The Washington Lawyer (38 page)

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Authors: Allan Topol

BOOK: The Washington Lawyer
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“So the point is,” she was talking slowly, articulating clearly, making certain he understood exactly what she was saying, “both you personally and the Chinese government would suffer mightily if anything were to happen to me. Then you would lose your powerful law practice and your fancy lifestyle. So don't even think about having me murdered.”

“You flatter yourself,” he said in a barely audible whisper, “if you think anyone would want to kill you.”

“Perhaps, but I won't end up like Senator Jasper. I want to make certain you and those Chinese agents don't come after me.”

She gave Martin a moment to respond. When he didn't, she stood up, turned, and left the dining room.


One Month Later

llison was relieved and happy to be back on the dig. Not only was she among friends, but she was doing what she loved to do. They were uncovering new objects almost daily. The results of the dating tests on the objects confirmed her belief that this was a town from the time of King Solomon.

Tomorrow, a reporter from the prestigious London based
Archeology Magazine
would be coming, with a photographer to interview Allison and her coworkers for an article about the dig.

Allison was in her small, wooden-framed, makeshift office, reviewing her notes in preparation for the interview, when Zahava came into the office.

“You have a visitor,” Zahava said.

“But I thought the London people weren't coming until tomorrow.”

“No. Someone else. From the United States.”

Allison walked out of the office and saw Paul Maltoni standing there, dressed in khaki slacks, a polo shirt, and a Washington Nationals cap. He was holding another identical cap in his hand.

When he saw her, he stepped forward, smiled, and handed the cap to her. “I figured you could use this with the hot sun.”

She put it on. “What are you doing here?”

“I happened to be in the neighborhood.”

“You don't look like a lawyer with a prestigious Washington law firm.”

“I'm not. The day after you left my house, I went into Martin's office, seeking some explanation for what he had done. And he told me to get the hell out. Then and there I told him I was quitting. I couldn't stand to work for him after everything he did.”

She was pleasantly surprised. She wouldn't have guessed that. “Good for you.”

“Oh, and he had a message for you.”

“I can imagine.”

“He said to tell that nosey bitch Allison he hopes you're happy.”

“As a matter of fact, I am. I hope he was damaged by what happened.”

“Well, he didn't get to be chief justice.”

“I hope he'd suffer more than that.”

“I don't know what happened to his law practice. I've stayed as far away from the firm as possible.”

“What will you do now?”

“I've taken a job as a trial lawyer in the Civil Division at the U.S. Department of Justice. I want to use my law degree to do some good, which was why I went to law school. I start next week.”

“That's great. I'm happy to hear it.”

“If you ever come to Washington, I hope you'll let me know. I'd like to have dinner with you.”

“We'll do it,” she smiled, “on one condition. You get to pick the wine, but my turn to pay. I insist.”

He laughed. “I would never argue with you, Allison. When you want something, I learned that you get it.”

About the Author

Allan Topol is the author of ten novels of international intrigue. Two of them,
Spy Dance
Enemy of My Enemy,
were national best sellers. His novels have been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, and Hebrew. One was optioned and three are in development for movies.

In addition to his fiction writing, Allan Topol co-authored a two-volume legal treatise entitled
Superfund Law and Procedure
. He wrote a weekly column for and has published articles in numerous newspapers and periodicals, including the
New York Times, Washington Post
, and
Yale Law Journal

He is a graduate of Carnegie Institute of Technology, who majored in chemistry, abandoned science, and obtained a law degree from Yale University. He became a partner in a major Washington law firm. An avid wine collector and connoisseur, he has traveled extensively researching dramatic locations for his novels.

Since his graduation from Yale Law School, Allan Topol has been a Washington lawyer.

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