The Wicked West (4 page)

Read The Wicked West Online

Authors: Victoria Dahl

Tags: #Man-Woman Relationships, #Western Stories, #Westerns, #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Erotica

BOOK: The Wicked West
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“Good God,” he breathed.

When he let go of her wrists, she pressed her hands to the cushion of the settee. Eyes closed, she remained in that position for a long moment, breath settling a little as the seconds ticked by.

Hale refastened his trousers and drew a handkerchief from his pocket to dry her back. His brain felt a bit dull, but he could sense regret hovering at the edges of his thoughts, waiting to strike.

Words of apology were heavy on his tongue when Lily finally pushed up and stood. She turned toward him and his heart hitched at the look of happy peace in her eyes. “Thank you,” she whispered.

He coughed to hide his shock. “I’m sure I should be thanking you instead.”

“Would you mind if I retrieved my robe?”

Hale shook his head and stepped quickly out of her way. “Of course not. Please do.”

The woman he’d just called his whore walked from the room and very matter-of-factly gathered up her robe and tied it at her waist. Then she crossed to the side table and poured two small glasses of wine. He took his gratefully, and sat down hard next to her on the settee.

She took a sip before she spoke. “I hope, Sheriff Hale, that we might have a sort of friendship.”

He wasn’t sure if that was a euphemistic way of proposing that he pay for this privilege, so he frowned.

“I’m recently widowed,” she explained. “My husband died only a year ago. I do not wish you to think I…” Her head bowed and her soft voice faltered. “That is to say that I like you. That’s obvious. But please do not ascribe any ulterior motives to my admiration.”

This was way too much English for Hale in his muddled state. “Lily—Mrs. Anders—I don’t know what the hell you’re trying to say.”

She blushed and nodded, her eyes meeting his for only a second. “I’m saying I would like to do this again if you would welcome it. With no expectation of any future attachment.”

Again? This was just too much. All of it. He could barely grasp the basics. “I need to be clear on something first. You liked that?”

Heat climbed her neck. “Yes. Was it…was it pleasing to you, as well?”

Pleasing? Jesus, he’d nearly dropped dead of apoplexy. “Yes. It pleased me.”

A wide smile spread over her face. “I’m so glad.” Whatever fear that had begun to creep upon him skulked away. She looked so damn happy. Not at all like a woman scheming to ruin his life.

“Lily, how did you…How did you, uh, know? About me?”

Her head cocked a little to the side. “I’m not sure. When you looked at me, I could see my husband in your eyes. He looked nothing like you, though. It was just a spark.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I don’t, either. But Mr. Anders said he could see something like it in me when we were introduced.”

“Do you think others can see it, too?”

Lily frowned. “I don’t think so. Perhaps only women like me. It’s so difficult to put into words. I just knew when I saw you that I wanted to be yours.”


But he couldn’t keep doing this, damn it. “We can’t do this, Lily. If people found out, or if you got pregnant…”

“I won’t,” she said quickly. “My husband had children with his first wife, but none with me. And I swear, Sheriff, I won’t tell a soul. I won’t even offer more than a nod if we pass on the street. Please, I want this. I am finally free to feel for myself, and
are what I want to feel.”

“This is wrong,” he insisted.

“Yes. And I want it still. So much. And if it is just between us, who can it hurt?”

Besides you?
he thought. But she did not look hurt. She looked bright and glowing. “You want me to come here every night? Sneak through the door and do

“Yes. But…what do
want, Sheriff Hale?”

What did he want? He wanted all of this, and none of it. He wanted to take her again now, and he wanted to go back in time and never have looked through her window. Hale met her gaze and felt himself drawn into the pools of peaceful green. She
happy. He’d made her so.

If they did it again…Well, spanking a woman ten times was no more scandalous than spanking her once. He was in this now.

She watched him patiently. It was his decision, apparently, and that made it so much easier.

Hale nodded. “I want you here tomorrow in your corset and shift. I want you in your bed. Awaiting me. With the lamps burning.”

“Yes, sir.”

“And the curtains closed.”

Her mouth curved into a sweet smile. “All right.”

“Sleep well, Lily.” He left her, his heart still torn between anxiety and satisfaction, but this time, he knew he’d be back.


He hadn’t come.

Lily sighed wearily and folded a towel over the plate of warm corn bread.

She trusted that he’d meant to visit, but there’d been another shooting on a ranch in a distant corner of the county. Everyone in town knew he’d been called away yesterday afternoon. The shootings had been the only topic of conversation in town for the past few days.

So she’d known he would not come to her bedroom the night before, but she’d still dressed as he’d ordered and waited in the hopes that he’d arrive back home unexpectedly.

But it was dusk again, and he still hadn’t returned.

“Let him be safe,” she prayed. She did not mean this to be a permanent relationship, but she had so much admiration for him. Sheriff Hale’s physical needs were the only cruel thing about him. He cared for people and looked after the residents of the county as if they were his family. He treated the ranch owners the same as he treated the lowest hands. It was a way of thinking she’d never seen in England, and it only drew her closer to him.

How confident a man must be to treat his lessers with such easy respect. Then again, few people in America seemed to consider themselves lesser. Another thing she loved about this place.

Lily glanced out the kitchen window, noting that it had grown too dark to see the outhouse at the back of her small yard. Hale still wasn’t back, and she didn’t know what that meant. Either success or disaster could have held him up, and no one would think to tell her a thing either way.

She touched her hand to the pan that held the lamb pie Jenny had prepared. Still hot. If Hale did arrive tonight, she meant to take him a serving. But he might not arrive, and there was nothing more to be done.

After wiping her hands on her apron, Lily tossed it aside and headed toward the small front room that faced the parlor. When she opened the door and lit the lamp, a smile sprang to her lips. The carpenter had agreed to begin work in two days. Then all the books she’d so carefully organized on the floor of the room would have a home, and she could open her little library.

For a fee of twenty-five cents a year, anyone in town would be welcome to borrow books from her library. She hadn’t meant to charge at all, but the bank manager had convinced her that the townspeople were apt to see a free service as an act of charity. So she’d charge a fee for her lending library, and feel as if she were contributing a small thing to this community.

The plan had only come to her a week before. If she’d known she’d need a library’s worth of books, she’d have brought more. But her four crates would have to do until the new order arrived. Children’s books, she thought happily. She needed more children’s books.

Just as she’d settled into her chair to continue working on the ledger system she’d devised, Lily heard shouting in the distance. She sprang to her feet so quickly that her papers spilled to the floor, spreading out like water.

The shouting died down. Two male voices passed on the street, the words too low to hear. Lily eased the curtain open and peered desperately down the street. Was Sheriff Hale back? Was he injured?

He’d felt so strong when he’d put his calloused hands on her, so impervious. But he was only human, and a pistol would kill him just as surely as any other man.

She thought she heard steps on the porch of his house but had no view of his door from here. Though she rushed upstairs to look, no light emanated from his bedroom. Likely, he was fine, only getting washed up after two days on the trail. But what if he’d been carried home? What if the doctor was washing blood from his skin?

Lily paced. It was none of her concern. She had no excuse to knock on his door. The minutes ticked painfully by.

If she could only

Mind set, she rushed downstairs and gathered up her offerings before sneaking out the kitchen door. There was no fence between their properties, just a pitiful row of scraggly bushes, and Lily edged easily past them. Just a few more careful steps and she was close enough to rise up on tiptoe and peek through his kitchen window.

He was there! Standing and uninjured. Lily was fairly certain of his good health as he was also completely nude. As she watched, Sheriff Hale scrubbed roughly under his arms with a dripping rag. Water trickled down his belly to sneak into the dark hair surrounding his shaft.

She’d never so much as seen his shirt unbuttoned before, so she couldn’t fight the urge to study his body. She’d known his cock was larger than her husband’s, but she hadn’t realized how different the rest of him would look. His narrow hips led up to a wide chest and powerful shoulders.

Despite his obvious strength, he was far too lean. The muscles of his arms were corded and hard, standing out beneath his skin in stark relief. He had no one to feed him, no one to take care of him. Lily clutched the plate of corn bread and lamb pie closer. She’d never taken care of anyone, had always been as sheltered as a child.

Maybe this was an undiscovered layer of herself: a woman who could nurture as well as obey. Giving up her spying, Lily knocked at his back door. His kitchen stayed quiet.

Perhaps he didn’t want her here. She had promised discretion, after all.

Her heart was hammering with nervousness when she caught the flutter of a curtain at the edge of her vision. The door whooshed open.

“Lily? What are you doing here?” When he holstered his weapon, she realized he’d taken the time to don his trousers. And his gun belt.

“I was worried for you. I brought you dinner.”

He glanced past her into the darkness as he waved her in. “It’s not safe after dark. You should be more careful.”

She flushed at his curt tone. “It was only a few feet. I don’t mean to disturb you. I’ll only leave this and go.”

“No, I’m sorry.” He shut the door hard. “I’m just worn out tonight. I didn’t mean to snap. Thanks for the food. I haven’t eaten much but jerky and fried cornmeal for days.”

“Ah. Then perhaps I’d best set the corn bread aside.”

The tight lines of his face relaxed into a tired smile. “Maybe. Just for tonight.”

Nodding to cover the butterflies his smile had created in her stomach, Lily rushed to set the pan on the table. Sheriff Hale retrieved two cups from a shelf and soon he had the table set with scarred plates and tin cups as well as a porcelain pitcher filled with water.

“The water pitcher seems a bit delicate for you,” she said in a feeble attempt at a joke.

“It was my wife’s.”

He tossed the words out so casually, as if she should have already known. But of course, everyone else in this town would have. “You’re a widower?”

His eyebrows flew up, though his eyes stayed focused on the knife he’d slipped through the pie crust. “No. I’m still married.” His high cheekbones reddened. “I thought you knew.”

“No,” she breathed, her head buzzing faintly.

“I guess the talk must finally have died down. My wife ran off years ago with another man.”

She nearly slumped with relief. “Oh, I see. I’m sorry. Can you not sue for divorce here in Wyoming?”

Sheriff Hale shrugged and scooped a large serving onto her plate. “I can. It just never seemed worth it.”


When his jaw tensed, Lily regretted her question. He expected obedience from her, not demands. Their relationship was physical, and her role was not that of an equal. She was parting her lips to apologize when he answered.

“She left me because of this.”


He glanced up from his meal as he swallowed a bite. “What we have between us. What you saw in me. She saw it, too, somehow, though I kept it hidden as best I could. She told me I was too rough, but I never thought I was. Not with her.”

“So how did she know?”

“I’m not sure. She didn’t like that part of married life.”

“Then maybe it was nothing to do with you, Sheriff. I gather there are many women who do not enjoy the intimate attention of their husbands.”

His brow fell low over his eyes as he poked at a piece of crust that had fallen onto his plate. “That seems awfully coincidental. Her telling me I was too rough, when what I really wanted to do to her was—” He snapped his mouth shut. “Anyway, I didn’t think I should tie another woman to me, not with the way I am. So there was no point in suing for divorce.”

“I see.” She did. He was horrified with himself. She’d never had to face that, at least. Lily dared to reach out and cover his hand with her own.

He curled his fingers around hers. “This is delicious, Lily. Thank you. I’m sorry I couldn’t come to you yesterday.”

The touch had started innocently enough, but now sparks sizzled up her arm. “No, of course not. I’m only relieved that you’re well. And I’m available—” she swallowed the dryness from her throat “—whenever you wish, Sheriff.”

He was probably too weary, and she would hide her disappointment at that because he’d earned his rest. But she’d just taken full notice of the fact that he hadn’t donned a shirt, and his chest was covered with crisp hair where her husband’s had been smooth. The sheriff looked like a powerful animal up close. A dangerous beast. And his hands were so large and rough when he put them on her.

“You haven’t eaten your pie,” he said, his thumb rubbing idly over her knuckles.

“I’m not hungry.”

“Have you been good while I was away?”

Though she answered “Yes” immediately, she felt a telltale rush of blood to her cheeks.

“Lily?” he prompted. “Have you done something bad?”

She bowed her head as if she were ashamed, when in reality, her pulse skipped with nervous joy. “Yes.”

His thumb traced the length of one finger. “What was it?”

“Tonight. I…On my way over, I watched you through the window.”

“Watched me do what?”

Anticipation skipped over her limbs. “I watched you wash yourself.”

The thumb froze. “Go to my room, take off that dress and wait for me.”

“Yes, Sheriff.” Lily jumped up and rushed for the stairs, hardly able to bear that he might make her wait. She wanted to be stretched over his lap again, wanted the white shock of pain and relief every time his wide hand struck her. And then his sex, so big it had hurt. So big she’d had no room for any feeling but peace.

What would he do to her tonight? Lily hurriedly unbuttoned her dress and stripped off her stockings. That was what he’d said. Her corset and shift. Nothing else. But he liked her hair down, so she yanked out the pins and smoothed it down.


A jangle of metal sounded from the stairway and pulled a knot in her belly. The sheriff walked in and laid his gun belt on the dresser. The sight of it made her wet.

“Come here.”

She walked to him. When he held up a length of rope, Lily swallowed hard.

“Give me your hands.” He bound them tightly at the wrists, the thick rope scratching her skin, and her knees began to shake. This was something her husband had never done. Now she was truly helpless. Bound and powerless.

Delicious, unexpected fear built inside her, making her sex tighten. What else would he do?

“Kneel on the bed, Lily.”

He slid his trousers off and approached her. “Is this what you wanted to see earlier?”

“Yes.” She devoured his nude body with her gaze, watching as his shaft thickened for her.

“What did you think about?”


“My cock, Lily?”

“Yes. I wanted to touch it. So badly.”

He stepped as close as he could, his legs flush with the mattress. “Touch it now.”

Her wrists were bound, so she hesitated a moment.


Nodding, she slid her cupped hands around the head and down the shaft. He was so powerful. Big and heavy in her hands. Hot and thick. Lily panted as she watched her tied hands stroke him. He could force her to do anything.

“That’s it,” he breathed. “Jerk me off.”

Curling her fingers tighter, she worked him more roughly, keeping her pace slow. The ropes dug into her skin.

When his breathing quickened, she glanced up to find him watching, eyes blazing. “You’re very obedient when you’re on your knees, Lily.”

She nodded.


His hips jerked against her pull as he set his fingers beneath her chin.

“Open your mouth,” he ordered. The rough pad of his thumb rubbed against her tongue. His growl vibrated through her nerves, all the way to her sex. Lily sucked.

“Christ, yes,” he hissed.

She loved this. Loved being a whore for him and a proper English lady for everyone else. The idea of it swelled inside her heart. She pulled his thumb deep into her mouth, sucking harder.

“Fuck, Lily. You’re beautiful.”

“Mmm,” she moaned.

“Like a hot little animal.”

Yes. Yes. She whimpered for him like a dog at his feet. His cock jerked in her hands.


Hands shaking, she let him go, still sucking at his thumb. The sheriff pulled her up and slipped his hand free of her mouth so that he could kiss her. Hard. He plunged his tongue deep, and she kissed him back just as passionately. When he pulled away, he tugged her tied hands back down to the bed, forcing her to bend down before him. Sheriff Hale circled behind her, and she was so open to him that she squirmed.

“You don’t get to spy on me, Lily.”

The first crack of his hand on her bottom jerked a scream from her throat. The pain swelled tight before it liquefied and spread through her body as pure pleasure. “Oh, God. I’m sorry.”

“I didn’t give you permission to watch me, did I?”

“No. No. I’m sorry, Sheriff.”

He spanked her again, harder. “All right, then. I forgive you.” His hand smoothed her burning skin.

Lily held her breath in alarm. He forgave her? Was he done already? No, she wanted more! She pushed her bottom against his hand.

Sheriff Hale chuckled. “I forgive you. And now I’m going to spank you simply because you want it. You needn’t apologize, Lily. You needn’t be bad. Just ask me for it.”

Oh. This was new, too. The ropes bit deliciously into her skin as she pondered it. “Please?” She paused to clear her throat. “Please spank me.”

He gave her buttocks one whack.

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