The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (26 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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Chapter fourteen


I was up before Dean which no surprise. I thought I'd be nice and let him sleep in. I was pretty sure he would have a massive hangover from last and did not want to deal with his grumpy butt.

              “Hey Ella!” Josie said, carrying a large wrapped box inside with her. I pressed my finger to my lips, prompting her to keep her voice down, pointing at Dean still sleeping.

              “What's that?” I asked, referring to the neatly wrapped box with a giant red bow on it.

              “It's for you.”

              “You got me a present?” I asked surprised.

              “No, this was outside our door. It had your name on it,” she said, handing it to me. I looked at her confused, but took the present anyways. “Who's it from?” she asked.

              I shrugged. There was no card but that didn't stop me from tearing into it. I loved presents.

              I ripped off the bow and pulled the lid off the box. Inside was a brand new white parka. I lifted it out of the box and a piece of paper spilled out onto the floor. Josie bent down and picked it up. I held the coat up admiring it. It was beautiful and looked expensive. I took the note from Josie and read it quietly to myself.

I figured I owed you one.

Consider it a peace offering.


                 That was it. No name, no nothing. But he didn't have to say who it was from. I already knew. “Who's it from?” Josie asked, curiosity piqued.

              I sat down on the bed holding my new coat and staring at the note. I read the last line over and over again.
‘Consider it a peace offering’
. “Ella?”

              “Tristan,” I said simply. “It's from Tristan.”

              “The boy’s got good taste.” She took the jacket from me and held it up.

              “You can have it,” I told her.

              She looked at me like I was crazy. “No way, I can't take this. You don't like it?”

              It wasn't that. I definitely liked it. It looked warm and cozy and something I probably would have picked out myself, but I couldn't keep it. The intention behind it wasn't right. I didn't want Tristan thinking he can just buy his way out of things.

              I took the coat from Josie and marched right down to Tristan's room and banged on the door. As soon as he opened the door I threw the coat at him. He looked beaten and battered, like he hadn't slept all night. He had dark circles under his eyes, his hair was messier than normal, and he was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. I felt a twinge of guilt for my abruptness, but then shook away the thought. He had to know I would not tolerate this behavior.

              “I don't want this. I will not be bought,” I said, crossing my arms and standing my ground. One look at those eyes and I could see the guilt he was feeling for what he had done. I looked away, knowing I wouldn't be able to stay angry if I kept looking at him.

              “Ella, it's a gift,” he said, handing it back to me.

              “I don't want it.”

              He sighed, dropping his arm, too tired to argue. “I understand if you don't want to forgive me. I wouldn't want to either.” He looked down at the floor unable to meet my eyes. “I caused you to ruin your last one, so I thought I owed you.” He tried handing me the coat again, pleading with me to take it. “I won't bother you any more if that's what you want, but at least take this. It's nothing more than a gift. No strings attached.”

              His eyes meet mine and this time I couldn't look away. I couldn't stay angry anymore. As much as I wanted to, as much as he deserved it, I couldn't. I took the coat from him. “Fine, I'll take it, but only because I need a coat,” I said with a little more attitude than I intended.

              The corners of his lips started to turn up into a slight smile. I know I should have left then, but I just couldn't help myself. “Why did you do it? Why did you attack Jack?”

              He closed his eyes as he struggled to find an explanation. When he looked at me I could see pain in his eyes. “I thought he was hurting you. And the thought of anyone hurting you,” he paused to collect himself. “I just couldn't bear it. I couldn't live with someone getting away with that.”

              “But he wasn't hurting me.”

              “Please Ella, you have to understand. If you would have seen what I saw, the look of fear on your face,” he winced at the memory.

              “No, I get it, I just...I don't know. I'm sorry I have to go,” I said quickly and walked back to my room. I wasn't ready to deal with this yet. I mostly just wanted to forget it but I knew that would be impossible. 

              By the time I got back to my room Dean was awake. “When are we going to eat? I'm starving,” he whined. I rolled my eyes. He could have just eaten a whole meal and he’d still be hungry. I told him I needed to take a shower and then we could grab some food.

              I ran into Jack on my way to the bathroom. “Jack, how are you?”

              “I'm alright,” he said, rubbing his neck. The way Tristan grabbed him, I would have thought for sure there would be some bruising, but his neck looked perfectly fine and I was thankful for that.

              “Jack I'm really sorry about what happened last night.”

              “Don't be. It wasn't your fault.”

              “I just...” I was finding it hard to find the right words to say. What do you really say to a guy who you almost got choked to death? I managed to find something inside that scrambled brain of mine. “How about I take you to dinner?” That was the best I could come up with. The moment I said it I knew I should have said something else.

              “You don't have to do that,” he said, thinking I was offering out of pity.

              “No, I want to,” I said, trying to sound convincing. “Weren't we supposed to have that date?”

              “What about Tristan?” he asked, eyes turning angry.

              “You don't have to worry about him, I promise.” It wasn't a complete lie. After talking to Tristan and then seeing Jack, all my conflicting feelings came rushing back. So I knew staying away from Tristan would be better – for all of us.

              “How about Friday?” Jack asked timidly.

              “I can't Friday. That's when they're having Skylar's memorial service,” I said, reminding myself. “I don't have any plans Saturday though?”

              “Saturday it is,” he said, instantly perking up.

              “Okay, see you Saturday then.” I waved goodbye and headed to the bathroom to take a much needed shower.

              When I got back to my room, Josie and Dean were sitting on her bed sharing a box of doughnuts. “You couldn't wait till I was done?” I looked in the box to see Dean take the last doughnut. “And you didn't even save me any?”

              “Why, we're going to breakfast,” Dean said, mouth full of sugary dough. I just shook my head and told Dean to turn around while I got dressed.

              On our way out we ran into Tristan. Dean took one look at him and extended his hand. “No hard feelings?”

              “Nah man, you're alright in my book,” Tristan said, accepting Dean's gesture.

              “We're heading to breakfast, wanna join? It's on the girls,” Dean said and Josie laughed sarcastically.

              Tristan looked to me for an answer. “I'm sure Tristan has other plans.”

              His face told me he understood. I wasn't ready and he nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I'm still feeling uneasy from last night,” he said, trying to force a smile.

              “Amateur. Alright man, take it easy,” Dean said, patting him on the back. I took a quick look over my shoulder at him only to turn right back around. I couldn't stand to see that look on his face, but what he did last night...I wasn't ready to forgive him yet. I know he was just trying to protect me, but his actions caused more harm than good.


After we ate, I said goodbye to Dean and headed back to my room. I decided to skip my classes today. I didn't care much to be around people and would much rather spend the day in my room...alone.

              Dean had told me before he left to call Mom and let her know I was okay. He said he would do the same but knew Mom wouldn't rest until she heard from me. I was too tired to deal with her now so I decided to take a nap before calling. “Just a few more hours,” I yawned, desperately needing some rest.

              I did not get the rest I so ached for. Somewhere in the middle of my restless sleep, I slipped into the landscape of a dream.  I was somewhere in the middle of a forest, one I did not recognize. I walked aimlessly through the dense trees and brush that covered the thick muddy floor of the forest.

              It was raining, but the trees blocked the heavy fall of the drops, creating a thick, dewy mist that clouded my vision, and made it muggy and warm. I looked down and saw I had no shoes on and I was wearing a light, white cotton sundress. I was covered in mud from the shins down, my hands wet and dirty from using the trees for guidance. My hair was dripping wet, even though I was blocked from most of the rain.

              I trudged through the mud, constantly looking over my shoulder, knowing someone was out there, coming after me. I tripped over a branch, falling flat on my stomach, dirt and mud now soaking my dress and covering my upper body. I turned over, panicked, looking in every direction for who was after me. And that's when I saw him, standing off in the distance.

              His eyes were glowing bigger and brighter than ever.

              He let out a low growl and charged for me.

              I screamed and struggled to get up, crawling on my hands and knees, trying to get back up on my feet. I ran as hard and as fast as I could right into a clearing. I stopped and turned around, realizing there was nowhere to hide.

              I saw a figure blur by me and I spun to the right and then again to my left. He was there by the trees, I knew he was, but he was too fast. Tears were spilling down my cheeks. “What do you want?” I fell to my knees crying out in fear.

              “You,” he growled as he shifted positions to the other side of me. He moved so fast it was like a flash, impossibly human.

              I whipped my head to the side trying to follow his movement. I was about to give up. Let him take me, when...


              I gasped, turning to look behind me. “Tristan! Help me!” I cried out in sheer terror.

              I stood up ready to run to him, to take the first step to safety, when Tristan stopped me. “Ella, don't move!” He called out to me and I froze. I didn't understand, but I still did what he said.

              I slowly turned my head in the direction of Tristan's icy stare and I saw him. The man from my nightmares. Ready for the attack, and only a few feet away from me.

              Afraid to take my eyes off of him, I took a step backwards.

              He leapt at me.

              I threw my hands up screaming.

              “Ella! Ella! Wake up!” I heard Tristan pleading. “Wake up Ella,” he said, over and over again.

              I opened my eyes startled, gasping for air. I saw Tristan leaning over me, hands on my shoulders and I freaked throwing myself back against my headboard. He put his hands up in surrender. Worry and fear written all over his face. “Ella, it's okay. You were just having a bad dream.”

              “What are you doing in my room,” I spat accusingly.

              “I heard you screaming and I thought you were in trouble.”

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