The Werewolf's Mate

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Authors: C.A. Salo

Tags: #Erotic Romance/Paranormal

BOOK: The Werewolf's Mate
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A. Salo






Published by


An Imprint of Whiskey Creek Press LLC


Whiskey Creek Press

PO Box 51052

Casper, WY 82605-1052


2012 by
A. Salo


The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is
illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without
monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 (five)
years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.


characters and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events,
locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental
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ISBN 978-1-



Cover Artist: Gemini Judson

Editor: Sara Kent


Printed in the United States of America






“C.A. Salo has outdone herself and I trust this
is only the beginning of a bookshelf overflowing with sexy sci-fi treats. I
hope there will be a story showcasing Trea and Daniel since their characters
made such a lasting impression and added to what was already an outstanding read
which I definitely recommend to the masses.”

Joyfully Reviewed

“I’ve read
a lot of books over the years, but
A Slave’s Way Out
is one of the
hottest I’ve read in a long time. It isn’t just the chemistry between Catrin
and Niko, which explodes off the pages, or the dynamics of the secondary
characters. It’s that C A Salo shows a woman can be not only outstanding in her
job that she fights for but also that she can be dominated by her lover and not
look weak. When the reader first starts reading this book they are sucked into
a different time and space right off the bat and aren’t let go of until the
last word is read. They realize the voyage is over. I hope C A Salo writes more
about these characters as the world she’s created is one you’ll want to visit
over and over again to see how each one is doing. This is definitely going on
my keeper shelf and I am looking for more of her stories.”







I really enjoyed the
author’s unique approach to a classic love story. This wasn’t an ordinary
boy-meets-girl story as it featured a creature that some might find hard to
love, yet the author was able to humanize the beast in the story and make me,
the reader, fall for him as well despite what some might consider
imperfections. I found the author’s use of an imperfect hero, at least when it
comes to looks, refreshing and interesting.

“This was a very
touching love story that I would definitely recommend to those looking for
something a bit different.”


Whipped Cream Review

Rating: 4.5 Cherries




Warriors Longing
is definitely steamy. The chemistry between Lord Gage and
Meiken is strong enough to raise anyone’s blood pressure. C.A. Salo did an
excellent job blending the sci-fi, romance and erotica genres. Not everyone can
do it so seamlessly.”

Victoria Cross

Night Owl Reviews

Other Books by Author
Available at Torrid Books:


A Slave’s Way Out

The Devil Himself

A Lady’s Challenge

A Warrior’s Longing







To my

dealing with all my little eccentricities

I’m in writing mode…and not.

you for not grumbling

your bologna gets burned

my mind being in plot mode

I’m supposed to be cooking.













Chapter 1


Kalana sighed as she
approached the outer city limits of Alston, Maine. Alston was a great little
laid-back country town up in the Northern Quadrants. Tourists only came during
the summer and fall which was great for the town because they’d come spend
their money and leave. The only way to get there in the winter was either by
helicopter, snowmobile or dogsled…for the humans anyway. Alston had a little
over one thousand permanent residents comprising of any
Other Kin
wanted to settle down there. Well, make that one thousand and two. A soft smile
etched her lips as she glanced over at her sleeping eight-year-old. Her stomach
churned with what she had to do, what she should have done years ago. She knew
the repercussions might be harsh, but she had to take that chance.

Her family, the Fairlawns,
had been with the group of first settlers who numbered about one hundred and
forty today. The Lyken Roven Clan had grown to be the largest clan in Alston
with over eight hundred members who stayed throughout the year. The Beven Clan
of Vampires, which was relatively small, only forty or so, stayed year-round.
The rest were
Other Kin
who just wanted to settle down away from the
violence of wars between the clans for dominance. It was widely known throughout
Other Kin
nations that the clans of Alston would not put up with any
of the rivalries and if a war was brought to their perimeters, the entire town
had shown more than once they would fight to keep what they had…peace and
quiet. The town had rules besides what each individual clan had. If the rules
were broken then the violator would go before the Council of Elders, which was comprised
of two elders from each clan who lived within Alston. They were allowed to
voice their opinion to the council before a judgment was handed down.

Kalana’s stomach cramped at
the thought. Not only did she have to sit before the council, she’d called for
the meeting. Her grandfather, one of the elders of the council, had made the
plans the day she’d phoned to tell him she was coming back. Kalana wished this
could have been done differently, but with the information she’d learned, she
could not sit back and let her town down. One of the rules of Alston was if you
leave the town, you change your name, and you never tell anyone where you come
from. That way if there was something, or someone with their sights set on
Alston, the town had feelers and informers out there to report. The only
problem was you had to give the report in person.

“It had to be me,” she mumbled
as she pulled up behind her grandfather’s house. She’d been out in the human
world for more than eight years and had never heard of anything dangerous
toward Alston until several months ago.

A huge smile lit her face as
her grandfather stepped out onto his porch. “Pappy!” Jumping out, she left the
door open as she ran into his arms for a big bear hug.

“Do you know how much I’ve
missed you, girl?”

“I know. I’ve missed you

“Well where’s that little
sprite of mine? That skyping stuff just isn’t like seeing her in person.”

“Livi’s in the car sleeping.”
After hugging him quickly she backed up a bit. “I’m sorry I’ve been gone so
long; I just didn’t know what to do.”

After wiping the tear away
that rolled down her cheek, he kissed her forehead softly. “You were young and
scared; I’m sure he’ll understand. If it’s who I think it is, he asks about you
every time he comes into the store.”

“But will the council
understand?” she whispered as she met his gaze.

“That we’ll have to wait and
see. Now go get the sprite, I’ve got the covers turned down for her in her

“Thanks, Pappy.” After kissing
his cheek, she strode back to her small SUV and lifted her sleeping bundle.

“She’s getting a little big
for you to do that.” Pappy smiled.

“Yeah, but she’s really just
a mite. She definitely takes after our side on being small and limber.” She
grinned as she stepped in to the house.

* * * *

Kalana had stayed hidden most
of the day, but Olivia wanted to get out and Pappy wanted to take her through
the trails of the forest as he’d done with her when she was Olivia’s age. That
left Kalana in charge of the family store for the last hour or so.

Ten more minutes and it’s
closing time
. Kalana groaned when she
heard the chimes of the front door signaling a customer.

“I’ll be right there,” she
called out as she leaned the broom against the wall. Heading to the front she
stopped in her tracks when he turned, tingles of fear and excitement traveling
through her veins. “Drake.” Her voice was a whisper to her ears, but his twitched
as she met his gaze.

“Kala— What the hell are you
doing here?” A little more rough than intended. “Is this why you tried calling
me two days ago? To let me know you were coming back?”

Dragging in a breath to her
deprived lungs, Kalana started forward. “Well, maybe if you’d call back you’d
know, wouldn’t you?” she spat out as she stepped behind the counter. Turning,
she met his gaze. Now, she was angry.

“You’re going to get pissy
with me? I’m not the one who disappeared nine years ago. No word, no note, no
kiss my ass, you just up and left.”

Her eyes lowered, bottom lip
between her teeth. He was right. She was the one who’d done him wrong, she had
no business being angry. “I’m sorry.”

“Did your grandfather even
know where you were?”

“Sometimes. I spoke with him
weekly but never told him everything.” Lifting her gaze to his, she noted the
anger he’d held was gone. “Drake, I have to tell you something, something

“After nine years?”

“Yeah, I…”

“Why are you back, Kalana?”
he asked as he folded his arms over his strong chest.

“I-I have to talk to the

Arms down, brows furrowed, he
leaned forward. “Why?”

“You know I can’t say, well
not all of it anyway. We really need to talk.”

“Right now, I’m worried about
dinner. What’s left for the beef?”

The change of subject rattled
her for a moment. “Ah, um, well there was one piece left, it’s a rib eye cut,
about a pound.”


“It was close to closing so I
thought to have it for dinner, it has pepper and garlic on it, so if that doesn’t
bother you I can wrap it up and grab something else,” she said breathlessly as
she met his unwavering gaze again.

“If you wouldn’t mind. I need
red meat and don’t feel like hunting it down or waking Manuse tonight because I’m
out late.”

“Manuse is still in charge of
the kitchens?” Kalana twisted her hands at his unwavering gaze. “Ah, sure, be
right back.” Moving quickly to the back area, she grabbed up the steak and
started wrapping it. “Damn, this isn’t going good.” Shaking her hands out at
her sides when they started trembling she stopped, took a deep breath and let
it out slowly. “Okay, I can do this. Just tell him and get it over with. He can
probably hear every word you’re saying but that’s alright.” Stepping into the
store area again she lifted her eyes to his. He was so damn hot and masculine
and so damn alpha, the only way he’d changed was for the better through
maturity. He watched her as a predator would, except she wouldn’t become his
next meal, either that or he was just really hungry for this steak. “I, um, really
need to talk to you before I go to council.”

“Fine, I’m here so spill,” he
stated as he tossed a twenty on the counter.

“It’s not a two-minute
conversation, Drake, it’s…” Her eyes flew to the phone on his hip.

“Drake…yeah, I’m on my way,
five minutes.”


“I have to go.”

“It’s imperative that we talk
before council,” she said as he headed for the door.

“Is it for the safety of this
town or my pack?”

“No, but…”

“Then it can wait. I have to

“You need to come back before
I go to the council!”

Drake stopped and turned.

“Because I need to tell you
something before I tell them.”

“I’ll try, but we have an
issue at the northern border.”

Oh damn
! She just let him get away as he walked out the door.

* * * *

Dressed in ceremonial gowns,
Kalana made her way into the council’s chamber. She’d had Olivia sit on a bench
outside to wait for her under the watchful eye of Yulin, one of the Council of
Elders’ guards, and although he hadn’t said a word about the little sprite, his
gaze showed his curiosity. Breathing deeply, Kalana’s lips parted slightly as
she let the breath out slowly, stopping in the middle of the chamber, standing
before the seven elders of Alston.

“It’s good to see you again,
Kalana,” Councilman Gwil of the Roven Clan stated. “You’ve been gone a long
time. Care to tell us why you’ve called for a meeting before the council?”

“Thank you,” she stated
softly. Her grandfather’s small smile her encouragement to proceed. “It’s good
to be back in Alston. I’ve called for this meeting for two purposes. The first
is that several months ago I was in hearing range of a plot to attack Alston.”
When silence prevailed, she continued, “I was bartending in an
Other Kin
establishment that is supposed to be neutral for all. I’m not sure if they knew
I overheard what they were speaking of, but with all the ears in the room, I
think most of the patrons will be involved somehow. The two men speaking were
of the Vampire nation and the Lyken nation. I could not gather full names, but
the Lyken was named Gilfore.” Kalana stopped when Elder Gwil turned to look at
the current Alpha and Drake’s brother, Evan. “The vampire’s name was Theodoris
and they are amassing an army to attack and either take over or destroy Alston,
depending on how many of us fight and survive.”

Kalana hesitated when the
council members started speaking to each other. “I’m sorry,” she said over
their voices. “I’m not done.” Taking a deep breath, she returned her gaze to
Gwil and Evan Roven. “Apparently they already have a spy in your house. Did you
take in a man by the name of Phillip?”

“Yes, he came to us about
four months ago. One of our patrols found him bleeding badly in the ravine to
the south,” Gwil replied.

“It was a setup. He’s been
reporting back to them from the day you stopped checking into his background.”

“Not all,” Evan stated as he
sat forward. “Drake’s had a bad feeling about him since we took him in. He’s
had constant surveillance on Phillip.”

“I don’t know how he’s
communicating with them, Evan, but the last report they had, and I don’t mean
to pry or voice your pack business, please understand that, but I need to make
sure you believe what I’m saying is true.” Silently she waited until he nodded
his head to give her permission to speak. “The last thing I heard them talking
about was that you were looking for a mate and thinking of claiming Sophia
Cutler. She’s in danger. They were talking of having a female by the name of Isla
take her out and make it look like an accident.”


“I don’t know who she is…”

“She came in about two years
ago. She’s Sophie’s best friend and she’s had her eye on Drake.”

“Yes, I know,” she whispered.
“She’s supposed to take out Sophia, have you claim her and she’s supposed to…”

“Supposed to what?”

“Kill you after she’s
carrying your heir so Drake would have to claim her as next in line to Alpha.”

“By the Gods!”

“I know this upsets you,
Evan, but you see…their plan is for nothing…because, because…”

“Tell them the rest, Kalana,”
Amias (Pappy) encouraged.

She placed her hands over her
stomach as it churned with nervousness. “The other reason I’m here—I-I’m not
sure how to start. I know my punishment can be severe if the man so chooses. I
have no excuse now at my age.” Her soft speaking had the room quiet again.
Lifting her gaze to her grandfather, she then moved it toward the Rovens. “I
left when I was eighteen because, because I was scared and I didn’t know what
else to do or how to ask for help. I thought that because of the way I was
treated by the others because I’m half-human, that I’d be ousted from Alston
and, and…” Her breathing hitched, showing her fright. “I was making plans to
come back when I heard of the plot so I stayed a bit longer to make sure I was
hearing correctly. Evan, Elder Gwil, I ask of you to please not tell him until
I have a chance, I tried yesterday but he was called out on pack business. I…Drake…I,
um…I left because I-I found out I was pregnant.” She’d whispered the last, but
knew they’d heard her when Evan’s brows arched. “I-we…Drake and I have a
daughter. I know he’ll understand why I was scared, things didn’t—well they

“You don’t need to say
anything further,” Gwil said. “I’ll give you twenty-four hours to speak with
Drake concerning this matter. If you do not speak with him, then the council
will have no choice but to bring you both here and we will disclose this
information. If we are forced to do so, you will not only receive Drake’s
punishment, but ours as well. Do you understand this, Kalana Fairlawn?”

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