The Wedding Runaway (38 page)

Read The Wedding Runaway Online

Authors: Katy Madison

Tags: #duel, #Boston, #rake, #runaway bride, #Regency, #girl disguised as a boy, #cursed pistols

BOOK: The Wedding Runaway
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Even with the yards of material
the skirt still managed to cling and reveal her long legs and she walked as if she had nothing on underneath. He had to turn away before his growing hardness became apparent to all.

At dinner he only glanced at her a time or two when he was sure he could control his lust
or at least the table would conceal his response
but he feared calling attention to the way he felt about her. He was under too much scrutiny himself.

d been set upon by every marriageable lady like a pack of wild dogs upon fresh kill.

Lady Helena had honed in on him the minute he walked through the door. That had surprised him
because in all the years she had been out
she never paid any gentleman singular attention. With her coppery hair and skin that rivaled her pearls for glow
she was a beauty
but he had never sensed any depth of feeling in her
as if coddled milk flowed through her veins rather than blood. He always had the sense that she would be exactly what she appeared to be
a perfect lady who never, ever had an improper thought.

Her main attraction now was that he preferred her to Countess of Beauly. With her elaborately styled black hair and her blood-red dress, she reminded him of death. Of course
she was a widow fresh out of her weeds.

Although she had married for love
or at least whom she thought loved her best
her affection had not survived the honeymoon. She had gone running back to her parents, the duke and duchess, who had to be tired of their precious daughter. He supposed this time she meant to marry for more practical reasons
like he could afford to drape her in diamonds.

Now that he was not encumbered of a mad wife
he seemed to have grown tenfold in attractiveness. What should have made him the envy of every man
was driving him insane. He wanted to spend ten minutes with Lydia without every mama with a daughter to marry remarking on his unfortunate attention to a woman with no breeding.

Through the throngs of waltzers he saw Lydia put her hand on a man
s shoulder and lean toward him. Without another thought, he steered Lady Helena in that direction and then stopped dancing before the music was complete.

Come meet the Davies
he said.

Lady Helena measured him with her green eyes and slid alongside him
threading her arm through his. It was unpardonably rude of him to end their dance before the music
but he could wait no longer to talk to Lydia.

Relief at seeing her with her youngest brother weakened his knees. He realized jealousy had driven him to her. But he kept moving forward toward the large man sitting with his elbows on his knees and Lydia leaning over him
engaged in an intense conversation.

Lady Helena
this is Lydia Hamilton and—

s sister
are you not. Mr. Hamilton and I are old friends. I am so glad to finally meet you
I have heard so much about you
said Lady Helena, with more animation than he had seen from her in a month of Sundays.

What had she heard? And she had called Lydia
s brother by his given name? How odd
for Lady Helena was always correct and never familiar.

Lady Helena gave a curtsy without letting go of his arm. In fact, she tightened her grip as if she had no intention of letting him loose.

Trevor slowly rose to his full height
animosity barely concealed in his slight bow. Of all the people around her
her brothers and fiancé
this man seemed to be the only one who realized how dangerous Victor was to Lydia, and let him know.

I beg you will allow me to dance the supper dance with you
if no gentleman has already claimed it
said Victor.

and I thought you would promise it to me
said Lady Helena.

Lydia watched him without giving him an answer.

He had led Lady Helena to dinner
but precedence was not so important during the buffet supper.
I never thought you would accept. You are never known to dance with one man more than twice in an evening. My apologies.

I once danced three times with the same gentleman
but it was many years ago and the company was sparse, so I doubt if anyone remarked upon it.
She looked up at the blond giant.
Ah, well
Mr. Hamilton, if you will be so kind as to escort me to supper
we can all make one happy group.

Trevor looked at Lady Helena and said
He turned and walked away.

Lydia turned to Lady Helena and said
I must apologize for my brother
s rudeness. He is upset with me.

Lady Helena trembled on Victor's arm.

it is quite all right. It was not well done of me to force his hand
Lady Helena said.

Lydia looked between them.
I am sure you should escort Lady Helena to supper
my lord.

You hardly ate any dinner
blurted Victor.

I would not want to spill anything on this dress
Lydia answered. Had he been watching her during dinner?

Lady Helena
s color rose.
Truly, it is a stunning gown
Miss Hamilton. Where did you have it made?

Victor winced
praying Lydia did not answer. And if she resented his buying her a ball gown
why had she worn it?

I am sorry, I do not know. The dress is only a loan. I will have to return it to its rightful owner.

Lady Helena looked stunned and gave a tiny shake of her head. Then her green eyes narrowed as she took in Lydia
s height. With the way the gown fit and the length needed
there could be no real doubt that it was made for her
and what the bloody hell did she mean? She would wear his dress for the evening and reject it later? Was it a clear signal that she would not become his mistress? Lord
he knew that. He did not want her to take his impulsive reckless offer.

You are beautiful
Victor said on a low note. Then as both Lydia and Helena stared at him
he realized he
d revealed far too much.

Both women dropped their eyes. A tapping on his free arm made him swivel
dragging Lady Helena, who seemed to be holding his arm as if it were a lifeline.

Lady Beauly looked him straight in the eye and said
Did you not promise me this dance?

he had not.
m sorry
I promised Miss Hamilton this dance.

Oh, by all means
I free you from any claim I might have
Lydia said.

The next, then
he said to Lydia
and held her gaze long enough that she had to know he would not accept a refusal. Hell
she and everyone around them could probably tell that he wanted so much more than a dance.
Shall I lead you back to your mother
Lady Helena?

Lady Beauly slid her arm into his.

What is this
Wedmont? A blond
a brunette and a redhead
must you hoard all the beautiful women?
A nattily dressed slender man sidled up to the group.

Victor looked at his half-sister
s husband.
Where is my...your wife

William Bedford colored and then shrugged.
Downstairs somewhere. She brought eggs
he said as if that explained everything.

Actually, it explained a lot.
Dance with one of them
Will. If you will excuse me, ladies
I must attend to a small matter.

He freed his arms and left the growing group. Where the diamonds alit
the moths soon followed. With three gorgeous women around him
the bucks and blades had unobtrusively made their way to his side.

Oscar stepped up and bowed to Lady Penelope
It appears you are abandoned
my lady. Will you allow me to substitute as dance partner?

Victor cast one desperate look at Lydia and then knew he had to leave the room. He would not be allowed to talk to her without interruption. But as gentlemen closed in around them
he knew it wasn
t talk that he wanted.

Lydia watched Victor walk to the doors. Did his long look mean she should follow him? She looked at Lady Helena, who returned her interest.

Did these women always flock around him? And who was this Margaret person? Every time Lydia turned around, Victor
s name was coupled with another woman
s. He had been about to claim Margaret in some way.

From the corner of her eye Lydia saw that Amelia had waylaid him by the door. She had her hand on Victor
s arm
her white glove a stark contrast against his black sleeve. Was he a magnet for every female in the room?

Miss Hamilton
Lady Helena said
would you give your brother a message for me?

Lydia nodded.

Lady Helena nodded her head to the side and stepped away from the growing group of young men and women. Lydia fell in step beside her.

Would you tell him
Helena bit her lip.
Tell him
I need him. I need
to speak
with him.

Lydia stared at Helena. Did she need him? Or just need to speak to him? In any case, Lydia was disappointed.
If all you mean to do is break his heart
then do not speak to him.

Lydia shouldered around the woman and realized part of her animosity was fueled by the way Helena had clung to Victor
s arm and that she had been dancing the waltz with him
held in his arms
and it was acceptable for her to do so
but it was not proper for Lydia who could be no more than his mistress.

She realized Victor had only to look at her and her heart beat faster
her skin heated and air to breathe was in short supply. That he noticed she had barely eaten her dinner and was concerned
caused a warm glow to spread through her. Yet
she knew if she told him she was not hungry
he would not press her to eat for her own good. He managed the right balance between caring and letting her make her own choices. Oh Lord
s warning had come too late.

The way her whole world brightened when he smiled at her as if she had been given a gift of the sun and the moon and all the stars in the heavens told the story.

She had fallen in love with Victor.


Chastised by Lydia
s sharp rebuke
Lady Helena closed her eyes and gathered her composure. As a disobedient daughter she deserved to feel chastised
especially as she contemplated her plans. She just could not let Trevor walk away from her and England again without letting him know how she felt about him.

She scanned the ballroom. Lord Wedmont was nowhere to be seen and she shuddered. Standing beside him and encouraging him had taken every ounce of will she possessed. He looked at her as if she was wanting in wit or understanding
and she felt blank and dull and could think of little to say to interest him.

She had to hang onto his arm to keep herself from running away.

Only around Trevor did she feel awake
alive and safe.

He stood on the far side of the room
near the musicians. With his broad shoulders and looming height he was unmistakable. She just wanted to press against him and soak in his strength
although it wasn
t the sort of thing one could do in a ballroom. Most of the things she wanted to do
t be done in a ballroom.

She skirted around the edges of the dance area
greeting people she knew
until she reached his side. Her body reacted as she grew near. A knot tightened in her stomach and her knees wobbled. Fear and anticipation clogged her throat. Finally she managed to whisper

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