The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven (120 page)

BOOK: The Wanderers Beginning: The Wanderers, Reborn, & Unforgiven
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“Ella, this guy probably thinks you’re a prostitute. Just play along,”
Dean projected.

Great, so now I have to pretend to be a hooker.
At least I was dressed for the part. “Hey sweetheart, how about you and me go take a ride?”

I cringed when his breath hit my shoulder and tried not to show it. “Sorry, but you can’t afford me,” I said smiling.

“Then how about your friend?”

“It’s my night off,” Josie said, smiling sweetly.

“I didn’t know whores got the night off,” the sleaze laughed. It took everything I had not to punch him in the face.

I could see Billy tense up at the bar and I knew I had to step in and say something. “Why go for the amateur when you can have a pro. Play your cards right and maybe we can make out a deal,” I purred, dragging my finger down his arm. I could feel the bile rising in my throat, but I did what I had to too keep it at bay.

The sleaze smiled, pulled up a chair, and joined us. Then he called the waitress over and ordered drinks and shots. His long brown hair was pulled back into a leather band. He had on a leather vest and ripped up jeans. His hairy chest was covered in sweat and tattoos. Bobby was making his rounds and took a swing by our table. “Hey Julius, what you got here?”

“Mind your business old man.”

“Hey, there’s enough to go around. Don’t be stingy…share,” he said, looking him in the eye as he compelled him.

Julius spent the next hour sitting with us and buying us drinks and shots. Dean kept projecting thoughts into my head on what to do, but all it did was annoy me. So I ignored him the best I could. I knew both him and Billy were on edge the whole time. Bobby was the only one who was relaxed, but he was also drunk. Every now and then he would throw me a look, but I’d just avert my eyes. There was definitely something off about Bobby, but I could only handle one problem at a time, and my current issue was finding a way to get rid of this Julius guy. Any more shots and I wouldn’t be able to walk straight.

I thought quickly and told him we had to go to the bathroom to freshen up. I yanked Josie from her chair and signaled for Billy to do something about Julius. “How you holding up?” Josie asked once we were in the ladies room.

I splashed some cold water on my face. “I’m not gonna lie. If Billy doesn’t get rid of that Julius guy you’ll be carrying me out of here.”

She laughed. “Hang in there. You’re doing pretty well. Let’s give it another hour or so and if we don’t find anything how about we call it a night?”

Normally I would protest, but the way I was feeling I couldn’t argue. “Sounds good to me.”

We stood in the bathroom for about ten minutes until Dean projected to me that he was gone and wouldn’t be a problem anymore. I didn’t care how it was taken care of. I just cared he was gone. We walked back out to the table and sat down. I was dying for a glass of water and wondered if Dean would yell at me for ordering some. I didn’t care and ordered some anyways. I needed to refocus and clear my head, which was hard to do with all those shots the sleaze bought us.

“You ladies hanging in there?” Bobby asked.

“Better now that creep is gone,” I replied.

“Ah, Julius is harmless.”

“Maybe to you, but he didn’t seem that way to me.” I shivered at the thought of what could have happened if Billy didn’t get rid of him.

We sat around for another hour and still nothing. I was starting to think this was another dead end when Julius returned. He stumbled back in the pub with a few of his buddies. “Him, over there,” he said, pointing to Billy.


I watched Billy’s reflection in the mirror. He was very calm and cool. Dean was yelling in my head for me to get out of there, but I refused to move. Julius’s friends gathered around Billy, surrounding him. He finished his drink and stood up.  Billy looked at them and smiled. Then he swung and that was it.

Dean came rushing over to help Billy still yelling at me to get out of there, but I refused. I wasn’t the weak little girl from the bar back home. I knew how to defend myself now and I wasn’t going to back down. I walked over to the biggest guy, tapped him on the shoulder, and when he turned around, I slugged him in the face knocking him on his ass. I was feeling pretty smug until some other guy knocked me to the ground. “You might want to stay out of the way little girl and let the men fight,” he said. I was not going to let some guy tell me what to do. I stood up and dusted myself off. I looked at the guy, smiled, and then attacked.

The fight only lasted about ten minutes before the bartender busted out a bat and broke it up telling us all to get out. We made our way to the back and slipped out the side door. “What the hell were you thinking Ella?” Dean yelled, automatically attacking me.

“Relax, I know how to take care of myself,” I said, right as I tripped and fell on my ass. Dean laughed believing he just proved his point.

I turned to see that it was some bum lying in the alley whose legs I tripped over. His long, dark black hair was a greasy mess and his face was covered by the collar of his trench coat. I looked down to see he was wearing Armani slacks and very expensive designer shoes, his right hand gripping a bottle. I thought it odd for a bum to be wearing very expensive duds, but I figured he probably stole them.

Josie bent down to help me up. “You okay?”

“Yeah, but I think I actually hurt my shoulder.”

“You hit your shoulder?” Cameron asked confused.

“Inside the bar when that butthead knocked me over. I think I fell on some glass,” I said, reaching behind my shoulder and flinching. Josie turned me around to inspect my cut. She pulled out the shard of glass that was sticking out of my shoulder and I could feel the blood start to trickle down my back. “Where’s Uncle Bobby?”

“We lost him in the scuffle,” Dean said. “Don’t worry I’m sure he’s fine. He gets into fights at least once a week.” I wasn’t so much worried as I was concerned about what was really going on with him.

Josie reached into her bag to grab some tissues when I heard a low growl come from the bum. Before I even had a chance to react he grabbed Josie and bit into her neck. She squealed. I could see the panic in her eyes. I quickly changed into attack mode and knocked them both back into the wall. He dropped Josie and Cameron pulled her out of the way while I gave him a quick spin kick to the gut. He growled again and came at me.  I countered his attack, but was having a hard time fighting him off. All the booze was affecting my coordination.

Billy moved in to help me. He had him pinned up against the wall. I reached behind Billy to pull the stake from his back pocket. The bum fought back knocking Billy out of the way and the stake from my hand. I panicked, but when he looked at me we both froze. My heart stopped. Billy grabbed the stake and flew forward ready to plunge it into his chest. “No stop!” I yelled, grabbing Billy’s arm and jumped in front of him.

Billy looked at me like I was crazy. I ripped the stake from his hand and pushed him away. The bum fell to the ground too weak to stand. “Ella, what the hell are you doing?” Billy asked.

I ignored him and bent down in front of the bum. I reached out to turn his face towards me. When I saw his eyes my whole body went numb. “Bellissimo Angelo,” he smiled. He reached up to touch my face, but he stopped short. His face turned angry again.

Dean and Billy rushed toward me but Josie stopped them. “Oh God,” I said breathless. “It’s you, it’s really you,” I whispered.

“Okay seriously? What is going on?” Cameron asked.

Everyone stood silently behind me and watched, ready to strike if need be. I looked into his eyes ready to cry. His faced softened and then suddenly he leaned over and puked, barely missing Dean’s shoes. Then he passed out. I sighed and pushed him back on his side. I looked him over and graciously pushed the hair back off his face. “Ella?” Josie said softly.

“Billy, help me get him up.” I grabbed his one arm and tried to lift him but I wasn’t strong enough.

“Wait, you can’t be serious?” Cameron freaked.

“Ella,” Dean said, laying a gentle hand on my shoulder. “You can’t help everyone. Some people just need to –”

I threw his hand off. “It’s Tristan you idiot!” I snapped.

He stood back to get a good look at him. “That’s Tristan? Okay no offense but I don’t get it?” Cameron said, shaking her head.

I gestured for Billy to help me. “Wait,” Josie stalled. “What if he snaps again?”

“He won’t,” I assured her.

“How can you be sure?”

“Because I can read his mind and he’s dreaming.”

Of me.

I left that last part to myself. “And because he’s passed out and I have a feeling he won’t be waking up anytime soon,” I said, holding up the half empty bottle of whiskey.

“He seemed pretty functional a few minutes ago,” Cameron pointed out not liking this idea.

“That’s because he smelled the blood and I guess he attacked Josie because she was the closest.”

They didn’t argue with me anymore. Instead Billy and Dean helped carry Tristan to the car. “If he pukes on me, I’m going to be very pissed off,” Dean complained. I just rolled my eyes and slid into the back seat with Tristan. Cameron was hesitant to get in the car. I assured her it was fine and she slowly slid in.

When we got back to the hotel, I knew we had to find a way to get Tristan inside without drawing attention to ourselves. I suggested Josie transport him. Billy was opposed. Best friend or not he knew at the moment Tristan was unstable. I told Billy I would go up to the room first and he could wait outside with them. Josie wasn’t so crazy about the idea either but no one could come up with a better suggestion.

Once I made it to the room I texted Josie to let her know I was ready. It took her longer to transport Tristan than it did me. His weight and height made it harder, took more of her concentration. They landed just a foot short of the bed. Her landing wasn’t any more graceful than when we came crashing in. It was a good thing Tristan was passed out. He definitely will be feeling it in the morning.

“Help me get him onto the bed.”

“Ella, I could barely transport him. There’s no way I can lift him onto the bed.”

I didn’t push her to help. Instead I waited until everyone else came up to the room. Billy and Dean helped me carry him to the bed. I asked them if they wouldn’t mind giving me some time alone with him. Josie said we could have the room for the night and they would stay with the boys in their room. Cameron and Dean weren’t exactly keen with me staying alone with him, but Josie reassured them it would be okay and that we were right next door if anything should happen.









Chapter Six


I sat next to him on the bed and watched him sleep. The boys helped me take his coat off before they left. I peeled off his shoes and laid them next to the bed. He had on a black button down shirt and slacks. His hair was grown out so long it was starting to curl around his ears. From the scruff on his face I knew he hadn’t shaved in weeks and his hands and face were filthy. He had dark circles under his eyes, one of the signs that he hasn’t been feeding much. His skin was paler than normal and I noticed he lost weight. He was in bad shape and I had no idea what to do to help him.

I got up and went to the bathroom to get a washcloth. I sat down carefully on the bed, not wanting to disturb him and then I gently started to wipe the dirt off his face. He stirred slightly but still slept. I couldn’t believe after weeks of searching I had finally found him. And there he was, in my bed, and unconscious. Okay, so not quite the reunion I pictured, but just knowing that he was alive was enough for me.

I sighed and gently brushed my fingers over his face. He rolled over on his side, facing me. I pushed a few strands away from his eyes. He shivered and then blinked, opening his eyes. When they found mine he instantly smiled. “You came back,” he whispered.

“How are you feeling?” I asked.

“Better now that you’re here. I thought I’d never see you again.”

“Shh, I’m here and I’m not going anywhere,” I said, gently caressing his face.

“You told me you had to leave and I wasn’t ready to let you go,” he mumbled. He wasn’t making any sense. I just figured it was the alcohol talking. “I don’t want to wake up. I don’t want to lose you again.”

“Tristan, you are awake,” I said a little worried.

“No. I’m dreaming and you look as beautiful as the last time I saw you. Although, I must have had a few because this outfit you’re wearing…” He looked me up and down, smiling. I fought the urge to roll my eyes. “Normally when I dream of you I envision you in white, but I guess I must have been, well…” He smiled his cocky smile that I loved and missed. His eyes traveled down to my breast, lingering.

I hit him. “Tristan, focus!”

“Hmm, I’m really starting to like this dream. You have that whole dominatrix thing going on.”

This was going to be harder than I thought. “Okay Tristan, look at me.”

“I can’t stop looking at you,” he smiled, licking his lips.

I grabbed the sides of his face. “Tristan, really look at me. Look into my eyes. You are not dreaming. I am real and so are you. Please…believe me.” He scrunched his brows confused. I was having a hard time getting through to him. I took his hand and placed it on my cheek. He rubbed his thumb softly back and forth. I closed my eyes melting under his touch. Then I slowly and cautiously pressed my lips to his, applying the most tender touch.

I pulled back and saw the slightest flash of recognition in his eyes. He sat up and scooted back, shaking his head. “No. It can’t be…you’re dead…he told me you were dead.”

“Jack lied,” I said softly. I reached out to touch his hand and he flinched, pulling back. He looked scared. “Tristan?” I slowly reached for his hand again. This time he didn’t pull away. I clasped mine over his and gave a light squeeze. His eyes traveled from our hands and up into my eyes.

I felt his body quiver and shake. He looked deep into my eyes and then reached up and caressed my face, placing a piece of hair behind my ear. “It’s you, it’s really you?” I nodded and watched a single tear fall down his cheek. His hand slid behind my neck and he pulled me in for a kiss, but I pulled away. “What is it?” he asked concerned.

“I’m sorry but you taste like vomit and really smell…bad.”

“Sorry I’ve been…” He dropped his hand.

“Drowning your sorrows in booze?”

“Something like that,” he said, bowing his head.

“Tristan, what happened?” He looked up at me. “That night…I still myself don’t understand it. I saw you…you were…dead.” Even though it wasn’t true it was still hard to say.

“I was,” he confirmed.

“But how?” I didn’t understand it. I felt his heart stop. I saw him take his last breath, but there he was, alive, and in front of me. A miracle dreams are made of.

“I died Ella, but it was you. You were the one who brought me back.” I shook my head confused. “You have the power to heal,” he smiled, putting the pieces together.

“Yes but…” I still couldn’t grasp it. It was almost too impossible to believe.

“I don’t understand it either Ella, but I know it was you who saved me.”

I needed to know more. I needed to know so I could understand better. Most people wouldn’t question the why or how. They would just care that their loved one is alive, but not me. I had to know how it was all possible. “What happened after that? What did Jack say to make you think I was dead?”

“When I woke up, I couldn’t understand how I was alive. At first I didn’t think I was. I thought I was dreaming and then Jack showed up. He told me you used what strength you had left to heal me and it killed you, draining you of all your power. I didn’t believe him at first so he showed me.”

“What do you mean he showed you, how?”

“Jack somehow has the power to show you things that have already happened.” I looked at him confused. “With a simple touch he can show you what he saw. It’s like getting into his head without having to bite him. I saw you lying on my chest. You weren’t moving.” He paused to take a moment as if it was too hard for him to relive. I took his hand encouraging him to go on. “Then I saw Gabe lift you up and take you away from me. You were slack in his arms and you looked lifeless, dead,” he said, meeting my eyes.

“That’s all the convincing it took for me to disappear. I called my dad. He’s the only one who knew I was alive besides Jack. I told him I wanted to fake my death so I could disappear. He did it no questions asked.”

“I wish you hadn’t.”

“Ella, you have to know if I knew the truth I never would have left.”

“I know. That doesn’t matter now. We were both victims of Jack.”

“Jack,” he growled.

“Shh, let’s not think about him. I found you and that’s all that matters.”

“How did you find me?”

“So much for not mentioning him anymore,” I sighed.

“Wait, Jack told you? Voluntarily?”

“Not exactly, but I rather not get into it. It’s just us now and that is what’s important.” He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. I held up my hand. “I’m sorry but you’re kind of repulsive at the moment,” I said, holding my breath.

He chuckled. “Yeah, I guess I could use a shower. I still can’t believe you’re here. This isn’t a trick is it? I’m not going to like, wake up in some puddle in a dark alley?”

“No Tristan, I’m really here,” I said, staring into his beautiful blue eyes. “I still can’t believe I found you.” I threw my arms around him. I didn’t care how bad he smelled. I just wanted to hold him and never let go.

“I still don’t understand how all this is possible, but I don’t care. As long as you’re here and real that’s all that matters,” he said, squeezing me tighter. “I do have to ask though, what is with the outfit? Not that I don’t mind if you’re trying out a new look?”

“We have a lot to talk about,” I said, regretfully letting go. “But first you really need to shower and brush your teeth.”

“Okay,” he laughed.

“Do you need help?” I offered as he slowly swung his legs off the bed.

“You want to give me a sponge bath?” he asked with his cocky smile.

“No,” I said, narrowing my eyes. Clearly some things haven’t changed. He tried to stand up but wobbled. I grabbed him before he fell. “How about I fix you first?” He didn’t argue with me. I wasn’t sure exactly where he was hurt so I just started from the bottom and worked my way up. He had a goofy smile on his face. “What?” I asked bashful.

“You’re amazing.”

“I think you should be okay now,” I said blushing. Even after all this time Tristan had a way to make me blush.

He got up slowly, just as a precaution, and then smiled. He walked over to the bathroom and then stopped. “I don’t suppose you have some clean clothes I could change into?”

“I’ll go next door and ask Dean and Billy if they have something you can wear.”

“Dean and Billy are here?”

“Yep, and Josie.”

“Josie? I thought…”

“We have a lot to talk about.”

“Right…You know, if you change your mind that offer is still good?” I looked at him wondering, what offer? “To join me in the shower,” he winked and smiled cockily. I just rolled my eyes. I should have known better. “Hey Ella, promise me you’ll still be here when I’m done.”

“Tristan, I promise I’m not going anywhere,” I smiled. When I knew he was okay, I left for the boy’s room to see if they had any clothes Tristan could borrow.

Before they could bombard me with questions I let them know he was awake and fine and so was I. No cause for panic. I told them that it did take some convincing that he wasn’t dreaming, but once he hopped on the sane train, all was good. I asked the boys if they had some clothes he could borrow once he was out of the shower. Billy gave me a few t-shirts and sweats for Tristan to wear in the mean time until we could get him more clothes. I also let them know that they no longer needed to worry and can rest comfortably tonight.

“So if we hear any screams we know he’s not killing you,” Josie said with a smile. I pushed her back in the room and closed the door.

When I got back I heard Tristan was still in the shower so I quickly changed into some pajamas before he got out. I forgot about my shoulder until I slipped on my shirt. I winced and then tried to look in the mirror at the damage. “What is it?” Tristan asked, coming out of the bathroom.

“I cut my shoulder on some glass back at the bar when I…” I stopped when I saw he was standing there wearing only a towel. His body was dripping wet and I couldn’t stop staring.

“When you?” he prompted me to finish.

“That’s not important.” My eyes traveled up and down his body unable to look away, but thankfully he was too concerned about my injury to notice.

“Come here,” he said, holding out his hand. He led me over to the bed and gestured for me to have a seat. He sat behind me and pressed his hand lightly to my shoulder. The heat sent shivers down my spine. “Better?” he asked. Before I could answer he started to trace his fingers along the tattoos on my shoulder. “When did you get these?”

“Um, after I thought…” I trailed off not able to finish the sentence. I sighed and leaned back into him. He wrapped his arms around me and I melted into his embrace. Feeling overwhelmed with everything I let myself go and began to cry.

“Hey, don’t do that.” He turned me around, forcing me to face him.

“I’m sorry. I just thought I’d never see you again and when Jack told me you were alive and here. There was always a part of me that still held on to you. Hoping one day I’d see you again. Oh Tristan so much has happened and I have so much to tell you.” I threw my arms around him tight, needing his embrace.

“Shh my love, we have plenty of time for that,” he said, gently stroking my hair. “Why don’t you order some room service while I get dressed and then we can talk about everything that happened?” I nodded even though I wasn’t really hungry. I handed him the clothes from Billy and waited until he came out of the bathroom. When he did, I decided I needed to tell him something before I lost all nerve. Something I’ve been wanting to tell him for a while, but never could.

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