The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (83 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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I felt like something was trying to break through a barrier. My mind was all hazy and the more he touched me the harder it was to think straight. Aidan leaned off the bed to get the condom and my head got a little clearer. “Wait, weren’t we just arguing?” I asked unsure. My head was still fuzzy.

Aidan looked just as puzzled as I was. I got up off the bed and the more distance I got from him the clearer my head got. “Ella, what’s going on?”

“That’s what I’d like to know. I think I should go,” I said, putting my clothes back on.

“Don’t go,” he said, reaching for me.

I jumped back. “No. Stay there! Every time you get near me or touch me I can’t think straight.”

“There’s nothing wrong with that. I feel the same way,” he smiled.

“Actually, there is something wrong with that. There is something wrong with all of this,” I said, heading for the door.

“Ella wait, stop!” He was in front of me in an instant. “I think you should just sit down and we can talk this out.”

“No. I want to go.” I tried to push past him, but he grabbed me.

“You don’t really mean that,” he said, his voice all velvety soft, trying to coax me back.

I tried to pull away but he gripped me tighter, pulling me in for a kiss. I turned away but he didn’t stop. “Aidan, stop it.”

“You know you don’t want me to stop.”

“Yes I do,” I said, trying to push him away again, but he just held on. “Aidan.”

“Quit being such a tease,” he said, kissing me again. I stomped on his foot so he would let me go, but that move came back to bite me in the ass. He cracked me across the face so hard I flew into the wall and crumbled to the floor. I held my hand up to my cheek and just stared at him wide eyed. He walked over to me and bent down in front of me. “Ella, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. Oh god I’m so sorry,” he said, reaching for me.

“Don’t touch me,” I said, scrambling to get up.

“Ella, please, you have to believe I didn’t mean to. I swear. I don’t even know what happened.” He looked as puzzled as I was. He held his hand out to me again but I slapped it away. Something changed. I felt it. He turned to look at me and his eyes were glowing. I opened my mouth to scream but he had it covered before I even had the chance.

“Relax,” he said. “I just want to be with you. I promise I won’t hurt you.” My brain couldn’t form words as the tears began to stream down my face. “Oh, Ella, don’t cry,” he said, brushing my cheek. I flinched at his touch, making him upset.  “Why are you so upset? This is a good thing. This is what we both want.” He started to take off my jacket, then shirt. “You are so beautiful.” I never thought hearing those words would sound so awful.

“This is not what I want,” I said, finding my voice. He ignored me. It was almost like something had come over him making him a completely different person. Every time he would try to kiss me I would turn my head, but he would grab my jaw and force it back. He was strong, but so was I. Just as he was about to tear off my pants I brought up my knee and nailed him in the groin. A move to this day that has proven to not fail me yet. He howled in pain, falling forward. I socked him in the face, knocking him off of me. I scrambled to get up. Grabbing my jacket, I ran out of there as fast as I could.

I ran so hard and so fast I didn’t see the person in front of me. I slammed right into them falling down to the cold ground. “What’s the matter? You look a little flushed,” Mackenzie said, straightening out her jacket.

“For someone who has made it clear I’m a threat to her safety sure is spending a lot time around me,” I said, getting up and dusting myself off.

“Please, I was simply out for a stroll,” she smiled.

“You seem to have impeccable timing. I find it hard to believe that this was some strange coincidence.” I glared at her, knowing she was up to something. “Whatever, I don’t have time for this,” I said, looking over my shoulder, and walking away as fast as possible.

“What’s with the waterworks? Aidan not as good as you thought?”

I stopped and turned around. “Look, whatever game you’re playing you can just stop right now.”

“Now why would I do that when I’m having so much fun,” she laughed. “So how was it? Was it everything you imagined? Did you see fireworks?” I stood there not sure what to say, so she continued. “Did he tell you he cared about you and loved being around you and
every time you touched you couldn’t seem to stop.”

“What did you do?”

She smiled wickedly. “Oh, it was so easy. I knew how easy this would be when I first saw you two together by the fountain.”

“What did you do?” I repeated, louder this time.

“I may have cast a little spell,” she said with the wave of her hand like it was nothing.

“What kind of spell?”  I asked, taking a step closer to her.

“Oh come on now Ella, I know you’re not that dumb. You have to have figured it out by now.” She looked down at my exposed chest and I quickly zipped up my jacket. In my rush to escape I had left my shirt. “That bad huh?” she said, having no idea what she had done.

“You have any idea what you have done?” I said, getting in her face. “Your stupid little spell almost…” I bit my tongue to keep the tears at bay. “You are such an evil bitch.”

“Well, I can’t take all the credit. I did have some help. Turns out you’re not that easy to bewitch,” she said a little bitterly. “We had to crank it up a bit and I have to say I am quite exhausted. So if you don’t mind I think I might retire for the night,” she said, placing her hand over her mouth and faking a yawn. She smiled, sashaying her way past me.

I grabbed her arm. “Break it. Break the spell now!”

“What’s the matter? Was he not that good?” she laughed.

I gripped her arm tighter in a desperate plea. “This isn’t funny Mackenzie. I mean it. Break the spell!” I heard a noise from behind me, panic surged through me.

“You already did that.”

“What are you talking about?” I said, pulling her away from the door, hearing the sound getting closer.

“The spell breaks after you give it up. Geez, maybe you are as dumb as you look,” she said rolling her eyes.

I knew she was mean, but this was beyond cruel. “Well, your stupid spell back fired, badly. So break it now!” She laughed, thinking she had the upper hand in this. I had enough of her comments and her vindictive behavior. She had to be taught a lesson. This time there was no one around to stop me. “You bitch!” I yelled, shoving her to the ground.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” She stood up and brushed herself off and that’s when I attacked. We wrestled back and forth on the ground, yelling and screaming. I’m surprised our chaos hadn’t caught the attention of the guardians. “Would you get off of me?”

“No! Break the spell Mackenzie!” I yelled, grabbing a big chunk of her hair. She squealed and tried to push me off of her, but I was stronger. “You have to break the spell before it’s too late! You have no idea what you created.”

My emotional state finally took over and she managed to push me off of her. I flew back, hitting the ground. I sat up, exposing my ripped bra and torn jeans. Mackenzie looked at me, her eyes for the first time apologetic. But before she could open her mouth, the door to the teachers’ dorm burst open and a very angry Aidan stepped out into the cold, eyes glowing.

“Mackenzie, break the spell,” I said, getting up quickly.

“I…I…” she stumbled.

Aidan turned at the sound of her voice. “You. You did this,” he said, going after her.

“Mackenzie, now!” I yelled as I charged Aidan. Fear had my adrenaline pumping, ready to take on anything. I jumped him but he threw me off. I rolled and got right back up. We each took a stance, waiting for the other to strike. “Mackenzie, I need your help here.”

“I’m working on it!” she yelped.

Tired of walking in circles, instinct kicked in, and I went for the attack, kicking him in the side of the knee, throwing him off balance. I spun around and kicked him again knocking him to the ground. It took him less than a minute to recover. He pounced on me, whacking us both to the ground and rolling a couple feet. Aidan was quicker and had my arms pinned to my sides. “Ella, why do you have to make me do this? Things could have been great if you would have just cooperated.” He exposed his teeth, leaning closer to my neck.

“Mackenzie!” I shrieked.

“Done!” she yelled.

Just as Aidan was about to sink his teeth into my neck he froze. Something flashed in his eyes and he looked at me, scared and quivering beneath him. He fell back and scurried a few feet, looking petrified. He looked at me exposed and frightened. “Ella…what?” He was so confused. “What is going on?”

“You might want to ask your girlfriend over there,” I said, motioning to Mackenzie.

“Will someone please explain to me what is going on?” Aidan pleaded.

“Is everything alright over here?” called one of the guardians as he jogged over with two more. “We heard a commotion.”

“A little late on that one,” Mackenzie said.

The guardian ignored her and looked at Aidan. “Mr. Callahan, I’m sorry. I did not see you there.”

“It’s okay Rick. I got it. You guys can go back to your patrol.”

He nodded respectfully at Aidan. All three of them were about to walk away when Rick spotted me. I quickly tightened my jacket. He took a few steps closer to me. “Miss, are you okay?” I nodded, afraid my voice would betray me.

“Nothing you need to be concerned about,” Aidan said. “Just a small fight between classmates. I have it under control.”

Rick glared at him from over his shoulder and then turned back to me, eyes worried. “I’m fine,” I said, trying to sound convincing. “Just a misunderstanding.”

“Are you sure?” he asked softly.

“Yes I’m fine,” I said, forcing a weak smile. I didn’t know if he believed me, but he didn’t ask any more questions. Before he left he gave Aidan a warning look saying
, ‘I’ll be watching you’.

              Once they were gone, Aidan gestured for us to come closer. While I did move in, I still kept my distance. “Now, will someone please explain to me what the hell is going on?” Aidan asked frustrated.

“Are you going to tell him or you going to make me,” I said, glaring at Mackenzie. She looked away from me embarrassed, making it clear she wasn’t going to confess her dirty deed. “Mackenzie put a spell on us, a lust spell.”

He looked back at her eyes wide and slowly filling with rage again. “Why?” he asked.

“It was just a joke. Didn’t think you’d go all crazy and what not,” she said, acting like this was in no way her fault.

“Leave,” he growled at Mackenzie.

“This is a free country you know. I can do what –”

“You’ve done enough,” he spat. “I will deal with you later.” For once Mackenzie took the hint and left. Aidan tried to collect himself before he turned and faced me. “Ella I’m…” he broke off when he saw my tattered clothes. Words had lost him, but I could see in his face how sorry he felt for what he had done. He reached for me and I flinched. “Ella…you have to know that wasn’t me…it was the spell. These kind of spells…if not careful, can go horribly wrong.”

“Yeah, I got that,” I said.

“Ella I’m –”

I stopped him. I knew it wasn’t his fault, but an apology right now just didn’t feel right. “I just can’t do this right now.” He came
after me to stop me. “No,” I held up my hands. “I know you’re sorry and I know this wasn’t you, but I just need some time.” He nodded, understanding. I left him there, out in the quad, alone. I buttoned up my coat and walked back to my room feeling embarrassed, betrayed, pissed, and ashamed. If I didn’t somehow realize something was off I could have…I shook the thought out of my head. I couldn’t believe Mackenzie was that heartless? What the hell did I do to her to piss her off that much? This was just beyond cruel. Something needed to be done, but what? I didn’t even want to think about it anymore. I just wanted to put the entire night behind me.

When I got back to my room it was just past one. I changed into my pajamas and climbed into bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day and I had to get up in a few hours for my training session with Gabe. The only thing I needed right now was rest.

I did not get the good night’s rest I so hoped for. I cried for the first hour before I eventually fell asleep. I tossed and turned all night. I had dreams about Aidan and I being together and going all the way – Mackenzie in the background laughing. I also dreamed about Jack coming after me in the maze and my friends calling for my help. When my alarm went off in the morning I felt like I only had about an hour of sleep. I wished so badly I could go back to bed, but I didn’t want to piss off Gabe.

I dragged myself out of bed, got dressed, and headed out to the track where Gabe and Roman were already stretching. “You’re late,” Gabe scolded.

“I’m sorry I –”

“I don’t want to hear any excuses. Two extra laps.” I opened my mouth to say that’s not fair, but quickly closed it when Gabe narrowed his eyes at me.

I was practically dragging my ass around the track. “Ella, pick up the pace!” Gabe yelled, making me cringe. I groaned and tried to jog faster.

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