The War Against Boys (32 page)

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Authors: Christina Hoff Sommers

BOOK: The War Against Boys
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As part of our Great Relearning, we must again recognize and respect the reality that the sexes are different but equal. Each has its distinctive strengths and graces. We must put an end to all the crisis mongering that pathologizes children: we must be less credulous when sensationalistic experts talk of girls as drowning Ophelias or of boys as anxious, isolated Hamlets. Neither sex needs to be “revived” or “rescued”; neither needs to be “reinvented.” Instead of doing things that do not need doing and should not be done, we must dedicate ourselves to the hard tasks that are both necessary and possible:
improving the moral climate in our schools and providing our children with first-rate schooling that equips them for the good life in the new century.

We have created a lot of problems, both for ourselves and for our children. Now we must resolutely set about solving them. I am confident we can do that. American boys, whose very masculinity turns out to be politically incorrect, badly need our support. If you are an optimist, as I am, you believe that good sense and fair play will prevail. If you are a mother of sons, as I am, you know that one of the most agreeable facts of life is that boys will be boys.


I could not have written this book without the unstinting support of the American Enterprise Institute. AEI is the ideal scholarly environment where I was able to devote more than a year to this new version of
The War Against Boys.
I am especially grateful to the late Elizabeth Lurie. She believed in this book from its beginning in the late 1990s and was partly responsible for bringing me to AEI, where I wrote the first edition. She is dearly missed. I also want to thank Sue Koffel for her vital encouragement and support.

I am heavily indebted to several research assistants and interns who have contributed so much to this project: Caroline Kitchens, Keriann Hopkins, Riva Litman, Emily Jashinsky, and Geneva Ruppert. Special thanks are also owed to two AEI colleagues and good friends who have been so generous with their time: Mark Perry and Karlyn Bowman.

I owe a particular debt of gratitude to my editor at Simon & Schuster, Robert Bender, who encouraged me to write this second edition. Many thanks to Karyn Marcus, Jessica Chin, and Patricia Romanowski Bashe for shepherding this book through the production process.

There is no adequate way to thank my husband, Fred Sommers. He is more interested in formal logic and metaphysics, but he patiently discussed
every page with me. If he is tired of hearing about the plight of American boys, he never let on.

My sons, David and Tamler, were at the forefront of my consciousness when I first wrote
The War Against Boys.
They have grown up to become wonderful men, but they were the paradigmatic boys whose cause this book defends. I dedicate it to them.


is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research in Washington, D.C. She has a Ph.D. in philosophy from Brandeis University and was formerly a professor of philosophy at Clark University. A frequent contributor to national newspapers, magazines, and websites, Sommers is the author or editor of several books, including
Freedom Feminism
Who Stole Feminism?,
Vice and Virtue in Everyday Life.
She is married with two sons and lives in Chevy Chase, Maryland.


Also by Christina Hoff Sommers

One Nation Under Therapy: How the Helping Culture Is Eroding Self-Reliance

Who Stole Feminism? How Women Have Betrayed Women

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 Success for Boys, “Outline,” Australian Government Department of Education, Employment, and Workplace Relations,
(accessed September 19, 2012).

 Boys' Reading Commission,
All Party Parliamentary Literacy Group Final Report
, National Literacy Trust, July 2, 2012,
(accessed September 19, 2012).

 Carolyn Abraham, “Failing Boys and the Power Keg of Sexual Politics,”
Globe and Mail
, October 15, 2010.

Where the Boys Are

 Laura Zingmond, “H.S. 610 Aviation High School,”, a Project of the Center for New York City Affairs, The New School,
(accessed June 15, 2012). Statistic regarding college enrollment is dated January 2009. (The New York State average graduation rate is 72 percent.)

 New York City, Department of Education, Progress Overview, 2010–2011,
(accessed June 20, 2012).

 Aviation High website:
(accessed June 20, 2012).

 New York Department of Education website:
(accessed July 6, 2012).

 Marcia C. Greenberger, Leslie T. Annexstein, and Kathleen M. Keller to Chancellor Harold O. Levy, New York City Board of Education, August 16, 2001, in the possession of the author.


 Betsy Gotbaum, Public Advocate for the City of New York,
Blue School, Pink School: Gender Imbalance in New York City CTE High Schools
, January 2008, p. 7.

Title IX at the White House
, 1 hr., 1 min., 41 sec.; video recording. Uploaded June 26, 2009,
(accessed July 26, 2011).

 Yupin Bae, Susan Choy, Claire Geddes, Jennifer Sable, and Thomas Snyder,
Trends in Educational Equity of Girls and Women,
NCES 2000-030 (Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 2000).

 Gender Equity in Education Act of 1993, HR 1793, 103rd Cong. Library of Congress THOMAS. Available at:
: (accessed June 20, 2012).

A Call to Action: Shortchanging Girls, Shortchanging America
(Washington, DC: American Association of University Women, 1991), p. 4.

 US Department of Health and Human Services, “Secretary Shalala Unveils New Girl Power!–Girl Scouts Partnership,” news release, June 23, 1997. A Ford Foundation grant made it possible for
How Schools Shortchange Girls: The AAUW Report
to be translated into French, Spanish, and Chinese and made available to UN conference delegates. According to PR Newswire (September 1, 1995), “Over a hundred AAUW members are meeting in Beijing and Hauirou at the UN Conference, [to] bring its concerns about access to education for women and girls to the table . . .
How Schools Shortchange Girls
, a groundbreaking report of gender bias in America's schools, will be addressed during education reform discussion.” See also Anne Bryant, “Education for Girls Should Be Topic A in Beijing,”
Houston Chronicle
, August 30, 1995, p. 17.

 American Association of University Women,
How Schools Shortchange Girls: The
AAUW Report
(Washington, DC: American Association of University Women, 1992).

 Here I am referring to the much-quoted study by David and Myra Sadker in which they claim to have found that boys in elementary and middle school called out answers eight times more often than girls. Allegedly, when boys called out, their teachers listened, but when girls called out they were instructed to raise their hands. However, David Sadker presented the finding in an unpublished paper at a symposium sponsored by the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and now it seems neither he nor AERA has a copy. He has also conceded that the eight-to-one ratio he announced might have been inaccurate. See: Amy Saltzman, “Schooled in Failure?,”
U.S. News & World Report
, November 7, 1994, p. 90. See also Judith Kleinfeld, “Student Performance: Males Versus Females,”
National Affairs
, Winter 1999, p. 14.

 Carol Gilligan, “Prologue,” in
Making Connections: The Relational Worlds of Adolescent Girls at Emma Willard School
, eds. Carol Gilligan, Nona Lyons, and Trudy Hanmer (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990), p. 4.


 Mary Pipher,
Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls
(New York: Penguin Group, 2005), p. 19.

 Bae, Choy, Geddes, Sable, and Snyder,
Trends in Educational Equity of Girls and Women
, p. 22.

 J. H. Pryor, S. Hurtado, L. DeAngelo, L. Palucki Blake, and S. Tran,
The American Freshman: National Norms Fall 2010
(Los Angeles: Higher Education Research Institute, UCLA, 2010), pp. 43, 67. Relevant data from aggregates of male and female responses to the question “What was your average grade in high school?,” in which a larger percentage of females than males received A's and a larger percentage of males
than females received C's. The gap in percentage receiving A's and percentage receiving C's has remained constant since 1970. See also US Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics,
High School Transcript Study (HSTS), 2000, 1998, 1994, 1990

 Ibid. Relevant data from aggregates of male and female responses to the question “During your last year in high school, how much time did you spend during a typical week doing the following activities? Studying/homework,” pp. 56, 80.

 US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics,
Education Longitudinal Study of 2002
(ELS:2002/2004), “First Follow-Up, 2004.”

 Pryor, Hurtado, DeAngelo, Palucki Blake, and Tran,
The American Freshman: National Norms Fall 2010
, pp. 58, 82.

 National Center for Education Statistics,
The Nation's Report Card: Arts 2008 Music & Visual Arts
(Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics, 2009), executive summary, p. 2.

 For suspension rates in 2006, see US Department of Education,
The Condition of Education 2009
(Washington, DC: US Department of Education, 2009), p. 206. For information on dropouts, see US Department of Education,
The Condition of Education 2006
(Washington, DC: US Department of Education, 2006), p. 163. Boys are three times as likely as girls to be enrolled in special education programs and four times as likely as girls to be diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD). Males win the day when it comes to partying, watching video games, and drinking beer. Pryor, Hurtado, DeAngelo, Palucki Blake, and Tran,
The American Freshman: National Norms Fall 2010

 Lisa Wolf, “Boys' Self-Esteem Problems,”
Daily Beast
, November 11, 2010,

 College Board,
2010 College-Bound Seniors Total Group Profile Report
, “Total Group Mean SAT Scores: College-Bound Seniors, 1972–2010,” 2010,
(accessed July 11, 2012).

 College Board,
College Bound Seniors: 1992 Profile of SAT and Achievement Test Takers
(Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service, 1992), p. iv. See also
Introduction to the 1998 College-Bound Seniors, a Profile of SAT Program Test Takers
; and Warren Willingham and Nancy Cole,
Gender and Fair Assessment
(Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 1997).

The Condition of Education 1997
, “Women in Mathematics and Science,” US Department of Education, p. 6,
(accessed June 20, 2012).

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