They had fought before, come to blows, but neither of them had gone this far before. He'd killed his brother over a woman. His brother, who he loved more than anything. It was the most human emotion of all that had driven him to be the monster he truly was. The monster who he thought he'd made peace with.

He saw the way Liz was holding Sam. She truly loved his brother, not him. She never would, he finally realized, but promptly ignored his gut feeling. He had to get out of there, he couldn't deal with this. And he was out the front door and gone before he could think twice about it.



Aya flew out of the study when she heard Liz screaming at Zac. She was just in time to see the front door slamming closed. So, he had chosen to run instead of facing his problems. Typical.

Standing in the doorway of the parlor she took in Sam's temporarily dead body on the floor in front of the fireplace. Liz leant against the mantle and sighed with frustration. She jumped when Aya materialized out of the shadows. 

"You scared me," she said, clutching her heart.

Aya scowled, "Do you think I can't see what you do to him."

Liz blinked, "What are you on about?"

"God knows why, but he loves you. And you love Sam. The selfish thing is that deep down, you want Zac as well. You're leading him on and it's horrible. You are with Sam. Do the right thing and let Zac go," Aya's face didn't betray her feelings. Whatever those were.

"And why do you care so much? You're the ice queen, Aya. Butt out," tears streamed down her cheeks.

She snorted and shook her head, "After two thousand years, it's all still the same."

"What?" Liz glared, her fists shaking.

"Stupid little girls playing with fire."

love Sam
, Aya. It will always be him," she cried. "He was the one who found me and helped me through the change. He was there to help me get the cravings under control. Zac helped me as well, but I never thought... I knew he cared for me, but not like that. Not until..."

"Which one changed you?" she asked, her voice low.

Liz looked up at her with a tear stained face, "No! They didn't do this to me! Aya, no, don't think that!" Aya visibly relaxed. "When Sam found me I was dead. I must have had vampire blood in my system already, because I woke up. He was there holding me, thinking I was gone. We had become friends before... before it happened. Aya, I don't know who changed me. We never found them."

Aya wasn't convinced. Sighing, she knelt down and heaved Sam's bulky form onto the couch with little effort. She was so slight, it was easy to forget that she trumped them all in the strength department. She sat on the chair opposite as Liz sat on the couch, Sam's head in her lap. 

When it was obvious Aya was going to wait, Liz asked tentatively, "Was all that stuff you told us about yourself, was it all true?"

"Yes," she stated. It was hard to get more than a brisk answer to any question that was asked of her.

"Two thousand years is a long time. What have you done with it all?" Aya looked at her like she had said something offensive. "I mean, you must have seen a lot of things..." Liz trailed off. Even she knew that she sounded lame.

"Yes," she stated again. "But it's not story time and they don't all have good endings. I wouldn't want to scare you."

Aya knew she frightened Liz. It didn't bother her, what the young vampire thought about her. But, she had to sit here for god knows how long until Sam woke up. Her staring was making Liz uncomfortable, like she was ready to run if she made a move. But, of course, Aya could never help herself. "What will you do when it comes time to leave?"

Liz stared at her for a moment as if she was trying to comprehend her question. 

"It's a straightforward question, Liz."

"I-I don't know," she stammered, wringing her hands.

"The eternal twenty one year old. Never ageing, frozen in time. How will you explain
" She was crossing a line, pushing her like this, but the brothers had coddled her. Protected her from the inevitable choices she would have to make. And Aya just had to press on the nerve. Perhaps her need came out of jealousy more than anything.

"The time will come," Liz said quietly. "And I will be ready then, but for now I can be who I was meant to be while I can. Why are you so heartless, Aya?"

"I prefer the term realist," she sneered.

"Is this what I have to look forward to? Loosing every inch of humanity? Becoming selfish and mean like you?" Liz shook her head in denial. 

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