The Witch Hunter (18 page)

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Authors: Nicole R. Taylor

BOOK: The Witch Hunter
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He was so engrossed in his thoughts he started as someone bashed into his shoulder, hard. "Hey, watch it buddy," he scowled.

The young man who had bumped into him, turned and put his hand on his shoulder, "Hey, I know you." He was built like a football player, wide shoulders and thick arms. Blonde hair cut into a severe crew. The kind of guy that used to beat him up in high school. 

"No, I don't think so," Alex shrugged the guy’s hand away and turned to keep walking.

"I'm positive," he began to follow Alex down the path into the square. "I know you."

"Look, buddy. I don't know you, okay?" If he didn't try and look the guy in the eyes, hopefully he'd leave him alone.

Where before it had been spotted with people, the square had become quiet and empty. Alex began to panic a little. If this guy wanted to beat him up or mug him, he now had the perfect opportunity and he was not a good fighter. High school bullies had only taught him to run. Before he could do anything else, the man grabbed him from behind, turning him around. All Alex saw was the guy’s fist hurtling towards his face. There was a smack as he was punched square in the eye.

"Fucking hell!" Alex yelled, falling to the ground, clutching his face. "Just take whatever you want. Take my wallet, I don't want a fight."

"I don't want your wallet," he snarled. "I want you as bait."

"What the fuck?" Alex tried to scramble backwards, but the man grabbed his leg and began pulling him across the garden into the woodland area of the park.

He was pushed roughly against a tree, his head cracking against the trunk. Dazed, he blinked hard, his hand clutching the egg shaped lump that was beginning to rise. "Oww! You fucking asshole!" He was punched again, this time his lip splitting against his teeth. The cut was bleeding, the coppery taste of his blood filling his mouth.

"Shut up!" the blonde guy hissed at him, pulling a branch from the tree with a superhuman strength that made Alex gasp in fear. Who the hell was this guy? 

"Stupid fucking human," he was muttering. "Just fucking bleed." Alex tried to shield himself with his arms as he was hit again and again with the branch, his skin breaking open and bleeding from hundreds of tiny cuts. The blonde guy was laughing now, "That's it. They'll come now with the blood. They'll want to save you."

Alex couldn't understand what the guy was talking about, he seemed crazy in the head. If he didn't try and do something, he would be beaten to death with a branch by a crazy person. He tried to kick out, but couldn't connect with anything, but the assault from the branch stopped. Scrambling to his feet, he was too late to see the branch come at him from the left. It tore a gash in his forehead, ripping through skin as the force threw his head to the side. 

He was jerked to his feet, a hand clutching his throat. Alex cried out in surprise as he was wrenched in close to the crazy  guys face. His eyes were completely black and his teeth... His teeth could only be described as fangs. Alex began to shake as terror took him over. What the hell was he?

Alex cried out as the guy lent in and bit his neck. He tried to struggle, but he was held in a vice grip. Geesus, he was being eaten alive by a vampire wannabe weirdo. He panicked and tried to struggle harder, but he was loosing blood fast. His limbs felt like they were filled with lead.

Abruptly, the guy was pulled from him an he fell to the ground heavily. It barely registered that his attacker had been thrown fifty feet away into a tree. Then Sam was there pulling him up, propping him against another tree. Sam, his best buddy to the rescue. But, when Alex looked again, he had the same eyes as the crazy cannibal who attacked him. 

"Geesus!" he yelled, but couldn't make his limbs work.

"It's okay, Alex," Sam was saying. "Sit tight, I'll explain everything. I've just got to deal with this guy."

Alex could only nod, slack jawed in shock.



When Sam caught the scent of Alex's blood on the breeze he knew it wasn't good. He ran as fast as he dared towards its source, trying not to draw any attention from the people around him on the street.

He caught sight of two figures in the distance between the trees. He roared in fury as he realized a vampire had Alex and was feeding on him. He had to protect is friend, no matter what. Even if he found out, he had to save him.

Grabbing the vampire from behind he threw him clear across the path into a tree, a sickening thud as his body collided. There was so much blood, he couldn't help it when his eyes misted over into black. He grabbed Alex, heaving him up against the tree behind him.

"Geesus!" Alex yelled in shock as his eyes focused on his face. He would have to explain to his friend later.

"It's okay, Alex," Sam said. "Sit tight, I'll explain everything. I've just got to deal with this guy."

The vampire had picked himself up and was advancing on him quickly. As he came within striking distance, Sam punched the side of his head, a sickening crack echoed through the trees as it connected. The vampire was either newly made or older than he was, because the punch didn't seem to bother him at all. His fist connected with Sam's jaw, the force sending him backwards. He landed heavily on his back, the air pushed from his lungs.

As he lay gasping for breath, his eyes widened in surprise as he caught sight of Aya perched on a branch above him. She pressed her index finger to her lips to quiet him and gestured towards the vampire and then back down to him. Without giving away her position, he got up as quickly as he could. And not a moment too soon. The vampire was on him again, viciously punching him in the ribs. As he doubled over, instinctively clutching his side, he was kneed in the face, blood gushing from his nose and now split lip.

Sam didn't even have a second to regain his composure before stumbling back under the tree. The vampire had him around the neck in the blink of an eye, laughing in triumph. "Looks like I won," he crowed.

But Sam had already lured him into position. Aya dropped lithely from the tree onto the vampires back. He yelled in surprise as he felt her arms wrap about his own neck. "Hello," Aya crooned in his ear. Before he could compose himself to break Sam's neck she sunk her fangs into his jugular, making him lose his grip. 

Sam, now free, tore a branch from the tree and plunged it through the vampire’s heart, barely missing Aya as she let him go. 

"Hey," she cried, shoving the now dead vampire aside. "Watch it buddy. We're on the same side, remember?"

Sam smiled, his chest heaving, "You knew what you were doing."

Aya smiled wickedly, "I see you're the one who got all the book smarts."

"Thanks," he puffed, wiping his bloody nose on his sleeve. 

They turned back to Alex, who was fixed to his spot against the tree in absolute fear. Sam glanced at Aya and she smiled reassuringly. She kneeled down next to their hurt friend and put her hand on his. "I'm sorry Alex. We came as fast as we could. Where are you hurt?" Her voice was soft, concerned.

He was obviously afraid of them, but didn't scream or try and run. "I'm cut all over my arms. My face," he managed at last.

Aya nodded and turned to Sam, "You have to heal him."

"Why?" he look confused. "Can't you?"

"My blood will make it worse. If he has enough it will kill him. And you, so make sure you remember that," she said firmly, gesturing for him to kneel down.

At the mention of blood, Alex's eyes rolled back into his head and he fainted. Frowning, Sam lent over his unconscious body and began to drip his blood on each wound. The secret they kept very close, that vampire blood could heal a humans wounds and much more besides. But, if blood was given too late, then, well, it was vampirism for the human. He wondered why Aya's blood would do the opposite; act like poison. She was not an ordinary vampire, perhaps that had something to do with it. He made a mental note to warn the others.

The gash on Alex's temple was still wet with fresh blood. Head wounds bled profusely, it was in all their best interests if he healed that quickly. As soon as he was done, Aya herded him towards his car as he carried Alex's limp body, anxious to get their friend home and safe.



Zac found her at the same table as the day before, but this time with a bottle of Johnny. Really, he didn't know why he came to the bar on today of all days. His brother was meant to be here, but he was nowhere to be seen. Sitting across from Liz he cocked his head, waiting for her to speak first.

Instead, she pushed the bottle across the table, staring at her hands. He couldn't help but take a few large mouthfuls. She was upset and obviously didn't want to talk about it. All dressed up and no do-gooder boyfriend in the vicinity. He wondered what Sam was doing, standing up Liz when he knew today was important. 

They finished the bottle in silence and when it became obvious that he wasn't coming, Zac took her arm and they left the bar. Hovering outside on the sidewalk, he wasn't sure if he should take her home or not.

Finally, she spoke. "It was today, you know," she said, shivering.  

He looked sidelong at her, gauging her expression. It had been a year since she'd died, since she became a vampire. "Yeah, I know."

They stood awkwardly on the sidewalk for a moment. Liz was upset and he wanted to be there for her. Selfish as it was, his heart ached. Turning, Zac gazed at her as she looked out into the darkness of the gardens across the street. He'd wanted to kiss her at least once before he had to give her up. Just once.

Liz couldn't help but turn and return his stare. Reaching down, he ran his thumb across her cheek and drew a sharp breath as she sighed. Drawing close, he kissed her softly on the lips, lingering, testing her response, but he didn't need to. She kissed him back with a fire he didn't think she possessed.

"Liz," he whispered, completely in her trance. He was ripping a hole in his brother’s heart behind his back, but he couldn't stop himself even if he tried. Regardless, he managed to pull back.

"I..." he began, but this time, she kissed him and whatever he had been thinking about was lost.



Only twenty minutes had passed when Alex sat bolt upright, gasping for breath. Sam and Aya had bundled him into Sam's car and brought him home. The beauty of a small town was it never took long to get anywhere. They were still out the front of his house when he came to, having just put him on the bench on the porch.

Sam looked at him warily, unsure what his reaction would be. If he totally flipped out, he was prepared to compel him if it protected them all from exposure. Alex was his friend and he disliked the idea, but he had to protect Liz and Zac first. Aya, he was sure, would be able to protect herself.

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