The Wicked West (7 page)

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Authors: Victoria Dahl

Tags: #Man-Woman Relationships, #Western Stories, #Westerns, #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Erotica

BOOK: The Wicked West
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Meet bestselling erotica author Holly Summers in Victoria Dahl’s contemporary romances from HQN Books:


(January 2009)


(July 2009)


(January 2010)


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Victoria Dahl
lives with her family in a small town high in the mountains. During the summer she hikes and drinks margaritas (usually not at the same time). During the winter she likes to curl up with a book and a cup of hot cocoa and think about all those poor, freezing skiers working so hard out in the snow.


She's been reading romance since the age of twelve and started her first manuscript at the age of twenty. Occasionally, on dark and stormy nights, she bravely posts excerpts of that original story on her blog for the entertainment of her readers.


Her first published novel, the winner of the coveted Golden Heart for best long historical romance, debuted in 2007. That same year, Victoria decided to try her hand at writing a contemporary romance. It turned out to be the most fun she's ever had (while writing). Now she's fully committed to bouncing between the sexy, dramatic world of historical romance and the sizzling fun of contemporaries.


Find out more about Victoria and her books by visiting her Web site or write to her at [email protected].

ISBN: 978-1-4268-3656-5

The Wicked West

Copyright © 2009 by Victoria Dahl

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